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Maria Arvanitidis, Author, Reverend and so much more
Apr 11 2022
Maria Arvanitidis, Author, Reverend and so much more
The coming together to promote and support our authentic energetic signature of empowerment from within. A place where we can freely express the sharing of our own light with others; through inspirational enlightenment and on our way to blissful dimensional stimulating conversations. To help unlock emotional suppression whilst transitioning through many a dark night of the soul and into awakening; the transformation to emerge and see again, with wisdom to realign, embrace what we prefer and engage with an open heart bandwidth frequency. RMA’s Social Media Platforms: Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/marvanitidis1  https://peerlessmoments.com/   peerlessmomemts@gmail.com Love’s Creation Unlimited https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT6OYgr_DgZUm0LJY2tjKYA   Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry https://canadianmetaphysicalministry.com/rev_-arvanitidis'-page   The Sovereign Light Talk Show fm radio https://player.fm/series/the-sovereign-light   The Sovereign Light packages: https://thesovereignlightministry.blogspot.com/2021/12/sothic-star-tetrahedron-activations.html On Patreon: Creator Account RmA https://www.patreon.com/TheSovereignLight?fan_landing=true   On UGETube: https://ugetube.com/@The_Sovereign_Light_Ministry   On Odysee:  https://odysee.com/$/invite/@TheSovereignLight:b   On BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/rma1/   canadiansocietyofcelebrantss@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/csoc-academy-36638219a Website: https://canadiansocietyofcelebrants.ca/ https://canadiansocietyofcelebrants.blogspot.com/ Twitter: CSOC87854277 https://www.facebook.com/CanadianSocietyOfCelebrants
Meet Wendy Woods, Principal of Wendy Woods Coaching & Watershed Training Solutions
Dec 11 2021
Meet Wendy Woods, Principal of Wendy Woods Coaching & Watershed Training Solutions
Wendy Woods, MBA, CPCC, PCC, ACE Wendy is an ICF certified coach with a solid business background. Her clients include CEOs, Partners, Directors, Vice-Presidents, and Managers from organizations that include a top financial services firm, U.S. manufacturing company, leading computer distributor and major specialty network to name a few.   Ms. Woods’ clients have experienced results such as: clarified strategic vision and implemented actionsimproved communication skills that drove resultsidentified career goals/direction and next stepsincreased self-awareness that motivated employees and their performanceenhanced employee’s accountability and ownershipmanaged internal and external barriers for greater self-confidence and presencediscovered key differentiators to establish or grow their business Their organizations have benefited from more engaged leaders who could more easily navigate challenges, change and complexity while achieving outcomes.   Prior to starting Watershed Training Solutions, Wendy worked for leading Bay Street companies such as Dynamic Mutual Funds, Richardson Greenshields and RBC Dominion Securities. She has her Honours B.A. in Psychology, an M.B.A., a Certificate in Adult Education, a Certificate in Applied Mindfulness Meditation, a Certificate in Solutions Focused Brief Therapy, and Certificate in EQ-i 2.0 and 360. Wendy is also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation and an ACE Certified Coach.   Wendy has taught in the University of Toronto’s Certificate in Applied Mindfulness Meditation. She has also been featured on such popular media as CTV News, CBC Radio, Canadian Business Online, Breakfast Television, USA Today and The Huffington Post.   Her most recent articles Meditating at Work: A New Approach to Managing Overload and Mindfulness @Work: Reduce Stress, Increase Focus & Improve Results were published in the Rotman School of Management magazine and she is also the coauthor of 365 Days of Gratitude.   Wendy’s clients value her ability to ask powerful questions to remove obstacles creating greater fulfillment and success. As a coach, she is committed to her client’s progress and utilizes a diverse range of tools to drive motivation and performance. www.wendywoodscoahcing.com
Meet Liz Jakoi, Design Your Life Coach of Liz Jakoi Businesses
Jun 27 2020
Meet Liz Jakoi, Design Your Life Coach of Liz Jakoi Businesses
Liz believes life is meant to be lived to the fullest, liberated from limitations. She teaches you to become the self- leader of your mind, body and soul. We tend to see things from a limited perspective, especially during times of stress, anxiety and depression. Liz helps you to unpack the thinking that is holding you back so you can see more possibilities. Are you ready to see beyond where you are today? Liz graduated from University in Toronto with a degree in Psychology and with a minor in Philosophy. She worked in the corporate world in Human Resources, Training and Development, and as a Job Coach/Counsellor. After conducting 100s of workshops and counselling 100s of people to design a new life after a major life event, Liz decided that she could really serve people best by starting her own business in 2017. In February 2014, at the of age 56, Liz had her third breakdown. Her first one was in her 20s after losing her father to cancer and then leaving her first marriage. Her second one was in her 30s when she was getting remarried and her job was declared redundant. For most of her life, living was painful. She wanted to die. She was either stressed, anxious and depressed, or calm in the chaos. When she fought the battle the first 2 times, everything returned to normal. She lived to fight another day – another battle. She spent most of her time assuring everyone that she was fine and stronger than before only to be overwhelmed by both her past and her future. This time, she decided to fight to become Liz; to live a life outside of being a mother, daughter, employee, wife and friend. After spending decades of living in a constant state of stress, anxiety and depression, Liz is now grounded, calm, and strong. As a Mind Body Warrior Coach, Liz draws out what those strategies you are using to keep you stuck and helps you develop new strategies so that you can shine your light brightly. Through her coaching sessions, you get comfortable with being uncomfortable with making changes to your life strategies that no longer serve you. https://parkbench.com/blog/liz-jakoi-businesses-consultants-mill-pond-richmond-hill-liz-jakoi
Meet Claire Chen, Makeup, Style & Image Consultant of The Image Consulting
Jun 27 2020
Meet Claire Chen, Makeup, Style & Image Consultant of The Image Consulting
I am makeup & style expert. I help busy women to elevate their look and be transformed from the inside out, so they can look good, feel great and live well every day. I want you to get inspired and feel excited when you look at your wardrobe every day. My mission is to empower women to feel more confident. No matter what you are facing in life, you already have what it takes to feel more confident, strong and beautiful. If you want to put yourself on a path to succeed in your business and social lives, to become the woman you're meant to be, together we can create the style that is tailored for you. Let me help you find a style that flatters and reflects you from the inside out. You could live with more happiness and fulfillment in life, I am excited to show you the possibilities. Describe your business What types of services do you offer? Style transformation from the inside out so women can look good, feel great about themselves and live more confident of who they are. How did you get started? When I was young, I watched my mother get dressed and put on her makeup with fascination. She would never leave the house without looking beautifully pulled together. She has influenced me in many aspects of my life and it has given the strong desire to help other women to look good about themselves. I spent the beginning of my career living in Vancouver, where I studied fashion merchandising and makeup artistry in the world recognized Blanch Macdonald. I pursued my passion further at the London College of Fashion in the UK while studying advanced makeup for editorial & fashion styling and freelancing. Later I moved to Italy at Istituto Marangoni in Milan I graduated with a master’s degree in fashion styling. Back to Canada, and now here in Toronto, with over 17 years of experience in the corporate, retail fashion and beauty industry, I have found my purpose; A desire to help other women to reach their potential by bringing out their inner beauty. https://parkbench.com/blog/the-image-consulting-health-beauty-mill-pond-richmond-hill-claire-chen
Meet Jeannette Hay, Speaker, Author, Fine Artist, of The Overwhelm Coach
Jun 27 2020
Meet Jeannette Hay, Speaker, Author, Fine Artist, of The Overwhelm Coach
As an Animal Fine Artist, this was a special moment to experience! Jeannette Hay is the author of the upcoming book “Getting out From Under, How To Break Free From Stress And Overwhelm To Get The Life You Have Always Wanted.” She is known as The Overwhelm Coach and is an experienced Speaker, Professional Organizer, Author and Animal Fine Artist. Jeannette has spent years as a volunteer for the Toronto, Professional Organizers in Canada Executive Board serving as Vice Chair and Chair and also served as National Conference Chair for the Professional Organizers in Canada Association. She currently holds the highest membership of Gold Leaf status with that association. For over 14 years she has uncluttered people’s physical spaces as well as uncluttering their minds in helping them to overcome the adverse effects of stress and overwhelm and at the same time empowered them to live outside of their fears and have the life they have always wanted. Using her time proven techniques, she helps her audience and private clients to gain clarity and focus, while increasing their production towards their goals and living a more successful and fulfilling life. In 2014 she was a nominee for the prestigious Harold Taylor Award of the Professional Organizers in Canada. Through her company, Get Me Organized! (www.getmeorganized.ca) she has coached, uncluttered, downsized, and organized many people from students and seniors, to numerous business executives running multi-million-dollar companies in their Toronto Bay Street offices. Her one-on-one confidential Stress and Overwhelm Coaching sessions are done either in person at the location preferred by her client or via video conferencing platform of Skype or Zoom. Her goal is to help her clients make their life healthier, more focused and easier to attain their desired goals obtaining Clarity, Focus, Success in their personal or professional life. She has spoken and coached at numerous events from the National Conference of the Professional Organizers in Canada Association, to faculty members of Seneca College, sole-preneurs, The Heart of Networking Women’s Group, The Romanian Women’s Successful Women Group, Sun-Bright Draperies, Guelph University, business executives, students of the St. Albert Catholic School, and numerous private clubs, businesses and organizations. As well she is an accomplished Animal Artist with several solo art exhibitions as well as group shows under her belt and her works can be found in Europe, and Canada. For more of her art go to: www.hayanimals.com Born in Canada, she left at age four and spent her educational years based in England. At age eighteen she moved to live alone in Spain for three years before returning to Canada and enrolling in a Graphic Design Course at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario. Jeannette has also lived and worked in Massachusetts USA, Vancouver Canada, Hollywood California and Sydney Australia before finally putting down her roots in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Through her travels Jeannette has been involved in numerous careers during her life. Because of all those past adventures she has a great empathy for the often-overwhelming emotional struggles and challenges experienced by her clients. https://parkbench.com/blog/the-overwhelm-coach-consultants-mill-pond-richmond-hill-jeannette-hay
Meet Serena Bufalino, CEO/Founder of Help Heal Humanity (NGO)
Jun 27 2020
Meet Serena Bufalino, CEO/Founder of Help Heal Humanity (NGO)
Serena Bufalino is a force of nature. She is rooted in service to others and hauls herself over every obstacle using the pitons of hard work, dedication, and determination. What began as a career as a teacher under the Section 23 program with Toronto’s at-risk youth, has evolved into a lifetime of service work empowering and inspiring people across the globe. Serena has taught in detention centres, mental health hospitals, and group homes. In 2011, the Haiti School Building Project was born, when her Section 23 students, insisted “Miss B, you say we can do anything, so let’s build a school.” In partnership with John Callaghan of Third World Awareness over $100,000 was fundraised and a school in Canaan, Haiti for three hundred students was constructed. Today, Serena, alongside a group of global movers and shakers, runs Help Heal Humanity and intends to change the world one “yes” at a time. Serena holds a BA from McMaster University. Awards: 2015 winner of the McMaster University Alumni Arch Award. 2017 Excellence Award for Teaching from the Toronto District School Board. Nominated as one of the top 100 teachers in Canada by the Toronto Star and won an honourable mention in 2015 and 2016. Ranked third overall in Toronto for putting in more community service and hours than any other volunteer in the GTA. Won the Ontario Heart award in 2015 for displaying courage and strength in working with at risk populations and caregiving for those most in need, Nominated one of Toronto’s Best Influencers by Elle Magazine https://parkbench.com/blog/help-heal-humanity-ngo-charity-mill-pond-richmond-hill-serena-bufalino
Kirsty Perring, Owner, Travel Curator of Traversing Africa
May 18 2020
Kirsty Perring, Owner, Travel Curator of Traversing Africa
I was undecided with regards to what I wanted to do as a career when I finished high school. Choices ranged from nursing to law to teaching. So instead, I did what all level-headed teenagers do and jumped on a plane bound for the UK where I spent 2 years working as a nanny and travelling around Europe. Unbeknownst to me at the time, children and travelling became the 2 key building blocks in what lead to the launch of Traversing Africa 27 years later. I have identified a niche in the travel market for families wanting to explore Africa with children in tow without having to compromise on luxury or cut back on their experiences but at the same time ensuring a safe, enjoyable and immersive trip for all members. The motive for this stemmed from travelling with my own child and understanding the degree of knowledge and depth of planning required to curate such a trip. After working in the industry for over 2 decades, I also came to the realisation that offering cookie-cutter itineraries lacking individuality was not the way I want anyone to encounter Africa, be it on a first-time trip or one of many. My main vision when Traversing Africa was conceived was that I wanted to be an architect in providing customised, personal, gratifying and life-enriching journeys to Africa to those who desired the same. A bit more about me… I am also the mother of 2 Yorkshire terriers Burt and Daisy. The only thing we dislike about travelling is leaving our pups behind. Luckily, they are so adorable that we have a number of aunts and uncles lining up to look after them while we are away. I have a thing for VW beetles and vans, especially yellow ones. My favourite animal to see on safari is wild dog, but I love all animals and have a weak spot for the underdogs such as hyenas and baboons. https://parkbench.com/blog/traversing-africa-travel-agencies-mill-pond-richmond-hill-kirsty-perring