LFTG Radio

Elliott Carterr

With truth as our guiding principle, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for unvarnished facts. Brace yourself as we take you on a journey to the gutters of society, where raw truth lies hidden beneath the layers of deceit and manipulation. No longer shall the masses be kept in the dark, for we have made it our mission to bring the light of truth to every dark corner of the world.

Join us as we unravel the enigmatic tapestry of global affairs, dissecting the complex web of events that shape our reality. Through rigorous investigation and unwavering determination, we aim to pierce through the veils of misinformation that cloud our minds and lay bare the raw truths that lie at the heart of every matter.

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Savoring Love's Spice: From Dating App Dilemmas to Trippie Streams and TikTok Tales
Apr 28 2024
Savoring Love's Spice: From Dating App Dilemmas to Trippie Streams and TikTok Tales
Swipe right, feast your senses, and clutch your heartstrings as we weave through the labyrinth of modern love! Your pals Elliott Carterr and the dazzling Raevyn Olivia are here, dishing out buffalo chicken sliders with a side of raw, unfiltered conversations that'll leave your head spinning and your stomach rumbling. Raevyn takes the mic, recounting her whirlwind ride down the dating app rabbit hole, where 'to delete or not to delete' becomes the question that's hotter than the sauce on our sliders. We're not just breaking bread; we're breaking down the walls of dating dilemmas, sprinkling in wisdom with every hearty bite.But hey, who's footing the bill for this emotional banquet? The age-old debate simmers to the surface as we chew over whether men should always pick up the tab. Society's recipe for relationships is under the microscope, and we're questioning every ingredient—from the 'happy wife, happy life' mantra to the secret sauce of self-worth. Listen as we explore the evolving roles in modern romance, and how self-celebration can be just the spice you need to attract that special someone. Pour yourself a drink, because this conversation is as intoxicating as it is enlightening.And because we're all about that extra serving of soulful connection, we're pulling back the curtain on Trippie Streams, our very own streaming venture that packs a punch. We're laughing off kitchen fails, bonding over the shared madness of meal prep, and taking a nostalgic walk down Musically memory lane, right up to the TikTok takeover—even as we sober up to the serious business of data privacy and national security. So join us, friends, for a feast of thoughts, a banquet of banter, and a shared shot of honesty. Here's to the stories we tell, the meals we mess up, and the connections we cherish. Let's get it!Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Navigating the Rap Game's Ruthlessness to Revolutionary TV Apps and Tinseltown Tea: A Symphony of Culture and Cuisine
Apr 15 2024
Navigating the Rap Game's Ruthlessness to Revolutionary TV Apps and Tinseltown Tea: A Symphony of Culture and Cuisine
Step into the ring of the rap game's fierce competition with us, where bars are weapons and every verse could make or break a career. We're not holding back as we dissect the industry's cutthroat power dynamics, from the behind-the-scenes battles over contracts to the glory of topping the charts. The studio is buzzing with the presence of @Raevyn.Olivia who cuts through the noise with her insights on her latest hit and dives into her new venture, Trippie Streams—an app set to shake up the way we consume TV and media with its all-encompassing features and cost-effective benefits.The tempo switches up as we serve piping hot celebrity tea that's too tantalizing to ignore. Ryan Garcia's bombshell claims and a hinted connection between Bobby and Drake will have you raising your eyebrows, while Justin and Jaden's PDA throws us a curveball we can't help but catch. We're baring it all, including our own adventures and misadventures in the world of online dating—navigating the hopeful swipes and the inevitable ghosting in pursuit of something real.For the grand finale, we're dishing out a food review that's as flavorful as the dishes we've devoured. Jerk Fusion's aromatic offerings and House of Goats' culinary surprises are put to the test as we measure up everything from presentation to affordability. But it's not all indulgence and satisfaction; we ground ourselves with a reflective discussion on the historic sentencing of James and Jennifer Crumbly, bringing a solemn close to an episode that traverses the full spectrum of emotion. Join us for a rollercoaster ride through culture, cuisine, and the intricate dance of personal and professional connections.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
From the Shadows of Rumors to the Spotlight of Survival with Elliott Carterr
Feb 27 2024
From the Shadows of Rumors to the Spotlight of Survival with Elliott Carterr
Ever found yourself tangled in the web of social media, dodging rumors and clinging to personal space like a life raft? That's where we kick things off, tearing into the challenges of living publicly online while fiercely guarding our privacy. Elliott Carterr joins us for a raw look at life on the inside, spilling the beans on everything from late-night jail culture to the weird amnesia that hits the moment you step back into the free world.We get candid about the sting of false allegations, from whispers about my sexual orientation to serious accusations that could crumble one's life. Through humor and transparency, I tackle these head-on, sharing my strategy for navigating the murky waters of public perception. Then, it's a shift to lighter vibes as we chew over the whole dining experience, from deep-fried taco empanadas to the side-splitting confusions of language. Plus, Elliott dishes on his side hustle with Only Fans Reviews and the bizarre ways people try to catch his attention.Wrap up your listening experience with a blend of personal tales and broader musings—like the close encounters of the wildlife kind during a night stroll in the sticks, and the spontaneous zest of planning travel with newfound freedom. From the hilarity of online challenges to the serene strategy of chess, it's all on the table in this episode, dished up with the kind of honesty and heart you've come to expect from our corner of the podcast world.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
From Street Narratives to Studio Beats in the Heart of Hartford
Feb 26 2024
From Street Narratives to Studio Beats in the Heart of Hartford
As a tapestry woven from the raw, unfiltered threads of street life and personal ambition, this episode stitches together a narrative as rich and complex as the communities of Connecticut and Staten Island. Amidst the cacophony of fatherhood and the echoes of dreams deferred, we pay homage to the resilience of fathers striving for balance. Special guest Mali from Hartford brings the heat, dissecting the city's cultural metamorphosis and the scars left by violence on the fabric of community ties. From the turntables of Mali's DJ father to the pulsating beats of Hartford's music scene, we trace the rhythm of change from the '80s to the '90s, painting a portrait of a community's indomitable spirit.The spotlight then swivels to the serendipitous birth of 'Live from the Gutter', my brainchild and entrepreneurial leap in Staten Island. Join me as I recount the heady days of conception, the adrenaline of nurturing a media presence, and the sobering reality check that fame can be a double-edged sword. A brush with danger, averted by the quick-witted Miah; the underbelly of local gangs juxtaposed with peace efforts; the ironies within crisis management organizations – these are the threads that weave the tapestry of Staten Island's complex narrative.Our 25th episode crescendo brings us into the fold of a candid conversation, a celebration of the topics that resonate with us: the allure and pitfalls of social media personas, the intricacies of family life, and the culinary and cultural shifts in Hartford. We revel in the pursuit of podcasting and music engineering, sharing the desire to carve out a space of creative autonomy. Together with Mali, we raise a glass to authenticity, storytelling, and the shared journey toward delivering content that pulsates with the lifeblood of sports and the true essence of our streets.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Embracing the Kaleidoscope of Love Beyond Bloodlines and Expectations
Feb 12 2024
Embracing the Kaleidoscope of Love Beyond Bloodlines and Expectations
Have you ever considered the invisible threads that bind us in love and kinship? In our latest heart-to-heart, we journey through the complexities of families and relationships, sharing tales that reveal the profound impact of the non-biological siblings we embrace by choice. We delve into the decision to become parents, or to walk a different path, and how each of us can find unexpected joy and fulfillment no matter where life leads us. From tender connections born out of shared experiences to the diverse forms love can manifest, our discussion is a tribute to the beauty and resilience of the human heart.Relationships aren't just about the flutter of butterflies in your stomach; they're also about the quieter moments that stitch a life together. This episode peels back the layers of love and its myriad expressions, underscoring the necessity to cherish self-worth and swiftly release that which no longer serves us. We invite Elliott Carterr onto the show, whose candid reflections on maintaining authenticity in the public eye remind us of the courage it takes to live transparently. Through laughter and vulnerability, we examine how intellectual companionship and simple acts of kindness are the kindling that keeps the hearth of romance aglow.In our most contemplative moments, we face the eternal dance of light and shadow within ourselves. We unravel the tapestry of good and evil, sharing personal stories that challenge us to reconcile with our darker sides. As we explore the influences of media on our perceptions, we are reminded to seek truth and loyalty in our personal connections. The episode concludes on the communal spirit of sports, specifically the fervor surrounding the Super Bowl, and a heartfelt reminder of the core values that sustain us – faith and family. Join us for an episode that promises to stir the soul and inspire a deeper understanding of the world around us.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Tales of Triumph and Turbulence from the Concrete Jungle to Cyber Squabbles
Feb 2 2024
Tales of Triumph and Turbulence from the Concrete Jungle to Cyber Squabbles
Have you ever considered the weight of a polo shirt in deciding your fate on the streets? Join me, Elliott Carterr, along with guests O and Mike Mafi, as we unwind tales from the projects where symbols and misunderstandings can spark confrontations with life-altering stakes. Our narrative illuminates the intricate dance of identity, loyalty, and survival within communities where a mere address can write your story.The digital era brings its own battlegrounds and we're not shy to dissect the drama that simmers on social media feeds. Unwarranted accusations, the double-edged sword of public discourse, and the quest for integrity amidst online chaos—our conversation spans the gamut of ethics in the age of connectivity. We share firsthand accounts of navigating these treacherous waters, from personal slights that spiral into public feuds to the complicated morality of addressing financial disputes in a world where a like, share, or comment can tip the scales of justice.But life's tapestry is not all shadowed by strife. We celebrate the victories of community spirit and perseverance, from the stoops of Staten Island to the streets of Hartford, underscoring our collective human pursuits. Whether it's through the lens of parenting or the struggle for economic security, my mentors Fonz and Gas God steer us through life's challenging philosophies. And to cap off our journey, we extend an invitation to savor the flavors of resilience—namely, Ravi's Jerk Pasta—that remind us of the shared joys that bind us together, no matter the city we call home.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Romancing Diversity and Overcoming Adversity: Dannie Pink's Personal Voyage through Work, Sickle Cell, and Love
Jan 18 2024
Romancing Diversity and Overcoming Adversity: Dannie Pink's Personal Voyage through Work, Sickle Cell, and Love
Get ready to dive into the captivating world of modern romance and personal struggles in this thought-provoking episode. Join me as I sit down with Dannie Pink, a CNA worker who shares her personal journey of balancing work, family, and dating. From testing the waters with potential partners to navigating trust issues and the challenges of living with sickle cell disease, Dannie's candid insights provide a rich tapestry of experiences that resonate with the highs and lows of everyday life. Get ready for an eye-opening conversation that will leave you reflecting on your own relationships and choices.In the first chapter, we get to know Dannie Pink on a personal level. From her role as a CNA worker to her experiences in the modern dating scene, Dannie shares her daily routine and the qualities she values in a partner. Her openness about her bisexuality and willingness to date across different ethnicities adds a layer of complexity to her dating life, particularly when it comes to her interactions with Caribbean men. Join us as we explore the intricacies of Dannie's dating preferences and how she navigates the ever-changing landscape of modern romance.The second chapter takes a deeper dive into the challenges of trust in relationships and the consequences of reckless sexual behavior. We hear personal stories of infidelity uncovered through snooping on a partner's phone, as well as the emotional toll of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, we shed light on the struggles faced by those living with sickle cell disease, discussing the impact it has on daily life and relationships. Prepare for a candid and heartfelt conversation that tackles the tough topics head-on.In the final chapter of this episode, we delve into the personal choices around body piercings and the ways they can impact relationships and one's own sense of identity. We hear a personal account of the emotional complexities of a 'situationship' and the importance of moving forward from past relationships. From tongue rings to the quest for meaningful connections, this chapter explores the intersections of personal adornment, intimacy, and personal growth. Join us as we discuss the intricacies of navigating relationships and self-discovery in a world full of choices and challenges.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Unearthing Roots and Nurturing Growth: A Candid Exploration of Life’s Tapestries in East Hartford
Jan 15 2024
Unearthing Roots and Nurturing Growth: A Candid Exploration of Life’s Tapestries in East Hartford
Have you ever pondered how the soil of our childhood shapes the essence of who we become? Ace and Yella certainly have, and they're here to unravel tales from their East Hartford roots, juxtaposing the journey with the cultural backdrop of Hartford. Our lively discussion meanders through the stereotypes and truths of locality, challenging the notion that geography is destiny. These narratives are more than just a recounting of the past; they are a vibrant exploration of identity, community, and the underdog spirit that resonates with places far beyond Connecticut's borders.Fatherhood, the art of co-parenting, and the quest for personal integrity take the stage as we navigate the often turbulent waters of relationships. Our guests openly recount their transformations from passionate partners to dedicated co-parents, imparting wisdom gleaned from their own paternal figures. Intimacy and trust come under the microscope as we dissect the realities of staying true in monogamous relationships, the trials of infidelity, and the pursuit of peaceful coexistence with our significant others. These stories do more than just outline the contours of modern love; they serve as a beacon, guiding us through the complexities of partnership and personal growth.And what of ambition in the midst of life's relentless hustle? A strength coach turns entrepreneur shares his vision of vending machine ventures, blending the drive for business success with the unwavering commitment to his clients. As we delve into the fabric of family life, we examine the intricate weave of traditional and blended households, the role of parental figures, and the legacy we leave for our children. This episode isn't merely a conversation; it's an odyssey through the many layers of life's endeavors, from the heart of our homes to the horizons of our dreams. Join Ace, Yella, and me, as we traverse the rich landscape of the human condition.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Mixing Mastery and Fatherhood in the Indie Music Trenches with Dante Tweaks
Jan 6 2024
Mixing Mastery and Fatherhood in the Indie Music Trenches with Dante Tweaks
When Bronx creativity meets Connecticut's burgeoning music scene, you get Dante Tweaks, a force to be reckoned with in the world of indie music production and engineering. This episode takes you on a journey from the gritty beginnings of ghostwriting in the Bronx to the polished halls of Howell Records, Dante's own studio mecca. With tales of collaboration on the project "Back on my Feet" and an independent hustle with Empire Records, Dante's narrative is punctuated with anecdotes of learning from industry greats, giving listeners a front-row seat to the evolution of a music maestro.As the conversation shifts gears, I, Elliot Carterr, wax nostalgic about my own production escapades, revealing a penchant for Studio One and the indispensability of Pro Tools for our engineering wizards. Recounting radio days in Staten Island and the current podcast adventures, I draw parallels between the two worlds, focusing on the technical dance involved in delivering seamless audio experiences. This chapter peels back the curtain to reveal the gritty reality of learning the ropes in audio production, where ear-training and adaptability become your best friends.Looking ahead, we cast a spotlight on the studio's plans for 2024, where amplifying local talents like Fly Boy and Medusa takes precedence. As we chat about the often underappreciated intricacies of mixing and mastering, the conversation underscores the studio's mission of fostering community and making top-tier recording services more accessible. With whispers of a second studio location, the anticipation for what's unfolding in the Connecticut music landscape is palpable. Join us as we weave through the trials, triumphs, and transformative tales of music, fatherhood, and professional ambition that resonate long after the final note fades.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Empowerment Anthems and Entrepreneurial Spirits: Crafting Life's Music Beyond the Studio
Jan 5 2024
Empowerment Anthems and Entrepreneurial Spirits: Crafting Life's Music Beyond the Studio
@therealbabyyb storms the scene in our latest episode, laying down her truths in the powerful anthem "I Am That." Her music isn't just a beat to groove to—it's a declaration of self-worth and a call to action for anyone who's ever been short-changed in love or life. As we unravel the layers behind her fierce track, Babyy B's palpable energy and candid insights offer an empowering message: Your time is precious, and real connections are worth more than any currency.But the rhythm doesn't stop there. Our conversation expands to include two entrepreneurial spirits who riff on the harmonies between their melodies and their business ventures. @Iam_jadakiss & Babyy J artists-turned-entrepreneurs share their roots, from Connecticut to the Bronx, showcasing the rich tapestry of influences that shape their music. They're not just hitting notes—they're creating beauty outside the booth, with ventures like an eyelash business that offer more than just financial freedom. Their stories are a symphony to those who dare to dream and hustle in harmony.Closing the set, we explore the delicate dance of privacy in the public eye. Our guests, adept in both music and the dance arts, share their choice to keep their moves behind the curtain of social media. It's a refreshing take on fame in the digital age, underscoring a respect for personal boundaries without stifling the celebration of their craft. As they hint at future collaborations, we're reminded that true artistry thrives in the spotlight and the shadows alike. Join us for this episode—where beats, businesses, and the beauty of staying true to oneself come together in one unforgettable melody.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Trials, Triumphs, and Tales from the Grind to the Skyline
Jan 1 2024
Trials, Triumphs, and Tales from the Grind to the Skyline
Confronting hate can sometimes feel like a never-ending battle, especially when it's coming from familiar faces right here in Staten Island. The venom spewed my way could shatter spirits, but instead, it's the very thing that lights my fire. With every spiteful word, I'm fueled, reassured that my voice is resounding loud and clear. So, turn up the volume and prepare to join in on conversations that are as unfiltered as they come, ranging from the thrills and spills of entrepreneurship to the harsh realities of racial inequality and the justice system's darker corners. From Trippie Treats to candid prison tales, we go all-in, celebrating the unsung heroes and the gritty streets that have shaped us.Our guests and I aren't just here to share stories; we're here to challenge perspectives and ignite change. We navigate through the complexities of maintaining momentum in a world where social media backlash is the norm, and recognize the balancing act between resilience and vulnerability. This isn't just talk; it's a journey where we embrace the chaos, seek balance, and acknowledge the power of remaining true to what ignites our passion. Strap in for a rollercoaster of experiences, as we cover everything from the rise of my clothing line, Elliott Carterr's Denim and Co, to the stirring personal reflections on surviving the legal system.But it's not all heavy lifting; within these conversations, there's room for light-hearted anecdotes, a nod to the everyday heroes, and an appreciation for the foundational cities that continue to inspire. We dissect the complexities of navigating life post-incarceration, discuss the evolving snitching culture, and even touch on the shifting political landscape. Whether it's the poignant reflections on losing loved ones or the strategic moves in the business game, this episode leaves no stone unturned. So here's to the fighters, the believers, and everyone in between – this is your invitation to an unapologetically real discussion that's all about growing through what we go through.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
The Great Juggle of Hearts, Pixels, and Policy in Our Modern Maze
Dec 24 2023
The Great Juggle of Hearts, Pixels, and Policy in Our Modern Maze
Navigating the labyrinth of modern society, we find ourselves at the crossroads of social media's omnipresence and the quest for authentic connection. With the insightful @Jaylean0rtiz, a future dental hygienist with a sociological lens, we peel back the layers of how platforms like Facebook and Instagram have altered our interactions, our presentation of self, and our business engagements. Prepare to rethink the essence of cultural identity and influence as we dissect the transformation of Instagram from a snapshot-sharing corner to a colossal marketing juggernaut.Stepping into the minefield of contemporary relationships and dating, this episode doesn't hold back on the raw and often painful realities of seeking love and self-worth. From the heartache of infidelity to the perplexing nature of dating labels, we share personal accounts that resonate with the struggles many face in their pursuit of a meaningful connection. Listen as we unpack the dilemmas of privacy versus publicity in romance, and how our choices reflect deeper values when it comes to selecting a life partner.Yet, it's not just the intricacies of love that we confront. This conversation also ventures into contentious debates over bathroom safety, gender boundaries, and the protection of our children in a world where lines are increasingly blurred. We tackle the harrowing tale of a school incident that has us questioning policy and parental vigilance, all while weaving through the lighter notes of popular music and the charged political landscape we're navigating. Join us for an episode that promises to challenge, inform, and spark dialogue on the pressing matters that shape our lives.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Savoring Life's Menu: A Banter Over Breakfast, Love's Quest, and Navigating Self-Discovery
Dec 21 2023
Savoring Life's Menu: A Banter Over Breakfast, Love's Quest, and Navigating Self-Discovery
When @AggyAshley__ from New Haven graced the mic, our conversation turned into a culinary tour de force, stirring up controversy over breakfast meats and bartender trustworthiness. Our debate over turkey bacon's rightful place in a breakfast sandwich was just the appetizer in a feast of discussions that ranged from the wisdom in a wine choice to the silent pact we make with those who mix our drinks. Every bite and sip seemed to carry the weight of our personal preferences and the culture that shaped them.But as the plates cleared, we ventured into the personal realms of solo travel and the quest for authentic love in the modern dating scene. My own adventures in Puerto Rico unfurled stories of self-discovery, emphasizing the joy of making one's own path. Ashley and I also peeled back the layers on the impact of family dynamics and upbringing on our resilience, and how our childhood homes can map out the emotional journeys we take as adults.Wrapping up with a heartfelt thanks to our listeners, we left no stone unturned—from the digital realms of online learning and the intricacies of navigating social media to the honest reflections on addiction and privacy. We even rated local eateries, sharing a laugh over the wild world of DMs, and pondered the long-reaching influence of father figures. It’s a rollercoaster ride of life’s flavors, both savory and sweet, and we invite you to join us at the table for a serving of raw, unfiltered conversation.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
The Unseen Journey from Isolation to Inspiration in Hartford
Dec 20 2023
The Unseen Journey from Isolation to Inspiration in Hartford
Hartford's streets whisper tales of dreamers and believers, where my guest O's life is a canvas depicting the stark contrasts of isolation and fame, authenticity and artifice. We begin our journey with a poetic homage to Cool Que, Hartford's fallen star, and swiftly navigate the vibrant yet daunting pathways that have sculpted the indomitable spirits of local artists. Amidst the relentless pressures of the music industry, we converge at the crossroads of personal identity and cultural heritage, unraveling how the roots laid down in youth can bear the fruits of wisdom and resilience.Family and faith cast long shadows on the wall of O's upbringing, painting a portrait of transformation that transcends the boundaries of Hartford to the serene avenues of Bloomfield. The church's bell tolls not just for spiritual balance but as a beacon guiding one through life's tumultuous streets. Listen closely as O recounts the soundtrack of his life—a symphony of music and cinema that has underscored his evolution from street-smart kid to a man of substance, while his narrative pulses with the heartbeat of confrontation and adaptability.In the fabric of our community, we weave threads of hope and ambition, offering a salute to the minority entrepreneurs who craft their destinies with tenacity and vision. The episode culminates with a look towards the horizon, where collaboration and innovation promise to breathe new life into Hartford's legacy. Join us as we celebrate the personal victories, the strength found in independence, and the small yet significant triumphs that keep the spirit of Hartford not just surviving, but thriving.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Charting the Uncharted: Personal Struggles in the Pursuit of Musical Dreams
Dec 19 2023
Charting the Uncharted: Personal Struggles in the Pursuit of Musical Dreams
Navigating the labyrinth of the music world can be a mind-bending odyssey, especially when your heart beats in rhythm to your own distinct drum. Our latest episode takes you through the valleys and peaks that artists like Lil Swizzyy traverse, as they strike a balance between the grind of day jobs and the allure of the spotlight. We get up close and personal, discussing the emotional landscape of maintaining sanity while grappling with relationships that challenge their identities and the unexpected moments of creativity that fuel their passion.If you've ever pondered how artists find their support systems and thrive within them—particularly in the hip-hop scene—you'll want to lean in for this one. We shine a light on the paradoxical reality of artists often feeling more embraced outside their hometowns, dissecting the experiences of Hartford's own musicians. This episode isn't just about the beats and the rhymes; it's a candid chronicle of aspirations and the raw truths of young talents like Lil Swizzyy, who share their tenacity and tales from the journey's front lines.We wrap things up with a taste of what's brewing on Lil Swizzyy's horizon as he gears up for a series of shows and creative ventures down in Atlanta. The conversation takes a turn into the complexities of intertwining personal and professional lives, addressing how societal issues ripple through the music community. From freestyle flows to tackling tough topics head-on, this installment offers an immersive experience into the multifaceted lives of artists and the communities they touch. Join us as we amplify the voices, the stories, and the beats that pulse through the veins of the music industry.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Viral Vibes and Reality Rides: A Journey through Music, Hustle, and Online Perils
Dec 12 2023
Viral Vibes and Reality Rides: A Journey through Music, Hustle, and Online Perils
Welcome to an episode of Live from the Gutter Radio that's electrifying with raw, unscripted conversations. Our guests for this episode Honey Bunnie and Pocah the Rebel will take you on an epic journey through their recent viral success, upcoming music projects, and the not-so-glamorous side of the music industry. We've got Honey Bunnie spilling the beans on the creation of the Bunny Bounce Challenge, and giving us a sneak-peek into her Valentine's Day EP, "Bunny Blues". Not to be left out, Pocah the Rebel passionately talks about her upcoming EP, "Rude by Venus" and Gas God on his fascinating love for dog breeding.Ever wondered about the hustle behind pole fitness and managing strippers? Brace yourselves as we switch gears to discuss this, sharing our personal experiences and the international perceptions of pole fitness. But buckle up, because things are about to get intense as we share our personal encounters with drugs. Hear first-hand accounts of the risks and caution needed when dealing with substances, making this a conversation you don’t want to miss.As we draw closer to the end, gear up for a roller-coaster ride through the zany world of DMs and social media interactions. We're opening up about the outrageous DMs we've received and shedding light on the severe consequences of not following community guidelines – including a gripping story about a guest who got arrested for cyberbullying. Wrapping things up, we give you an update on our radio show with a sprinkle of upcoming events from Letty Online. So, tune in to this power-packed episode for an unforgettable journey into the world of music, hustle, and reality.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
Harmonies and Healing: A Heartfelt Encounter with MoonBaby Riah
Dec 11 2023
Harmonies and Healing: A Heartfelt Encounter with MoonBaby Riah
Ever wanted an honest review of your favorite local artists? Join us as we sit down with MoonBaby Riah, a candid critic who isn't afraid to speak her mind on all things music. From Iron Mic to 4DotHef, we dissect the tracks, challenge their originality, and share our general disappointment. But it's not all doom and gloom, up-and-coming artists like Holy Moe and Tyrone Briggs are sure to inject a fresh sound into your playlist, even as we debate the impact of auto-tune on their craft.We all carry baggage. But what if you had a way to release it, to heal from past trauma? That's where our guest Mariah Kemp, an experienced massage therapist and energy transmitter, enters the scene. Delicate topics like setting boundaries, dealing with inappropriate client requests, and even comparing music quality are all brought to the table. Oh, and did we mention our foray into the world of polyamorous relationships, bisexual dating experiences, and single parenthood? Get ready for a deeply personal exploration of sexuality, identity, and the strength of the human spirit.What are our plans for 2024? Well, let's just say they involve tackling topics like men's mental health, exploring the concept of co-parenting, and breaking the cycle of single mother households. You'll hear us discuss the importance of cooking together, the value of honesty in a relationship, and even our funny experiences with dating a stripper. And, of course, we can't forget about food - we're rating our latest restaurant experience, discussing portion sizes, prices, and overall satisfaction. At the end of the show, we’ll introduce MoonBaby Riah’s unique services and her upcoming appearance on Unpopular Opinions. We promise you, it’s a rollercoaster of an episode that elicits laughs, thought-provoking conversations, and compelling insights. Buckle up and get ready for the ride.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
From Genre to Jurisdiction: A Deeper Dive into Music, Relationships, and Society
Dec 4 2023
From Genre to Jurisdiction: A Deeper Dive into Music, Relationships, and Society
Ever wondered how your musical palette can influence your behavior and mood? Tune into this riveting podcast episode where we navigate the immense impact of music on our lives. Hear us discuss how different genres of music can evoke varying emotions and potentially shape actions. But it's not just all about music; we unravel personal topics such as loyalty, infidelity, and the hierarchical dynamics in relationships. Amid heated debates, we also spotlight the importance of setting boundaries and effective communication in relationships.From music to legal matters, our conversation takes many exhilarating turns. We dissect Young Thug's legal case and highlight the indispensability of a good legal team. On a lighter note, we also delve into food reviews of two Jamaican restaurants in Bloomfield, Connecticut. Hang on tight as we chat about road safety, and our thoughts on a serious teacher-student relationship scenario in North Carolina. This episode promises a roller coaster ride of discussions, touching on the intersections of music, relationships, and society at large.As we round up the episode, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our loyal listeners and invite you to interact with us on social media. More than just a podcast, we offer engaging content that sparks thought and fuels conversation. So, whether you're a music enthusiast, a legal geek, a foodie, or just someone looking for intriguing discussion, this episode has something for everyone. Join us as we continue to explore, question, and celebrate life in all its highs and lows. This isn't just another podcast episode; it's an enlightening journey. So strap in, tune in, and get ready to be part of our candid conversations.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio
From Houston Beats to Controversial Tweets: An Unforgettable Episode
Nov 28 2023
From Houston Beats to Controversial Tweets: An Unforgettable Episode
Ever wondered what it's like to create a catchy tune that sets the rhythm of a room? Brace yourselves, as we bring you the inspiring journey of Sheniece, a dynamic music artist from Houston. Discover the story behind her captivating song, "I Don't Like You," and how she stumbled upon the perfect beat that keeps everyone grooving. Alongside is Sani, a food enthusiast, who fascinates us with her stirring plan of combining her love for cooking and engaging conversations in her upcoming podcast. A fresh haircut and a nostalgic perspective, that's what you get when we reminisce about our recent visit to a barber shop in New Britain, Connecticut. Through our lively chatter, we evaluate the service quality, affordability, and the vibes of the place, and how it compares to the hospitality we're used to in our beloved hometown of Houston. It's a laid-back, candid conversation about our lives in Connecticut that will strike a chord with anyone who has ever yearned for the familiarity of their own hometown.Finally, we switch gears and dive into deeper waters with intense discussions around controversial platforms such as Onlyfans, financial struggles, and the dynamics of body image and DMs. Highlighting personal experiences and stories, we navigate the complex landscape of expressing desires within a relationship and explore the struggles of maintaining personal boundaries while seeking financial stability. This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a roller-coaster ride of inspiration, nostalgia, and thought-provoking conversations. Tune in, and let's embark on this journey together.Support the Show.Follow our IG & Twitter for live updates @LFTGRadio