Rene Plays Games

Rene Legault

Hi! I’m Rene (pronounced Rainy) and I want to share my love of roleplaying games with you! Join me as I play through smaller publisher games, talk design and gaming topics with friends, and explore all the ways you can be a better game master or player. read less

Season 3

Mining Media | Sea of Stars
Feb 27 2024
Mining Media | Sea of Stars
Welcome to this month's Mining Media where I help you think about ideas from other forms of entertainment that can elevate your tabletop RPG experience. In this episode we're talking about Sabotage Studio's retro JRPG inspired Sea of Stars - a love letter to the 90s/early 2000s 16-bit JRPGs of my youth.   The game itself is a beautiful game with very evocative locations and, most importantly for this episode, interesting combat mechanics that I think would work to spice up your RPG's combats in very cool ways. The main takeaways from this episode are to include mini-puzzle like conditions to be achieved by your PCs mid-fight in order to mitigate (or altogether stop) a powerful special attack from going off, as well as encouraging teamwork combos in battle through connections made between PCs in or out of combat.   I forgot to mention another great bit of Fabula Ultima's combat mechanics that would work well for that telegraph/countdown to special attack is their option to take the Objective action and work toward a clock that would change the battle. It is generally used for more "end the conflict overall" type of actions, but could be scaled back potentially for this kind of use.   Games Mentioned in this Episode: Fabula Ultima TTJRPG | BREAK! RPG   Where to Follow Rene Plays Games: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X | Threads | DMs After Dark email:   Music in the Episode: Lucid Dreaming by | e s c p |
Mining Media | The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee
Apr 23 2024
Mining Media | The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee
Welcome to another Mining Media where we turn your binging into better TTRPG experiences. In this episode we're talking about Fonda Lee's incredible gangster fantasy trilogy The Green Bone Saga. This series is one of *very* few (maybe the only?) that I've rated 5 stars down the line. It has enough magic and urban fantasy to feel wondrous, incredibly emotional character development, intense martial arts action scenes, harsh betrayals, drugs, sex, crime, corruption, generational trauma and expectations... I could go on and on forever - please read it and talk to me about it!   Anyway, the take home points for how to make your TTRPG sessions better with The Green Bone Saga include: Hack your favorite system to use the Jade Disciplines as Stats (along with others for non-Green PCs)Consider using a relationship map/web to constantly keep pressure on your PCs from their connections, making every move dangerous in a faction-based turf warIf your setting has magic, include a culture or people who are immune or resistant to that magic - how are they viewed in society? How do they overcome this?When making factions always have allied, antagonistic, and neutral parties to the party's goals. The Penitents & religious folk of these books are very cool, silent monks who are the ears of the gods - give them emotional, cultural depth   In the end, I think this episode was less "here's what to use in your game," and more "PLEASE READ THESE AND LET'S PLAY AN RPG CAMPAIGN IN THIS WORLD TOGETHER." If you're interested, please let me know. And Fonda Lee, if you ever see this and want someone to make your world an RPG, I'll help!   Download Rene's One-Page RPG One Last Quest and bring back your favorite characters for one more mission as elderly versions of themselves!   Where to Follow Rene Plays Games: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X | Threads | DMs After Dark email:   Music in the Episode: Midnight Room by | e s c p |
Mining Media | Fallout TV Series
4d ago
Mining Media | Fallout TV Series
Welcome to another Mining Media where we turn your binging into better TTRPG experiences. In this episode we're talking about Amazon Prime's new video game to TV adaptation Fallout. Based on the hit video game franchise, season one takes some liberties with what's been established in the games but succeeds in making an enjoyable, pretty true to universe story that uses a lot of great techniques you can pull for your tabletop RPG campaigns.   The take home points are: Give your characters "ghosts" (from YouTuber ALuckyMuse), which are people, events, and obligations from their past which continue to haunt PCs, either through traumatic experiences, voices always heard when they look inward (trusted or derogatory), or similar which inform their misconceptions about the world, their beliefs, and can justify their actions when they're not necessarily the best.Don't worry about character imbalance when it comes to power. Everyone has a role in the party, it's okay for someone to be overpowered in one aspect, but make sure it has a drawback (e.g. the Ghoul's need for the drugs, Maximus's inexperience with the jumpsuit, Lucy's naivety).When adapting canon, don't play in what's known - focus on the "what ifs." What if this took place in the northern forests of Canada? Each faction might still exist, but they'd have very different goals, problems, and methods. What if we played our story before the events of New Vegas? or after?   Download Rene's One-Page RPG One Last Quest and bring back your favorite characters for one more mission as elderly versions of themselves!   Where to Follow Rene Plays Games: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X | Threads | DMs After Dark email:   Music in the Episode: Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: FSMKKQOUT4ZD4EHK

Season 2

Perspective Checks | Sara (DMs After Dark) - Burnout, Creativity, & Taking Breaks
May 14 2024
Perspective Checks | Sara (DMs After Dark) - Burnout, Creativity, & Taking Breaks
Welcome to another episode of Perspective Checks where I sit down with a friend in the TTRPG world and discuss a topic of their choice!   This time I'm joined by another one of the OGs of Rene's nerdy life on the internet - Baby DM Sara from the DMs After Dark! If you're following this channel, you likely know that I've been playing games with these wonderful nerds for the last few years, and they're continuing to play games over on their Twitch every other Friday, I still edit their audio for podcasts and consider myself a member even though I can't play as often as I'd like on their schedule.   Sara is the youngest of the DMs, a fellow member of Team Wholesome, and came on to talk about something that happens to a lot of us when we get really into the TTRPG hobby (or any hobby really) - burnout. She recently took a little hiatus from the streaming and we discuss checking in with yourself, your fellow players outside of the game space, finding ways to be creative outside of the expectations of content creation, the importance of being silly, and more!   Content Warnings: language, Orcfuck, and silly one-shots being the leg day of the RPG hobby (this is just a good analogy)   Where to Follow Rene Plays Games: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter/X | Threads | DMs After Dark email:   Music in the Episode: Theme Song written & produced by Dan Pomfret | @danfrombothbands

Season 1