Constantly Yelling at Your Child? Why Trying to "Stay Calm” Is Setting You Up to Fail (& What to Focus on Instead!)

Raised Resilient: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child

Mar 13 2024 • 23 mins

As parents – especially in the gentle, respectful, conscious parenting space – we’re constantly told that we have to “stay calm” in order to be effective with our kids. But sometimes staying calm feels unreachable, and it’s easy to feel like you’re failing in those moments.

In this week's episode, I unpack why it’s so hard to stay calm in the face of your child’s dysregulation and why focusing on this alone sets us up to fail. I then share what to focus on instead and how to set yourself up for success with realistic expectations.

Here’s the thing: There’s a lot working against us as parents when it comes to staying calm, and it can be a LOT. If you shift your focus just a little, you'll be setting yourself up to feel effective and connected as a parent, even in the hard moments!

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