Jun 11 2015
Build Your Willpower and Assertiveness Muscles
Do you ever find yourself saying yes to people and situations in your life when on the inside you really want to say no? On this episode, host Michael Lott along with special guest Angelique Medow explore how to build your willpower and assertiveness muscles.
Angelique joins the show to share her unique life experiences and discoveries on growing our will power muscles. Having overcome her own addictions to unhealthy foods, workaholism and dis-empowering, abusive relationships with addicts, Angelique brings a wealth of experience to the table. If you struggle with doubt, fear, cravings for chocolate, sex, drugs, and suffer with longstanding shame and blame, Angelique is here to help us bust the myths and limitations that hold you back. Together, we’ll explore why we do the things we do and some easy tips to help keep us on-track to a healthy life. Tune in to ask your willpower questions. Hear how to build your willpower and assertiveness muscles to be authentic and stay strong!