How to Navigate Sibling Jealousy During Birthdays (& 3 Strategies to Support Your Highly Sensitive Child!)

Raised Resilient: Help Your Highly Sensitive Child

Apr 24 2024 • 18 mins

Ever noticed your highly sensitive child getting jealous when it’s a sibling’s birthday? You’re not alone - it’s tough to see them struggle during what should be a fun family celebration.

In this podcast episode, we get personal about sibling jealousy, especially around birthdays. We’ll explore why these feelings aren't actually about selfishness, but rather deep, complex emotions, and I’ll share 3 practical strategies that have worked in my own family to help manage these big feelings.

Here’s the thing: Your highly sensitive child is actually craving connection in these jealous moments -- and once you understand that & have strategies that center connection, you'll be able to both support your child in these tough moments and also teach valuable skills for handling big emotions in the future.

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