Healthy Indoors


Healthy Indoors® is a global media company providing the information you need to improve your indoor world! We currently produce and distribute the following online shows: Healthy Indoors LIVE Show -- A weekly live-streamed industry talk show. Each episode features the industry’s experts on a variety of topics about how to make your indoor spaces healthier and more sustainable. The show is hosted by Healthy Indoors Magazine’s founder & publisher, Bob Krell, who is a veteran indoor environmental and building performance consultant, contractor, and trainer. Healthy Indoors AFTER HOURS Show -- A monthly live-streamed 90- minute program featuring guests from around the globe, hosted by Bob Krell & Joe Medosch. Picture yourself walking into the hotel lounge after a day of sessions at an industry event, and having a conversation with a group of experts. Indoor Environments Show: Global Research to Action -- A new video show & podcast that explores at how research can be translated to practice on a variety of topics related to our built indoor environments. The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) and the Indoor Environmental Quality Global Alliance (IEQ-GA) have partnered to create this unique show. Access all our public content on the Healthy Indoors Online Global Community at: read less
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