Evening Thoughts

Sam Cho

A chaplain‘s reflections about faith, life, death, and the beyond. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Ep 32: When Death Comes Suddenly
Mar 6 2022
Ep 32: When Death Comes Suddenly
Have you ever received bad news that felt as if someone had kicked you in the guts? Have you ever received a phone call telling you to get to the hospital as quickly as possible because your loved one was involved in an accident? Have you ever had a knock on the door, possibly from law enforcement that your loved one was injured and had died?  In our bravest of moments we dare think upon such scenarios and wonder what we will do if that ever happened to us. The truth is though, that these scenarios have happened to real people. It has happened to real mothers, real fathers, and siblings and friends. Some deaths happen over time and through the years, but other deaths happen quickly and without any opportunities to prepare. Just this week, I got a call from one of Marines and he informed me that his father had died suddenly in his hotel room all alone. He just had dinner with this father and the next day he gets a call letting him know that his father had died. He was devastated at the news because there was nothing to indicate to him that his father’s last meal would be with his son the day prior. What are we to make of that but acknowledge that sometimes death comes suddenly and without any warning. God forbid that this happen to you, but I am always one for proactive preparation and I hope that this episode helps you in someway. This episode of Evening Thoughts is entitled when Death comes Suddenly and I want to talk about navigating death of a loved one or a friend when it comes without any time to prepare. Join me in tonight's episode of Evening Thoughts.
Ep 28: Creating healthy boundaries when helping others
Feb 6 2022
Ep 28: Creating healthy boundaries when helping others
The Evening Thought for this episode is: Creating Healthy Boundaries When Helping Others. We will at one time or another find ourselves helping those around us, and I want to encourage those of us who do it regularly, specifically as a care giver or a counselor of some sort to create healthy boundaries to save yourself some trouble later on. Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way. So…I have a confession for you. That is a funny way to start a podcast episode, isn’t it? But I do and I say it like that because the topic for tonight’s episode is something that I had to learn over the years and when I learned how to do it, it felt like I could do ministry more joyfully and successfully for all involved. My confession is this: I like being wanted. I like being needed. I like feeling as if I am important to someone and them depending on me for help. I like being the primary person who helps someone else and for them to recognize me for it. I speak from my ego and my pride when I start believing that I should be the center of someone’s source of help. So I confess this to you because as a Chaplain and a Pastor, I’ve learned to pull myself away from this unhealthy behavior because ultimately I was creating bad boundaries with those who came to me for help. I like hearing someone say, “Chaps you are the only one who understands me.”  I liked them saying, “No one helps me but you chaps.” Chaps, “I don’t know what I would do without you.” Have you ever had someone say this to you? Or say something like this to you? You may already see where I am going with this, but boundaries are necessary at times when we help someone. Join me tonight in this episode and let's talk more about that.