Straight Talk

Jason Brunt

”Straight Talk” is a thought-provoking podcast that fearlessly delves into the intricacies of woke culture in our communities and schools. With incisive analysis and candid interviews, it uncovers the perversion and hypocrisy often lurking beneath the surface, providing listeners with a fresh perspective on the complexities of modern social justice movements. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of activism and its impact on society. read less


Bird Flu as an election weapon & The Upcoming Alphabet Circus Month
May 22 2024
Bird Flu as an election weapon & The Upcoming Alphabet Circus Month
🎙️ Straight Talk with Jason Brunt: Where No Woke Agenda is Safe! 🔥 Get ready to dive headfirst into the uncensored, unfiltered, and unapologetic world of Straight Talk with your host, the fearless Jason Brunt! In this no-holds-barred podcast, Jason fearlessly takes on the leftist progressive agenda, dissecting a range of eye-opening articles and jaw-dropping videos that the mainstream media won't touch. From exposing the shocking truth about the Bird Flu as an election weapon to diving deep into the wild world of the Upcoming Alphabet Circus Month, Jason Brunt is your guide to the truth – no matter how controversial it may be! Join us every week for a riveting, eye-opening, and thought-provoking journey that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the world. This is Straight Talk with Jason Brunt – where the truth is always on the table, and the woke agenda doesn't stand a chance! Amidst a backdrop of geopolitical tensions, Brunt questions the efficacy of neutering masculinity in a time when other nations are bolstering it within their military ranks. Drawing attention to concerning trends, he sheds light on the subtle yet insidious grooming tactics employed by certain figures, urging listeners to stay vigilant. In a riveting segment, Brunt highlights the alarming ease with which minors are obtaining hormonal treatments, citing a shocking case from Quebec where a 14-year-old received testosterone prescription in under 9 minutes. Through meticulous analysis and fervent advocacy, Brunt underscores the importance of parental vigilance and societal responsibility in protecting the innocence of our children. Join the conversation, engage with our sponsor Florida Straights, and access additional content by visiting our Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to support our mission of straight talk and critical discourse.
Defending Masculinity: Protecting Our Families and Future Generations
Mar 13 2024
Defending Masculinity: Protecting Our Families and Future Generations
Welcome back to another thought-provoking episode of Straight Talk with Jason Brunt, proudly sponsored by Florida Straights. In this week's installment, host Jason Brunt delves into the essence of masculinity and the crucial role men play in safeguarding their loved ones. With a call-to-action for real men everywhere, Brunt passionately discusses the societal shifts and challenges facing traditional masculinity.   Amidst a backdrop of geopolitical tensions, Brunt questions the efficacy of neutering masculinity in a time when other nations are bolstering it within their military ranks. Drawing attention to concerning trends, he sheds light on the subtle yet insidious grooming tactics employed by certain figures, urging listeners to stay vigilant.   In a riveting segment, Brunt highlights the alarming ease with which minors are obtaining hormonal treatments, citing a shocking case from Quebec where a 14-year-old received testosterone prescription in under 9 minutes. Through meticulous analysis and fervent advocacy, Brunt underscores the importance of parental vigilance and societal responsibility in protecting the innocence of our children.   Join the conversation, engage with our sponsor Florida Straights, and access additional content by visiting our Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to support our mission of straight talk and critical discourse. #JasonBrunt, #FloridaStraights, #StraightPride, #GoWokeGoBroke, #Masculinity, #TraditionalValues, #ProtectOurChildren, #ParentalVigilance, #SocialResponsibility, #FamilyFirst, #CriticalThinking
🎙️ **Latest Episode: ”Unveiling the Psy Ops: The War on Tradition”**
Dec 6 2023
🎙️ **Latest Episode: ”Unveiling the Psy Ops: The War on Tradition”**
What if everything happening in the world right now is part of a massive psy-op? 🤔 In this eye-opening episode of "Straight Talk Unveiled," Jason Brunt delves into the unsettling reality of global events being orchestrated to manipulate our perceptions.   From the trans agenda wielded by world governments to tighten their grip on control, to human rights groups advocating for a selective definition of "All," and celebrities using their children as pawns to score DEI points – our traditional world is under attack.   🌐 Explore the shocking connections and questionable motives as Jason unravels the layers of this intricate web. Are we being played on a global scale?   🔗 Dive into the conversation and check out the links for more insight: - [Straight Talk/Florida Straights]( - [Human Rights Campaign (HRC)]( - [Trans Volleyball Abuser]( - [Busy Phillips]( - [APA goes woke](   Don't miss this crucial episode – subscribe now and join the conversation on "Straight Talk Unveiled." 🎧💬 #UnveilTheTruth #PsyOpsExposed #BlaireWhite #TranswomanAreMen #WomansRights #FloridaStraights #StraightTalk #JasonBrunt
🎙️ Straight Talk: Unveiling Truths in a Changing World with Jason Brunt
Nov 29 2023
🎙️ Straight Talk: Unveiling Truths in a Changing World with Jason Brunt
🎙️ **Straight Talk with Jason Brunt** Welcome to "Straight Talk," the podcast where we dive deep into the uncomfortable, challenge the status quo, and question the reality we live in. I'm your host, Jason Brunt, and each week, we unravel the threads of truth, no matter how disturbing they may be. Ignoring the uncomfortable only paves the way for the end of normalcy as we know it. In today's episode, we shine a spotlight on the intersection of reality and perception. Join us as we unveil the unsettling progress of a controversial figure trying to introduce gender fluid and trans content into K-12 schools. Learn how to spot these challenges in the wild to protect our families from the encroaching madness. The Satanic Pope takes a bold step, aligning with the progressive mob against biblical teachings to virtue signal for the Klu Klux Alphabet Klan, promoting transgenderism within the church. We dissect the implications and question the motivations behind this move. The Human Rights Campaign faces scrutiny as they distort facts to fit a narrative that may not align with reality. Discover the lack of evidence supporting extreme violence against the transgender community, as we unravel the stories that shape public opinion. And on a lighter note, we bring you a positive update from the Miss Universe pageant, offering a breath of fresh air amid the chaos. 🔗 **Links:** - [Straight Talk/Florida Straights]( - **Good Florida Churches:**   - [The River Church](   - [Foundation Church]( - **Lady Boy Groomer:** [Justine Fonte]( | [YouTube Video]( - **New Jersey Trans Swimmer:** [Fox News Article]( - **Satanic Pope:** [The Gateway Pundit Article](
Straight Talk Unveiled: Rainbow Cult Revelations, Miss Universe Surprises, and the Battle Against Child Exploitation 👁️🌈🌍
Nov 22 2023
Straight Talk Unveiled: Rainbow Cult Revelations, Miss Universe Surprises, and the Battle Against Child Exploitation 👁️🌈🌍
🎙️ Welcome back to the latest episode of "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt"! 🌈 In this edition, we're taking a wild ride into the rainbow cult, uncovering jaw-dropping events that might even leave aliens scratching their heads! 👽 👨‍🎤 Join us as we discuss the unconventional presence of men in the Miss Universe pageant – it's a twist you won't see coming! 🤯 We're diving deep into a world where tradition meets the unexpected, and Jason Brunt is your fearless guide. 🚫 But that's not all! We're tackling the urgent issue of child sexualization with judges, congresswomen, and concerned parents. Let's unite to protect the innocence of our children and create a safer future! 👶🛑 💻 And of course, we're shedding light on groomers in their natural habitat – your kids' devices. It's time to stop this menace before we lose the last bit of normalcy in our country. 📱🚷 Get ready for a rollercoaster of revelations and fearless conversations – because "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt" is where uncomfortable truths meet action! 🎢 Are you ready for the straight talk? 🔥   Links: Florida Straights/Straight Talk Subscriptions & Links:   Miss Universe:                   Miss USA (Sarasota): Trans Matrix: Judge Stops DEI: MTG:
Straight Talk Unleashed: Navigating Election Intrigues, Classroom Challenges, and Global Chess Moves with Jason Brunt
Nov 15 2023
Straight Talk Unleashed: Navigating Election Intrigues, Classroom Challenges, and Global Chess Moves with Jason Brunt
Welcome to "Straight Talk With Jason Brunt," where fearless conversations meet unfiltered perspectives. In this episode, Jason Brunt delves deep into the intricacies of contemporary issues that demand our attention. No topic is off-limits as Jason fearlessly explores the complex world of politics, social movements, and global events. In this riveting episode, Jason confronts the controversial topic of election fraud, dissecting the layers that shroud the democratic process. With a critical eye, he navigates through the tangled web of information surrounding Soros-funded protests, unraveling the connections that may shape our political landscape. The episode takes a thought-provoking turn as Jason addresses the "Hail Mary" play of mass shooting hysteria, examining its role in the political playbook. By daring to question the narratives, Jason aims to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of the forces at play behind the scenes. Shifting focus, the podcast sheds light on the ongoing challenges faced in our classrooms, where the rainbow assault persists. Jason explores how parents, students, and states are taking action against this issue, presenting a comprehensive view of the ongoing struggles within the education system. Finally, the episode takes a global perspective, dissecting overseas conflicts and their connection to election seasons. Jason scrutinizes how these conflicts are utilized as tools to amplify political agendas, offering a unique insight into the geopolitical chessboard. "Straight Talk With Jason Brunt" is not just a podcast; it's a journey through the realms of truth and controversy, providing listeners with the tools to navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world. Get ready for an unfiltered, no-nonsense discussion that challenges the status quo and encourages critical thinking.     Links: Stolen Election 2000: Trans Pooler:
Straight Talk with Jason Brunt Featuring Transgender Veteran Ryan Stapleton: The Woke Military, Child Indoctrination, and the Controversy of Biological Men in Women’s Sports
Nov 1 2023
Straight Talk with Jason Brunt Featuring Transgender Veteran Ryan Stapleton: The Woke Military, Child Indoctrination, and the Controversy of Biological Men in Women’s Sports
In this episode of "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt," we're broadcasting from the heart of Kansas City, tackling some of the most pressing and contentious issues of our time. Join us as we dive deep into the concept of a "woke military" and its potential implications for our national defense. Are we truly prepared for any type of world war when our military seems more focused on woke recruitment and progressive virtue signaling than on building a tough and ready armed force ready to face foreign adversaries who have their sights set on our destruction? But that's not all; we'll also explore further examples of how the radical left is influencing and shaping the minds of our children through various forms of indoctrination. Our very special guest – an army veteran who is also a transgender parent – joins us to discuss the importance of open dialogue and discourse as a means to address the complex challenges facing our world today. Their perspective adds a unique dimension to our conversation. Additionally, we'll be taking on the controversial topic of biological men competing in women's sports. This issue has sparked intense debate and controversy, and we're not shying away from it. Get ready for an episode filled with candid conversations and critical insights, as we tackle these contentious topics head-on. Tune in to "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt" for an engaging and thought-provoking discussion that might just change the way you think about these pressing issues and the unique challenges they present.
Unmasking Deception: The Truth Behind Corrupt School Boards, Imposters, and False Prophets” 🎥🔍🚫
Oct 25 2023
Unmasking Deception: The Truth Behind Corrupt School Boards, Imposters, and False Prophets” 🎥🔍🚫
🎙️ Join us on the latest episode of "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt" as we delve into the issues that truly matter, without pulling any punches! 👊   🔍 This week, we're shining a spotlight on the murky world of school board politics in Charlotte & Sarasota County, Florida. Uncover the shocking truth about how these corrupt officials are running roughshod over the rights of parents, and find out how we're fighting back to protect the Parental Bill of Rights. 📚📢   💪 Stand with us as we reveal the stories of courageous women who've earned their place in history and the spotlight. We're putting the spotlight on the imposters who aim to steal their thunder. 🏆🚺   📖 But wait, there's more! Our special guests, Rigo & Tina Benitez, are here to help us debunk the outrageous claims of false prophets who twist the words of the Bible. They argue that Eunuchs in the Bible were transgender, and that God held them in higher esteem. We'll unravel this argument, show you the real truth, and expose the disturbing and disgusting deception at play. 🙏   Get ready for an unfiltered, uncensored discussion that challenges the narrative and leaves you thinking long after the episode ends. Tune in now to "Straight Talk with Jason Brunt" for a dose of real talk you won't find anywhere else! 🎧🔥   #StraightTalkWithJasonBrunt ##FloridaStraights #ExposeTheTruth #RigoBenitez #TransWomenAreMen #JesusSaves #GodIsGood #StraightTalk     Links:   Rigo Benitez: Gods Voice On America’s Pulpit:   Charlotte County School Board   Groomer Teachers: He Man Trans Guy 100 Hottest Australian Women:
Transformation, Education, and Saving America: The Latest Straight Talk Podcast Episode
Oct 18 2023
Transformation, Education, and Saving America: The Latest Straight Talk Podcast Episode
Welcome back to another powerful episode of the "Straight Talk Podcast" with your host, Jason Brunt! In this week's episode, we have an exciting lineup, featuring a deeply personal testimony from Jason, a thought-provoking interview with Michelle Mandarin, a candidate for Superintendent of Pasco County Schools, and a discussion on crucial ways to save America.   Jason Brunt opens the podcast by sharing his incredible personal journey of redemption and transformation. He delves into his past, recounting how faith and a strong sense of purpose helped him escape the clutches of a dark life of sin. His inspiring testimony serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating how he has evolved into the dedicated father and dynamic podcaster he is today.   Our special guest, Michelle Mandarin, takes center stage as she discusses her vision for Pasco County Schools. Her candidacy for the position of Superintendent brings fresh ideas, a commitment to excellence, and a drive to elevate the educational landscape of Pasco County. Her insights promise to shed light on the future of education in the region.   But that's not all; this episode also addresses a pressing issue – the perceived indoctrination tactics being employed by certain groups, with reference to the Nazi youth. Jason and his guest examine this controversial topic, offering a balanced perspective on the matter while showcasing videos and articles that are pertinent to the discussion.   In the spirit of providing solutions, the podcast will outline three essential steps that can be taken to safeguard and strengthen the United States of America. Jason Brunt, known for his candid and straightforward approach, leaves no stone unturned in delivering these critical insights.   Join us for an episode filled with stories of personal redemption, educational transformation, and a call to action to protect the values that make America great. Tune in to "Straight Talk Podcast" and be part of a conversation that matters.   Links:   Straight Talk / Florida Straights:   Michelle Mandarin:   Trans Cyclists:   NHL Bans Excessive Pride: Promo Code: Straight
Straight Talk Freedom Under Fire: Jaime Arellano’s Journey and the Battle Against Ideological Indoctrination
Oct 11 2023
Straight Talk Freedom Under Fire: Jaime Arellano’s Journey and the Battle Against Ideological Indoctrination
Welcome to "Straight Talk" with your host Jason Brunt. In this episode, we discuss the alarming campaign to indoctrinate K-12 schools and its impact on the freedom of our country. We'll also have a special guest, Jaime Arellano, a political prisoner who has endured government abuse and exile, sharing eye-opening insights. In our national news segment, we address the culture wars happening in our public schools and communities. We confront the claim that no one is actively trying to groom our children, presenting evidence to the contrary, including shocking revelations from a group called HiTops, which actively promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda to children. We emphasize the importance of fighting back against this agenda, encouraging listeners to boycott companies supporting these ideologies, attend school board meetings, contact state representatives, and donate to groups opposing the "woke" movement. Additionally, we debunk the notion that religions groom children by highlighting that Christian teachings focus on abstinence until marriage, unlike discussions about sexuality in public schools. We address the argument that religious texts like the Bible are allowed in schools, clarifying that they haven't been allowed since the Supreme Court ruling in Township v. Schempp (1963). Finally, we discuss the ongoing battle against transgender policies in schools, with legal victories indicating that the trans movement may face significant setbacks. Join us for an episode packed with information and perspectives aimed at preserving traditional values and freedoms in our country. Links: Florida Straights/Straight Talk: Jaime Arellano on Twitterhttps://x.comjaimearellanoe1?s=11 Promo Code: Straight News Links:
Straight Talk: Challenging Modern Issues
Oct 4 2023
Straight Talk: Challenging Modern Issues
In this episode of "Straight Talk," host Jason Brunt delves into some pressing issues facing our society today. From the impact of sexual immorality on civilizations to the battles for our children's innocence, we discuss it all. Join us as we shine a spotlight on the challenges we face and the hypocrisy we encounter from the modern American Left.   Jason discusses the victory in Charlotte County, Florida, where concerned parents are taking a stand against inappropriate content in schools. They've made positive changes, thanks to groups like Florida Straights, Mom's For Liberty, and Protect Our Children Project, pushing back against radical agendas infiltrating our children's education.   Sarasota's school board allocates a significant budget for mental health services in schools. Jason raises concerns about parents being kept out of their children's development and draws parallels to historical propaganda tactics.   Jason questions whether an "opt-in" approach is even necessary for school activities, especially for college-level adults, as he highlights concerns about overreach.   Jason discusses a video showcasing concerning behaviors related to grooming and predatory actions.   A disturbing incident where a trans male student brutally beats a defenseless girl is explored.   Jason shares the latest on a federal appeals court decision regarding Tennessee's ban on child mutilation.   Jason talks about the ongoing debates surrounding COVID and emphasizes the importance of admitting mistakes when they occur.   Jason criticizes individuals who continue to wear masks beyond their intended purpose, citing reasons unrelated to COVID.   A discussion about the lab leak theory concerning the H5N1 virus and its potential implications.   Jason identifies one of the groups he sees as contributing to the issues he's discussed.   Another group is singled out as part of the problem in his perspective.   Jason encourages listeners to speak up and take action against the issues they care about, especially when it comes to the education of their children. He emphasizes the importance of seeking evidence and facts in discussions with those who hold different views. The episode closes with a reminder of the hotline's availability for listeners to join the conversation and make their voices heard.   Florida Straights/Straight Talk Links: Promo Code: Straight   Tulmer Supply:   Article Links:   Charlotte County Win for Florida Straights   Mental Health In Sarasota:   Opt-in or Opt-out:   Trans Attacker:   ACLU Wants To Mutilate Kids:   Ugly People Wear Masks:
Straight Talk - Defending Parental Rights: Unmasking Radical Woke Culture with Special Guest Congressional Candidate Eddie Speir
Sep 26 2023
Straight Talk - Defending Parental Rights: Unmasking Radical Woke Culture with Special Guest Congressional Candidate Eddie Speir
Welcome to another powerful episode of "Straight Talk" with your host, Jason Brunt. Today, we dive deeper into the troubling underbelly of radical woke culture, exposing their insidious indoctrination and recruitment of our precious youth. We have a collection of recent videos posted by rogue teachers that confirm what many of us feared: they are actively trying to lure our children into their pop-culture cult. Join us as we dissect these disturbing revelations and examine their far-reaching implications on our society. But that's not all, folks. We'll also be dissecting the latest national headlines that threaten the very essence of our traditional way of life. Cancel culture, erosion of values, and the war on free speech – we tackle it all head-on. Expect no sugar-coating, just unvarnished truth and critical analysis. In a special segment, we sit down with congressional candidate Eddie Speir, a champion of conservative values, to discuss his bold goals for office and his unwavering dedication to defending parental rights in our district's schools. It's a conversation that resonates deeply with the heart of our mission on "Straight Talk." If you're tired of being gaslit by radical ideologies and yearn for a platform that boldly speaks the truth, you've found your home. "Straight Talk" with Jason Brunt is your beacon of clarity in an increasingly muddled world. But this isn't just an episode; it's a part of a larger mission. The "Straight Talk" podcast is dedicated to empowering you, our conservative audience, with the knowledge and insights you need to stand up for your values and protect the future. Join us for regular episodes as we continue to challenge the status quo and set the record straight. Don't miss a beat – subscribe to "Straight Talk" today, and together, let's forge a path towards a brighter, more traditional future. Stand strong, stay informed, and be part of the conversation. Your voice matters on "Straight Talk" with Jason Brunt. Links: Florida Straights/Straight Talk: Straights Newsome Veteos Trans Affirming Care In Child Custody Cases: Newsome Allows Pedophiles In Kids Bathrooms: Daughters of American Revolution Join Trans Circus: Nazi Founded Braun Razor Company Caves To Woke Mob: Eddie Speir For Congress: