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Daily Tech News Show

Tom Merritt

Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and the team help you stay up to date with independent, authoritative and trustworthy tech news. read less

Our Editor's Take

The Daily Tech News Show podcast is for people who want to keep up with the latest technology. On a global level, tech industries are worth over five trillion dollars. A considerable percentage of Americans (about 85%) use smartphones. The previous are some of the many facts listeners hear on this show. The podcast keeps up with emerging trends, tech evolutions, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). It addresses tech policies by the Canadian and the European Commission, for example. Some topics include Elon Musk's latest moves at SpaceX and X (formerly Twitter) and automation improvement.

The hosts and producers of the Daily Tech News Show podcast include Tom Merritt and Sarah Lane. Contributors from other companion podcasts are also regulars on the podcast. Tom is a technology analyst with years of podcasting experience. He's worked on podcasts by CNET and TWiT. Sarah is also a TV and web journalist with many years of experience. She's worked for Revision 3, TWiT, and TechCrunch. Roger Chang is also a cohost and the show's Executive Producer.

The podcast hosts strive to display professionalism balanced with humor and wit. They have great chemistry and are legit technology insiders. They share relevant topics, synthesizing complex tech concepts. Episodes begin with "Quick Heads," a recap of the latest tech news. The overview gives quick insights into that day's news or updates the show is following. Next, the hosts go into discussion mode. In that segment, the team's collective smarts and knowledge are evident.

In one episode, they discuss the UK's plan to update its 2016 Investigatory Powers Act. They talk about Apple's response to the proposed amendment in the conversation. The hosts provide context to the issue and how it affects everyday people. That discussion is one of many exciting topics addressed on the podcast. The Daily Tech News Show is precise, insightful, and enjoyable. Many might discover new insights into the ever-evolving tech industry. Tech lovers may find this podcast a favorite.

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US Chips is a Thing - DTNS 4757
2d ago
US Chips is a Thing - DTNS 4757
Is the Chips Act a success? The author of "Chip War", Chris Miller, believes it and we go over his reasons for his belief. Plus Engadget's Sam Rutherford argues that it doesn't matter if Apple only sold 400,000 Vision Pros. It's still making money. And we go over Alphabet's earnings.Starring Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Molly Wood, Roger Chang, Joe.Link to the show notes here:Quick Hits: Stories: out Tom’s Top Five: Story:https://www.christophermiller.net’s guest:Molly Woodhttps://www.mollywood.cohttps://mollywood.substack.com guest:Scott Johnsonhttp://frogpants.com Ibbotthttps://www.coverville.com Links: