The Mompreneur's Diary

Briana Ross

The podcast for entrepreneurial women of all backgrounds to get the support they need when growing their businesses. We all have things we mentally take note of or write about but don’t feel like we have a safe space to talk about. Well, today, we’re gonna talk about it. Connect with Briana at

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14 | How to Get Back on Track as a Mompreneur
Jun 15 2022
14 | How to Get Back on Track as a Mompreneur
How many times throughout your week (or day) do you feel overwhelmed and find yourself drowning in both business and life tasks?You are not alone! (And there’s no judgment here in whatever number you answered.) This is so common for entrepreneurs, especially mompreneurs, that it becomes all too easy to forget the beauty and freedom of having your own business. In this episode, we're going to talk about how you can get more organized in life and business, feel more aligned, and ultimately crush more of your business goals. For years, I thought finding harmony among my many roles was impossible. I’d have days when things would be great, days when things would just feel like they were falling apart, and many days when I was just unsure if things would work out. However, once I implemented some small tweaks, both at home and in my business, I felt aligned and good about moving forward in life. And I know that these tweaks can help you too. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to find harmony and balance so you can once again enjoy your mompreneur journey!​​For any links mentioned in today’s episode, be sure to check out the show notes over at episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast is sponsored by HelloBriana Consulting. HelloBriana Consulting is a business consulting firm created to help female entrepreneurs build the brands they dream of while creating a life they don’t need a vacation from. To learn more about how to build the brand that you dream of, head over to
13 | Mompreneurship and Finding Harmony with Shenelle Porter
May 9 2022
13 | Mompreneurship and Finding Harmony with Shenelle Porter
If you’ve ever felt lonely as an entrepreneur, you’re definitely not alone.This is why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people who can support you in those pivotal business moments and celebrate your wins. In that spirit, today, I am super excited to be joined by my business bestie Shenelle Porter, who’s been an answer to my prayers. Shenelle is the owner and founder of Curate Socially Co., a business consulting company based in Virginia. As a wife and mom of two and a coach for over ten years in a corporate and entrepreneurial capacity, Shenelle understands the impact and importance of alignment and how doing business on your own terms can change your life. In this episode, we’re diving into the importance of having a supportive community as an entrepreneur (especially a mompreneur), how comparing ourselves with others is stealing our joy, and how to balance our family life with being a CEO. So, grab a pen, hit that play button, and get ready to learn how you can create a business that aligns with you and your values. For more info about Shenelle and any links mentioned in today’s episode, be sure to check out the show notes over at episode of The Mompreneur’s Diary podcast is sponsored by HelloBriana Consulting. HelloBriana Consulting is a business consulting firm created to help female entrepreneurs build the brands they dream of while creating a life they don’t need a vacation from. To learn more about how to build the brand that you dream of, head over to