Perch "The Thoughtful Pause Podcast"

Tree & Toby

Welcome to PERCH, The Thoughtful Pause Podcast, where the essence of Perch lies in the art of the thoughtful pause. It's more than a perspective; it's a philosophy—a noun, a verb, and a call to action. Join us as we invite you to embrace the Perch philosophy. PERCH stands for Pause, Evaluate, Respond to Circumvent Harm. Take a moment to pause, reflect, and join us in conversations that cultivate a deeper understanding of the world and the people around us.

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Empowerment through Energy Work - Life Changing Conversations with Monica Bey pt 2
Feb 21 2024
Empowerment through Energy Work - Life Changing Conversations with Monica Bey pt 2
Monica's return to our podcast couldn't be more timely, as we find ourselves delving into the transformative realms of spirituality, self-help, and the compelling force of accountability. Her journey, marked by both professional accolades and personal revelations, demonstrates how seizing control of our narrative can indeed bend the arc of our lives. Engage in our candid discussion that challenges the common narrative of success and failure lying in the hands of fate, and instead, champions the belief in our own potent potential to craft the reality we envision through purposeful action and unwavering self-belief.Shifting the lens to the internal landscape, we confront the art of detachment from the fruits of our actions, advocating for a life rich with experience over the fixation on outcomes. This episode unravels the ethical tapestries that psychics navigate and the value of authenticity in spiritual evolution. It's a personal voyage into understanding how staying true to oneself can be both an act of defiance and liberation. Listeners will find solace in the stories shared, where embracing one's unique energy signature carves out the space for personal growth, even in the face of societal pressures to conform.Weaving in the threads of empowerment and healing, this dialogue with Monica illuminates the oft-overlooked reservoirs of strength within women, unlocking self-confidence through energy work and hypnosis. Discover how addressing deep-seated traumas can ignite profound changes across the spectrum of life, and learn the simple yet powerful techniques to activate the innate superpowers we all possess. Finally, we remind you to shine your light with gratitude, encouraging each listener to acknowledge their intrinsic value and become a beacon of positivity in their corner of the world. Join us for an episode that promises to uplift, inspire, and transform.Let's all keep searching to expand our view!
Listen to your heart, your purpose is calling: Part 2 with Genevieve Piturro
Dec 27 2023
Listen to your heart, your purpose is calling: Part 2 with Genevieve Piturro
Have you ever felt like a greater purpose is calling you, but you're not quite sure how to answer it? Genevieve Piturro, the visionary behind the Pajama Program, joins us to unravel the mysteries of finding life's purpose, sharing an exercise that goes beyond standard goal-setting to unearth your true passions. Our heartfelt conversation reveals how this practice transformed my own perspective, proving it's never too late to align your life with intention and passion. Whether you're poised to take a bold leap or prefer a gentle slide into new beginnings, Genevieve's insights are a beacon for anyone on the path to self-discovery.This episode swings open the doors to the powerful realm of intention and how it can elevate our spirit when we live purposefully. Amid the relentless hustle and bustle of reality TV and endless scrolling through social media, we explore the necessity to connect with our deeper selves. I get candid about my own eureka moments, the challenges of vulnerability, and the illusion that time has run out to pursue our dreams. We also celebrate the sheer joy and gratitude that overflows when you find alignment with your true self. Wrapping up this motivational journey, we ponder how pursuing purpose isn't just personal; it's also a powerful force in business, inspiring companies to leave a meaningful legacy. Through reflections inspired by Oprah's literary wisdom and the concept of a 'purpose quotient' for organizations, Genevieve and I discuss the essential connection between business, purpose, and community. The authenticity that comes from facing our fears and living with intention, I invite you to join us in making art, peace, love, and happiness our compass for the year ahead. Let's move forward together with purpose and leave our unique, indelible marks on the world.https://www.genevievepiturro.comLet's all keep searching to expand our view!
Listen to your heart. Your purpose is calling: Part 2 with Genevieve Piturro
Dec 27 2023
Listen to your heart. Your purpose is calling: Part 2 with Genevieve Piturro
Are you yearning for a life filled with purpose and fulfillment? Do you long for a deep connection with the divine, the people around you, and your true self? Prepare to embark on a transformative journey with Genevieve Piturro, founder of the Pajama Program. Through insightful conversation, personal anecdotes, and a practical exercise designed to unlock your true calling, we unravel the profound potential of living in alignment with your purpose. It's not about making drastic changes, but rather, embracing small steps that move you towards the life you were meant to lead.Our journey unfolds further as we delve into our personal experiences with purpose-driven living. We share the joy, love, and passion we've found in this pursuit . We also examine the impact of societal noise on our ability to connect with our true selves and reveal the immeasurable joy that comes from using our unique purposes to help others. Brace yourself to see the world in a whole new light as you join us on this journey.We then broaden the horizon to include organizations, underlining the significance of purpose and human connection in personal and professional settings. We explore how companies can flourish with a purpose-driven approach and how leaders can set visions that create a positive impact. It's not just about the bottom line, it's about creating a legacy that resonates with our values and enriches the world. As we wrap up our discussion with a dialogue on self-reflection and personal growth, we hope to inspire you to harness the power within you and make this world a better place, one purpose-driven step at a time. Tune in and let's explore the power of purpose together.Let's all keep searching to expand our view!
WHY STAY!!! Part 2-Finding Fulfillment: Career Longevity and Personal Relationships
Nov 29 2023
WHY STAY!!! Part 2-Finding Fulfillment: Career Longevity and Personal Relationships
What makes people stay in a job or relationship longer than they should? Hold on to your headphones as we journey through this intriguing conversation that traverses the worlds of employment and personal relationships. We venture into the findings of a recent Zippia Research report revealing the average length of tenure in different job sectors in the US. It's an eye-opener as we spotlight the challenges in the hospitality and leisure industry, where dealing with people seems to equate to a shorter job tenure. How does job-hopping and personal fulfillment fit into today's corporate world? As we navigate this conversation, we note that the younger workforce gravitates more toward personal development and job satisfaction. The pandemic has further amplified this shift. We also dare to venture into the tricky terrain of unhealthy relationships. Why do people stay in them, and what role does self-esteem and economic independence play? We crack open some tough questions and try to make sense of the complexities involved. But we don't stop there. We also chew over managing workplace stress and maintaining a quality work environment, drawing insights from Marisa Sanfilippo's article and the advice of workplace expert Alison Green. From personal anecdotes to real-world examples, we've got it all covered. To wrap it all up, we tap into the power of vision boards and the role of clear goal-setting in our lives. You'll find yourself introduced to Ubuntu , an African philosophy emphasizing our human interdependence. So buckle up and join us for this roller-coaster of insights, data, and life lessons. It's an episode you won't want to miss.,#alisongreen Let's all keep searching to expand our view!
WHY STAY!!! Part 1 The Courage to Seek Change
Nov 15 2023
WHY STAY!!! Part 1 The Courage to Seek Change
Why are people bidding farewell to familiarity - be it their corporate jobs, homes, or even their relationships? What is causing this urgency to seek change? Explore with us the complex dynamics of these choices, the hidden motivations, and the courage it takes to step out of your comfort zone. We examine the phenomenon of 'the big resignation' post-pandemic and attempt to answer the question - 'why stay?' We delve deep into a discussion about the changing dynamics of work, loyalty, and the transformed social landscape of our offices. We ponder the paradox of the 'devil you know' and the daunting yet liberating experience of daring to seek something new. Furthermore, we touch upon how technology has revolutionized how we seek and find opportunities.In an intriguing analogy to Spanx, we reflect on the importance of authenticity and self-awareness and how altering oneself to fit into societal norms can lead to a loss of self. Do we sometimes suffer a form of Stockholm Syndrome in our workplaces, painting a rosy picture of grim circumstances? Driven by the wisdom of Dr. Maya Angelou, we urge you to muster up the courage to do what needs to be done before you're forced to. Listen in as we navigate these questions and remind you that sometimes it's okay not to take the leap; after all, every change needs to be well thought out and well-timed.'s all keep searching to expand our view!
Soul Searching: Understanding Our Unique Health and Wellness Needs with Dr. Kristin Wild
Nov 1 2023
Soul Searching: Understanding Our Unique Health and Wellness Needs with Dr. Kristin Wild
Have you ever considered how the sun, or lack thereof, can impact your mental health? Today, we’re joined by the insightful Dr. Kristin Wild, who illuminates this overlooked environmental factor and its surprising role in depression rates. We journey through the map of America, examining the disparities in sunlight exposure and their potential impact on mental health. Venturing into natural medicines, we explore the fertile ground of alternative therapies with Dr. Wild.  As Canada boldly strides towards decriminalizing certain plant medicines, we delve into the rich history and cultural significance of these potent remedies. Shattering common perceptions, we discuss the stark contrast between legal and potentially harmful plant medicines and question why alcohol might be more detrimental than other substances that have been legalized. Prepare to rethink your understanding of health and wellness.Our illuminating conversation then takes an intriguing turn to unravel the intricate web of generational trauma. We question the shifting environmental sensitivities of our generation and the varying work ethics across generations. As we ponder the escalating mental health crisis in the United States, we explore the potential of plant medicines as a possible solution. Wrapping up our enlightening chat, we urge you to tune into your soul's unique needs and contemplate what your soul may truly desire. Don't miss out on this deep dive into various critical topics that shape our collective well-being.Let's all keep searching to expand our view!
Navigating Life's Rough Seas: Support and Sharing with Dr. Kristin Wild
Oct 18 2023
Navigating Life's Rough Seas: Support and Sharing with Dr. Kristin Wild
Let's journey into the mind with the brilliant Dr. Kristin Wild. This award-winning holistic health educator, entrepreneur, and speaker knows a thing or two about the human psyche and the profound effects social isolation can have on our health. In our engaging conversation, we explore the ever-pervasive issue of loneliness, and how the pandemic has shifted perspectives on this topic. We navigate the complicated terrain of chronic mental and physical health conditions, discussing the potential benefits of professional help and grounding techniques.Ever wonder how the constant distractions of our modern world impact your mental health? Look no further, as we dissect the intricacies of our brain-body connection. You'll discover how to tame that primal animal brain of yours, and learn the importance of staying connected to something greater than yourself. The complexities of chronic illnesses, both physical and mental, are revealed as we delve deep into the heart of the matter. We discuss the power of transforming this downward spiral into an uplifting journey of healing and self-discovery.Finally, we're shedding light on that all-important mind-body connection. Find out how significant diet, rest, and relaxation are when it comes to your overall health and how you can flip the body's stress response into a state of relaxation. From meditation to exercise, we talk about the tools at your disposal to help detoxify your body and optimize its function. We wrap up this enlightening episode with a heartfelt message on the value of sharing our stories and seeking support. Remember, no one has to navigate the rough seas of life alone - there's always a safe harbor waiting for you. So tune in, let's start this journey together.Let's all keep searching to expand our view!