Sex On The Peach

Peach Coyne

Educational, open, honest conversations about all sex related topics. A judgement/shame free zone to remove the taboos from talking about sex and encourage people to live their best sexual lives. read less
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35. Ask Peach 3.0...
May 22 2024
35. Ask Peach 3.0...
Friends, Lovers, Listeners...Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. It's been...a minute, hey? Life has really been life-ing BUT as of June 5th I finally see some freedom and we will be hearing up for a HOT Sex on the Peach SUMMER so I appreciate you all bearing with me, and hopefully Sketty Summer will make it all worth it. It's this season's Ask Peach so as always, I thank you for your vulnerability in sending in the questions that you do, and thank you for trusting me with my thoughts on any of the matters that you have sent in. Any questions that were left over (because otherwise these podcasts would be about 3 hours long) will be answered in the next Sunday Spooning with Peach. I hope something in today's episode helps, so let's get into it. Here is...Ask Peach...3.0.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
34. Blink Twice, If You Like It...
Apr 24 2024
34. Blink Twice, If You Like It...
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex On The Peach Day.  Today I am so excited to share a conversation with Shakira Scott, AKA Scotty Unfamous, as she takes us through all the work she is currently doing in the sexual wellness space. Scotty’s ‘How To Live Your Best Heaux Life’ classes have been featured on the Evening Standard’s best sex workshops list, including her amazing ‘Black Girl Magic’ workshops which were set up to celebrate the sexuality of black women and women of black mixed origin, something we discuss further in today’s episode as we delve into the fact that even today in 2024, the representation for minority communities in the UK still simply isn’t there. I cannot tell you how much I loved having this conversation with Scotty. She is engaging, informed, hilarious, inclusive, open-minded, and everything that we need in a sex educator and influencer. We had so much fun and I hope that you enjoy listening to her story, her thoughts, and her tips, tricks and advice as much as I did. So, let’s get into it. Here is…Blink Twice, If You Like It.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
33. The Sex Tape Sensations...
Apr 10 2024
33. The Sex Tape Sensations...
Friends...lovers...listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex On The Peach Day. Last year I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to have a conversation with a couple called Jess and Mike, who entered the adult film industry about 6 years ago now. We talk about their move into this space, how it has changed their life and their sexual journey together, and the reactions they’ve received to this work along the way. I loved chatting with Jess and Mike, and discussing the fact that if people are going to choose to learn from porn, seeing a real couple just living their authentic sexual experience might be a much healthier way to do it. I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as I enjoyed having it!Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement-free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
32. The Toxic Tango.
Mar 13 2024
32. The Toxic Tango.
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. Today we’re here to discuss the fact that *everyone’s a little bit toxic*…It’s literally one of the most overused words in the English language and I am going to HEAVILY contribute to that today. We delve into the concept of toxic behaviour, and I believe, that toxic is a spectrum. There’s toxic like the amount of cyanide in apple seeds, that won’t kill you but it’s definitely there and very much existing. And then there’s the kind of toxic where you might as well just re-name yourself arsenic. I’ll also be reading your confessions, answering some questions, finding out the results of the toxic polls, AND announcing the winner of the Bellesa AirVibe giveaway. So, join me as I unravel the layers of toxic behaviour, discuss its impact, and explore strategies for overcoming toxic patterns in our lives in The Toxic Tango.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
31. Forget The Pressure & Find The Pleasure...
Feb 14 2024
31. Forget The Pressure & Find The Pleasure...
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day, back at it with season 3 of your safe space for all things sex and relationships. So, here we are with a little welcome back episode, and I thought - could there be a more apt day to kick things off, than the good old 14th February, of course, better known, as Valentine’s Day. Ah, Valentine's Day, a designated day to compare our relationships to others on social media and feel like we’re falling short, or to remind us of our perpetual singledom. I’m not sure that’s what Saint Valentine was going for, but god dammit, it’s what Saint Valentine got. But today we are diving into a topic that's as spicy as it is sweet: Valentine's Day Sex. I'll be answering some questions, AND I’ll be reading out some of YOUR Valentine’s Day confessions. So, here we f*cking go, WELCOME BACK, Season 3, let’s get into it...Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
Oh Cum All Ye Faithful...A (se)Xmas Special.
Dec 20 2023
Oh Cum All Ye Faithful...A (se)Xmas Special.
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, happy Hump Day and happy Sex on the Peach day. I am BACK from my 69-day hiatus for a little Christmas special before we get properly into season 3 in the New Year. Let’s face it - Christmas can be a bit of a stressful time. And despite the romance and connection we see in the Hallmark movies, Christmas can feel a bit…less burning loins and more burning out. Yet, it’s a time of year that seems to be full of pressure for intimacy and sex. We all know I think that pressure is a pleasure KILLER, and Christmas does NOT have to be the sexiest time of year for you and your partner, or partners. But, today’s episode is just a little 12 days, or rather, 12 tips of (se)Xmas for you - if you WANT to inject some mischief under the mistletoe..., if you’re dreaming of a wet…Christmas. Oh, let’s just get into it, here is “Oh cum…all ye faithful.”Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
30. What Goes On Tour, Doesn't Stay On Tour...
Oct 11 2023
30. What Goes On Tour, Doesn't Stay On Tour...
Friends, Lovers, Listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. As we reach the final episode of Season 2, I want to once again extend a huge HUGE thank you to everyone who continues to join me on this journey. The listens, the shares, the downloads, the follows, I am so so eternally grateful for all of it. As we all know, I'm currently on tour, so this has very much been a SOLO season, and so I am incredibly glad to be joined by my two best friends, Devika Joshi and Katie-Faye Moorhouse for this finale episode.As with the finale of Season 1, if you follow Sex on the Peach for the educational side of things, turn back around and forget today's episode. Today we are here to have fun, and make our way through some more confessions (touring and general), questions, "Would You Rather's", and we explore the fascinating world of "ICKS". I'll be taking a short break before Season 3, but fear not - details of another project will be revealed VERY soon. So for now..........Thanks for coming...XSex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
29. Sit On My Face(Time)...
Oct 4 2023
29. Sit On My Face(Time)...
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach day. Now, as we know, I’m currently on a tour, and in an industry that often requires partners to be away from each other for long periods of time, and so I wanted to touch on the complexities of long-distance relationships. We all know the adage “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, but actually - distance from a loved one is really fucking difficult at times, and navigating it, is TRICKY. Maintaining intimacy when you never see each other, staying consistent with your communication, relying on your connections - (both wifi and emotional) l to keep you going - there’s a lot to consider and it requires a different type of commitment, when all you have is a screen. Today we’re going to look at ways to keep the sexual intimacy spicy in a long-distance relationship, how to prioritise your communication, and discuss how to work through challenges you might face along the way. So, let’s get into it. We know I love a punny title, here is…Sit On My Face(Time)…ha! That might be my worst one yet.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
28. When Desire Takes A Detour...
Sep 20 2023
28. When Desire Takes A Detour...
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. Today, we get a little bit more scientific than people might love, but  I'm opening up the conversation about common sexual challenges that people face, and today we’re looking at sexual performance anxiety, loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.  So many people are dealing with these, but no one is talking about it. We know my thoughts on society but it cannot be ignored that the patriarchal system we grew up in did not leave room for penis owners to feel able to be open about topics like erectile dysfunction, so I want to create a space where people CAN talk about these things and feel comfortable and supported. We'll have a short walk through these challenges, look at ways to navigate them, and I'll be answering some of your questions. Here is, When Desire Takes A Detour.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement-free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
27. You Make My Dreams Cum True.
Sep 6 2023
27. You Make My Dreams Cum True.
Friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. I’m back from the Balkans and am ready to discuss all things sexual fantasy, which, contrary to societal beliefs - are a very natural and very NORMAL part of human sexuality. If you are experiencing shame surrounding YOUR sexual fantasies and desires, we want to get RID OF THAT. Today we’ll be looking at the most common sexual fantasies, talking about how to reduce shame, looking at the difference between fantasy and desire, and also how to open up a conversation about YOUR fantasies with a partner. As always, I’ll be answering some of your questions - and interestingly, most of the questions this week were THE SAME ONE, but we’ll get to that. So, let’s get into it for today…here is…”You Make My Dreams Cum True…”Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
26. The XXX Files...
Aug 3 2023
26. The XXX Files...
Good EVENING friends, lovers, listeners. Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex on the Peach Day.  Listen - we need to talk about porn. And, there’s a lot to talk about. For people who lacked any proper sex education - like MOST of us - porn can become a teacher, but it’s not a very good one. Lessons such as safety, consent and (especially for women and vulva owners) - real pleasure, are aggressively missed. And... aggressive is probably an apt word for the majority of mainstream porn that is available to us. Do I think it is all bad? No. Do I think it can be used in a healthy way? Yes. We’re going to start to get into it, we’ll be discussing the impact of pornography on individuals and relationships, the ethical considerations surrounding its production and consumption, and as always I’ll be answering some of your questions. So, let’s dive in…here is The XXX Files.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
25. The (Jonah) Hill I'm Willing To Die On...
Jul 19 2023
25. The (Jonah) Hill I'm Willing To Die On...
Friends, lovers, listeners. Good morning. Happy hump day, Happy Sex on the Peach day.  For anyone who knows me personally, they’re probably accustomed to me getting on my soapbox about things that I feel strongly about, but to the Sex on the Peach listeners - WELCOME to my first RANT episode and WELCOME to this side of my personality. Buckle up for the rollercoaster hurtling straight towards the fiery pits of hell. I always try my best to look at both sides of every situation but this is something that I am becoming so increasingly frustrated with that I just gotta let it out. There are no questions this week, let’s just get the fuck into it. This is “The (Jonah) Hill I’m Willing To Die On.”Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
24. Live By The Oral, Die By The Oral...Pt 2.
Jun 14 2023
24. Live By The Oral, Die By The Oral...Pt 2.
Good morning besties. Happy Wednesday, happy hump day and happy Sex on the Peach day.  YES - IT IS ABSOLUTELY time for part TWO of the oral sex extravaganza. On the last episode, we covered all things oral sex related when it comes to vulvas, otherwise known as cunnilingus, and now here we are for some penis and some ass content, which you may also know as fellatio and analingus. Now, you may think I might have been more excited for the pussy edition of this topic but my friends, you are wrong. To anyone out there who thinks oral sex on a penis or anus is degrading…enough with this nonsense, please. Anything is degrading if you’re being sexually active with someone who is just a disrespectful nightmare, but when things are consensual and respectful? No. Get gone. There is nothing degrading about putting genitals in your mouth .OK.  So, we’re going to get into all of it, and, I’m going to be answering some of your questions. I’m excited. Here we go. Here is Live by the Oral, Die by the Oral…Penis and Peach edition.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
23. Live By The Oral, Die By The Oral...Pt 1.
May 31 2023
23. Live By The Oral, Die By The Oral...Pt 1.
Hello bbys…Happy Wednesday, Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. Today we’re going to be talking about one of my absolute favourite topics, and my number one event on the sexual menu, and that is oral sex.  I mention oral sex on the majority of episodes in one way or another, and if you have listened before then you probably already know just how high in regard I hold oral sex, because it’s literally my favourite thing to be a part of in every respect. So, I am excited to have a couple of episodes dedicated to the magic of our mouths, because I realised one simply wasn’t enough. I could probably do about ten episodes on this subject alone, and I’m sure as this podcast progresses, I WILL, but for today, we’ll be discussing the basics (and the not-so-basics) of all the different kinds of oral sex, and as always I’ll be answering some of your questions. Let’s get into it...This is…Live By The Oral, Die By The Oral, Part One...(pussy edition).Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
22. Sex After Trauma.
May 17 2023
22. Sex After Trauma.
Happy Hump Day everyone, and Happy Sex on the Peach Day. Today’s episode is a very difficult, but very necessary one. We’re going to be discussing the ways in which different kinds of trauma can affect our relationship with all things sex. Obviously, trauma, recovery and healing look completely different for absolutely everyone - so I don’t want this episode to feel like a “how to” on dealing with those traumatic experiences, because everyone needs to find the right way for them - but we’ll be looking at the ways trauma can affect your sex life, and what that might look like. I’ll be speaking on my personal experiences of trauma and its after-effects, and I’ll be suggesting some guidance on how to think about starting to move forward from it, because that’s often the hardest part. I’ll also be discussing some of the experiences you’ve sent me and answering some of your questions. I will add now, that this episode comes with trigger warnings of abuse, rape and sexual violence, so please take that into consideration before listening, and only proceed if you feel comfortable.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
21. An Ode To Outercourse...
May 3 2023
21. An Ode To Outercourse...
Happy Hump Day Bbys! I am back after a brief hiatus, BUT, I will be going to a fortnightly release, just whilst my degree work is pretty heavy. This will also give me a little more time to record with the amazing guests I have lined up for the season, which has proven exceptionally difficult to do whilst on tour... ANYWAY. Between our terrible sex education, the way sex is portrayed in movies and the countless porn videos that are out in the ether, apparently a few thrusts of penetrative sex is enough to propel us all into mutual, mind-blowing orgasms. But, the reality is, climaxing from penetrative sex simply just isn’t that common for women and vulva owners, and only happens for approximately 18%. And because this is the sexual script we were served up and expected to follow, half the time we don’t even realise how many other ways there are to explore pleasure outside of this. So, today, we’re going to look at those other options, and even look at the suggestion of taking penetration off the sexual menu for a little while, to allow yourself space to explore. You may even find that it reignites your desire FOR penetration if you’re finding yourself in a bit of a repetitive sexual lull. Thank you for sending me your thoughts and feelings on this subject as requested on my Instagram, we’ll be looking at these in the episode. So, let’s get into it. Here is...An Ode To Outercourse.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.
20. Ask Peach 2.0...
Apr 12 2023
20. Ask Peach 2.0...
Good morning everyone. Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex on the Peach Day! Today’s episode is this season’s Ask Peach, so the door was open for any and all of your questions. I want to say before this episode, I know most of these questions are sent in anonymously, but I still want to thank you for your vulnerability in asking the questions that you do, and thank you for trusting me with my thoughts and answers on these matters. I appreciate you all for tuning in and allowing me into your own sexual journeys and experiences, whatever they may be. We’ve only ever known a landscape where talking about sex has been a huge NO, and so the fact anyone feels able to open up and have these conversations with me means a lot, and I hope it continues to fuel people’s confidence in their communication around sex and relationships.Today's episode also comes with trigger warnings of violence and abusive relationships regarding the answer to one of the questions that was sent in.Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: Dilators (as mentioned in episode): the Show.
19. Dildo? Or Dildon't?
Mar 29 2023
19. Dildo? Or Dildon't?
Happy Hump Day everyone! Today we’re going to be following up with part 2 of "The Bedroom Besties That Sex-Ed Forgot", and this week we’re going to be looking at our other very important bedside best friend…sex toys. Sex toys have been gaining more and more attention over the years, and are FINALLY being talked about more openly. People are becoming more open to using sex toys to intensify their sexual experiences, which is amazing - but there are still plenty of negative attitudes towards using toys in the bedroom.  But hopefully, by educating ourselves and others about the benefits of sexual exploration and using sex toys safely and consensually, we can help reduce stigma and promote healthy sexual practices. This is one of my FAVOURITE topics, especially as someone who uses sex toys on a borderline daily basis, so I hope that this episode can provide some helpful information and build your confidence towards using sex toys if they aren’t already a part of your sexual practice. We’ll be looking at different types of sex toys and how they can help stimulate multiple parts of your body, discussing how to communicate about sex toy use with a sexual partner, I’ll  be giving you some recommendations (including my number one toy which gave me the 8 second orgasm), and as always I’ll be answering some of your questions. So, let’s get into it. Here is…Dildo, or Dildon’t?Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: Dilators (as mentioned in episode): Link (get 20% discount using code BBSOTP20): Support the Show.
18. Yes, You Lubri-CAN.
Mar 22 2023
18. Yes, You Lubri-CAN.
Happy Hump Day and Happy Sex on the Peach day. Today's episode is the first in a little two-part series that I like to call “Your Bedroom Besties that Sex-Ed forgot”. Two of the most important things that can be used to create more pleasure, more comfort, and more fun, that no one ever taught us about. Lube, and sex toys. So, today - we’re going to be talking about ALL things lube. Lube may not feel like the most glamorous or exciting topic, but it’s an essential part of a healthy and enjoyable sex life, and there is actually MUCH to talk about. With the right lube and a willingness to experiment, anyone can enhance their sexual experiences and feel more comfortable and confident during sex. We’re going to be DEBUNKING THE MYTH that wetness is synonymous with arousal, delving into alllllllllll the different types of lube that are out there for you to try, and hoping by the end of this episode that all lube taboos are removed and you are all stocking up on sex’s little helper. So, let’s slide into it shall we? Sex On The Peach is a completely inclusive, open, judgement free zone. However you identify - both in your gender and sexuality, whatever race, age, size, ability, religion you are - everyone is welcome here, and I hope that at some point in an episode we will touch on something you can relate to and resonate with.Please like, follow, share, review and subscribe to stay in the loop of all future episodes, and you can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube @sexonthepeachcast. If you want to contact me directly, you can do so at On The Peach - A Collaboration, Not A Performance.Love, Peach.Links:Website: Hosted By Buzzsprout: the Show.