Why the hell....? with Ty & Ken

Why the hell....? with Ty & Ken

Thank you for stopping by and tuning into the "Why the hell....? Podcast with Ty and Ken". This podcast was started as a way to help each other cope with our mental health by using the back and forth banter as therapy. If one person listens to the podcast and connects or enjoys it then our mission here is done. We hope to get some feedback or even suggestions as to what topics to tackle in the future, as we point out in the show, no topic is off limits. You can find Ken on Twitter @kenbutnotkaneki or check out his website at thegamingcorner.org Watch at youtube.com/c/tgcthegamingcorner Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whythehell/support read less


Top 3 things your parents shouldnt have let you get away with
May 28 2021
Top 3 things your parents shouldnt have let you get away with
Why The Hell Podcast: Season 1 Episode 3 - Top 3 things your parents shouldnt have let you get away with   Disclaimer: Both individuals in the thumbnail are our best friends. For those just tuning into the podcast for the first time, well that's not our picture. One of the guys is Punta Papi aka Chef Sy (https://www.instagram.com/chefsy_/). The other is a Instagram fitness model, Ant (https://www.instagram.com/a_disla22/)    What's up everybody! I know we are a bit late this week with Episode 3 but all good things take time. Just like the title suggests, we take the moment to catch up with each other before diving into our Top 3 things our parents shouldn't have let us get away with. We love our parents but hindsight is 20/20 and we get to kind of make jokes of these things as we reflect on them. Make sure to watch all the way through so you can let us know if you can relate to us along the way and if you have a different of set of things you got away with.    Remember to always take care of your mental health. We strive to help out at least one person with the podcast. Make sure to check out The Gaming Corner's website. -- https://www.thegamingcorner.org/  Ways to support..... ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇   If you want to pick up some merch to help support the channel and the streams on twitch, then make sure to check out the merch site here ----- https://streamlabs.com/kenbutnotkaneki/merch  Donations are never required but if you want to support the channel or podcast you can do so with the following link --- https://ko-fi.com/kenbutnotkanekigaming  Donations are never required but if you want to support the channel or podcast you can do so with the following link --- https://streamlabs.com/kenbutnotkaneki/tip --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whythehell/support