Extra Curricular In Particular

Dr. Stan Chernicoff

This original podcast featuring Dr. Stanley Chernicoff, an award-winning professor with 40 years experience and 50,000 plus students served, offers a roadmap to navigate the hidden maze of the University landscape. His insights reveal methods for becoming unforgettable during your undergraduate experience. In doing so, students can maximize their value both financially and culturally as they set off down a career path after graduation. Tuition is expensive. It’s not getting any cheaper either. If you want meaningful impact for the price of admission, the kind that goes beyond grade-point average and diplomas, if you want the guidebook for launching a career that can start on your first day of classes – you’re in the right place. Episodes feature invited guests that illuminate the principles discussed from student, faculty, and administration perspectives. These are the cheat codes that can make a world of difference in the hyper-competitive marketplace of the 21st Century where simply having a bachelor of arts degree falls short of ensuring sustainable success. read less
