May 30 2019
Special Announcement From SequelQuest
As you know we recently hit our 100th episode after nearly 4 years of podcasting. Many of you have been listening for a large portion of our run and have actually become guests on the show, which has made it so much more fun to do. So thanks for being part of our SequelQuest experience so far.We say so far because while the show isn’t going anywhere, there is a major change on the horizon pertaining to where you’ll be able to find the podcast and listen to new episodes. We have been an independent podcast up to this point and paying out of our own pockets to bring our brand of fake movie fun to your ears. We’re not pitching sequels for quarters on street corners or anything, but the cost does add up over time. So when we were offered a chance to join an online pop culture network that would take on our hosting fees if we became a part their community of content creators, we were very interested. Let me explain.The Retro Network or TRN is an exciting new online hub for pop culture past and present, masterminded my Jason Gross from and Mickey Yarber from who have pulled together creative types from all over the internet to produce YouTube videos, podcasts and unique articles covering a variety of topics. Just like our show there will be a touch of nostalgia for movies, TV, music, toys, comic books and more from many unique voices who have a passion for pop culture. You can find it all at when it launches on June 1st, 2019. So how does SequelQuest fit into this new venture you ask?Well, our podcast archive of over 100 episodes is going to be moving over to The Retro Network Podbean feed which will then make it possible to find the show on all the same podcast platforms where you have been listening, such as iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Podbean and more. So be sure to subscribe to The Retro Network feed on you preferred platform and not only will you get 2 new Episodes of SequelQuest each month, plus our SequelChat movie reviews and Bonus episodes, but lots more audio and video entertainment from other TRN contributors as well.Also as a part of this move, our website will be disappearing with a snap of Thanos’ fingers, but our Twitter account @SQPOD will remain a place for you to get the latest updates about the show, as well as our Facebook page, for those who are so inclined. As far as a website presence, you’ll be able to find all you need to know about SequelQuest on or on Twitter @TRNsocial, so be sure to follow that account. Episode Credits:NEW CREDITS COMING SOON!