Creating Active Lives

Sarah Bolitho

Welcome to "Creating Active Lives," with Sarah Bolitho, the podcast that inspires you to create an active life in ways that are inclusive and accessible to everyone!

Join your host, Sarah, and her weekly guests, as they dive into the diverse realms of an active lifestyle. From exploring public health pathways and breakthroughs to discovering the art of stretching from the comfort of your couch, we visit all topics in our quest for an energised and inclusive world.

But this podcast is not just about information – it's about inspiration. Tune in each week for heartwarming and encouraging stories from individuals who have gone from inactive to truly inspiring. Sarah believes that everyone has a unique and useful journey to share, and her guests will motivate you to take your first steps on your path to a more active and fulfilling life.

Look out for the episodes when Sarah chats with someone eager to kick start their active journey but feels lost in the vast sea of possibilities. Together, they find the true motivation and the starting point, providing actionable tips and expert guidance for anyone ready to take the first steps towards a healthier and more vibrant existence.

Creating Active Lives - let's make activity accessible, inclusive and inspiring for all!

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Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


063 Listen To Your Body With Fiona Smith
2d ago
063 Listen To Your Body With Fiona Smith
Join Fiona and me as we talk about the importance of connecting with one's body and mind to create a more active and fulfilling life. The necessity of tuning into your body and mind is increasingly important to heal patterns formed by trauma, stress, or grief, and to balance and rejuvenate the nervous system for a life that is more assured and lived.Join us as we discuss:Body wisdom, trauma, and healing through somatic therapy.The importance of connecting with nature and listening to one's nervous system.Stored survival stress and its impact on mental health.Importance of slowing down and connecting with nature for physical and mental well-being.Listen to your body's language, and pay attention to sensations and emotions to achieve a better balance between mind and body.About Foina Smith:Fiona Smith is the founder of Bodywisdom Therapy and a brand partner with The Mental Wellbeing Company.  She's a certified body therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Safe & Sound Protocol Provider & yoga teacher and a somatic trauma-informed coach with over 20 years' experience of working with the body & mind and is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Fiona works with women to heal the patterns created by trauma, stress or grief and teaches them tools so they can regulate and restore their Nervous System and feel safe in their body and become empowered to create a new story of ease, confidence, and clarity from the inside out.Also a peri-menopausal mum & step mum, dog owner, nature lover, avid reader, winter swimmer and dancer... as long as there's no learning of steps involved!!Instagram www.fionalsmith.comLinkedIn Group Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
062 Climbing Into Fitness With Fenella Hemus
May 20 2024
062 Climbing Into Fitness With Fenella Hemus
Join me and Fenella as we discuss the transformative nature of climbing, and how it can help develop a greater sense of self-awareness, resilience, and mindfulness. The sense of calmness and focus you can experience while climbing, as well as the sense of Zen and exhilaration it brings.About Fenella Hemus:I started climbing when I was 42 and got hooked. About 5 years ago, my friend who hated gyms etc came with me and we now boulder and workout (at the climbing gym) every week. I'm 58 and she's 54. As well as fitness and strength, climbing / bouldering is brilliant for flow states and mental health. Fenella Hemus has been in the business of people transformation for over 25 years, supporting people of all ages and walks of life to grow and thrive. Her varied background spans running an adventure playground, training development and delivery, health coaching and travelling. This has given her wide ranging skills and life experiences to draw on. She now runs Internationally Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line therapy and hypnotherapy training for coaches and business leaders who are dedicated to creating positive change in the world. Fenella is passionate about people being able to unlock their full potential and harness a creative and playful mindset. With this and the behaviour change tools of NLP, professionals go on to achieve profound and long lasting results for themselves and anyone Through 1:1 breakthrough and performance coaching, Fenella enables ambitious, overwhelmed professionals to overcome the barriers that stop them achieving greater success on their own terms, so they become limitless in their thinking and unstoppable in their mission. Fenella wholeheartedly believes everyone is magnificent and has the ability to achieve the exceptional in life. Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
061 Naturally Active With Fiona Winter
May 16 2024
061 Naturally Active With Fiona Winter
In this week's episode, I am joined by Fiona Winter, a coach who specialises in holistic health and well-being, movement and body awareness.Join us as we discuss:The therapeutic and accessible aspects of nature-based movement, emphasise its role in connecting with the environment through outdoor fitness and mindful practices.The importance of moonlit walks and the combination of music with movement, which enhances mental health and fosters safety, confidence, and connection among women.About Fiona Winter:Somatic Movement Educator, Embodied Facilitator and Coach. She has been facilitating, mentoring, coaching and training others for over 40 years. She specialises in holistic health and well-being, movement and body awareness, personal development…and fun! Over the past 40+ years, she has combined her teaching practice in a wide range of community settings, with working in teacher training, mentoring and personal development for a wide variety of groups from small community groups to national organisations.​Fiona specialises in distilling her experience, knowledge and skills into effective real-life applications to help people develop awareness, choice and manage change. Fiona now has a home studio where she offers, and hosts, classes, coaching, workshops and Move in Nature. page Energy Moves in Nature Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
060 Fitness isn't linear with Sarah-Jane Lewis
May 9 2024
060 Fitness isn't linear with Sarah-Jane Lewis
In this week's episode I am joined by Sarah-Jane Lewis, a mum, entrepreneur, and woman, balancing multiple roles while running a household. Join us as we talk about:Fitness journey, from childhood memories to pregnancy and beyond.Postpartum body changes, exercise, and nutrition.About Sarah-Jane Lewis:Sarah-Jane, aka The Etsy Queen, is a thriving entrepreneur who has made a name for herself on the world's most beloved online marketplace. With five successful Etsy stores to her name, Sarah-Jane knows the ins and outs of selling on the platform like the back of her hand.Sarah-Jane's passion for Etsy goes far beyond just making sales; she is dedicated to helping others turn their creative passions into profitable businesses through Etsy. Her expert knowledge and skills have helped numerous individuals optimize their listings, increase their visibility, and ultimately earn more money on Etsy. Her entrepreneurial prowess and commitment to helping others succeed. She enjoys connecting with fellow makers and artisans, and her purchases of unique and handmade items on Etsy have made her a loyal supporter of the community. As an Etsy seller and business coach, Sarah-Jane is a go-to source for all things Etsy-related. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and events. Whether you're a seasoned Etsy seller or just starting out, Sarah-Jane has the knowledge and skills to help you succeed on the platform.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
059 From Sinker to Swimmer with Kerry King
May 2 2024
059 From Sinker to Swimmer with Kerry King
In this week's episode, I am joined by Kerry King. Join us as we discuss Kerry's journey from a novice swimmer to a full charity sea swim and the benefits she got from It. How it changed her life and mental wellbeing during menopause.Join us as we discuss:Hormonal fluctuations and exercise during menstruation and menopause. Self-acceptance and ageing, with a focus on body positivity and natural beauty.About Kerry King:Kerry teaches sports injury, mental well-being, and Pilates workshops to fitness and sports professionals who want to expand their businesses.  She started her fitness career in the 1990s as an exercise to music teacher and then added salsa/Zumba disciplines and worked in private clubs and leisure facilities for 20 years. Following a few major injuries, she decided to retrain in Pilates in 2012, and then after moving to Cornwall, she set up her own business. Kerry is now training to work with women going through menopause to help with both physical and mental health.In her spare time, Kerry loves sea swimming, paddleboarding, exploring the southwest coast and live music and is planning her podcast channel combining these loves with her experience of life.Waveshealthandwellbeing.ukAbout Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
058 Activity after toxic relationships with Kirstie Groves
Apr 25 2024
058 Activity after toxic relationships with Kirstie Groves
First off, I do want to just give you all a trigger warning. In this episode, we are going to be talking about toxic and controlling relationships. So if this is a sensitive subject for you, or if it raises any issues in you, you might want to give it a miss. However, it is important to raise awareness of some of the more subtle red flags in these types of relationships, particularly around activity participation.In this week's episode, I am joined by Kirsty Groves. Join us as we discuss how being in toxic relationships limits your availability to exercise as you cannot always commit to it, as they change plans which means you are not reliable.The benefits of group exercise and social connections for mental health recovery.How past relationships can affect fitness and healing.About Kirsty Groves:Kirstie met her ex-husband at just 17 and moved in with him before her 18th Birthday, she was in a relationship with him until age 42.  She then jumped straight into another, possibly more toxic, relationship due to her lack of self and her identity desperate not to be on her own, as loneliness was so scary. At school, she was very active taking part in swimming and gymnastics and she wanted to be a travel rep abroad.  Leaving school, she wanted to continue with playing hockey, but when she left home at 17, her ex said she didn’t have time to play hockey. Throughout her marriage, she tried to stay fit but was always unable to fully commit as his life came first, and then after the birth of her son in 2003, she had to fit around her son's needs and husband's needs. Sometimes when she had a match, she’d get a phone call saying he would be late, and she had to phone in sick. Kirstie tried running but was unable to commit to training. As her ex was very anti-exercise so didn’t support her. Despite this, she managed to finish the London marathon in 2015 with no training due to a lack of time and support, she made the trip to London alone.After leaving that marriage, her second relationship also gave her no time alone as he was also anti-sport. However, now single, she has retrained as a swimming teacher, taken up yoga, and joined a running club all to help with her healing but also to help her mind and focus and she is starting to thrive as a result. It has given her a new social circle, that all support her growth.Kirstie now helps other women to rediscover their identity and transform after toxic relationships often with a narcissist, be it a partner, family member, friend, or work colleague.  Kirstie allows her clients to have space to explore and experience personal growth from surviving life to Thriving at it.  About Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
057 Holistic Wellness with Lauren Lepley
Apr 18 2024
057 Holistic Wellness with Lauren Lepley
In this week's episode, I am joined by Laura Lepley who is a Transformational Performance Coach aiming to help others experiencing internal confidence, impostor syndrome and burnout to pause, develop a positive mindset and become the change they need to move ahead.Join us as we discuss the importance of a holistic approach to health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition:Holistic wellness, exercise, nutrition, and preventative measures for better health outcomes.The importance of mental stimulation and exercise for brain health.Self-awareness, and sustainable lifestyle changes.About Lauren Lepley:Lauren Lepley is a powerhouse in the health and wellness industry, uniquely blending her expertise as a personal trainer, nutritionist, EFT and Timeline Therapy practitioner, Master NLP practitioner, breath work and somatic practitioner to help others achieve a balanced and resilient life.Lauren’s journey is about more than just titles; it's a testament to resilience, understanding, and passion. She has navigated her way through personal traumas and climbed the ranks in global operations for eight-figure businesses and startups, acquiring a deep appreciation for the synergy of mind and body in both business and leisure.Email Lauren on or find her on Instagram @laurenlepley_About Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
056 Cancer Prehab - what it is and why it is important with Adrian Fautly
Apr 11 2024
056 Cancer Prehab - what it is and why it is important with Adrian Fautly
In this week's episode I am joined by Adrian Fautly, a cancer exercise specialist within the NHS and a trainer for CanRehab, the foremost cancer and exercise training organisation in the UK and overseas.Hear us talk about:what is prehabthe benefits of prehabwhat happens in a prehab settingJoin us as we discuss how beneficial and important prehab is for cancer patients.About Adrian:Adrian Fautly is a Cancer Exercise Specialist who has worked at a leading NHS cancer hospital in London for the last 6 years. He works with all different cancer types and with people at various stages of their treatment pathways from prehab to rehab.  Adrian’s role involves supporting the hospital's physiotherapy prehabilitation service in getting eligible surgical patients physically fitter and more prepared for major cancer surgery. Adrian is one of the teaching team for CanRehab, the foremost cancer and exercise training organisation in the UK and overseas and he has a keen interest in research into prehabilitation.  During this episode, Adrian will discuss what prehabilitation entails and the benefits associated with these programs.If you want to get in touch with Adrian, contact me at more information on Can Rehab training contact About Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
055  Are you getting enough rest? with Caroline Bramwell
Apr 4 2024
055  Are you getting enough rest? with Caroline Bramwell
To mark one year of the podcast I am delighted to be talking to Caroline Bramwell. Caroline was a guest on one of the early episodes of the podcast and she is back today to talk about the importance of rest.Hear us discuss:why is rest so importantwhat kind of rest are we thinking abouthow rest supports our subconscious mindhow to prioritise rest in your dayDo you find it easy to rest? How can you bring more rest into your day?About Caroline:Voted one of the UK’s Top Ten Female Entrepreneurs by Cosmopolitan Magazine, for the work she does as a PR & Marketing advisor and mentor to businesses large and small, and voted Inspirational Woman of the Year in the Venus Awards for the South West, Caroline is a powerhouse when it comes to business with over 35 years’ experience.Yet, she still finds time to become an author, public speaker and triathlete. During lockdown she also qualified as a Triathlon coach and embraces the ethos of training principles into how businesses are driven and grow. You might think ‘how does she fit everything in’. Caroline is the epitome of determination and goal achiever. You will also find Caroline featured in ‘Fearless: Adventures with Extraordinary Women’ the new book by former BBC Breakfast Presenter, Louise Minchin, who approached Caroline to have an adventure with Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
054 Let’s get skipping! with Steve Shreeve
Mar 28 2024
054 Let’s get skipping! with Steve Shreeve
In this week's episode I am joined again by Steve Shreeve who is talking to us all about skipping. It's definitely the right time to talk about it as it was National Skipping Day on 24th March. We are so used to thinking about skipping in the playground but there are so many benefits for adults. Let's learn more. Hear us talk about:the general health benefits of skippingthe sports benefits of skippinghow to choose the right ropesome tips to making skipping more accessibleSkipping provides both fun and health benefits. Why not try it today.About Steve:Steve has worked in the fitness industry for over 2 decades and helps clients manage back and joint pain, experience pain-free pregnancies, age ‘fitter’, and enhance sports performance.Through running his own company, Shreeve Health and Fitness for over 10 years, Steve has developed a reputation for truly caring for his clients and is massively passionate about the ability of exercise, particularly resistance training, to keep our bodies young.  As well as his fitness work, Steve is also a youth basketball coach and jump rope coach, nurturing a positive and inclusive attitude to sport and fitness in young people.   Steve Shreeve first started skipping at 17 years old as part of his fitness training for basketball. Over 23 years of skipping participation, Steve has: Certified in multiple skipping instructing qualifications Competed in, and won medals in speed skipping championships and competitionsFeatured in Men’s Fitness Magazine demonstrating skipping techniques Run skipping classes and taught his PT clients how to skipContinued to teach skipping to aspiring young basketball players. In his spare time, Steve enjoys reading, watching sci-fi, and supporting nature and conservation charities.Facebook: Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
053 Activity with a stoma with Sarah Russell 
Mar 21 2024
053 Activity with a stoma with Sarah Russell
In this week's episode I am speaking to Sarah Russell, a registered clinical exercise physiologist with a special interest in working with those who have bowel cancer/stoma surgery. We discuss:what is a stoma?the importance of exercise and rehab after stoma surgerythe importance of signposting when recoveringwhy people aren't recovering as they couldhow you can create a plan that works for youThe main message from today's episode is that there is recovery available, you can get back to exercise and asking for support is important to achieve your goals. About Sarah Russell:Sarah Russell is registered clinical exercise physiologist with a special interest in working with those who have bowel cancer/stoma surgery. Over her 30 year career she has obtained a masters degree and is the author of the Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit – the first book to be written about exercise and bowel cancer – as well as numerous research papers written in medical journals. She has presented at medical conferences all around the world and has trained hundreds of stoma nurses. She set up The Ostomy Studio – the first online clinical Pilates studio and clinic for people who have had bowel surgery and live with stomas and has worked with thousands of stoma patients around the world. Sarah has lived with a stoma herself since 2010 and is passionate about exercise in recovery, rehabilitation and hernia prevention in people who have stoma surgery. She is the project lead for the new ‘Best Practice Recommendations’ for exercise after stoma surgery which is due for publication in 2024. She is also a runner and has run over 75 marathons and ultra distance events. – The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit - The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit: Recover faster with activity, exercise and lifestyle: Russell, Sarah: 9781781611364: BooksFacebook  - The Ostomy Studio FacebookWebsite – About Sarah Bolitho:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training anFor more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
052 Student Mental Health Seona McKenzie and Julie Hughes
Mar 14 2024
052 Student Mental Health Seona McKenzie and Julie Hughes
This episode is an important one for both those going to university, and also for parents who want to support their children in thriving while away from home, especially for the first time. I am talking to  Julie Hughes and Seona Mackenzie about student mental health.In this episode we discuss: the importance of supporting students' mental health, especially during the transition to university life. Common issues among first-year students The challenges of independent livingHow sport and physical activity play a crucial role in supporting mental health by providing a distraction, promoting social connections, and improving overall well-beingThe support services available to studentsAbout Julie: Julie has worked at University of Glasgow Sport for nearly 20 years and oversees the Active Lifestyles Team at UofG Sport which covers activity provision within the two centres (Stevenson Building And Garscube Sports Complex).  Julie and her team of wellbeing coordinators manage a wide range of group exercise classes and gym training support and provide opportunities across the university campus as part of UofG Sports' dedication to supporting and improving staff and student wellbeing. About Seona:Seona is responsible for a wide range of health-related activities including pregnancy consultation and weight-wise at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow.   She links with other health-related agencies across the University and is responsible for the Exercise Referral Scheme as well as teaching a wide variety of group exercise classes. She is also a fully qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer and REPS Level 4 Exercise Specialist. Seona enjoys cycling, weight training and martial arts.Student Minds: mental health day University of Glasgow Sport: of Strathclyde sport: Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
051 Ovarian Cancer and Activity with Alison Salmond
Mar 7 2024
051 Ovarian Cancer and Activity with Alison Salmond
In this week's episode I am talking to Alison Salmond about her experience with ovarian cancer and why activity is important. This episode is being shared during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.We discuss:symptoms of ovarian cancerhow subtle those symptoms can bethe impact cancer had on her activity levelshow to exercise to tolerancewhy building your exercise during cancer treatment may not be linearI hope that by sharing Alison's story we are able to raise awareness about ovarian cancer and also inform people of how important activity can be. About Alison:Alison has nearly 40 years in the exercise industry, with approximately 24 years dedicated to teaching Pilates. She is fully certified and in both the Classical and Contemporary methods and still believes there is much to learn with this fascinating exercise regime. Alison is also former Osteopath and Cranial Sacral Therapist. She was also a Lead Instructor Trainer for Merrithew Corporation (STOTT PILATES) for approximately 15 years and was part of the YMCAfit tutoring and curriculum development team for over 20 years.Alison has maintained her own fitness with regular running, weight training and Pilates. In 2020, Alison and her family located to Andalusia to find a better work/life balance. Everything seemed to be slotting into place, until April 2022, where she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Post surgery alongside chemotherapy treatment, she has been declared ´cancer=free´, a great relief to all who know her. Alison is extremely passionate about both teaching and the history of Pilates and loves passing her gained knowledge on to Pilates students and teachers alike. Alison believes in maintaining standards across the industry to ensure both the teacher and clients receive the education promised to them. Her dream is to provide a balanced view of both classical and contemporary training and to see both worlds unite; acknowledging their similarities as well as respecting their differences; to encourage the next generation of Pilates participants. Website:  www.alisonsalmond.comThe link for the Pilates retreat: Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her sparFor more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
050 Getting fit after 50 with Emma Hine
Feb 29 2024
050 Getting fit after 50 with Emma Hine
In this week's episode I am speaking to Emma Hine, a certified business strategist, about how turning 50 made her think about her health. We discuss:the difference between being busy and being activewhy thinking about your health at fifty will have an impact as you get olderthe benefits of focussing on your health at fifty for your wider lifethe power of goal settingwhat the small changes can be to make a differencehabit stackingStarting to consider how you can prioritise your health is important at any age but as Emma shares, it is incredibly important as you turn fifty. How are you prioritising you own health?Emma Hine:Emma Hine is a certified business strategist helping ambitious people to grow a business they love.She ran a successful million-pound e-commerce business, which ended up taking over her life which is why she is so passionate about helping others grow their business on their terms.Now a celebrated Amazon bestselling author, the Calibrated Life, she is helping others see that success comes from doing things your way with passion at the heart of what you do. And the biggest lesson of all is you don’t need to sacrifice yourself to find what works best.Beyond work, Emma is a happily married mum of 3, and a nanny of 3. She loves spending time with her friends & family, combine that with a glass of wine and some glorious sunshine and she is in her happy place.You can follow Emma here: Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usually find Sarah walking in the mountains, by the sea or anywhere in nature.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
049 Netwalking with the gamer who got fit with Jen Griffiths
Feb 22 2024
049 Netwalking with the gamer who got fit with Jen Griffiths
In this week's episode I am joined by Jen Griffiths who shares her inspiring story of getting active following a health scare. We discuss:overcoming anxiety exercise habits and motivationoutdoor networking and the benefits it has for mental healthnature walksconsistency with exerciseusing game consoles to support your consistency with exerciseJen shows us that there are so many different ways to create an active life for yourself. It doesn't have to look the same as someone else. The key is to make it work for you.About Jen Griffiths:Jen Griffiths is known as the Tropic Pianist Gamer, a multi-passionate creative, best-selling author and podcaster who helps people manage anxiety.  Jen runs Netwalks, a blend of walking and networking which combines physical and mental health benefits as well as the opportunity for social interaction and the additional benefits that being in nature provides.Jen’s life was kicked into “active” gear when she ended up in hospital as a result of a very poor diet.  She had to change her lifestyle to combat this and improve her health so that is exactly what she did. After losing weight using fitness video games.  She then discovered a love for the outdoors and decided to take up the netwalking flag in Anglesey for Network She, a national group for women in business. On netwalks, and in her spare time, Jen loves to explore Anglesey with whoever wants to join her! Podcast: book:  For the gaming side, here's a fitness game review: She: Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usuallyFor more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
048 Put your oxygen mask on first with Charlotte Lawson
Feb 14 2024
048 Put your oxygen mask on first with Charlotte Lawson
In this week's episode, I speak to Charlotte Lawson, a wellbeing coach, about how to prioritise your own health and wellbeing.We discuss:how to prioritise selfhow to say 'me too'how to see that there is nothing more important than our healthhow to build habitsAbout Charlotte:As a wellbeing coach and trainer Charlotte uses her warm and compassionate style to help busy people-pleasers swap; distraction for presence, self-criticism for self-compassion and unrealistic expectations for sustainable daily progress. So you can finally make yourself a priority and have time for the things that are important to you!If you want to contact Charlotte, here are all her links: Email: Website: Facebook group, Draw The Line Page Her 30 day group programme (starting again on 19th February) is The Empowered Boundaries Programme. Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usually find Sarah walking in the mountains, by the sea or anywhere in nature.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
047 Stop Resisting Resistance Training with Heather Lock
Feb 8 2024
047 Stop Resisting Resistance Training with Heather Lock
In this week's episode I am talking with Heather Lock all about resistance training. We discuss:why resistance training is important especially for womenthe reasons women resist this kind of traininghow to add resistance training into your daily routinewhy it's never too late to start and make a difference to your healthMoving away from the scales and focussing on strength can be challenging for some but hopefully hearing Heather discuss the benefits of resistance training will support you to give it a try. About Heather:Heather Lock helps women over 40 take back control of their health and happiness. She understands that as we age, our bodies undergo many changes, and it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to improving our fitness and nutrition.  Her approach is based on resistance training as it is a vital aspect of overall health and well-being for women as they age yet it can be intimidating for those who have never done this.  Heather knows that for many women, looking and feeling fabulous seems like an impossible feat, but just 20 minutes a day, can provide quick improvements with fat loss, muscle tone and mental happiness. She also provides nutrition guidance to ensure women are fuelling their bodies with the right foods to support health. Heather’s programme is not just about losing weight, but about feeling confident and strong in mind and body.  She supports and guides women in making sustainable lifestyle changes that will have them looking and feeling fabulous.  Women ready to commit to themselves and their health can join Heather and start their journey towards a happier, healthier life!  Linkedin: Facebook: Instagram: Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training aFor more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
046 Prostate cancer - why activity matters with Kevin Kibble
Feb 1 2024
046 Prostate cancer - why activity matters with Kevin Kibble
In this week's episode I speak with Kevin Kibble about his diagnosis of prostate cancer and why activity matters.We discuss:his diagnosis and treatmentwhy exercise is so important with a cancer diagnosisadvice for prostate healthencouraging conversations about prostate healthAbout Kevin:Kevin Kibble is former Chief Executive at nurtureuk (formerly known as the Nurture Group Network) the international charity promoting nurture practice in education especially for children and young people affected by social, emotional and/or mental health issues.Kevin was born in Suffolk and trained as an engineer before pursuing a successful career in publishing. Prior to joining Nurtureuk in October 2012, Kevin was Chief Executive at Caspari Foundation, a charity providing educational psychotherapy for children & young people who need help to overcome emotional barriers to learning & development, and prior to that Chief Executive at Transplant Sport UK a charity promoting organ donation and transplantation using the British Transplant Games to highlight the benefits.Kevin has over 30 years’ experience in management, communications and marketing, 18 of which have been working in, or in support of, the voluntary sector. Kevin is passionate about In Memoriam fundraising and the author of Engaging Bereaved Donors. He is also a regular presenter at conferences where strategic management and individual giving are important elements. Kevin is a Fellow and founding trustee of The Chartered College of Teaching, an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIoF), and Fellow of the Association of Chief Executives in Voluntary Organisation (ACEVO). Additionally, he is an executive coach and mentor with team and individual performance his major interests. Kevin also has the misfortune of being a long-standing member of Saracens Rugby Football Club.Kevin can be contacted by email at Prostate Cancer UK  www.prostatecanceruk.orgMacmillan: About Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usually find Sarah walking in the mountains, by the sea oFor more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
045 Planning activity with your cycle with Roxy King
Jan 25 2024
045 Planning activity with your cycle with Roxy King
In this week's episode I talk to Roxy Kind, a menstrual cycle coach all about planning activity with your menstrual cycle.We discuss:How can you learn to track your cycle to improve your lifeWhat can your cycle tell youWhat type of exercise suits different parts of your cycleHow long it takes to start seeing a change in your cycleWhat foods can support your cycleI hope that beginning to learn more about how you can support your menstrual cycle will enable you to make positive changes. About Roxy:Roxy King is a certified Menstrual Cycle Coach, multi-business owner, best-selling author and speaker. She specialises in empowering online business owners to embrace, heal and work with their menstrual cycles by unlocking the potential of their natural rhythm. Roxy helps her clients to cultivate thriving health, overall well-being and a flourishing business. Roxy truly believes in harnessing the incredible superpower that lies within each person’s unique menstrual guide Cycles of Success: How to Use Your Menstrual Cycle to Grow Your Business Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usually find Sarah walking in the mountains, by the sea or anywhere in nature.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin:
044 Mindful activity and how it helps with goals with Lucy Woods
Jan 18 2024
044 Mindful activity and how it helps with goals with Lucy Woods
In this week's episode I am speaking with Lucy Woods all about mindful activity.We talk about:what is mindfulness?the power of mindful momentshow presence in the moment seems to be becoming more elusivethe range of applications for mindfulnessWhat has your experience of mindfulness been like and are you now considering bringing in more mindfulness to your life?About Lucy:Lucy is a mindfulness teacher with a passion for helping individuals transform their lives through the practice of mindfulness. Lucy has a masters in teaching mindfulness from Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice and has been teaching full-time for five years.Inspired by personal experiences with anxiety, and a succession of life challenges, Lucy embarked on a transformative personal mindfulness journey. After two decades as a corporate training manager, she qualified to teach Mindfulness in 2018.As the founder of Presence of Mind, Lucy offers a wide range of services, including courses, workshops, and retreats tailored to the needs of individuals seeking relief from anxiety, stress, pain, and low mood. With a particular focus on cancer support, she provides valuable mindfulness teaching to those navigating challenging times.In addition to her teaching and specialist work, Lucy hosts a popular podcast called "It's Not That Deep," where she engages in thought-provoking conversations with a psychotherapist, exploring the challenges of being human and supporting mental well-being.Lucy has been featured in publications such as Bella Magazine, Take a Break Magazine, and Natural Health Magazine.Podcast: Group: Presence_of_mind_lifeWebsite: Presenceofmind.lifeTikTok: @presenceofmindlucyAbout Sarah:Sarah Bolitho helps fitness and health professionals develop their careers and grow their businesses by providing specialist training in teaching, assessing, and internal quality assurance, together with qualifications in exercise referral and disability.   With over 30 years in the health-related fitness and physical activity fields, Sarah has a wealth of experience and knowledge.  She has worked in most roles in the industry from group exercise to personal training but specialised in working with specialist populations.  For over 25 years Sarah has trained fitness and health professionals to work with clients with long-term conditions, mental health issues, disabilities, older adults and pre/post-natal women.  She has a post-graduate diploma in exercise and health behaviour and extensive training in supporting behaviour change.  She has worked with awarding organisations to develop qualifications and training and with accreditation bodies to endorse high-quality non-regulated training. In her spare time, you will usually find Sarah walking in the mountains, by the sea or anywhere in nature.For more about the training and support Sarah offers, visit or contact her at Follow her on social mediaInstagram: mentorLinkedin: