Isn't She Powerful

Laura Banks

Welcome to the Isn’t She Powerful Podcast! My name is Laura Banks and I am the voice behind Isn’t She Powerful and the founder of the B.Healthy Lifestyle.

Do you want to lose weight and finally begin feeling good in your body? You’re tired of looking at pictures of yourself and thinking “something’s gotta give, that is not cute.” Maybe you’ve tried all of the diets and nothing sticks and at this point you’re scared to start something new because you might fail just like you did all of the other times. Maybe you even feel like you need a friend in your corner to hold your hand through the changes you want to make so that you can make sure this time is different, this time you reach your goals while still doing and eating all of the things you love most!

If yes, Isn’t She Powerful is the podcast for you!

I help busy, working women (teachers, moms, nurses, lawyers, etc) who are new to the health and wellness space develop sustainable healthy habits so that they can lose weight and feel great in their clothes without ever going on a diet again.

Inside this show, you’ll learn how to eat healthy meals without giving up all of the foods you love, like sweets or fast food. You’ll gain habits for sustainable, enjoyable exercise. I’ll teach you how to get great sleep, hit your water goal, and manage your stress in a way that feels good for you.

And the best part? It won’t be just me! I am bringing all of my favorite health and wellness besties to the show so that you can really make the most of our time together each week.

This podcast and my health coaching programs are a passion project for me because of my history with health and weight loss. I grew up eating the standard American diet and by the time I graduated college, I was living with some very unhealthy habits. The biggest problem for me, however, was that I didn’t know at all how to actually live a healthy life. I thought I had to slash my calories, workout all the time, and never eat things that I enjoyed ever again.

Now I spend my days teaching women how to make healthy living sustainable and enjoyable.

For more on my story and information on ways I can help you, visit

My favorite part of this job is connecting with all of you so head on over to socials and let’s chat!

IG and TikTok: @laura.b.healthy

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Three Steps to Get Back into a Routine with Healthy Habits (Even If It's Been a While)
4d ago
Three Steps to Get Back into a Routine with Healthy Habits (Even If It's Been a While)
This episode is for you if you’ve had healthy habits in the past and been consistent with them, but eventually life got in the way and the habits took a back seat. If you’re ready for those habits to make their way back into your life, this is your guidebook to making that happen. Three steps to getting back into those routines weather it's been 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years. Thank you so much for sharing this episode with friends, subscribing so you never miss a thing, and leaving a quick rating or review of the show! KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Three simple steps for getting back into a routine with healthy habits you once had. How to determine which habits to bring back and which habits should be gone for good. How to decide which habits to start with.Building habits that make you feel strong, confident, happy, and healthy.If you are a beginner and haven't had healthy habits in the past, that's okay. You can still listen to this episode. I share how to apply these three steps to where you are currently in your health journey. If you love this episode, you'll also enjoy: Go From Having a Dream to Living a Dream by Following This 3-Step ProcessHow To Move Through the Fear of Failure in Your Health JourneyA Mindset Shift to Make Reaching Your Goals So Much EasierThank you again for the rating and reviews of the show, no matter where you listen!Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
Preparing for Vacation: What to Do Before and During Vacation So That You Feel Your Best
Jun 19 2024
Preparing for Vacation: What to Do Before and During Vacation So That You Feel Your Best
LEARN MORE ABOUT SUBMERGED RETREAT HERE! 🌊 In this episode, I go into detail on the things I am doing before vacation and during vacation this summer to make sure that I feel my absolute best while there. No one wants to go on vacation feeling discontent and negative about their body. In this episode, I will share with you 3 things I am being very intentional with leading into the vacation, other habits I am always including in my daily lifestyle, and the things I will do while on vacation so that I don't feel tired and yucky while there. These are practical tips that you can begin implementing right away!KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS EPISODE: Exactly what I'm doing before vacation to make sure I feel healthy, happy, and confident while there.How you can start doing those same things so you feel the same way. Everyday habits that help me feel healthy and confident even when I'm not on vacation (easy things you can begin adding into your daily lifestyle).The mindset tools to use while on vacation. The practical things for you to do while on vacation so you have a fun trip and continue feeling great. Mentioned in this episode are two others you will love: 5 Steps to a Sustainable Exercise RoutineWhy It's Important to Eat a Variety of Colorful Fruits and Veggies & How You Can Make It Easier To Do🌊Interested in joining us for a long weekend retreat in Daytona Beach Shores this September? Learn more about the retreat and how to attend by clicking here! Share this episode with someone you'll be vacationing with this year! We all deserve to have the happiest and healthiest vacations 😉 Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
Can Manifestation and Christianity Coexist? Let's Chat Manifestation and Faith with Alesha McNeill
Jun 12 2024
Can Manifestation and Christianity Coexist? Let's Chat Manifestation and Faith with Alesha McNeill
In this episode, I interview Alesha McNeill, Manifestation Expert and Coach, to uncover the answer to the question, can manifestation and Christianity coexist? Alesha has been practicing manifestation for years and coaches women around the world on how to manifest the life of their dreams. I have been working with Alesha for about 6 months at the time of this episode's release and through that experience I've come to learn a lot about the role that spirituality plays in manifestation. This episode is going to open your mind and heart! In this episode, we talk about body image, money, manifestation in a health journey, and of course, how Christianity and manifestation work together. NOTE: Although Christianity is listed in the name of this episode and the relationship to a higher power is referred to as such throughout this interview, what we are ultimately referring to here is a connection to a greater loving presence, whatever that may be for you. If you love this episode, you'll also love the two most recent On My Sleeve episodes around the same topic: [On My Sleeve] I'm Closer to God Than Ever Before but in a Pretty Nontraditional Way[On My Sleeve] The One Thing That's Helped Me Feel Less Anxious and More AbundantCONNECT WITH ALESHA: TikTokInstagramJoin her MembershipThank you for leaving ratings and reviews! It truly means the world to me!!Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
Understanding the Types of Carbs and Why They Feel Addicting
May 22 2024
Understanding the Types of Carbs and Why They Feel Addicting
If you constantly think about carbs (dessert, potatoes, bread, pasta) this episode is for you. In this episode, you will learn about the main types of carbohydrates, the function of them in our body, why you do or don't need to eat them, and how to stop feeling so addicted to them! Mentioned in this episode is my Building Balance eBook which you can download here if you haven't already. This is an educational episode to help you understand more about carbohydrates so that you can make educated decisions when choosing what foods you eat. I believe education is at the heart of change. I want you to make decisions that are healthful for you because you know more now than you did before, not because someone told you to or you watched a TikTok video. You deserve to make your own decisions from a place of knowledge!To watch a short video on high fiber carb, click here.If you are learning more about healthy food choices and healing your relationship with food, you'll also want to listen to these episodes: How To Heal Your Relationship with Food: A Guide to Stop Overeating Then Beating Yourself Up Over ItCravings: The Two Types, How to Determine Which Type You're Experiencing, Why They Have Nothing to Do with Willpower, And How to Manage Them at Certain Points in Your Monthly CycleHow To Know If You Have A "Broken" Relationship With Food & What To Do About ItChanging your mindset with food and healing the relationship you have with food is not easy work. I spend 8 weeks helping my clients heal their relationship with food and look at health from a new perspective in my group coaching program, Seismic Shift. The next group for that program opens in the fall. Click here to get on the waitlist! Thank you for leaving ratings and reviews! It truly means the world to me!!Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
Staying Healthy When You're at Max Capacity
May 1 2024
Staying Healthy When You're at Max Capacity
This time of year it can be easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you are hitting max capac daily. In this episode, I share with you the simple method I've been using to set goals for myself that I can actually stick to during this hectic time of year. This is the same method I've been teaching my clients in BHB and in Seismic Shift and they've been loving it because it's a breath of fresh air to view health in such a simple way. If healthy living feels like just another thing you have to do right now, press play on this episode 😉It would also mean the world to me for you to go down to the bottom of this page and write a short review of the show or give it a star rating! Mentioned in this episode are my coaching programs. Here are the details: Healthy Handled: Each week for 12 weeks you get an email with healthy recipes for all meals, including snacks and dessert, a meal plan, a schedule for when to meal prep, and a short blurb of education to help you on your journey. Click here to learn more and join. This program is perfect for you if you're getting started and want to eat healthy meals more consistently! Seismic Shift: This is an 8 week group coaching program focused completely on your mindset. If you've listened to previous episodes on healing your relationship with food or having an all or nothing mindset and felt like you could totally relate, click here and join the waitlist for Seismic Shift. It will be enrolling again in the Fall. The B.Healthy Breakthrough: This is my one on one coaching program that is the most impactful program that I offer! For 6 months, we work one on one together to transform your life when it comes to health. The journey is completely customized to fit your needs. Most women I work with are working on changing the relationship they have with food, avoiding restriction, and building habits that they can be consistent with. If you'd like to join BHB, click here to apply and set your free discovery call! Submerged Retreat: Happening in mid-September 2024 in Daytona Shores, Florida, you get the opportunity to relax, learn, and build connections. Submerged focuses on Hormone Health, the relationship with food, and building habits you can stick to. Not only will you walk away feeling refreshed and knowledgeable, you will also feel so supported in your journey to finding health. Click here to learn more and apply to join us!Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
Four Things I’m Doing to Focus On My Health This Spring
Apr 24 2024
Four Things I’m Doing to Focus On My Health This Spring
These four habits are the things that I am prioritizing this Spring so that I can feel my best when summer gets here! I'm talking about the type of movement I'm prioritizing, the nutrition goal I have set for myself, and the routines and habits I am making sure to be consistent with. If you're wanting to feel your best at the beach or pool or parties this year, adding in goals like these will help you make that happen!Speaking of feeling great at the beach this year, are you ready to join us for Submerged Retreat in September?! This retreat is for women looking to learn more about their hormone health and how to live in flow with their monthly cycle. We will talk about what hormone healthy practices to prioritize and how to build sustainable habits with those practices to make sure you stick to them over time. Learn more about Submerged by clicking this link! Register for the free information session by clicking here and waiting for the pop up to enter your email.Love this episode and want to listen to more? Here are some of my favs:Morning Routine: What Mine Looked Like When I Worked Out of the Home, Now That I Work at Home, and What to Include in YoursCravings: The Two Types, How to Determine Which Type You're Experiencing, Why They Have Nothing to Do with Willpower, And How to Manage Them at Certain Points in Your Monthly Cycle[On My Sleeve] Advice From My Husband: How to Get Started and How To Stick With ItIf you want to have true confidence this summer, that stems from consistency. When you set goals for yourself and then stay true to those goals, you naturally build so much confidence in yourself and your abilities! Remember to choose fun, small, and realistic goals and then prioritize them and commit to them!Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!)
POV: You’re Eating Less and Exercising More and It’s Not Working… Here’s What to Know
Apr 17 2024
POV: You’re Eating Less and Exercising More and It’s Not Working… Here’s What to Know
In this episode we are digging into why you aren't seeing any weight loss progress even though you are eating less and exercising more. I share some mindset tips and give you tangible things to work on with nutrition and exercise so that you can begin seeing the weight loss you desire. There are a lot of episodes mentioned in this one as things to listen to if you haven't already. Here are the direct links: Metabolism: What It Actually Is, How to Speed It Up, and How It Relates to Mindful Eating with Emily GarrettHow To Know If You Have A "Broken" Relationship With Food & What To Do About ItCravings: The Two Types, How to Determine Which Type You're Experiencing, Why They Have Nothing to Do with Willpower, And How to Manage Them at Certain Points in Your Monthly CycleThe Restrict/Binge Cycle & Emotional Eating with Carlee AndersonIf you are looking to begin eating healthy meals more consistently, Healthy Handled is something you may want to look at! In this 12 week program, you get healthy recipes, a meal prep schedule, a meal plan, and tiny bits of education delivered to your email every Friday for 12 weeks. This program helps you get more consistent with meal planning, prepping, and eating healthy meals. Check out the details here!Don't forget to subscribe to the show and share it with a friend! Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!
Why You Still Make Decisions That Don't Align With The New Habits You're Trying to Build
Mar 20 2024
Why You Still Make Decisions That Don't Align With The New Habits You're Trying to Build
Our ability to build new habits and stay consistent with the things we say we are going to do all starts with the brain. We have to shift our mindset to align with the goals we have if we want to make them our reality. It's one thing to eat healthy meals and move your body, it's another to do it consistently. And consistency exists within our brain. That's what we are digging into during today's episode AND it's the entire mission of Seismic Shift, my 8-week group coaching program designed to give you the tools and accountability you need to change your mindset and achieve long lasting results in your health journey! Learn more about Seismic Shift and join by clicking right here! Today's episode goes into detail on how the brain currently functions and gives you an outline of what to do to rewire that current functioning so that you can achieve the results you're looking for much quicker and easier. There is a special guest appearance from Katie Tairych, who is teaching us about a technique called EFT Tapping. Katie has been on ISP in the past (click here to listen to her talk to us about Vision Boarding). If you liked this episode, you will also enjoy: Mindset Series Part 3: How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Thoughts to Make Getting Started on a Health Journey Even Easier (with Jess Martin)A Mindset Shift to Make Reaching Your Goals So Much EasierMindset Series Part 4: How to Identify and Deconstruct Your Limiting BeliefsIt would truly mean so much to me if you would share this episode with anyone you know that's going through a health journey. There's not a person out there that doesn't have limiting beliefs so everyone can benefit from learning about how the brain works and how to shift the mindset. Learn more about Laura and the B.Healthy Lifestyle at and on social media @laura.b.healthy (click here to find me on Instagram!