The Daniele Hage Podcast

Daniele Hage

Join relationship expert Daniele Hage as she shares her insights and tips on how to bring out the best in yourself and your partner. In each episode, Daniele and her guests explore topics such as effective communication, nurturing the feminine self, and keeping the spark alive in long-term relationships. read less
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Unmasking Control in Relationships - Part 2 - Controlling Men
4d ago
Unmasking Control in Relationships - Part 2 - Controlling Men
Welcome to "The Daniele Hage Podcast," where personal growth meets intimate conversations. Hosted by Daniele Hage and co-hosted by her daughter-in-law, Danielle Hage, this podcast dives deep into the complexities of human relationships, with a special focus on the delicate dynamics of family and marriage. Daniele Hage, a seasoned pastor and speaker with over four decades of experience in relationship counseling, brings her profound insights and heartfelt advice to each episode. Together with Danielle, who not only shares her name but also her commitment to fostering open and honest dialogue, they explore the real challenges couples face in striving for a genuine connection. In this series, the co-hosts tackle topics ranging from vulnerability and fear to control dynamics within relationships. They discuss how different genders perceive and react to fear, with a compassionate look at why individuals may resort to controlling behavior as a coping mechanism. The podcast provides listeners with strategies to communicate effectively, empathize deeply, and support each other's vulnerabilities in a relationship. Each episode is a blend of thoughtful reflections, practical advice, and real-life anecdotes that encourage couples to confront and overcome their fears together. Whether discussing the roles of protection and provision in relationships or exploring the impact of personal insecurities on one's actions, Daniele and Danielle aim to equip listeners with the tools they need for healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Tune into "The Daniele Hage Podcast" for your regular dose of relationship wisdom and inspiration, delivered with care and profound understanding of the intricacies of human connections. 🔔 Subscribe now and join us as we uncover the secrets to lasting love and harmony in your relationships.   📲 Follow Danielle Hage on social media for more updates and inspirational content!   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
If You Don't Fight, You Don't Win - With Ron & Hope Carpenter
May 29 2024
If You Don't Fight, You Don't Win - With Ron & Hope Carpenter
Join Danielle Hage as she welcomes Ron and Hope Carpenter to a heartfelt and revealing episode of her podcast. With a blend of humor and profound transparency, the Carpenters share their journey through challenges and triumphs in their marriage and ministry. From their serendipitous first encounter to the complexities of navigating infidelity and personal transformation, this episode dives deep into the raw and real aspects of maintaining a relationship in the face of adversity. Hope Carpenter, also an author, discusses her latest works and the lessons they encapsulate. Ron sheds light on the pressures and responsibilities of leading a large ministry while supporting a spouse through personal struggles. Together, they explore the importance of communication, forgiveness, and resilience in building a stronger, more understanding partnership. Tune in to this episode for an unfiltered look at love, faith, and the power of second chances.   To register for the Power Couple Experience visit:   🔔 Subscribe now and join us as we uncover the secrets to lasting love and harmony in your relationships.   📲 Follow Danielle Hage on social media for more updates and inspirational content!   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Unmasking Control in Relationships
May 15 2024
Unmasking Control in Relationships
Tune into a special episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast where Daniele brings us an enlightening conversation from her recent guest appearance on the Gentleman's Scofflaw Podcast. Hosted by the comedic duo Jordan Crowder and Donovan Fowler, the discussion dives deep into the complexities of relationships from both a male and female perspective. Daniele shares her expertise on how to navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of gender differences, bringing peace and harmony into everyday interactions. With a rich background in pastoring and relationship coaching, coupled with over four decades of marriage, Daniele provides actionable advice and shares personal anecdotes that resonate with anyone looking to enhance their relational dynamics. This cross-podcast feature offers a unique blend of humor, wisdom, and practical tips. Make sure to subscribe for more insightful episodes from Daniele Hage, helping you build stronger and more meaningful connections.     Welcome to the Danielle Hage Podcast! In this episode, your host Danielle Hage and co-host Danielle Hage delve into the complex dynamics of control within relationships. As we celebrate a year of podcasting and content creation, we are excited to share insights on a topic that has sparked significant conversation and debate.   Danielle Hage, with over 40 years of experience in family and marriage counseling, alongside her daughter-in-law Danielle, explores why control issues often arise between partners. They discuss the root causes of controlling behaviors, particularly among women, and how these behaviors are often rooted in fear and a desire for safety.   Key points include:   Understanding why a woman might become controlling or critical and how it is often linked to feeling unsafe or unsupported. Practical advice for men: How to respond with empathy and support when their partner becomes controlling or naggy. The importance of recognizing and addressing one's own boundaries and needs in a relationship. The role of communication in resolving conflicts and building stronger, more respectful partnerships. Danielle shares anecdotes and real-life examples, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, understanding, and unconditional love. They also touch on the impact of cultural and personal backgrounds on relationship dynamics and the necessity of professional help in extreme cases.   Tune in for valuable insights and practical advice on maintaining a healthy and balanced relationship. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell for more enriching discussions!   🔔 Subscribe now and join us as we uncover the secrets to lasting love and harmony in your relationships.   📲 Follow Danielle Hage on social media for more updates and inspirational content!   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Bridging Perspectives: Daniele Hage Visits the Gentleman Scofflaw Podcast
May 1 2024
Bridging Perspectives: Daniele Hage Visits the Gentleman Scofflaw Podcast
Tune into a special episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast where Daniele brings us an enlightening conversation from her recent guest appearance on the Gentleman Scofflaw Podcast. Hosted by the comedic duo Jordan Crowder and Donovan Fowler, the discussion dives deep into the complexities of relationships from both a male and female perspective. Daniele shares her expertise on how to navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of gender differences, bringing peace and harmony into everyday interactions. With a rich background in pastoring and relationship coaching, coupled with over four decades of marriage, Daniele provides actionable advice and shares personal anecdotes that resonate with anyone looking to enhance their relational dynamics. This cross-podcast feature offers a unique blend of humor, wisdom, and practical tips. Make sure to subscribe for more insightful episodes from Daniele Hage, helping you build stronger and more meaningful connections.   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:   Check out The Gentleman Scofflaw ✭ Instagram: ✭ Twitter: ✭ Facebook: ✭ Website:
How Men & Women Relate
Mar 27 2024
How Men & Women Relate
Join Daniele Hage and co-host Danielle Hage in a compelling discussion on the intricate dynamics of gender differences in relationships. With Daniele's extensive experience in family and marriage counseling, this episode delves into how men and women perceive sex, communicate, and express emotions differently. Featuring insights from hormonal specialist Dr. Patrick Flynn, the conversation covers the biological underpinnings of these differences and offers practical advice for improving communication and understanding between partners.   Highlights:   Sexual Desires: An analogy of men's and women's differing sexual appetites and the importance of understanding these differences. Hormonal Cycles: Discussion on how hormonal differences affect behaviors, decisions, and health. Communication Styles: Tips on effective communication, considering timing and clarity to bridge the gender gap. Emotional Vulnerability: Encouraging a safe space for men to express emotions and the impact on relationships. Why Listen:   This episode is a must for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the opposite sex, improve their relationship dynamics, and communicate more effectively. Daniele and Danielle's insights, backed by expert opinions, offer a roadmap to navigating the complex world of gender differences with empathy and understanding.   Tune in for actionable advice and to learn how embracing our differences can lead to stronger connections.     #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Understanding Hormones and Relationships with Dr. Patrick Flynn
Mar 20 2024
Understanding Hormones and Relationships with Dr. Patrick Flynn
In this enlightening episode of the Daniele Hage Podcast, we dive deep into the complex world of hormones and their profound impact on relationships, health, and personal identity. Our special guest, Dr. Patrick Flynn, an international speaker, author, and expert in hormonal health, shares his unique insights and personal journey that led him to challenge conventional medical wisdom and advocate for a more nuanced understanding of our bodies. Dr. Flynn discusses the often misunderstood nature of men's sexual desires, debunking societal myths that label such natural inclinations as toxic or perverse. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the role of testosterone in fostering healthy male libido and the implications for marital dynamics. The conversation also explores Dr. Flynn's groundbreaking books, "I Disagree" and the upcoming "I Still Disagree," where he delves into the critical role hormones play in defining the differences between men and women. Dr. Flynn argues that our culture's attempt to blur these distinctions has led to unhealthy consequences, both physically and relationally. Listeners will gain a fresh perspective on how hormones influence everything from our sex drive to our emotional stability. Dr. Flynn provides practical advice for navigating these hormonal impacts within relationships, offering insights into the best times for communication and understanding the natural hormonal fluctuations women experience throughout their cycles. Moreover, Dr. Flynn addresses the sensitive topic of gender confusion, sharing his clinical experiences and advocating for a compassionate, informed approach to supporting individuals facing these challenges. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the intricate dance between hormones and human behavior, and how embracing these natural differences can lead to more harmonious and fulfilling relationships.   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
10 Things that Couples Who Make It Do - Part 1
Feb 21 2024
10 Things that Couples Who Make It Do - Part 1
In this episode of the Daniele Hage Podcast, titled "10 Things that Couples Who Make It Do," host Daniele Hage and her guest, Steve Hage, delve into the secrets of long-lasting, fulfilling relationships. Celebrating over four decades of marriage, the couple shares their wisdom and personal experiences, highlighting the importance of a God-centered home as the foundation for a successful marriage. They emphasize the necessity of prioritizing the marital relationship above all else, including children, family, and personal interests, to guard and preserve the sanctity of the union. The Hages discuss the critical practice of guarding one’s marriage by keeping marital issues within the relationship, rather than involving external parties such as parents or friends, which can lead to biases and prolonged grievances. They also caution against confiding in members of the opposite sex about marital problems, as it can endanger the emotional bond between spouses. Throughout the episode, Daniele and Steve explore various habits that contribute to the strength and health of a marriage. These include engaging in shared activities to foster connection, maintaining open and honest communication, and supporting each other’s individual growth and successes without competition. The couple stresses the importance of mutual respect, allowing each other the freedom to be themselves while jointly navigating life’s challenges and achievements. The Hages’ conversation is not only a testament to their enduring love and partnership but also serves as a guide for couples at any stage of their relationship, offering practical advice and encouragement to prioritize love, respect, and shared values for a lasting bond. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of the intentional actions and attitudes that contribute to the resilience and joy of a committed relationship, inviting listeners to reflect on their own practices and aspire towards a deeper, more fulfilling partnership.           #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Marriage Myths - Part 2
Feb 14 2024
Marriage Myths - Part 2
Welcome to the "Daniele Hage Podcast," where your hosts, Daniele Hage and co-host Danielle Hage, dive deep into the intricacies of marriage, debunking common myths and shedding light on the truths that often go unspoken. With over 40 years of experience in family and marriage relationships, Daniele Hage brings her wealth of knowledge, alongside Danielle Hage's fresh perspective, to tackle some of the most pervasive marriage myths that can hinder the growth and happiness of relationships.   In this enlightening episode titled "Marriage Myths - Part 2," the dynamic duo continues their exploration into the misconceptions surrounding marriage, following up on their previous discussion with a focus on myths seven through eleven. They challenge the notion that you can have it all without compromise, the dangers of refusing to settle, the misleading allure of "meant to be" moments, the fallacy of being too special for marriage challenges, and the reality of attraction outside marriage.   Listeners will be treated to a candid and sometimes humorous examination of these myths, supported by Daniele's extensive experience and Danielle's insightful observations. Whether you're navigating the early stages of a relationship, deeply entrenched in the nuances of marriage, or simply curious about the realities of lifelong commitment, this episode offers valuable lessons, practical advice, and the encouragement to pursue a more authentic, fulfilling partnership.   Don't miss this blend of wisdom, real-life anecdotes, and actionable strategies designed to empower you to build stronger, more resilient relationships. Subscribe to the Daniele Hage Podcast for more episodes that challenge conventional wisdom and guide you toward a healthier, more vibrant love life.     #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Marriage Myths - Part 1
Feb 7 2024
Marriage Myths - Part 1
In the latest episode of "The Daniele Hage Podcast," hosts Daniele Hage and Danielle Hage delve into the realm of marriage myths, kicking off with a series titled "Marriage Myths - Part 1." This episode challenges the widely held beliefs and misconceptions surrounding marriage, aiming to debunk them with wisdom and insights drawn from their extensive experience in family and marriage relationships. Daniele, with 43 years of marriage to Steve Hage and a career as a pastor, speaker, and founder of Dynamic Traits, joins forces with her daughter-in-law and co-host, Danielle, to dissect 11 common marriage myths. They explore the fallacy of "finding the one" among 8 billion people on Earth, emphasizing that compatibility and chemistry can exist with more than one individual. The discussion highlights the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in relationships, debunking the notion that marriage is a seamless journey to "happily ever after." The episode is rich with personal anecdotes and practical advice, touching on topics such as the dangers of idealizing marriage, the reality of conflicts and struggles, and the significance of communication and growth within a partnership. Daniele and Danielle's dynamic conversation provides listeners with a refreshing perspective on marriage, encouraging them to approach relationships with realism, openness, and a willingness to work through challenges. Listeners are invited to reflect on their own beliefs about marriage and consider how myths may influence their expectations and relationships. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of marriage beyond the fairy tales, offering valuable insights for both singles and couples at any stage of their relationship journey.     #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
10 Qualities of a High Value Man
Jan 31 2024
10 Qualities of a High Value Man
In this compelling episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, host Daniele Hage, alongside co-host Danielle, embarks on a profound exploration of what defines a high-value man. Stemming from their rich background in family and marriage counseling, with Daniele's 40 years of experience and a life dedicated to guiding relationships towards fulfillment, this discussion is a sequel to their insightful conversation on high-value women. This episode, titled "10 Qualities of a High Value Man," dives deep into the essential traits that distinguish a man of high value. From the importance of accountability to a higher power and unwavering integrity, to the strength found in true masculinity and the bravery required for vulnerability, Daniele and Danielle unfold the layers of character that contribute to a man's intrinsic worth. Aimed at single women navigating the dating world, individuals in relationships seeking to foster deeper connections, or anyone curious about the pillars of genuine leadership and moral integrity, this episode offers valuable perspectives and actionable advice. Join Daniele and Danielle as they shed light on the spiritual, emotional, and ethical dimensions that forge a high-value man, providing listeners with a roadmap to recognizing and cultivating these qualities in themselves and others.   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Rebuilding a Marriage on the Brink: The Kevin and Bree Bailey Story
Jan 24 2024
Rebuilding a Marriage on the Brink: The Kevin and Bree Bailey Story
In this deeply moving episode of our podcast, we delve into the remarkable journey of Kevin and Bree Bailey, a couple who faced the brink of divorce after 12 years of marriage and emerged stronger with a renewed commitment to each other and their family. 🔹 The Struggle and Separation: Kevin and Bree open up about the initial 12 years of their marriage, marked by challenges and seven years of ineffective counseling. Their story takes a dramatic turn as they decide to divorce, leading to a 10-month separation and nearly $100,000 spent on divorce proceedings. 🔹 A Turning Point: The pivotal moment arrives just a week before their divorce was to be finalized. Kevin reaches out to Bree, expressing remorse for the pain caused to their family. Bree's response, rooted in forgiveness and a desire to rebuild their family with God at the center, sets the stage for their reconciliation. 🔹 Journey Back to Each Other: The Baileys share their individual paths during their separation - Bree's deepening relationship with her faith and Kevin's entanglement with worldly pursuits. The podcast highlights how Bree's spiritual growth and forgiveness played a crucial role in planting seeds of reconciliation. 🔹 The Early Days: The couple reminisces about their first meeting and the initial stages of their relationship, providing insights into their personalities and the dynamics that eventually led to their marriage. 🔹 Challenges and Counseling: The episode also explores the reasons that drove them to seek counseling five years into their marriage, touching upon unresolved conflicts and emotional disconnects. This episode is not just a story of a marriage saved from the brink of divorce but a testament to the power of forgiveness, faith, and the resilience of love. Join us as Kevin and Bree Bailey share their inspiring journey, offering hope and insights to couples facing similar challenges.   Follow Kevin & Bree on Instagram & YouTube @reverencerestored     #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
10 Qualities of a High Value Woman
Jan 17 2024
10 Qualities of a High Value Woman
In this insightful episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, host Daniele Hage, alongside co-host Danielle Hage, explores the profound concept of what it means to be a 'High Value Woman.' This episode offers a deep dive into understanding a woman's worth from a perspective that transcends societal norms.   The conversation begins with the pivotal role of recognizing one's value through a spiritual lens, particularly in the eyes of God. This segment underscores the importance of self-awareness and a strong spiritual foundation in cultivating a woman's confidence and security.   Daniele and Danielle then navigate through the ten defining qualities of a high-value woman. These include her inherent joy of life, which is rooted in self-confidence, and her ability to radiate happiness and contentment. The discussion also critically examines the societal expectations surrounding women's sexuality, advocating for a perspective that values virtue and self-respect over conformity to cultural pressures.   A significant part of the episode is dedicated to discussing the upbringing of daughters in today's world. Daniele and Danielle address the challenges posed by social media and contemporary culture, emphasizing the need to teach young girls about self-worth and dignity from an early age.   This episode is an essential listen for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of a woman's intrinsic value and for those seeking guidance on nurturing these virtues in the next generation.   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
How to Attract A Masculine Man
Jan 3 2024
How to Attract A Masculine Man
Join Daniele Hage and her co-host (and daughter-in-law) Danielle Hage in a candid and insightful discussion about attracting a masculine man. Daniele, with over 40 years of experience in family and marriage relationships, alongside Danielle, delve into the nuances of dating and building meaningful relationships. In this episode, they explore the importance of knowing what you want in a relationship, whether it's companionship, marriage, or something else. Daniele emphasizes the significance of looking your best, not as a pursuit of perfection, but in making the most of what you have. She shares practical tips on makeup, hair, and personal style, stressing that these efforts are about feeling good for yourself, not just to impress others. The conversation also covers the importance of fitness and health, not just for physical appearance but for personal well-being and confidence. Daniele and Danielle discuss how this confidence translates into attractiveness, far beyond physical looks. Moreover, they delve into the art of flirting, highlighting the power of a smile and the subtleties of eye contact. Daniele advises on the delicate balance of feminine energy in the initial stages of attraction, focusing on the importance of letting the man initiate conversation. This episode is not just about attracting any man, but about attracting a masculine man who aligns with your personal desires and values. It's a blend of practical advice, personal insights, and empowering messages for single women navigating the modern dating world.       #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
The Best Way To Push Your Man Away
Nov 22 2023
The Best Way To Push Your Man Away
Welcome to another insightful episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, where your host Daniele Hage and co-host Danielle Hage delve into the complexities of communication in relationships. In this episode, titled "The Best Way to Push Your Man Away," they explore how certain words and communication styles can inadvertently create distance between partners. Daniele Hage, with over 40 years of experience in family and marriage relationships and a background in pastoring alongside her husband Steve Hage, shares her wisdom on the nuances of communication between men and women. They discuss how words that blame, accuse, or are overly detailed can cause men to become defensive or overwhelmed, leading to disconnection in the relationship. Key points covered in this episode include: The impact of blaming and accusatory language on men's defensiveness.The tendency of men to take things literally and how exaggeration can be misinterpreted.The importance of concise communication, avoiding over-detailing, and saving intricate details for conversations with friends.Strategies for setting up conversations effectively, ensuring both partners are on the same page.The significance of tone and approach in addressing household or relationship issues without sounding parental or condescending.   Daniele Hage shares personal anecdotes and insights, emphasizing the importance of understanding your partner's communication style and needs. Whether it's setting the stage for a conversation, knowing when to delve into details, or how to approach sensitive topics, this episode is packed with practical advice for nurturing a healthy, communicative relationship. Join Daniele and Danielle as they provide valuable perspectives and tips to avoid common communication pitfalls and foster deeper connections with your partner.   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #RelationshipAdvice   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
Happiness Hacks: Elevating Self-Esteem for a Joyful Life
Nov 15 2023
Happiness Hacks: Elevating Self-Esteem for a Joyful Life
🎙️ About This Episode: Join host Daniele Hage in an insightful episode of The Daniele Hage Podcast, where she, alongside her co-host and daughter-in-law Danielle Hage, explores the vital connection between self-esteem and happiness. With over 40 years of experience in family and marriage relationships, Daniele brings a wealth of knowledge to this engaging discussion. 🌟 What You'll Discover: Exploring Self-Esteem: Understanding the three types - Healthy, Low, and Excessive. Internalizing Happiness: Breaking the myth that happiness is externally driven. Choice and Happiness: How choosing happiness impacts our life. Self-Esteem in Relationships: Its influence on our interactions and bonds. Overcoming Comparison Culture: Strategies to avoid comparison traps. Building Happiness and Self-Esteem: Practical advice for a positive self-image and joy. 💡 Episode Highlights: Daniele Hage shares her extensive insights into how self-esteem shapes our happiness.Engaging conversation on avoiding negative thought patterns and fostering a healthy self-view.Debunking common misconceptions about happiness and self-esteem. 🎧 Why Listen? This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of self-esteem and its role in achieving a happier life. Whether you're navigating self-image challenges or seeking ways to increase your joy, Daniele and Danielle offer valuable guidance and actionable steps for personal growth.   👍 Don't Forget to Like & Subscribe! If you find value in our podcast, please like, subscribe, and share with friends. Your support helps us bring more content like this! 💬 Join the Conversation: We love hearing from you! Share your thoughts on self-esteem and happiness in the comments below. What are your happiness hacks?   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #WorkLifeBalance   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In:
A Good Man VS A Real Man - What We Learned from Professor Nancy Pearcy
Nov 8 2023
A Good Man VS A Real Man - What We Learned from Professor Nancy Pearcy
Exploring the Scripts of Masculinity   Join Daniele Hage as she delves into the complex narratives that define masculinity in today's society. In this insightful episode, Daniele reflects on her interview with best-selling author and professor Nancy Pearcy, author of "The War on Toxic Masculinity." She unpacks the societal expectations placed on men and boys across different cultures and discuss the stark contrast between being a "good man" and being told to "man up.”   🎙️ Podcast Highlights: The universal traits of a "good man": honor, duty, integrity, sacrifice. The pressures of the "real man" script: toughness, strength, emotional suppression. The impact of the feminist movement on perceptions of masculinity. The importance of affirming positive masculine qualities. The role of women in empowering healthy masculinity. The cultural shift towards recognizing the need for emotional intimacy in men.   Daniele Hage brings over 40 years of experience in family and marriage relationships to the table, offering a nuanced perspective on how we can better our relationships by understanding and supporting the innate qualities in men.     🔔 Subscribe for more insights on relationships, family, and personal growth.   Learn more about Professor Nancy Pearcy at   #DanieleHagePodcast #RelationshipDynamics #WorkLifeBalance   Connect with us: 🔹 Facebook: 🔹 Instagram: 🔹 Twitter: 🔹 Linked In: