Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs

Christine Amerman

The podcast for entrepreneurs who want to elevate their exposure, build a powerful personal brand, and attract aligned clients to their business!

Media expert for 2 decades, broadcaster for the Olympic Games for the IOC 3x , producer of an award-winning documentary for PBS, and featured in Inc., Business Insider, Bustle, The Huffington Post and on over 100 podcasts, Christine Amerman’s goal is to help you GET MORE VISIBLE and GET MORE CLIENTS!

In this podcast, Christine and her guests share actionable strategies for entrepreneurs to get seen, get known, grow your audience, attract dream clients, and establish yourself as the go-to expert in your niche—all while staying true to your authentic self and unique vision. From publicity, marketing, and media advice, to tackling overwhelm, imposter syndrome, and fear — we cover it all! Get inspired, get seen, get known, and get clients!

Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast

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147: 6 Steps To Sell More Books with a Strategic Podcast Guest Tour
Mar 14 2024
147: 6 Steps To Sell More Books with a Strategic Podcast Guest Tour
Have you heard the myths about selling your book to bestseller status with podcast guesting? Some say it's a shot in the dark, others claim it's a waste of time, and many believe it's just luck. But I'm here to share the truth about how to make your book a bestseller through podcast guesting. I'll reveal the strategy behind it all, and it's simpler than you think. Get ready to debunk these myths and learn the real path to bestseller success.The strategy of a podcast guest tour can elevate your author status by increasing your visibility and credibility. It is a powerful promotion with minimal work. In this episode, I break down step-by-step how to use podcast guesting to sell your book to a best-seller, and keep book sales going years after your launch date! You’ll hear about:How to identify the podcasts that will actually sell booksHow to strategize a successful podcast guesting tourHow to leverage your podcast interviews to sell more booksHow to maximize book sales with podcast guesting …and much more! Sell as many copies of your book as you can. Get it out there, get it to bestseller, bump it back up to bestseller, use that amazing piece of collateral you've created, that asset you've created in your business to reach more people, to attract more clients, to make more money, to get your name out there, to get your work out there!Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!
146: Stand Out as an Online Coach: How to Position Yourself as the Go-To Expert
Feb 29 2024
146: Stand Out as an Online Coach: How to Position Yourself as the Go-To Expert
Do you want to elevate your positioning and stand out in the online coaching market? Are you tired of feeling like you have to hunt down clients instead of attracting them to you? Have you been told that being the best coach is enough to win in the online space, only to find that it's the best marketers who seem to come out on top?The frustration of pouring your heart and soul into your coaching, only to struggle to stand out and attract the right clients is real, right? It's time to shake things up and position yourself strategically to finally become the go-to expert you know you are. In this episode of Let’s Get Visible Entrepreneurs, I share with you my best tips and strategies on how to position yourself as a go-to expert in the online coaching industry. With over two decades of experience as a marketing strategist, I know how to help you stand out and attract your ideal clients.“It is not the best coach who wins, it's the best marketer.”- Christine AmermanYou’ll hear about how to:Position yourself strategically to attract your ideal clients effortlessly.Build a personal brand that fosters trust and deep connections with your audience.Consistently create compelling content to establish a strong and memorable brand presence.Showcase your expertise to become a recognized authority in your industry.Amplify your client success stories to boost your credibility and attract more clients.…and more! Let's dive in and uncover the secrets to perfect positioning that will elevate your online coaching business!Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!
139: The Most Strategic Place To Get Visible In Your Business
Jan 18 2024
139: The Most Strategic Place To Get Visible In Your Business
Simplify your online marketing and attract more clients to your business, with more ease and in less time! In this episode, Christine emphasizes the critical decision of choosing a primary platform for online visibility. She discusses the significance of selecting the right platform for your online visibility, focusing on one's personality, purpose, and passions.Christine explains how "Having a plan that allows you to show up consistently in your business is how you attract sustainable clients." Key Takeaways From The Episode:Choose one primary platform: Focus on one platform rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple, allowing you to maximize impact and effectiveness.Avoid overwhelm and burnout: Concentrating efforts on a single platform prevents burnout and ensures a clear, focused message.Consistency is key: Committing to a primary platform for 90 days provides the opportunity to experience the benefits of consistency and attract sustainable clients.Align with your unique gifts and preferences: Select a platform that resonates with your personality, purpose, and passions to showcase authenticity and energize your content.Attract your ideal clients: Using language and messaging that resonates with your ideal clients helps connect with the audience you're most excited to serve.Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!If you have any feedback or questions for me, I’d love to hear from you! Email me at christine@lifewithpassion.com
138: How To Niche Down When You Hate Niching
Jan 11 2024
138: How To Niche Down When You Hate Niching
Discover how to easily niche down, even if (especially if) you hate the idea of niching! In this episode, Christine shares her secrets behind effective niche selection and why it’s crucial for your business, especially if you resist the concept. Selecting the right niche and wondering which niche is best or most profitable for your business is a universal challenge among online entrepreneurs. If you are unsure of the best niche for you, or if you feel clear on your niche but want to resonate more with your ideal audience—this episode is for you! In this episode, you’ll hear about:The Importance of Niching: Niching down is a crucial aspect of successful online entrepreneurship, impacting visibility and client attraction.Why resisting niching is a common challenge for entrepreneurs, regardless of business size or stage + how to overcome this challenge.The #1 Marketing Secret for Online Entrepreneurs: The episode explores the top-secret used by seven and eight-figure entrepreneurs, like John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs On Fire.How To Identify Your Ideal Client: Get clear on your "cloneable client" – someone you've worked with, adore, and would love to replicate in your business.Overcoming Resistance to Niching: Overcome the fear of leaving potential clients out by letting go of scarcity mindset and trusting the niching process.Connecting With Your Why: Reconnect with your "why" and identify the specific individuals you take a stand for in order to simplify the niching process.Why YOU Are Your Niche: Reflect on your favorite clients; they are often a reflection of your niche.…and so much more! “The people who need you the most are the ones who need to see themselves in your content. They need to hear themselves in your content.” - Christine Amerman “If you don't have the clients that you want, you're probably trying to speak to everybody and you really will end up speaking to nobody” - Christine Amerman Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Go to www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast and I’ll create a custom episode just for you!
137: Welcome To Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs: Get Seen. Get Known. Get Clients!
Jan 4 2024
137: Welcome To Let's Get Visible Entrepreneurs: Get Seen. Get Known. Get Clients!
In this first episode of Let’s Get Visible Entrepreneurs, your host, Christine Amerman, shares what you can expect from her newly rebranded podcast! She’s sharing strategies from her 2+ decades of experience in marketing, media, and messaging to help you enhance your exposure, establish a strong personal brand, and attract dream clients to your business.Key points:Get Seen. Get Known. Get Clients:  Understand the core mission of the podcast—to empower entrepreneurs to become more visible and attract a consistent flow of clients to your business. Learn actionable strategies to make your business stand out online.The Importance of Visibility: Christine discusses the significance of sharing your energy with the world. As an exceptional coach, discover how to ensure your potential clients can effortlessly find you and your work.Authentic Visibility: Christine provides insights into staying true to your authentic self while effectively attracting clients online (without feeling sleazy or salesy!)Opportunities Online: Navigate the abundant opportunities to attract clients in the online world and shift from a scarcity mindset to one of limitless possibilities.Taking Attraction Action: Christine introduces the concept of taking attraction action—strategies to captivate attention for your business and turn your dream of serving more people into a reality.Visibility Vortex: Learn about the groundbreaking "Visibility Vortex" program here to help you authentically get more visible and get more clients.Don’t worry, you’ll still hear all the best tips and strategies to make a profit as a podcast guest—and SO MUCH MORE!  From publicity, marketing, and media advice, to tackling overwhelm, imposter syndrome, and fear — we cover it all! Get inspired, get seen, get known, and get clients! Are you ready to revolutionize your visibility strategy? Join Christine Amerman on Let’s Get Visible Entrepreneurs and take the first step towards attracting more clients, amplifying your impact, and turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality. Subscribe now and let's embark on this journey to visibility together!Have a question or topic you’d like to see covered on the podcast? Submit your question or topic idea at www.lifewithpassion.com/podcast
136: The #1 Secret To Showing Up Consistently Online, Without Burning Out
Sep 28 2023
136: The #1 Secret To Showing Up Consistently Online, Without Burning Out
Do you want to streamline your content creation process and captivate your audience? Are you tired of spending hours brainstorming ideas and struggling to engage your target market? In this episode, Christine and Nicole share the #1 secret to showing up consistently online, without burning out! They’re sharing their tips to streamlining your content creation process so you can spend less time working in your business and more time growing it!“You, my friend, are already sitting on a gold mine of content”. - Christine Amerman In this episode, you will be able to:Transform your content into a time-saving powerhouse, saving you precious hours and energy.Boost your efficiency by repurposing your content, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business while still delivering valuable and engaging content.Overcome the fear of sounding repetitive and discover the secret to repurposing content in a way that captivates your audience every time.Create your best content yet! Channel your best ideas and insights from podcast conversations into content that truly resonates with your audience.“Repurposing isn't just some way to cut corners, shave a little bit of time off of your work, but it's actually an opportunity to potentially create your best content yet.” - Nicole JantonReady to take your podcasting game to the next level and harness the power of content repurposing? We've got you covered! Join our "Rapid Repurposing Roadmap Training,"Register for the Rapid Repurposing Roadmap Training: www.lifewithpassion.com/RRRWe’re sharing our step-by step-approach to Create a Month's Worth of Content from One Episode! Yes, you heard that right! A single podcast episode can be transformed into 30+ pieces of content. Imagine the time you'll save! Even if you're tuning in after the live session, there's a replay available, along with an opportunity to get live coaching from the Life With Passion team!!Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show--or BOTH--Podcast Guesting for Profit is the perfect resource for taking your podcast guesting game to the next level. Tune in and join the conversation!Subscribe: Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes of Podcast Guesting for Profit by subscribing to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.Leave a Review: If you've found value in our podcast, we would greatly appreciate if you could leave us a review! Your reviews help us reach more people and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.Spread the Message: Help us create a ripple effect by sharing this episode with someone who needs to hear this message! Explore Our Programs: Dive deeper into the world of podcast guesting with our comprehensive training programs. Visit our website www.lifewithpassion.com for more details and embark on a journey towards profitable podcast guesting.Let’s Connect! Connect with Christine and Nicole on social media to get daily tips and inspiration for podcast guesting success. Follow us on Instagram @lifewpassion and @roarwithnicole and Facebook (Christine Amerman) Facebook (Nicole Janton).Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to helping you unleash the full potential of your podcast guest appearances!
135: Strategic Storytelling: How To Know What Stories To Share And When
Sep 21 2023
135: Strategic Storytelling: How To Know What Stories To Share And When
Are your stories truly connecting with your audience, or are they falling flat? Storytelling, when used right, can be a magic wand to spark engagement and growth for your podcasting journey! But how do you know when and how to share these stories in a way that connects and converts? In this episode, we’re sharing the strategies and secrets to know what stories to share and how, so you can tap into the true power of storytelling in your podcast interviews!Stories form the backbone of human connection and understanding, bridging gaps between individuals and generations. They are not only how we learn, but also how we empathize, connect, heal, and grow.In the world of podcasting, stories are the secret ingredient to reaching the hearts of our audience and creating unforgettable, magnetic bonds with our listeners. As a podcast guest, weaving stories into your aligned strategy can unlock a ton of benefits - from increased revenue to new opportunities and enduring relationships with podcast hosts!In this episode, prepare to:Harness the magic of storytelling in podcasting to supercharge your audience connection and growth.Discover techniques for seamlessly infusing storytelling into your podcast guest strategy.Master the art of choosing narratives from your past, delicately balancing between sharing 'wounds' and 'scars.'Realize the profound impact of sharing personal stories.Learn effective strategies of when and how to share your personal stories…and so much more! “Be true to your own story and don't be afraid to share it. Your story has the power to connect with and inspire others, creating trust and building a memorable brand.” - Christine AmermanIf you’re ready to take the next step and start making a BIG profit, even from your smaller podcast guest appearances, grab our free training: Small Pod Big Profit. Whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show--or BOTH--Podcast Guesting for Profit is the perfect resource for taking your podcast guesting game to the next level. Tune in and join the conversation!Subscribe Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes of Podcast Guesting for Profit by subscribing to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform.Leave a Review: If you've found value in our podcast, we would greatly appreciate if you could leave us a review! Your reviews help us reach more people and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.Spread the Message: Help us create a ripple effect by sharing this episode with someone who needs to hear this message! Explore Our Programs: Dive deeper into the world of podcast guesting with our comprehensive training programs. Visit our website www.lifewithpassion.com for more details and embark on a journey towards profitable podcast guesting.Let’s Connect! Connect with Christine and Nicole on social media to get daily tips and inspiration for podcast guesting success. Follow us on Instagram @lifewpassion and @roarwithnicole and Facebook (Christine Amerman) Facebook (Nicole Janton).Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to helping you unleash the full potential of your podcast guest appearances!
134: What To Do When Hosts Throw You A Curve Ball
Sep 14 2023
134: What To Do When Hosts Throw You A Curve Ball
Do you want to level up your podcast interview game by confidently handling unexpected curveballs? Wondering how you can navigate those unpredictable questions or topics like a pro? Well, your hosts Christine Amerman and Nicole Janton have the answers you've been seeking! Get ready to boost your confidence and enhance your ability to gracefully handle any unexpected twists and turns that come your way during interviews. With the techniques and strategies they share, you'll be well-equipped to achieve that sought-after outcome of confidently handling unexpected curveballs during podcast interviews.Topics discussed include:Discover strategies to navigate unexpected twists during podcast discussions, turning surprises into advantages.Develop the courage to communicate on-the-fly, a skill that will prove beneficial in multiple settings.Understand the power of unanticipated questions or subjects and how they can present unique opportunities.Learn the value of transparency and authenticity, transforming your podcast guesting experience.Tap into the importance of active curiosity and authentic interaction with the host, enriching your interview experiences.Join our Podcast Guesting For Profit community on Facebook“Embrace unexpected curveballs as an opportunity to share unique insights and create one of the best episodes you've ever had.” - Nicole JantonWhether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to grow your business, a podcaster who wants to grow your own show--or BOTH--Podcast Guesting for Profit is the perfect resource for taking your podcast guesting game to the next level. Tune in and join the conversation!Join the Podcast Guesting For Profit community on FacebookSubscribe Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes of Podcast Guesting for Profit by subscribing to our podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Just search for Podcast Guesting for Profit and hit the subscribe/follow button!Leave a Review: If you've found value in our podcast or any of our programs, we would greatly appreciate if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or your preferred podcast platform. Your reviews help us reach more people and provide them with the tools they need to succeed.Let’s Connect! Connect with us on social media to get daily tips and inspiration for podcast guesting success. Follow us on Instagram @lifewpassion and @roarwithnicole and Facebook (Christine Amerman) Facebook (Nicole Janton).Spread the Message: Help us create a ripple effect by sharing this episode with someone who needs to hear this message! Explore Our Programs: Dive deeper into the world of podcast guesting with our comprehensive training programs. Visit our website www.lifewithpassion.com for more details and embark on a journey towards profitable podcast guesting.Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to helping you unleash the full potential of your podcast guest appearances!!