The Be More Do More Have More Podcast

Shawn Asala

Welcome to ”Be more. Do more. Have more.” The podcast that empowers you to unlock your fullest potential and live a life of purpose, passion, and abundance. I’m your host Shawn Asala, and I’m thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with you. In each episode, we’ll delve into the keys to personal and professional growth, sharing insights, strategies, and inspiring stories to help you elevate every aspect of your life. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your career, build stronger relationships, or cultivate a deeper sense of fulfillment, this podcast is your daily dose of motivation and guidance. Expect to explore topics ranging from goal-setting and mindset shifts to productivity hacks and self-care rituals. We’ll feature interviews with experts, thought leaders, and individuals who have conquered challenges, offering you real-world examples of success and resilience. Tuning in daily to ”Be more. Do more. Have more.” is not just a commitment to your personal development; it’s an investment in your future. By adopting the principles we discuss, you’ll discover actionable steps to take charge of your life, overcome obstacles, and create the abundance you deserve. Join me on this empowering journey, and let’s together uncover the secrets to being more, doing more, and having more. Your best life starts now! read less


How To Spark Creativity And Make Your Life And Your Society Better
Mar 4 2024
How To Spark Creativity And Make Your Life And Your Society Better
In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the profound impact of creativity on solving both personal challenges and broader societal issues. Join me as I delve into strategies that can reignite your creative spark, particularly when faced with stagnation. Discover the power of reading widely to unlock new perspectives and fuel your imagination. Uncover the magic of collaboration, emphasizing the importance of sharing ideas with others to cultivate a rich breeding ground for innovation. Our exploration also highlights the significance of maintaining a high level of curiosity as a catalyst for groundbreaking ideas. Dive into practical techniques such as learning to brainstorm using lists, a simple yet effective method to break through mental blocks. Explore the transformative influence of changing your environment, a strategy that can breathe fresh air into your thought processes. We discuss the detrimental effects of complaining and advocate for embracing a positive mindset, offering insights into how this shift can dramatically enhance your creative potential. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of taking breaks and rests in the creative process. Learn why these moments of pause are not only essential for your well-being but can also be the breeding ground for some of your most innovative ideas. Tune in to this episode and embark on a journey to unlock your creative potential, gaining valuable insights into how creativity can be a powerful force for personal growth and positive societal change. Let me know in the comments what you think about the points raised. And be sure to share this with friends and family. Thanks for listening.
Time Management Is Self Management - With Elizabeth Duile (Part One)
Feb 17 2024
Time Management Is Self Management - With Elizabeth Duile (Part One)
In this insightful 2-part podcast episode, Elizabeth and I delve into the profound connection between time management and self-management. Fascinated with unlocking productivity and achieving goals we discuss the crucial role things like self-discipline, focus, and list-making play in effectively managing your time. You will hear practical tips, personal anecdotes, and experience-based advice that will empower you to take charge of your moments and transform the way you approach the ticking clock. It's time to redefine how you view time – it's not just about managing minutes, but mastering yourself in each passing moment. Listen in for a journey towards enhanced productivity and a more fulfilling life. Elizabeth Duile is a certified John Maxwell team coach, and a leadership and accountability  coach. She is founder of Elizabeth Duile Leadership and Development Consults, and co founder of CIVITAS AUXILLIUM FOUNDATION,(CAF) an NGO that helps vulnerable women especially those who are victims of violence and terrorism get their lives back. Elizabeth has coached several ambitious women (and  men) to not only believe in themselves, but to birth their dreams and unlock their full potentials in the process. She is passionate about facilitating productivity and empowering women to achieve self-awareness and discovery so they can confidently 'Own Their Space' in order to accelerate their personal growth speed. She can be reached on: