Hannah's Story


It was one of the most horrific acts of domestic violence Australia has seen.

On Wednesday the 19th of February 2020 Hannah Clarke and her three young children Aaliyah, Laianah and Trey were killed by Rowan Baxter, their father & Hannah’s estranged husband - set on fire in their car in a quiet Brisbane street.

It sparked outrage, shock and a community conversation about a form of domestic violence few had even heard of - coercive control.

Now, Nine News Presenter Melissa Downes, alongside Producer Jess Lodge, delve deeper to better understand what happened: speaking to family, friends, first responders, witnesses, domestic violence experts and political leaders - some speaking for the very first time to reveal the whole story... Hannah’s Story.

This podcast explores details from the days, months, even years, leading up to the crime that the public hasn’t been told. Details that will shock you, disappoint you and leave you asking - how did this happen? And what needs to be done to make sure it never happens again? What needs to change to protect other women, and men, in abusive relationships?

We also hope to help spread the messages Hannah’s parents Sue & Lloyd are advocating, through their organisation Small Steps 4 Hannah.

New episodes weekly, starting Monday May 22nd.

  • Episode 1: Hannah Clarke - May 22
  • Episode 2: Red Flags - May 22
  • Episode 3: 19th February 2020 - May 29
  • Episode 4: The Inquest - June 5
  • Episode 5: Lessons Learned - June 12
  • Episode 6: Hannah’s Legacy  - June 19
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True CrimeTrue Crime
