Happyish Ever After: Love Your Life, Build Emotional Wellbeing, And Lose Weight

Tatiana Robertson

This podcast is about having tools and perspectives that help us all live our best life - not avoiding the ups and downs but learning and growing into our own truth. I grew up believing that if I could have the perfect life - which meant the if I was able to have the perfect body, perfect career, perfect family (see a trend yet) then I would be living the fairytale and would be happy. But I finally figured out that ”perfect” isn’t a thing and the fairytale was never real. In fact, I learned that I was never going to find happiness or fulfillment in a story that written by someone else.My hope is that when you listen to this podcast it feels like having a conversation with a trusted friend. The people who come on the podcast bring their unique perspective and generously share their insight. You will walk away inspired and with tools and knowledge to start the journey of writing your own story. Welcome to the real story - your story. read less


Using the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda for Modern Self-Care
May 8 2024
Using the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda for Modern Self-Care
Join us in this enlightening episode of the "Happyish Ever After Podcast" as we explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with renowned expert Kate O'Donnell. Dive deep into how integrating Ayurvedic practices into your daily life can lead to profound health benefits, from better digestion to enhanced skin health and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to Ayurveda, this episode is packed with actionable insights and tips to help you balance your body, mind, and spirit. What You Will Learn: Foundational Principles of Ayurveda: Understand the basics of Ayurveda and how it can be applied to modern lifestyles for improved health and wellness.Ayurvedic Nutrition: Discover the role of food in Ayurveda, including the importance of seasonal eating and how different foods can balance various body types.Skin Care through Ayurveda: Learn about natural skin care techniques using essential oils and other natural products to maintain youthful and vibrant skin as you age.Integrating Ayurveda with Modern Medicine: Kate discusses how Ayurvedic practices complement contemporary medical treatments and the benefits of this holistic approach.Practical Tips for Daily Practice: Get practical advice on simple Ayurvedic practices you can start today to improve your health and well-being.Featured Guest: Kate O'Donnell, author and seasoned Ayurvedic practitioner, shares her extensive knowledge and personal experiences with Ayurveda. With over 25 years of experience traveling through India and studying Ayurvedic practices, Kate brings a wealth of knowledge and practical tips to the podcast.   Resources Mentioned: Kate O'Donnell’s Books: Explore her publications for deeper insights into Ayurvedic practices.Ayurvedic Living Institute: Learn more about Kate’s institute and available courses.DIY Ayurvedic Skin Care Recipes: Try at home for natural beauty solutions. Connect with Kate O'Donnell: Website: HealwithKate.orgInstagram: @KateODonnell.AyurvedaKate’s Book Tour: www.healwithkate.org/book-tour Call to Action: Subscribe to Happyish Ever After PodcastRate and review the show wherever you get your podcastsFollow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content Get in touch with Tatiana Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comVisit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.comFind Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialJoin the Happyish Ever After Facebook GroupConnect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
Body Shame: How It Harms Us and Why Self-Compassion Heals
May 1 2024
Body Shame: How It Harms Us and Why Self-Compassion Heals
In this episode, Tatiana dives into the dark side of diet culture – body shame. She explores how societal messages and even healthcare professionals can make us feel inadequate and unworthy because of our body size. But here's the truth: shame is not a motivator, and it doesn't lead to lasting health changes. Tatiana calls on the work of Brené Brown to explain why shame backfires, and explores the power of self-compassion as a path to a healthier body. Disclaimer: The information on this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine. Key Points: Body Shame is Everywhere: From airbrushed magazine covers to subtle comments from family, we're constantly bombarded with messages that equate thinness with beauty and value. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a distorted body image.Shame Doesn't Work: Shame might make you feel bad about yourself, but it won't help you reach your health goals. Studies show that shame-based weight loss approaches have high recidivism rates.The Power of Self-Compassion: Brené Brown defines shame as saying "I am bad." Self-compassion, on the other hand, is about treating yourself with kindness and understanding, even when you make mistakes.The Three Elements of Self-Compassion: According to Kristen Neff, self-compassion consists of self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Self-kindness: Be gentle with yourself, you wouldn't talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself!Common humanity: Remind yourself that everyone struggles, and challenges around weight and body image are common.Mindfulness: Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. Don't get swept away by negativity. Call to Action: This week, practice self-compassion! When you have a setback, show yourself kindness. Remember, you are worthy of love and respect, no matter your size. References and Resources: Brené Brown, "Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience" (pp. 132-142)Kristen Neff, "Self Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself" https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/october-2011/worth-your-weight-reexamining-the-link-between-obesity-and-wages#:~:text=Economist%20John%20Cawley%20estimates%20that%20overweight%20and%20obese,percent%20less%2C%20respectively%2C%20than%20normal%20weight%20white%20womenhttps://hbr.org/2019/08/research-on-many-issues-americans-biases-are-decreasing Call to Action: Subscribe to Happyish Ever After PodcastRate and review the show wherever you get your podcastsFollow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content Get in touch with Tatiana Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comVisit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.comFind Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialJoin the Happyish Ever After Facebook GroupConnect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
No More Punishing Workouts: How the Whole Body Benefits from Pilates
Apr 24 2024
No More Punishing Workouts: How the Whole Body Benefits from Pilates
In this episode, Tatiana interviews fitness and midlife mindset expert Heike Yates about the transformative power of Pilates. They discuss how Pilates differs from other exercise forms, its focus on mind-body connection, and its benefits for strength, posture, joint health, and overall well-being. Heike emphasizes the adaptability of Pilates for all ages and fitness levels and offers guidance on getting started. Key Takeaways/Themes: Pilates Foundations: Learn about the "Three Cs" (Centring, Circulation, Concentration) and how they form the core principles of Pilates practice.Strengthening and Lengthening: Explore how Pilates simultaneously builds strength and promotes muscle lengthening for a lean, toned physique.Mind-Body Connection: Discover how Pilates encourages mindfulness and awareness, leading to improved posture and reduced stress.Personalized Approach: Heike highlights the importance of finding a qualified instructor who can tailor the Pilates experience to your individual needs and goals.Making it Accessible: Get tips on finding beginner-friendly Pilates classes, online resources, and the value of starting with a few private lessons. Guest Bio: Heike Yates is a fitness, nutrition, and midlife mindset expert with over 35 years of experience. She is the innovator behind Pilates with the Resistor ball exercise program and has a teacher training course. Resources: Pilates Method Alliance: https://www.pilatesmethodalliance.orgHeike Yates website: https://heikeyates.com/Heke Yates on IG: https://www.instagram.com/heikeyates/ Call to Action: Subscribe to Happyish Ever After PodcastRate and review the show wherever you get your podcastsFollow Happyish Ever After on social media for more empowering content Get in touch with Tatiana Email me at: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comVisit the website at: www.tatianarobertson.comFind Tatiana on IG: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialJoin the Happyish Ever After Facebook Group Connect about wellness: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
When "Healthy Eating" Turns Toxic: Understanding the Almond Mom
Apr 17 2024
When "Healthy Eating" Turns Toxic: Understanding the Almond Mom
In this episode, Tatiana tackles the concept of the "almond mom" and its connection to toxic diet culture. She explores the impact these beliefs have on women across generations, emphasizing the importance of challenging internalized ideas about weight, body image, and self-worth. Key Takeaways/Themes: The “Almond Mom” Defined: An “almond mom” is someone who may be overly invested in diet culture, often pressuring themselves and their children around healthy eating, fitness, and body image.Transgenerational Impact: These beliefs about food, weight, and appearance can be passed down from mothers to daughters, creating a cycle of body image insecurity and unhealthy relationships with food.Questioning Beliefs: Tatiana encourages listeners to critically examine the origins of their beliefs around weight and self-worth. Are these beliefs truly yours, or are they echoes of societal pressures or past experiences?Self-Worth Beyond Appearance: Our value and lovability are not defined by our body size or appearance. Challenge the idea that weight or clothing size determines your happiness, relationships, or success.Compassionate Self-Reflection: When you catch yourself having unkind thoughts about your body, take a moment to reflect. Would you judge a loved one so harshly? Extend the same grace and understanding to yourself.   Get in touch with Tatiana Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
How To Release Trapped Emotions: Introducing Emotion & Body Code
Apr 10 2024
How To Release Trapped Emotions: Introducing Emotion & Body Code
Guest: Paola Rosser, Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner Episode Description: Discover a powerful energy healing modality called the Emotion Code, designed to identify and release trapped emotions that contribute to physical and emotional struggles. My guest, Paola Rosser, shares her expertise and inspiring stories of how this practice can help you heal hidden wounds, overcome emotional hurdles, and unlock a life of greater balance and well-being. In this episode, you'll learn: What the Emotion Code is and how it worksThe connection between trapped emotions and physical and mental healthHow muscle testing reveals information stored in your subconscious mindReal-life stories of transformation using the Emotion CodeHow to begin your healing journey with this powerful tool About Paola Rosser Meet Paola Rosser, the down-to-earth force behind the Fearless Female Movement. As the founder and CEO, she's driven by a mission to dismantle the chains of fear imposed by old ideologies and the subconscious mind.  Paola employs a unique blend of coaching and subconscious healing that helps women overcome their past challenges and embrace their inner power. With Emotion & Body Code as her compass, Paola leads women on a healing journey enabling them to emerge as fearless architects of their destinies. Resources: Learn more about the Emotion Code: "The Emotion Code" book by Dr. Bradley Nelson Connect with Paola: Website: https://www.fearlessfemale.com/Book a free 15-minute session with Paola: https://www.fearlessfemale.com/emotioncodeandbodycodeExplore Paola's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@fearlessfemale/featuredInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/fearlessfemale_coach/ Key Takeaways Our bodies store emotional energy from past experiences, even inherited ones.Trapped emotions can cause physical and emotional distress.The Emotion Code offers a way to identify and release these blockages, promoting healing and well-being.   Get in touch with Tatiana Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
How Simple Breathwork Exercises Help Reduce Stress, Aid Sleep And Improve Health
Mar 27 2024
How Simple Breathwork Exercises Help Reduce Stress, Aid Sleep And Improve Health
Learn the secrets to reducing the rush of cortisol which so many of us deal with in our modern lives. Learn simple exercises that will help you lead a more vibrant and balanced life through the transformative power of breathwork as Harmony Slater, an acclaimed Ashtanga yoga teacher and certified coach, takes us on a journey through the art of pranayama breathing. During our conversation, Harmony describes aspects of traditional yoga philosophy, her experiences in India, and the modern scientific backing that uphold these age-old practices. Together, we discuss the eight limbs of yoga, emphasizing that it's much more than physical postures—it's a full spectrum of philosophical guidance for mindful living, including breath control and meditation.    Harmony Slater's wisdom illustrates the undeniable benefits of incorporating simple, mindful breathing techniques into our daily lives, no matter what our yoga experience may be. Delve into the versatility of breathwork from energizing pranayamas to calming practices like box breathing and starfish breathing, suitable for adults and children alike. Learn how adapting these ancient techniques to our personal needs can significantly affect our nervous system and overall well-being. From chronic stress management to enhancing meditation practices, Harmony offers a roadmap to a more conscious and serene existence.   Get in touch with Tatiana: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage Work with Harmony: Links and Resources: 5 Day Ancient Breathing Challenge for Stress Reduction with Harmony Slater Harmony Slater's Website: http://harmonyslater.comFinding Harmony Community https://harmonyslater.com/harmony-slater-coaching⁠Find Harmony on Instagram⁠Follow the Finding Harmony Podcast on IG⁠Two Minute Breathwork Session⁠
The Transformative Power Of Human Design and Achieving Well-being
Mar 13 2024
The Transformative Power Of Human Design and Achieving Well-being
Welcome back to Happyish Ever After, the podcast where real stories, insights, and discoveries make for a healthier and happier life. This week, we're thrilled to bring you a special episode on the powerful insights of Human Design, featuring the remarkable Human Design Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Podcast Host, Adriana Keefe. Dive into the essence of who we are as we uncover the keys to health, prosperity, and purpose. In This Episode: A Special Guest Introduction: Meet Adriana Keefe, a dynamic Human Design Coach, who shares her transformative journey and how Human Design has reshaped her approach to life, wellness, and success.The Essence of Human Design: Adriana breaks down the complex yet captivating world of Human Design, offering us a gateway to understanding ourselves and the universe with greater clarity.Life-Altering Strategies for Every Type: Whether you're a Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, Reflector, or Generator, Adriana provides tailored advice that speaks directly to your soul's blueprint.Overcoming Obstacles with Grace: Learn from Adriana's personal and professional experiences on how to navigate life's inevitable challenges through the lens of Human Design.A Holistic Approach to Well-being: Discover the profound impact of aligning your lifestyle, decisions, and relationships with your Human Design type for holistic health and happiness. Featured Conversations: Journey into Trust and Universal Play: Adriana shares her initial skepticism and the pivotal moments that led her to embrace Human Design as a tool for deep self-awareness and trust in life's flow.Unlocking the Secrets of Human Design: A deep dive into the core principles of Human Design, with Adriana guiding us through the fascinating synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science.Transforming Lives with Human Design: Real-life stories and testimonials from those who've worked with Adriana, showcasing the transformative power of understanding and applying one's Human Design.Practical Tips for Daily Living: Adriana offers actionable strategies for utilizing Human Design in everyday decisions, from career moves to personal wellness.Adriana's Vision for the Future: A glimpse into Adriana's aspirations and upcoming projects in the world of Human Design and beyond. Resources Mentioned: The No BS Human Design PodcastExplore Adriana's WorkFollow Adriana on Instagram Get in touch with Tatiana Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage   If you found value in our conversation, please consider subscribing, rating, and reviewing us on your favorite podcast platform. Your support helps us bring more transformative content your way. Stay tuned for more episodes that help you navigate the journey to your happiest, healthiest self.
Exploring Trauma, Resilience, and Healing with 'What Happened to You?'
Mar 6 2024
Exploring Trauma, Resilience, and Healing with 'What Happened to You?'
This book-of-the-month-ish episode, hosted by Tatiana Robertson, features a deep-dive review of the book 'What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing' by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey. Joined by guest Nimisha Mehta, they explore the book's examination of how childhood experiences and trauma shape our brains, behaviours, and personalities, impacting our health and wellness. The discussion highlights the book's message that understanding the science of trauma can lead to healing and growth. With personal anecdotes and reflections, Tatiana and Nimisha discuss the importance of community, meaningful relationships, and self-compassion in the recovery process. They underscore the book's call for empathy and understanding towards others' behaviours by asking 'What happened to you?' instead of judging. The episode emphasizes that trauma can lead to post-traumatic wisdom, empowering individuals with resilience and a deeper understanding of themselves and others.   00:00 Welcome to Happyish Ever After: Embracing Real Lives and Stories 00:31 Diving Deep into 'What Happened to You?': A Book Discussion with Nimisha Mehta 02:08 Unpacking Trauma and Healing: Insights and Personal Reflections 26:25 The Power of Community and Compassion 29:37 Healing from Trauma: Strategies and Stories 44:46 Reflections and Takeaways: Embracing Self-Worth and Continuous Healing   Get in touch with Tatiana Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage A message from Nimisha: At the core of my work lies the profound connection between self-reflection and personal branding. Through mirror work, I guide women to explore and embrace their authentic selves. It's not just about clothes and appearance; it's about aligning inner confidence with outward expression. This process helps them uncover a style that authentically represents their identity, fostering a powerful personal brand that resonates with who they truly are. IG: https://www.instagram.com/thenimishamehta  Want to read the book? Here’s the link: What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing' by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey   Acknowledgments: A special thank you to Nimisha Mehta for sharing her invaluable and delightful insights. And to our listeners, thank you for choosing "Happyish Ever After" as your source of inspiration and practical advice. Until next time, keep your curiosity alive, spread kindness, and remember—you are the author of your story. Here's to finding your "Happyish Ever After."
The path to success: Wellness & power in the executive world
Feb 28 2024
The path to success: Wellness & power in the executive world
Host Tatiana Robertson sits down with Denise Stewart, a freelance theatre artist, speaker, and executive coach, to delve into the intertwined realms of leadership, personal well-being, and the transformative power of self-care. Denise shares her journey from wellness coaching to executive coaching, emphasizing the indispensable role of the body and mind in achieving professional excellence and personal fulfillment. What You'll Learn: The Essence of Worth in Public Speaking: Denise opens with a compelling discussion on how public speaking is less about skill and more about self-worth and authenticity.The Journey to Executive Coaching: Learn about Denise's transition from theatre and wellness coaching to becoming a sought-after executive coach and lecturer at the University of Virginia.Integrating Health and Wellness: Discover why Denise believes that true leadership cannot be separated from personal well-being and how she integrates this belief into her coaching practices.Tactics for Energy Management: Denise shares practical advice on managing energy levels, avoiding burnout, and the importance of visualization in achieving personal and professional goals.Investing in Self-Care: A deep dive into why investing time and resources into personal well-being is critical for executives and leaders to maintain their effectiveness and avoid depletion. Featured Guest: Denise Stewart Bio: Denise Stewart is a freelance theatre artist, speaker, and executive coach. With a rich background in performing arts and a passion for storytelling, Denise leverages her unique expertise to empower individuals in leadership roles. As a lecturer at the University of Virginia, she imparts wisdom on public speaking, storytelling, and the power of presence.Contact Information: Visit Denise at DeniseStewartStudio.com for coaching inquiries and more insights into her transformative work. Episode Highlights: [00:00:26] Tatiana welcomes listeners and introduces the theme of embracing real stories over perfection.[00:01:22] Introduction of Denise Stewart and her multifaceted career.[00:02:24] Denise discusses the integration of executive coaching with wellness and the power of storytelling.[00:10:26] Exploring the concept of worth and its impact on leadership and public speaking.[00:18:09] Denise outlines her approach to helping leaders manage energy levels and avoid burnout.[00:35:03] The significance of visualization in personal and professional growth.[00:49:57] Tatiana and Denise wrap up the conversation with final thoughts on investing in oneself. Get in touch with Denise Coaching services: https://denisestewartstudio.com/Bring Dirty Barbie to your community: https://denisestewartstudio.com/dirty-barbie   Get in touch with Tatiana Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.comwww.tatianarobertson.comwww.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficialHappyish Ever After Facebook Groupwww.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage Acknowledgments: A special thank you to Denise Stewart for sharing her invaluable insights and experiences. And to our listeners, thank you for choosing "Happy-ish Ever After" as your source of inspiration and practical advice. Until next time, keep your curiosity alive, spread kindness, and remember—you are the author of your story. Here's to finding your "Happy-ish Ever After."
How to Be Happy-ish: Science-backed strategies for overcoming loneliness
Feb 21 2024
How to Be Happy-ish: Science-backed strategies for overcoming loneliness
In this enlightening episode of the Happyish Ever After Podcast, host Tatiana Robertson tackles the silent epidemic of loneliness and its profound impact on our health. Going beyond the surface, Tatiana delves into the science behind why we're biologically wired for social connection and how modern life has intensified feelings of isolation. With a mix of personal insights and science-backed data, she talks about the increased health risks associated with loneliness and offers practical steps you can take to forge meaningful connections and combat loneliness. Whether you're feeling disconnected or just looking to deepen your social bonds, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a healthier, happier life. Episode Outline: Introduction to Loneliness and Social ConnectionThe importance of social bonds for evolutionary survivalLoneliness as a modern epidemic New Format for Season 2Introduction to mini-episodes focused on health-related topics The Science Behind LonelinessHow loneliness affects your health Comparing the impact of social relationships vs. genetic connections on health The Modern Epidemic of LonelinessThe role of modern society in the rise of lonelinessThe physical and mental health risks associated with social isolation Practical Steps to Combat LonelinessJoining social groups and clubsAttending community eventsVolunteeringInvesting in existing relationshipsBeing open-minded and approachable Conclusion and Final ThoughtsThe long-term health benefits of social connectionsEncouragement to take action against loneliness Call to Action: If this episode resonated with you, don't keep it to yourself! Share it with a friend who might benefit from our discussion on combating loneliness and building stronger social connections. Remember, taking the first step towards connecting with others can make a world of difference in your health and happiness. And if you're looking for more content like this, hit the follow button to stay updated with the Happyish Ever After Podcast.   Links for Reference: (Please add links and references here) US government’s National Library of Medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27091846/  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8618012/    Get in touch with Tatiana: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com www.tatianarobertson.com www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial Happyish Ever After Facebook Group www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage
How To Form And Sustain Meaningful Relationships According To The Enneagram
Feb 14 2024
How To Form And Sustain Meaningful Relationships According To The Enneagram
Host Tatiana discusses the significance of the Enneagram system in understanding our needs and behavioral patterns, with Enneagram expert, Nicole McDonough. They explore how the Enneagram can help people identify where they thrive and where they fade in relationships, while also highlighting its potential for fostering self-awareness and personal growth. Nicole further explains the nine different Enneagram types, their tendencies in forming relationships, and the strengths and challenges each type brings to a relationship. The podcast also touches on the issue of loneliness, its impact on health, and the role of social connection and emotional well-being in reducing risk of mental and physical health issues.   0:00  01:08 The Importance of Social Connection and the Dangers of Loneliness 02:00 Understanding the Enneagram and Its Role in Relationships 02:16 Guest Introduction: Nicole McDonough, Enneagram Coach 03:42 The Enneagram: A Map to Personal Growth and Understanding 03:51 The Enneagram and Its Nine Different Starting Points 05:48 Understanding the Enneagram's Groupings and Their Implications 07:00 The Enneagram: A Tool for Self-Reflection and Personal Development 11:06 Misconceptions and Misuse of the Enneagram 16:44 The Enneagram's Role in Building Stronger Social Connections 19:32 Understanding the Enneagram's Triads and Their Impact on Social Connections 28:20 Understanding the Assertive Stance in Enneagram 29:02 Exploring Friendships in Different Enneagram Types 30:06 Deep Dive into Individual Enneagram Types and Their Strengths 39:37 The Role of Boundaries in Different Enneagram Types 42:28 Exploring the Last Three Enneagram Types 52:15 Understanding the Enneagram Test and Its Implications 54:52 Final Thoughts and Ways to Connect   Get in touch with Tatiana: Tatiana@TatianaRobertson.com www.tatianarobertson.com www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial Happyish Ever After Facebook Group www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage   More about Nicole McDonough Nicole McDonough coaches leaders and entrepreneurs to lead with excellence, focus, and innovation by stepping into their unique superpowers. Using tools like the enneagram, her clients learn to welcome challenges as opportunities for self-reflection so they can thrive in leadership, relationships, and navigate complex dynamics with clarity, insight, and an open heart.   Free Guide: Unlock Your Leadership Superpowers https://myleadershipsuperpowers.com/   Enneagram Typing Sessions: https://nicolemcdonoughcoaching.com/enneagramtyping Website: https://nicolemcdonoughcoaching.com/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicoledianemcdonough/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/nicole.mcdonough.925/ Take the Enneagram test:  www.enneagraminstitute.com/
33. What is food freedom and how to achieve it!
Dec 7 2023
33. What is food freedom and how to achieve it!
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have food freedom?  To not obsess over food and worry constantly about what you should or shouldn’t eat?  Welcome to the life of many many midlife women.  Today’s guest Kim Basler talks about her work with women in helping them achieve food freedom and she shares with me something I’ve never heard - that emotional eating is a gift!  In this episode you will learn that food freedom is about living without diets, rules, or morality. Kim’s work helps food be a part of your life without the need to control, obsess, worry, or stress about it. Food freedom is about bringing pleasure and enjoyment back to your meals. It means you get to choose foods without stress, anxiety, guilt, or shame. About Kim: Kim Basler is a Food Freedom & Mindset Coach, a published author, and canfitpro's New Presenter of the Year for her work on Body Image and Mental Wellness. With 30 years in the industry, she specializes in disordered eating, body diversity and helping women improve their self-worth beyond the number on the scale. How to connect with Kim: Website: https://www.kimbasler.com/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/kimbasler_foodfreedom/ As always you can connect with me in a variety of ways!!! Instagram: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial  Website: www.tatianarobertson.com  Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage  Private Facebook Group for Happyish Pod Squad Crew: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1902004553313858/
32 How a social marketing duo created a dream life using the same skills they use to beat the algorithm
Nov 23 2023
32 How a social marketing duo created a dream life using the same skills they use to beat the algorithm
Michael and Jill Leonard figured out what they wanted from life and then proceeded to live that dream life.  They share their approach and philosophy of “failing forward” and talk about how that has helped them grow as individuals, as a couple, and as business partners in the highly successful digital marketing agency - The Market Vibe.  Michael and Jillian Leonard were college sweethearts who met during their time at California State University. After university, Michael jumped into the grind leading sales teams and Jill worked on corporate marketing and branding. But Jill and Michael had a dream of starting a marketing firm based on the idea of building deep and meaningful relationships with customers.  In 2019 that dream became a reality with the founding of The Market Vibe.  Since then Jill and Micheal have taught business owners how to create marketing campaigns that not only scale but connect to their ideal clients. They develop impactful marketing strategies that reach customers on a deeper level. Not only do they study the analytics behind a marketing campaign, but they also set their clients up to move beyond sales so they can make a bigger impact.  Instagram: www.instagram.com/michaelandjill/ TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@michaelandjill Website: https://www.themarketvibe.com As always you can connect with me in a variety of ways!!! Instagram: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial  Website: www.tatianarobertson.com  Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage  Private Facebook Group for Happyish Pod Squad Crew: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1902004553313858/
31. Create harmony between work and life - how to reclaim mental clarity and realign to our purpose
Nov 2 2023
31. Create harmony between work and life - how to reclaim mental clarity and realign to our purpose
Instead of trying to find balance Dr. Mariné Avagyan says we should be trying to achieve harmony! In this conversation with Dr. Avagyan shares tips for stress management, boundary setting, and how to create a support system. Dr. Avagyan shares with us proven techniques she uses to help reclaim mental clarity and realign to our vision and purpose.   I had some powerful ah-ha moments and I know you will to! Dr. Avagyan is an experienced leader with over 25 years of practice in large urban education systems, overseeing the administration and implementation of multi-million-dollar programs and services. Dr. Avagyan has extensive experience in the areas of leadership and management, strategic planning, systems design, policy interpretation and implementation, professional development, team building, diversity and inclusion, and curriculum and instruction. In addition to her Education Doctorate Degree in Leadership, she is also trained as a Mental Fitness Coach, a Breakthrough Coach, and a Professional Life Coach.  Dr. Avagyan's practice is in Los Angeles, California. You can connect with Dr. Mariné Avagyan through the following links:  Email: MarineAvagyan@avagyanconsulting.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmarinea  As always you can connect with me in a variety of ways!!! Instagram: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial  Website: www.tatianarobertson.com  Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage  Private Facebook Group for Happyish Pod Squad Crew: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1902004553313858/
29. The help you need to start your own business - a conversation with WeBC CEO Shauna Harper
Oct 19 2023
29. The help you need to start your own business - a conversation with WeBC CEO Shauna Harper
Have you ever had a great idea but didn't know how to turn it into a business?  Today's conversation will help you find the right people, develop the know how, and access the funds that you need to turn that idea into a reality. Shauna Harper is the CEO of WeBC.  WeBC provides thousands of women entrepreneurs across BC with business loans, expertise, training, resources, and peer support to help their businesses grow and thrive each year. Shauna is an impact-driven leader, community champion, speaker, mentor, and connector in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. She is a nationally-recognized advocate for women entrepreneurs, gender equity, and a champion for increased access to services, training, support, and funding. Her strengths include marketing and communications strategy, participatory and collaborative facilitation, business development, community engagement, team building, as well as the development of strategic partnerships and programs. Prior to coming to WeBC, Shauna was an entrepreneur for 22 years. She owned a manufacturing company that created and sold inspirational glass stone magnets globally, and a marketing and communications company that helped small businesses and not-for-profit organizations by offering marketing strategies, project management, team support, and marketing training. In 2015, Shauna was the co-facilitator of the regional Catalyst for Growth dialogues that actively explored how to support economic growth through women and create a greater impact by growing the number of women in senior leadership roles, trades, emerging sectors, and as entrepreneurs. She was also a facilitator for portions of the BC Economic Forum (2015) and the We for She Conference (2016). Shauna has been recognized for her leadership and impact. She was named a Woman of Influence by BC Business Magazine; and Business Person of the Year and Top 40 Under 40 by the Prince George Chamber of Commerce. She was on the BC Premier’s Women’s Economic Council as an advisor from 2014-2017, and an advisor on the Government of Canada’s Women’s Entrepreneurship Strategy in 2019. Shauna’s vision for WeBC is to continue to build on the incredible success and momentum of the team, while exploring the possibilities in the next phase of collaboration, sustainability, and impact. WeBC https://we-bc.ca/ Join a Free Starting a Business Info Session: https://we-bc.ca/sbis/#content Women's Enterprise Organizations of Canada (WEOC): https://weoc.ca/
28. Abby Wambach’s book ”Wolfpack”
Oct 12 2023
28. Abby Wambach’s book ”Wolfpack”
In this episode I have a conversation with the wonderful Becky Upchurch and we talk about Abby Wambach's book Wolfpack.   Based on her inspiring, viral 2018 commencement speech to Barnard College’s graduates in New York City, New York Times bestselling author, two-time Olympic gold medalist and FIFA World Cup champion Abby Wambach delivers her empowering rally cry for women to unleash their individual power, unite with their pack, and emerge victorious together. Abby Wambach became a champion because of her incredible talent as a soccer player. She became an icon because of her remarkable wisdom as a leader. As the co-captain of the 2015 Women’s World Cup Champion Team, she created a culture not just of excellence, but of honor, commitment, resilience, and sisterhood. She helped transform a group of individual women into one of the most successful, powerful and united Wolfpacks of all time. In her retirement, Abby’s ready to do the same for her new team: All Women Everywhere. In Wolfpack, Abby’s message to women is: We have never been Little Red Riding Hood. We Are the Wolves. We must wander off the path and blaze a new one: together. She insists that women must let go of old rules of leadership that neither include or serve them. She’s created a new set of Wolfpack rules to help women unleash their individual power, unite with their Wolfpack, and change the landscape of their lives and world: from the family room to the board room to the White House. · Make failure your fuel: Transform failure to wisdom and power. · Lead from the bench: Lead from wherever you are. · Champion each other: Claim each woman’s victory as your own. · Demand the effing ball: Don’t ask permission: take what you’ve earned. In Abby’s vision, we are not Little Red Riding Hoods, staying on the path because we’re told to. We are the wolves, fighting for a better tomorrow for ourselves, our pack, and all the future wolves who will come after us. If you want to listen to Becky's discussion on setting boundaries go back to episode 16!  You can also connect directly with Becky multiple ways: Her website: www.highergoodcoaching.com Email: Becky@highergoodcoaching.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/beckyupchurch_ Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/TheWomensGrowthCircle As always you can connect with me in a variety of ways!!! Instagram: www.instagram.com/tatianarobertsonofficial  Website: www.tatianarobertson.com  Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TatianasWellnessPage  Private Facebook Group for Happyish Pod Squad Crew: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1902004553313858/