The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast

Training Tilt

Short actionable tips to help create, manage or grow a running, triathlon or endurance sports coaching business online read less


Is TrainingPeaks Too Expensive?
Apr 4 2024
Is TrainingPeaks Too Expensive?
Today's episode dives into the often-discussed topic of TrainingPeaks' pricing. While some coaches find it on the pricier side, we're taking a closer look at the value it offers, especially given its extensive features tailored for endurance coaching. Sure, it's not without its flaws, particularly in how it serves the coaching community, but there's no denying it's a powerful tool designed with specific needs in mind.We also touch on the unfair comparison between TrainingPeaks and the everyday consumer apps we're all used to. Given that TrainingPeaks serves a niche, professional market with unique demands, its pricing model is structured differently from apps that cater to a broader audience with ad-based or data-selling revenue streams.Moreover, with the economic landscape as it is—think rising costs across the board—it's likely we'll see TrainingPeaks adjusting its pricing to keep pace. This isn't about profit but ensuring the platform can continue providing high-quality services and innovation. For coaches, this may mean adapting to potential price increases, but it's all part of staying competitive and offering the best to their clients.Lastly, we chat about the not-so-popular "licensing" fee for returning coaches, noting some recent positive changes in this area. Tune in for a balanced take on navigating the costs of doing business and making the most out of TrainingPeaks for your coaching needs.You can read the full blog here can watch the video version here Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Shutting Down
Mar 4 2024
Shutting Down
In this episode, we're diving into something that's been buzzing around our world lately - the shutdown of Today’s Plan. It's not just big news because it shakes up the coaching software scene; it's also a moment that makes us think about what it means for all of us in this niche, especially for folks like me running Training Tilt and coaching businesses in general.Here’s what we’re chatting about:The Big News: So, Today’s Plan is closing down. This was a bit of a bombshell when it dropped in December. It’s a mix of feelings, honestly. On one hand, it opens doors for Training Tilt, but it also has me feeling for the coaches and the team over at Today’s Plan. It's tough seeing a solid platform go under.Why Do Good Platforms Say Goodbye? It boils down to two things: money or motivation. Today’s Plan’s journey ended under Specialized’s roof, which got me thinking about how the big fish’s priorities can flip and affect the little guys. It’s a bit of a cautionary tale for anyone in the software game.A Peek Inside Training Tilt: This news had me looking in the mirror, thinking about our own path. We’ve been quietly doing our thing since 2014, focusing on helping coaching businesses without chasing the spotlight. It’s a different vibe from Today’s Plan, but it’s what keeps us ticking.Thinking Big(ger) for Coaching Businesses: The whole situation is a nudge for us to think about our game plans. It’s not just about making it through the year but building something that lasts and grows. We’re talking scalability and getting smart with our pricing - making sure we’re delivering value that our customers will happily pay for.Lending a Hand to Today’s Plan Coaches: With the news, we’ve been busy crafting ways to help coaches from Today’s Plan transition over with minimal fuss. It’s been a bit of a detour from our usual roadmap, but hey, it’s led to some pretty cool improvements on our end too.Wrap-Up: This episode is a bit of a reflection, a bit of strategy talk, and a lot about finding our way in the twists and turns of this industry. The end of Today’s Plan is a reminder of the challenges we face, but also of the opportunities to do things our way, to innovate, and to keep pushing forward. Let’s keep the conversation going and turn these changes into chances to thrive.Catch you next time!If you’d prefer to read the written version visit the blog post: Shutting Down
Which Feature Should I Work On
Oct 2 2023
Which Feature Should I Work On
Hope you and your athletes are setting some killer PRs and making gains! If not, all good, growth is rarely linear! I try to remind myself of that often!Quick thing for today’s blog—I've been working on some new features for Training Tilt simultaneously and the context switching has started to mess with my mind and slowed my progress on all of them!I’ve been dragging my feet so I need your help deciding which one to focus on and get over the line first.Hit me up in the chat box, with your vote or even better create an account over on our roadmap tool and add your vote there.The Contenders:1. Performance Management Chart 📈This one's all about Fitness, Fatigue, and Form. It’s now broadly accepted that these metrics are not 100% perfect for many reasons but with the right skills, experience and intuition can help coaches make better decisions.Check it out and vote in our Roadmap2. Conversations Feature 🗨️Imagine a place within Training Tilt where you can text, send audio, or video messages to your athletes. You can even drag and drop content from your library right into the chat, including planned and completed workouts and charts.Check it out and vote in our Roadmap3. Structured Strength & Conditioning Workouts 💪No screenshots to show for this one just yet!A way for you to prescribe S&C workouts in a structured format, making it similar to the current workout builder. No more typing long instructions about exercises, sets and reps into the instructions field.Check it out and vote in our RoadmapWhat's Next?Here's how you can help, you can do one, the other or both:Use the chat box on this page and let me know the option you're most excited about and why. Your 'why' is super important to me!Vote and comment on our Roadmap tool. Even if you're not a coach on Training Tilt, your opinion is valuable.Your feedback will decide which feature gets my full attention to cross the finish line first.You can read the full blog post hereWhich Feature Should I Work On?or watch the video version on Youtube up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Meet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coaches
Sep 21 2023
Meet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coaches
Hey Coaches,In this latest podcast episode, I dive into something that’s been on my mind: the business side of coaching. I share why coaches, especially in endurance sports, need to take their business acumen as seriously as their coaching expertise.During my regular hunt for potential customers on LinkedIn, I stumbled upon Michelle Lake—a game-changing business coach specifically for endurance coaches. 🎯 She takes everything I’ve been trying to help you with to the next level.We discuss four key insights from Michelle that really resonated with me:1️⃣ Consistency in Content: Michelle emphasizes the need for coaches to be as consistent with their content as they are with their training plans.2️⃣ Community Over "Online": The real magic of online coaching isn't the tech—it's the community you build among your clients.3️⃣ Endurance in Business: Drawing parallels between endurance sports and the grit needed in business can reframe how you approach your coaching venture.4️⃣ Pricing Strategies: Michelle reiterates a sentiment I share: when clients pay, they listen—and they pay attention.You can follow Michelle on Instagram here.Want to deep dive into all of this? Check out the full blog post.I also mentioned a handy revenue calculator in the blog. It's a great tool for coaches who are serious about scaling their businesses. You can access the calculator right here.Don’t forget to head over to Michelle’s Instagram for more content. Give her a follow, like her posts, and tell her I sent you.Until next time, keep pushing your limits both on the field and in the office. 🏃‍♂️💼You can read the full blog post hereMeet Michelle Lake - A Business Coach for Coachesor watch the video version on Youtube can find our "6 Figure Endurance Coaching Business" frame work and calculator here up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Is Your Coaching Platform Serving Your Best Interests?
Sep 4 2023
Is Your Coaching Platform Serving Your Best Interests?
In today's episode, we're tackling a question that's often overlooked in the coaching world: Is your current platform really serving your best interests? While dual-focus platforms that cater to both coaches and athletes seem like a one-size-fits-all solution, they may actually come with some subtle but significant trade-offs.Key PointsThe Allure of Dual Focus: Platforms like TrainingPeaks have become industry giants by offering services to both athletes and coaches. But what does this mean for the coaches specifically?Conflicting Incentives: In a dual-focus model, the platform has to serve two masters—coaches and athletes. This can often lead to coaches being overlooked or even directly undermined.The Marketplace Dilemma: New coaches may benefit from a marketplace that connects them to athletes, but as they grow and establish their brands, these platforms can actually become a hindrance.The Training Tilt Difference: We discuss why a focused approach, one that solely serves coaches, can be a game-changer for your business. With Training Tilt, athlete accounts are owned by the coaching business, and the platform aligns its goals purely with the coach's growth and success.Why You Should ListenIf you're a coach in the endurance sports industry and are using or considering a coaching platform, this episode is a must-listen. Get insights on how to choose a platform that genuinely puts your interests first and supports you at every stage of your coaching journey.You can read the full blog post hereIs your coaching platform serving your best interests?or watch the video version on Youtube up for a free trial of our coaching platform at & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
The Power of the Pack - How Groups Improve Performance
Aug 8 2023
The Power of the Pack - How Groups Improve Performance
In this episode, we're diving into the topic of group dynamics in endurance coaching. We discuss my recent experience at a heat adaptation camp in Samoa and how group dynamics not only improved the athletes' performances but also unexpectedly influenced my own performance not only supporting them but also in my own training performance. We'll explore how these dynamics can foster a sense of community, unity and mutual support, even when training is primarily online. Plus, we delve into the role of technology in managing group coaching.Show Notes:Introduction: Exploring the impact of group dynamics in challenging conditions and endurance coaching.Heat Adaptation Camp in Samoa: A personal experience where group dynamics boosted performance in the most unexpected ways.The Power of Group Dynamics in Endurance Coaching: Discussing the balance between individual training intensities and the energy of the group.Fostering Community and Unity Online: The role of group dynamics in creating a sense of community and mutual support in an online training setting.The Role of Technology: How modern tools can enhance and manage the process of group coaching.Conclusion: Reflecting on the transformative power of group dynamics in endurance coaching.Links Mentioned in the EpisodeTraining Tilt's Group Coaching FeaturesCoaching Revenue Calculator8 Reasons to Move from 1-1 to Group CoachingWe hope you find this episode insightful and helpful. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts!You can read the full blog here & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Realize Your Value: A Coach's Pricing Guide
Jul 28 2023
Realize Your Value: A Coach's Pricing Guide
Welcome to today's episode, where we navigate the tricky terrain of pricing your services as an endurance coach. How do you determine the right value? It's a question that trips up many in the coaching field, leading to a dangerous pitfall - undervaluing what they bring to the table. Our discussion today will help you shift your mindset and acknowledge the true value of your services.We kick off by exploring the wealth of knowledge and experience that endurance coaches bring to their clients. Remember, what you're providing isn't just a training plan - it's the cumulative wisdom gained from years of experience, training, failures and victories. Each of these facets adds value to your service and should be factored into your pricing.Then we delve into the Expertise Gap. As coaches, we can take for granted the skills we've honed over the years. Things that seem obvious to us can be game-changing for our clients. They're not paying for something they could do themselves, they're paying for your unique knowledge and abilities.We then turn our attention to pricing beyond time. It's a common mistake to price services based on time spent, but the value you provide goes beyond the hours you put in. Just as an architect doesn't merely charge for the time it takes to draw blueprints, you should consider the value of your creativity, your vision, your ability to strategize a path to your clients' goals.Underpricing can be tempting, but it comes with its own costs. We look at the repercussions of underpricing your services, which can include impacting your financial stability and inadvertently sending a signal to potential clients that your services might be inferior.A crucial discussion point is about avoiding personal bias in pricing. As coaches, we must resist the urge to price our services based on what we would personally be willing to pay. You're not your client - you have a level of expertise they're investing in.Shifting the perspective can be a powerful tool in reassessing your pricing. Try to see things from your clients' viewpoint - the goals they're striving towards, the value they get from your coaching, the time and energy they save under your guidance.Finally, we talk about overcoming the hesitation to charge what you're worth. Your services have a real, tangible impact on your clients' lives. By pricing appropriately, you affirm this value and the results they can expect to see.Our episode today has been about recognizing your value and shifting your pricing mindset accordingly. It's not an easy task - it requires confidence, self-awareness and a strong belief in your worth. But remember - your clients aren't just paying for a training plan, they're investing in your hard-earned wisdom and unique expertise. It's time to give yourself the credit you deserve and price your services accordingly.LinksYou can read more about pricing in our other posts “How to increase your prices” and “The Six Figure Endurance Coaching Framework” and "How to Portray you Value on your Coaching Website"You can read the full blog here can watch the video version here & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
5 Principles for Scaling Your Coaching Business:
Jul 22 2023
5 Principles for Scaling Your Coaching Business:
In today's episode, we dive deep into transitioning from a one-on-one coaching business to a one-to-many model. With our step-by-step guide, we'll break down the ways to break free from the limitations of a one-on-one model and effectively scale your business.Key Discussion Points:Discover the revenue ceiling any services business hits when they run out of time to service any more clients. Understand how much more revenue you can achieve with a scalable business model. We provide a handy revenue calculator in our blog post here.Get insights into the challenges of moving away from a one-on-one model. Learn how this shift can amplify your reach, impact, and earning potential.Continuous skill enhancement - understand why it's crucial to deepen your coaching knowledge, and improve your marketing, networking, and scalability skills. Check out our mini marketing course for endurance coaches here.Learn how strategic delegation can free up your time to focus on coaching and other high-priority tasks. We discuss affordable solutions like hiring a virtual assistant or leveraging platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. If you're considering hiring a VA, read our post on it here.Understand the power of community building and fostering peer learning among your athletes. Learn how using platforms like Training Tilt Social Groups, Facebook Groups, Discord or Slack can help build a strong community.Embrace technology to reach a wider audience. We talk about why Training Tilt outperforms other platforms for scaling your coaching business. Sign up for a free trial of Training Tilt here.Learn about the benefits of adopting automated group coaching programs, and how it leads to more clients, increased revenue, and faster business growth. We have a detailed blog post on the benefits of group coaching here."Embrace the Suck" - We discuss why you sometimes need to do things you don't want to do to scale your business successfully.Key TakeawaysThe shift from one-on-one coaching to a one-to-many model is a challenge, but it can significantly amplify your reach and optimize your earning potential.In order to succeed in this transition, you need to enhance your skills, embrace strategic delegation, foster a community, embrace the right technology, adopt automated group coaching programs, and learn to embrace doing tasks that you might not particularly enjoy.This process demands patience and planning, but if you stay focused, you can scale up your business and increase both your impact and income.LinksCheck out the revenue calculator at the bottom of our blog post: Revenue Calculator Blog Post.Get started on learning with our mini marketing course for endurance coaches: Mini Marketing Course.Read our post on hiring a virtual assistant: Hiring a VA Post.Explore Training Tilt's unique features with a free trial: Training Tilt Free Trial.Learn about the benefits of group coaching in our detailed blog post: Benefits of Group Coaching Blog Post.You can read the full blog here can watch the video version here & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that has everything you need to create, build, and grow your endurance coaching business online. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
AI Won't Replace Coaches... but
Jun 9 2023
AI Won't Replace Coaches... but
In today's episode, we're going deeper into the role of AI in coaching. Although AI isn't ready to replace coaches, it's set to provide a competitive edge for those who adopt it. The transition to AI could be as significant as when we moved from paper to digital methods, or adopted video conferencing tools.AI goes beyond creating tailored training plans and extracting insights. It can help streamline business processes, create content, and even refine marketing strategies. Ignoring this tool could be a risky move for coaches.Looking back, technology has always been a game-changer. Those who adapted early had an advantage. The same is expected with the AI revolution. Coaches who integrate AI into their business have the potential to outrun those who don’t.Join us for our upcoming webinar, "Leveraging the Power of AI for Endurance Coaches". It aims to guide coaches on integrating AI, not just for training plans, but also for day-to-day tasks.The beauty of AI is its versatility - it's like having a personal assistant with superpowers. The future of coaching is exciting and AI is leading the way. Let's seize this opportunity and shape the future of coaching together. Check the show notes for the webinar sign up link. See you there!You can signup for the webinar here can read the full blog here & GuestsCam Langsford @ Training Tilt - HostTraining Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here