Hiss & Tell: Cat Behavior and Beyond

Kristiina Wilson

Welcome to "Hiss & Tell"  a cat podcast where we delve deep into the fascinating world of feline behavior with your host, Kristiina Wilson, MA, CCBC, a professional  animal behaviorist with years of experience in understanding our feline friends.

Each episode of "Hiss & Tell" features insightful discussions with a diverse range of guests, including leading veterinarians, renowned social media cat personalities, dedicated researchers and scientists, talented cat photographers, experts in cat behavior and training and so much more.

Join us as we explore a myriad of topics, from decoding the complexities of pet loss to unraveling the mysteries of feline health and behavior. Discover the latest research findings, practical tips for training your cat, and heartwarming stories that highlight the unique bond between cats and their human companions.

Whether you're a seasoned cat owner, a feline enthusiast, or simply curious about the inner workings of our purring companions, "Hiss & Tell" is your go-to podcast for all things cat behavior. So grab your favorite feline friend, cozy up, and let's embark on this enlightening journey together!

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Episode 16: Q & A: Veterinarian's Behavior Questions Answered!
4d ago
Episode 16: Q & A: Veterinarian's Behavior Questions Answered!
Send us a Text Message.Ever wondered how to create harmony in a multi-cat household or why your feline friends sometimes clash? Discover the secrets to preventing intercat aggression in our latest episode of Hiss and Tell. Kristiina Wilson shares expert insights with Dr. Gina Rendon and Dr. Lee Nancarrow on keeping your cats intellectually stimulated. Learn about the importance of species-appropriate activities like catios, window perches, and bird feeders that mimic natural hunting behaviors. From engaging toys to puzzle feeders and even harness walking, Kristiina reveals how to channel your cats' natural instincts to keep them content and reduce unwanted behaviors.Navigating the introduction of a new cat into a multi-pet household can be tricky, especially with older cats. Kristiina discusses the delicate process of gradual introductions, positive reinforcement, and creating separate spaces to foster peaceful coexistence. We also touch on how to manage peculiar behaviors in cats with mysterious pasts, including the potential need for psychopharmacological interventions like Prozac. Plus, get practical tips on encouraging activity in sedentary or obese cats through clicker training and ensuring they are physically capable. Tune in to create a more harmonious and enriching environment for your feline family members!TakeawaysEnvironmental stimulation is crucial for cats, especially in multi-cat households.Introducing a new cat into a household requires a slow and careful process, using positive reinforcement and high-value rewards.Ankle biting and other unwanted cat behaviors are often a result of boredom and lack of intellectual stimulation.Regular playtime is essential for cats to prevent boredom and unwanted behaviors. Negative reinforcement does not work on cats, and attention-seeking behavior should be managed by ignoring unwanted behavior and praising desired behavior.Aggressive behavior in cats can be managed by ignoring the behavior that is not wanted and praising appropriate behavior. Psychopharmacological interventions may be necessary for cats exhibiting extreme aggression.Encouraging physical activity in cats involves checking for mobility issues, using clicker training, harness training, and providing environmental enrichment. Environmental and intellectual stimulation are essential for the emotional well-being of cats.The use of psychopharmacological interventions, such as Prozac, may be necessary for cats exhibiting extreme aggression or anxiety. It is important to rule out any medical issues before addressing behavior problems in cats.Cats can benefit from clicker training, harness training, and outdoor walks to encourage physical activity and mental stimulation. Environmental enrichment, such as activity boxes and foraging activities, can also help in keeping cats active and engaged.
Episode 15: Raw Food Diets and More with Dr Gina Rendon & Dr Lee Nancarrow
May 20 2024
Episode 15: Raw Food Diets and More with Dr Gina Rendon & Dr Lee Nancarrow
Send us a Text Message.Unlock the secrets to a purr-fectly healthy cat on today's Hiss and Tell, with special guests Dr. Gina Rendon and Dr. Lee Nancarrow. We sink our claws into the hotly debated topic of raw food diets, weighing the benefits against the risks such as bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance. For pet owners and feline aficionados alike, this episode is a treasure trove of insights into keeping both your four-legged companion and your household safe. We cover practical tips for impeccable kitchen hygiene and tackle myths about dental health, ensuring you're armed with knowledge to make informed decisions about your cat's diet.With a whisker's-width focus on your cat's nutrition, we navigate through the intricacies of supplements, the challenges of ensuring balanced homemade meals, and how to cater to cats at every stage of life. Dr. Rendon and Dr. Nancarrow share their expertise on how to advocate for your cat's diet, whether they're battling health issues like kidney disease or simply transitioning from kibble to a more varied menu. Our discussion serves up a full bowl of recommendations on dry versus wet food, and how to tailor your cat's diet to their unique needs without compromising on nutrition or taste.Get ready to indulge in a feast of feline wisdom, as we also address the emotional side of pet guardianship. We confront the guilt associated with pet illnesses, explore the judicious use of treats for training, and even satisfy your curiosity about quirky questions like the benefits of feeding cats raw quail eggs. Today's episode is an essential listen for anyone dedicated to nurturing their cat's health through thoughtful nutrition choices. Join us for an enlightening chat that will help you keep the health and happiness of your feline friend in perfect balance.
Episode 14: Decoding Cat Diets & Nutrition with Dr Gina Rendon and Dr Lee Nancarrow
May 11 2024
Episode 14: Decoding Cat Diets & Nutrition with Dr Gina Rendon and Dr Lee Nancarrow
Send us a Text Message.Unlock the secrets of your feline's dietary needs with myself, Kristiina Wilson, alongside veterinarians Dr. Gina Rendon and Dr. Lee Nancarrow. We journey through the labyrinth of cat nutrition, debunking the myth of vegetarian kitties and emphasizing the vital role of proteins and specific nutrients like taurine for these obligate carnivores. Our conversation promises insights into how these needs shift through various life stages, and offers a stark comparison to the dietary requirements of other household pets.Prepare to challenge every belief you've held about what makes your cat's diet purrfect. We're tackling common misconceptions head-on, from food allergies to the effects of preservatives and dyes. Dr. Rendon and Dr. Nancarrow help us navigate through the murky waters of hypoallergenic diets and the impact of feeding schedules on your pet's health. Plus, we're stirring up the pot with a candid debate on raw versus commercial foods – a discussion that might just redefine your cat's mealtime.Hydration hacks, weight management wisdom, and the grain-free controversy – we cover it all, blending practical advice with the latest in feline health research. As we wrap up, we ponder the parallels between the diets of domestic cats and their wild relatives, questioning the appropriateness of our chosen pet foods while weighing the balance between economic feasibility and the ideal nutrition for our cherished companions. Join us for this purr-inducing episode that is a must-listen for every cat owner out there looking to optimize their furry friend's well-being.
Episode 13: Journeying Beyond the Loss of a Beloved Pet with Beth Bigler, Part 2
May 7 2024
Episode 13: Journeying Beyond the Loss of a Beloved Pet with Beth Bigler, Part 2
Send us a Text Message.Every one of us who has loved and lost a pet knows the profound ache that follows. As host, I joined hands with pet loss and grief counselor Beth Bigler to traverse the tender paths of mourning our cherished animal companions. Our conversation spans the emotional spectrum, offering solace in shared experiences and practical advice for those dark times. From the therapeutic release found in art and movement to the comfort of community and rituals, we provide a heartfelt guide to navigating this deeply personal journey.When Steve's cat friends faced life without him, their world was turned upside down – a testament to the deep bonds we form with our pets. In this candid discussion, we uncover the layers of pet grief and the interventions that can ease their suffering. I recount the story of how Steve's feline friends, through engagement and new companions, found their way back to a semblance of normalcy, and how Butters, a new arrival, brought fresh joy to the household. Beth and I also tackle the delicate decision of when the heart is ready to welcome a new pet, ensuring that any new addition is a step towards healing, not a replacement for the one lost.And in those final moments, should other pets be present? This episode doesn't shy away from the tough questions. We delve into the contemplative space of home euthanasia, sharing personal stories and professional insights to aid in making this heart-wrenching decision. Beth opens up about her own pets, Arnie and Zelda, and their unique goodbyes, reinforcing that there's no uniform approach to such farewells. Whether you're honoring milestone days or grappling with PTSD symptoms after a pet's passing, join us in recognizing that grief is a journey we don't simply move on from – we move with it, step by step, day by day.
Episode 12: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Pet Loss and Grief with Beth Bigler, Part 1
Apr 29 2024
Episode 12: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Pet Loss and Grief with Beth Bigler, Part 1
Send us a Text Message.When the heart-wrenching moment arrives to say goodbye to our furry friends, the heavy shroud of grief can feel isolating. It's a journey I've walked myself, and one that Beth Bigler, a compassionate pet loss and grief counselor, has dedicated her life to easing for others. Together, we navigate the tender, often unspoken realms of pet loss, providing a sanctuary for those grappling with the aching void left behind.Beth, with her intimate understanding of the pet-human bond, guides us through the poignant process of anticipatory grief and the realization that our time with our cherished companions is finite. We share strategies for cherishing the final days—from the therapeutic "fuck it plan" where pets indulge in their favorite activities, to the importance of self-compassion for pet owners. It's a conversation infused with empathy, as we honor the joy pets bring to our lives and offer solace for the inevitable heartache that accompanies their departure.As we traverse the stages of grief and wrestle with emotions like anger and guilt, the importance of community and professional support becomes clear. We address the complex interplay of feelings and the need for self-care, offering practical advice for those navigating the tumultuous seas of loss. This episode isn't just an exploration of sorrow; it's a heartfelt embrace, a recognition of the depth of love we share with our pets, and a guide to finding peace in the wake of their absence. Join us as we reflect on the enduring impact our pets leave on our hearts, long after they've taken their last breaths.
Episode 11: Clicker Training & Harness Walking with CatSchool!
Apr 22 2024
Episode 11: Clicker Training & Harness Walking with CatSchool!
Send us a Text Message.In this episode of Hiss and Tell, host Kristiina Wilson interviews Julie Posluns, founder of Cat School and an applied animal behaviorist. They discuss clicker training for cats and its effectiveness in training various behaviors. Julie shares her background in dog training and how she discovered clicker training for cats. They explain the concept of clicker training and how it differs from other training methods. They also discuss the importance of consistency and timing in clicker training, as well as the use of food rewards. Julie provides examples of behaviors that can be trained using clicker training, such as sit, down, recall, tricks, leash walking, and cooperative care skills. They also touch on the importance of intellectual stimulation and food puzzles for cats. Clicker training can be used to improve cat behavior and provide intellectual stimulation. Cats enjoy the training process and are intellectually curious by nature. Verbal markers can be used instead of clickers for precise communication. Clicker training can also be effective in addressing behavioral issues like aggression and anxiety. The effectiveness of clicker training may vary depending on the complexity of the behavior being trained. Leash walking can be beneficial for cats, but the environment and safety considerations should be taken into account. A safe harness and leash setup is recommended, and tracking devices can be used for added safety. The conversation covers the dangers of letting cats outdoors and the importance of bringing them inside. The dangers include predators, cars, and poison. The hosts discuss the gradual process of transitioning outdoor cats to indoor cats, including providing a warm house and food for feral cats and introducing leash walking. They also address common cat behavior issues, such as cats following and biting after aggressive play, cats scratching all night long, and cats attacking their own tails. They emphasize the importance of understanding the context of these behaviors and seeking veterinary advice if necessary. The conversation concludes with information about clicker training and where to find resources.Keywordsclicker training, cat training, behavior, consistency, timing, food rewards, intellectual stimulation, food puzzles, clicker training, cat behavior, intellectual stimulation, verbal markers, aggression, anxiety, leash walking, harness, tracking devices, outdoor cats, dangers, bringing cats inside, feral cats, leash walking, aggressive play, scratching, tail chasing, clicker trainingTakeawaysClicker training is an effective method for training cats and can be used to teach various behaviors.Consistency and timing are important in clicker training, but cats have good memories and can remember skills even if training is not done every day.Food rewards, such as dry kibble, can be used in clicker training, and it is recommended to feed cats a healthy diet to maintain their food motivation.Clicker training can be used to train basic behaviors like sit, down, and recall, as well as tricks, leash walking, and cooperative care skills.Intellectual stimulation and food puzzles are important for cats and can be used in conjunction with clicker training to provide mental enrichment. Cats enjoy clicker training and are intellectually curious animals.Verbal markers can be used as an alternative to clickers for precise communication.Clicker training can be effective in addressing behavioral issues like aggression and anxiety.Leash walking can be beneficial for cats, but the environment and safety considerations should be taken into account.A safe harness and leash setup is recommended for leash walking.Tracking devices can provide added safety duri
Episode 10: Dr Laurie Marker, Cheetah Conservation Fund
Apr 15 2024
Episode 10: Dr Laurie Marker, Cheetah Conservation Fund
Send us a Text Message.Dr. Laurie Marker, founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, discusses the basics of cheetah conservation and her journey into studying and protecting cheetahs. She explains that cheetahs have a short lifespan and low genetic diversity, making them vulnerable to extinction. Dr. Marker also talks about the challenges of conserving cheetahs living outside protected areas and the importance of working with farmers to reduce human-wildlife conflict. She highlights the role of livestock guarding dogs in protecting livestock and preventing cheetah killings. Additionally, Dr. Marker explains the physiological adaptations of cheetahs that enable them to be the fastest land animals and their hunting behavior. She also discusses the cognitive abilities of cheetahs and their large home ranges. Dr.  Marker discusses the health challenges faced by cheetahs, including diseases like herpes virus, calicivirus, and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). She explains that cheetahs lack genetic diversity due to a historic small population, which has led to a reduced immune system. However, there is now a cure for FIP  which has saved seven cheetahs. Dr. Marker also discusses the illegal wildlife pet trade, where cheetah cubs are stolen from the wild and sold as pets in the Middle East. She emphasizes the need to stop the trade and the demand for cheetah cubs. Additionally, Dr. Marker talks about the rehabilitation program at Cheetah Conservation Fund, where cheetahs are raised and rewilded to be released back into the wild. She mentions the success of reintroducing cheetahs in India, where they had gone extinct. Dr. Marker highlights the importance of conservation and the need for funding to save the cheetahs from extinction.Keywordscheetah conservation, genetic diversity, human-wildlife conflict, livestock guarding dogs, physiological adaptations, hunting behavior, cognitive abilities, home ranges, cheetahs, health challenges, diseases, genetic diversity, immune system, FIP, illegal wildlife pet trade, rehabilitation program, rewilding, conservation, fundingTakeawaysCheetahs have a short lifespan and low genetic diversity, making them vulnerable to extinction.Conserving cheetahs living outside protected areas requires working with farmers to reduce human-wildlife conflict.Livestock guarding dogs play a crucial role in protecting livestock and preventing cheetah killings.Cheetahs are the fastest land animals and have physiological adaptations that enable their speed, such as semi-non-retractable claws and aerodynamic bodies.Cheetahs hunt small to medium-sized antelopes and use their speed and agility to catch their prey.Cheetahs have large home ranges and navigate their environment through scent marking and learning from their mothers.Cheetahs are more shy and prone to stress, and providing them with companionship and exercise helps reduce stress levels. Cheetahs face health challenges such as herpes virus, calicivirus, and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) due to their reduced immune system caused by a lack of genetic diversity.There is now a cure for FIP called Cheetah 44, which has saved seven cheetahs.The illegal wildlife pet trade is a major threat to cheetahs, with cubs being stolen from the wild and sold as pets in the Middle East.Cheetah Conservation Fund has a rehabilitation program where cheetahs are raised and rewilded to be released back into the wild.Reintroduction efforts have been successful, with cheetahs being reintroduced in India after going extinct in the 1950s.Conservation efforts and funding are crucial to saving the cheetahs from extinction.
Episode 9: Lilly Ludwig, Animal Intuitive / Communicator
Apr 8 2024
Episode 9: Lilly Ludwig, Animal Intuitive / Communicator
Send us a Text Message.Lilly Ludwig, an animal intuitive and communicator, explains that animal communication is the telepathic communication between species through mental images, sensations, and sometimes words. She shares that animal communication is more common than we realize and that we can all enhance our intuitive connection with our pets by talking to them and practicing mindfulness or meditation with them. Lilly also discusses her experiences with pets that have passed away, emphasizing that they are at peace and often provide messages of healing and reassurance. She mentions that signs from departed pets can come in the form of dreams, physical sensations, or symbolic associations, and that honoring a pet that has passed can be done in any way that makes the owner feel connected to them. In this conversation, Lilly discusses various ways to connect with deceased pets and offers advice for pet owners. She suggests using physical objects like photos, stuffed animals, or stones associated with the pet to create a sense of connection. She also emphasizes the importance of spending time with pets and being mindful of their needs. Lilly addresses common misconceptions about cats, such as the idea that they have to earn love, and highlights the unique challenges and traumas that cats often face. She also shares memorable experiences communicating with cats and offers insights into the legacy of Kristiina's cat, Steve.Keywordsanimal communication, telepathy, pets, intuitive, mindfulness, meditation, passed pets, signs, dreams, honoring, connecting with deceased pets, pet memorials, pet communication, pet behavior, cat behavior, cat relationships, cat anxiety, cat misconceptions, cat trauma, cat communicationTakeawaysAnimal communication is the telepathic communication between species through mental images, sensations, and sometimes words.We can enhance our intuitive connection with our pets by talking to them and practicing mindfulness or meditation with them.Pets that have passed away are at peace and often provide messages of healing and reassurance.Signs from departed pets can come in the form of dreams, physical sensations, or symbolic associations.Honoring a pet that has passed can be done in any way that makes the owner feel connected to them. Physical objects like photos, stuffed animals, or stones associated with a deceased pet can help create a sense of connection.Spending time with pets and being mindful of their needs is crucial for building a strong bond.Cats often face unique challenges and traumas, and it's important to understand and address their specific needs.Misconceptions about cats, such as the idea that they have to earn love, can hinder our understanding of their behavior and needs.Cat vocalizations can indicate anxiety or anticipation of something anxiety-inducing.The legacy of a pet can extend beyond their physical presence, and their purpose may be to educate and support others even after they have passed away.
Episode 8: Secrets of Koneko Cat Cafe
Apr 3 2024
Episode 8: Secrets of Koneko Cat Cafe
Send us a Text Message.In this episode of His and Tell, host Kristiina Wilson interviews Amelia and Veronica, two of the cattery guides at Koneko Cat Cafe in New York City. They discuss the origins of Koneko, the challenges of being one of the first cat cafes in the city, and the impact they have had through cat adoptions. They also talk about the measures taken to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of diseases, the litter box setup, and the environmental stimulation provided for the cats. The interview covers topics such as integrating new cats, feeding protocols, and handling human visitors to ensure the well-being of the cats. In this part of the conversation, Amelia & Veronica discuss the presence of hand sanitizer stations in the cat cafe and the importance of maintaining a clean environment. They also talks about the behavior modifications and training techniques used with the cats in the cafe. Amelia mentions that the rescue groups they work with do a great job of choosing cats that will get along well with each other and with people. She also shares insights into how the cats communicate with each other and with the people in the cafe. Veronica discusses the guidelines for interacting with cats, especially during kids' hours, and shares some interesting and unusual behavioral patterns observed among the cats in the cafe. In this conversation, Amelia and Veronica from Koneko Cat Cafe discuss various topics related to cat adoption and the role of cat cafes in promoting animal welfare. They emphasize the importance of providing cats with intellectual and environmental stimulation, such as bird watching and cat wheels. They also explain the adoption process and the need for vetting potential adopters. The conversation touches on parasite treatment, leaving cats alone at night, and addresses misconceptions about cat cafes.TakeawaysCats need intellectual and environmental stimulation to prevent destructive behavior.The adoption process involves vetting potential adopters to ensure a good match.Regular parasite treatment is important for cat health.Leaving cats alone at night can be done with proper monitoring.Cat cafes play a role in promoting animal welfare and providing a unique environment for cats.Misconceptions about cat cafes include same-day adoptions and bringing personal cats to the cafe.
Episode 7: Ranting about FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)
Mar 26 2024
Episode 7: Ranting about FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis)
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, Dr. Gina Rendon discusses feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a mutation of the feline coronavirus. She explains that FIP is a systemic illness that can affect any part of a cat's body. The transmission of FIP occurs through the fecal-oral route, making it more common in multi-cat households and shelters. Diagnosing FIP can be challenging, as there is no single test for it. However, recent advances in treatment have improved the prognosis for cats with FIP. Dr. Rendon also addresses the limitations of PCR testing and the possibility of FIP in older cats. They cover topics such as testing and diagnosis challenges, the infectiousness of FIP, treatment options and availability, the lack of FDA approval for FIP medications, ongoing research and future developments, the positive impact of social media in connecting and supporting cat owners, the role of stress as a trigger for FIP, the safety of vaccinating cats with FIP, the prevalence of FIP and the potential for medication approval, and living with FIV-positive cats.  Dr Rendon also provides advice on caring for senior cats, including monitoring their health and considering dietary changes. Gina discusses the use of supplements for joint health in older cats and recommends specific products. She emphasizes the importance of dental care for cats and provides guidance on when to consider extractions. Finally, she discusses the use of medications in cats and the importance of considering the cat's quality of life when deciding on the number of medications to administer.TakeawaysFIP is a mutation of the feline coronavirus and is a systemic illness that can affect any part of a cat's body.FIP is more common in multi-cat households, shelters, and catteries due to its fecal-oral transmission.Diagnosing FIP can be challenging, as there is no single test for it. A combination of tests and clinical presentation is used to form a diagnosis.Recent advances in treatment have improved the prognosis for cats with FIP.PCR testing is not always reliable for diagnosing FIP, and post-mortem examination is currently the only definitive way to confirm the disease.FIP can occur in older cats, although it is more commonly seen in young cats. FIP is a challenging disease to diagnose and treat, but recent developments in antiviral medications have shown promising results.Social media has played a significant role in connecting cat owners and providing support and information about FIP treatment options.Stress can be a trigger for FIP, and recognizing and managing stress in cats is important for their overall health.Vaccinations for FIP are not recommended during treatment, but may be considered for high-risk cats once they are in the clear.While there is currently no FDA-approved medication for FIP, ongoing research and developments offer hope for improved treatment options in the future.Cats with FIV can live with other cats without transmitting the virus, as long as there is no blood-to-blood contact through deep bites. FIV is transmitted through bites, and the risk of transmission is low in multicat households where cats live in relative harmony.Senior cats should be monitored regularly for changes in appetite, behavior, and overall health. Regular vet visits and blood work are recommended.Food for senior cats is not significantly different from food for adult cats, but calorie reduction may be necessary for less active cats.Concentrated fatty acids, such as marine fish oils and green-lipped muscle, are beneficial for joint health in older cats.Regular dental care, including cleanings and potential extractions, is important for maintaining a cat's oral health and overall well-being.The num
Episode 6: Your Cat Behavior Questions Answered!
Mar 18 2024
Episode 6: Your Cat Behavior Questions Answered!
Send us a Text Message.In this episode your host, Kristiina Wilson, a cat behaviorist, answers various cat behavior-related questions submitted by listeners. Some of the topics discussed include why cats scratch around their food bowl, the use of CBD for stress and anxiety in cats, transitioning cats from dry to wet food, bathing cats, correcting mistakes in cat boundaries, introducing cats to each other, dealing with inappropriate defecation, shifting cats from a treat-only diet, and addressing 3 a.m. howling. Additionally, Kristiina explains how cats use their tails to communicate and whether it's okay for cats to watch videos on phones. In this conversation, Kristiina provides tips and advice on various cat behavior topics. She suggests using play and puzzle feeders to keep cats mentally stimulated and prevent them from eating too quickly. She also recommends using cat TV or bird feeders to provide visual stimulation for cats. Kristiina emphasizes the importance of play and interaction with cats to prevent boredom and obesity. She discusses the process of introducing new cats to the household and recommends using Feliway products to create a positive environment. Kristiina provides tips for determining if cats are play fighting or fighting and advises redirecting or startling them to stop negative behavior. She emphasizes the need for regular play and exercise for cats and suggests using toys and interactive play to keep them active. Lastly, Kristiina shares tips for carrier training cats and recommends using trazodone for reducing anxiety during vet visits.TakeawaysCats scratch around their food bowl before and after eating to clear away debris and mimic natural instincts.CBD may not be effective for anxiety in cats, and it's important to consult a vet for appropriate behavioral medications.Transitioning cats from dry to wet food can be done gradually, using food toppers and high-quality wet food.Bathing cats is generally unnecessary, as they are self-cleaning animals.Mistakes in cat boundaries can be corrected by showing a willingness to respect their boundaries and making adjustments gradually.Positive reinforcement, such as high-value rewards, can help cats get along with each other.Inappropriate defecation may have medical or litter box-related causes, and it's important to consult a vet and consider environmental factors.Transitioning cats from a treat-only diet to regular cat food can be done gradually, mixing treats and dry food.Addressing 3 a.m. howling involves providing physical and intellectual stimulation, such as play and auto feeders.Cats use their tails to communicate various emotions, such as happiness, fear, agitation, and excitement.It's okay for cats to watch videos on phones, as it provides intellectual stimulation, but it's important to pair it with play to prevent frustration. Use play and puzzle feeders to keep cats mentally stimulated and prevent them from eating too quickly.Provide visual stimulation for cats through cat TV or bird feeders.Regular play and interaction with cats is important to prevent boredom and obesity.Introduce new cats gradually and use Feliway products to create a positive environment.Distinguish between play fighting and fighting by observing body language and vocalizations.Regular play and exercise are essential for cats' physical and mental well-being.Carrier train cats by making the carrier a positive and familiar space.Consider using trazodone to reduce anxiety during vet visits.
Episode 5: Pet Loss & Grief Part 1
Mar 12 2024
Episode 5: Pet Loss & Grief Part 1
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, the Kristiina, Joelle Andres of Bastian&Brews and Morgan Krug of Pawsitive Behaviors discuss the grief and loss of their beloved pets. The conversation also touches on anticipatory grief and the challenges of staying present during the grieving process.  They discuss the sudden illness and decline of their pets, the emotional journey of saying goodbye, and the grief experienced by their other pets in the household. They also talk about the importance of community support during the grieving process and the physical manifestations of grief. The chapter concludes with a discussion on coping with negative comments and the complexity of grief.  Finally, they discuss tools and resources that have been helpful in their own journeys. The conversation covers topics such as online harassment, the pressure to grieve 'correctly,' the benefits of journaling and reframing, the challenges of leaving the house, and the validation and healing that can come from psychic sessions. They also touch on the importance of preserving memories and finding comfort in nature. The conversation ends with expressions of gratitude and appreciation.TakeawaysGrief and loss are difficult experiences, especially when it comes to the loss of a pet.Anticipatory grief can be a challenging aspect of the grieving process.Staying present and finding ways to cope with grief can help in the healing process. Losing a pet can be a deeply emotional and challenging experience, and the grief process can vary for each individual.The support of a community, both online and offline, can provide comfort and understanding during the grieving process.Other pets in the household may also experience grief and may exhibit changes in behavior or require additional support.Memorializing a pet can be a meaningful way to honor their memory and find solace in the grieving process.Grief can manifest physically, and it is important to prioritize self-care and seek support from professionals if needed. Online harassment can be a significant issue when sharing personal experiences of grief. It is important to protect oneself from negative comments and seek support from trusted individuals.There is no timeline for grief, and it is important to give oneself time and space to heal.Different tools and resources can be helpful in the grieving process, such as journaling, seeking support from friends and professionals, and finding comfort in nature.Psychic sessions can provide validation and closure for some individuals, but it is important to find reputable communicators who uphold ethical standards.Preserving memories and finding ways to honor the memory of a loved one can be healing and comforting.
Episode 4: Rescue, TNR & Community Cats - Don't Talk About It, BE About It!
Mar 6 2024
Episode 4: Rescue, TNR & Community Cats - Don't Talk About It, BE About It!
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, we meet the guests, Suse Goricke and Stacy Attenberg, who are independent rescuers and advocates for trap-neuter-return (TNR) and community cats. They discuss the importance of TNR in managing community cat populations and debunk the misconception that relocating cats is a viable solution. The guests also emphasize the need to give cats sufficient time to decompress after trapping and the importance of proper assessment. Additionally, they discuss the additional steps involved in TNR, such as vaccinations and other treatments. The conversation explores the challenges of snap testing and accessing services in New York, the difficulties in obtaining spay/neuter appointments, the resources and voucher programs available in Connecticut, and the different trapping methods used by the speakers. In this conversation, Stacy and Suse discuss various trapping methods for community cats, including the use of True Catch traps and drop traps. They also share the importance of securing traps with zip ties to prevent cats from escaping. The conversation then shifts to the positive impact of TNR on both the cats and the communities they inhabit. Stacy and Suse highlight success stories and the personal fulfillment they experience through their rescue work. They offer advice for individuals interested in getting involved in cat rescue and emphasize the importance of asking for help and building a support network. The role of social media in raising awareness and garnering support for rescue work is also discussed. The conversation concludes with a lighthearted discussion about sharing personal spaces with community cats.TakeawaysTrap-neuter-return (TNR) is a crucial practice for managing community cat populations.Relocating cats is not a viable solution as they may not survive in unfamiliar environments.Proper assessment and giving cats time to decompress are essential in determining their socialization potential.In addition to neutering, cats should receive vaccinations, flea treatments, and deworming as part of the TNR process. Snap testing for cats is not routinely done in New York, and there are limited options for accessing spay/neuter appointments.The ASPCA in New York opens their books for low-cost spay/neuter appointments on a random weekday, and the demand for appointments is high.Connecticut offers voucher programs for low-income individuals and non-profit organizations to help defray the costs of spay/neuter procedures.Trapping methods include box traps, box traps with a bottle and string, and drop traps. Building a strong community network is essential for successful trapping efforts. True Catch traps and drop traps are effective methods for trapping community cats.Securing traps with zip ties can prevent cats from escaping.TNR has a positive impact on both the cats and the communities they inhabit.Building a support network and asking for help are crucial in cat rescue work.Social media plays a significant role in raising awareness and garnering support for rescue work.Sharing personal spaces with community cats can be a rewarding and entertaining experience.
Episode 2: Hannah, the human behind Russell of @CatManJohn
Feb 27 2024
Episode 2: Hannah, the human behind Russell of @CatManJohn
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, Hannah, the owner of the CatmanJohn social media account, talks about her journey to becoming a full-time social media influencer and the impact of her famous cat, Russell. She shares insights into managing a multi-cat household and providing enrichment for her cats. Hannah also discusses her content creation process and the challenges and rewards of being a social media superstar. In this part of the conversation, Hannah and Kristiina discuss the drama associated with pets using speech buttons and the negative comments they receive. They also talk about the unexpected reactions from fans and the importance of having a supportive online community. Hannah shares her advice for creating a social media presence for pets, emphasizing the need for consistency and engagement. They also discuss how the use of speech buttons has improved their relationships with their cats. Finally, they touch on the limitations and challenges of using speech buttons. In this conversation, Hannah discusses her experience teaching her cats to press buttons and communicate with her. She shares how she taught her cats words like 'litter' and 'clean' and how they use these buttons to communicate their needs.  She provides an update on Winnie's health and shares how she manages living with a clean freak cat like Russell. The conversation concludes with a discussion on setting boundaries with the cats using the 'no' button.TakeawaysManaging a multi-cat household requires providing enrichment and stimulation for each cat's individual needs.Using motion-activated cameras can help capture button-pressing moments and create engaging content.Building a successful social media presence takes time, dedication, and consistent posting.Being a social media influencer can provide opportunities to quit a traditional job and pursue a passion full-time. The drama and negative comments associated with pets using speech buttons can be challenging, but having a supportive online community can help.Creating a social media presence for pets requires consistency, engagement, and finding a niche audience.Using speech buttons can improve the relationship between humans and cats, as it allows for better communication and understanding of their needs.The use of speech buttons has limitations and challenges, such as teaching the cat to press the buttons and managing the expectations of what the cat can communicate. Contextual understanding is important when interpreting what cats mean when they press certain buttons.Cats have unique behaviors and interests, and it's important to understand and accommodate their individual needs.Setting boundaries with cats using a 'no' button can help manage their requests and maintain a balanced relationship.
Episode 1: Dr. Gina Rendon, DVM
Feb 27 2024
Episode 1: Dr. Gina Rendon, DVM
Send us a Text Message.In this podcast episode, Kristiina interviews Dr. Gina Rendon, a veterinarian, about her journey to becoming a vet and the challenges and burnout in the veterinary profession. They discuss the importance of balancing the emotional demands of working with sick animals and how Dr. Rendon unwinds and de-stresses from work. They also talk about breed-specific personalities in cats and common misconceptions about cats and veterinary medicine. The episode concludes with a discussion on medical conditions that can affect a cat's behavior and the importance of regular check-ups and insurance for cats. This part of the conversation covers topics such as monitoring cat behavior, recognizing pain and discomfort, advancements in treatment for pain and arthritis, behavioral issues and medication, recent advancements in veterinary behavior, the importance of cat care and socialization, tips for getting cats into carriers, treating cat travel anxiety and car sickness, homeopathic and herbal care for cats, clipping indoor cat's nails, coping with nightmares in blind cats, and a grieving cat's obsession with brushing. In this conversation, Kristiina and Gina discuss various topics related to pet care and veterinary medicine. They explore the importance of bonding activities and stimulation for pets, such as brushing and environmental enrichment. They also delve into the topic of grief and how veterinarians cope with it. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of providing love and care to pets and the emotional challenges that come with it.