Tiny Gremlin Dog

Nastasia Pappas-Kemps

Are you a new dog parent and feel like you don’t know what the f*** you’re doing? …yeah, same. I have a lot of questions: How do you know you’re a dog person? What’s reverse sneezing? How do you stop worrying your dog is going to die? How much poop is too much poop? Diving into the many pitfalls and triumphs of raising her rescue dog, Otis (the gremlin), Toronto-based comedian and clown, Nastasia Pappas-Kemps (me) interviews dog specialists, dog professionals, and responsible dog owners, to delve deeper than ever before into the psyche of dogs and their relationships with the people who are trying to love them. Tiny Gremlin Dog is one new dog owner’s attempt to create a happy life for a dog who is hell bent on destroying hers. read less
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