Trying to Get Your Child to “Calm Down” or “Stop Overreacting”? Here’s Why That’s Actually Making the Meltdowns Worse

Raised Resilient: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child

Mar 27 2024 • 17 mins

When your child is constantly getting upset over the smallest things, it can be hard to truly welcome their feelings. And so often, we *think* we’re welcoming and validating – but we’re actually making things worse and creating even more meltdowns.

In this week's episode, I share 3 not-so-obvious ways we inadvertently make meltdowns worse with our highly sensitive kids. I dive into each of these and help you understand why they’re unhelpful and shift into a more helpful mindset and approach.

Here’s the thing: It can feel challenging to truly allow your highly sensitive child to feel their feelings – and we can worry that those feelings will become a bottomless pit if we do. But in truth, allowing your child to feel all their feelings is the key to moving past the cycle of constant meltdowns..

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