Guidance Light

Jonathan Cordero

Welcome to Guidance Light, where I aim to be your beacon of insight and inspiration. Through this platform, I offer valuable guidance and wisdom on various topics, all with the intention of illuminating pathways towards personal growth, self-discovery, and holistic well-being.

Looking at the data from my Buzzsprout page, I see that my podcast is well-established, with a consistent release schedule and a growing library of episodes. It's heartening to know that I've built a dedicated community of listeners who tune in regularly to engage with my content.

My website,, serves as the central hub for my podcast. I'm proud to offer additional resources such as episode transcripts for accessibility and convenience, demonstrating my commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that my content is accessible to all audiences.

In terms of content, my episodes cover a diverse range of topics, including mindfulness, mental health, spirituality, and personal development. I also feature interviews with experts and individuals who share their stories and insights, adding depth and perspective to our discussions.

Overall, my podcast channel embodies my mission to uplift and empower my audience, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate life's challenges and cultivate meaningful growth. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

For more information visit us at or email me at

May God Bless You,

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Beyond Betrayal
2d ago
Beyond Betrayal
Send us a Text Message.Betrayal can shake us to our very core, leaving us questioning our faith, our relationships, and even ourselves. This week, I opened up about a recent betrayal that struck deep, challenging my ability to trust and forgive. Drawing parallels to Simon Peter walking on water, we unravel how it's possible to find faith and strength even when life's storms threaten to overwhelm us. We'll explore the biblical grounding of forgiveness through the teachings in Mark and Romans and how Jesus' endurance through suffering can inspire us to find purpose amidst our pain.Reflecting on the fleeting nature of our earthly struggles against the backdrop of eternal life, we understand that forgiveness isn't just an option—it's a divine imperative. I share a powerful analogy of our short lifespan against the endless scope of eternity, emphasizing the importance of letting go of grudges and resentment. Embracing forgiveness not only brings us peace but aligns us with Jesus' teachings, offering us a pathway to salvation. This episode encourages listeners to open their hearts, embrace God's love, and spread His word, potentially altering lives forever.Finally, we conclude this season with a heartfelt reminder that God's call for us often comes in whispers during our most challenging trials. Even when we feel overwhelmed by silence, His grace remains steadfast. Our journey together has been one of growth, reflection, and unwavering faith. As we look forward to season two, let's remain attentive to God's guidance, express gratitude for His blessings, and continue to walk in the light of His love. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, and may we all find wisdom and understanding in our path ahead.Support the Show.
Loss for Words
Apr 20 2024
Loss for Words
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads between surrender and strength? Join me, John, as I navigate this delicate balance, openly sharing my own journey of faith in a deep and personal prayer. This episode isn't just about my story, though—it's about all of us coming together to find solace in our shared struggles and the comfort that surrender to a higher power can bring. It's a raw, intimate communion with the divine, where we confess our failings and seek the transformative grace that can only come from true spiritual surrender. As I lead us in this act of faith, I invite you to reflect and connect, to find a peace that surpasses all understanding in the assurance of divine guidance.Celebration is in order as we welcome new believers into our community, Guidance Light, rejoicing in the profound change that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior brings. With open hearts and uplifted spirits, we extend our joy through various platforms, inviting you to engage and share in the journey, whether through social media, our podcast, or the resources offered on our website. This episode is a testament to the shared mission we hold dear: to spread the message of hope and support one another in our walk of faith. We're fortified by an unending grace and encouraged by the promise of His presence in every challenge we encounter. Together, let's embrace this journey of faith, filled with gratitude and the joy of new beginnings.Support the Show.
Apr 6 2024
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to Guidance Light, where faith and wisdom light up your journey. I'm your host, Jon, and it's an honor to lead you on this journey of spiritual growth. In this episode, titled "Patience," we delve into the profound question: Does God hear me? If so, why haven't my prayers been answered yet? Through heartfelt prayers, insightful reflections, and biblical wisdom, we explore the essence of patience in our walk with Christ.In Psalm 116:1, King David proclaims, "I love the Lord, for he heard my voice, he heard my cry for mercy." We unpack the layers of this verse, discovering the significance of voicing our prayers while trusting in God's response. Even in our moments of speechlessness, God perceives the depths of our hearts through the Holy Spirit.Drawing from biblical narratives and personal anecdotes, we confront the challenge of waiting on God's timing. Like Job, Joseph, and Moses, we learn that God's plans unfold beyond our immediate desires, requiring steadfast faith and endurance.Through fervent prayers and humble surrender, we invite God to work in our lives, trusting in His wisdom and sovereignty. As we align our desires with His purpose, we find solace in His promise: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11).Join us on this transformative journey of faith as we cultivate patience, trust, and hope in God's unfailing love. Visit our website,, to connect with our community, submit prayer requests, and explore resources for spiritual growth. Together, let's embrace God's timing and witness His glory in our lives.Thank you for tuning in to Guidance Light. Remember to share this podcast with your loved ones, spreading the message of faith and encouragement. May God bless you abundantly, guiding you on your path of spiritual enlightenment. This is Jon, with Guidance Light, signing off with prayers for your peace and prosperity. Amen.Support the Show.
Choosing His Love
Feb 26 2024
Choosing His Love
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever been touched by a love so profound it changed the very fabric of your being? My journey alongside Claudia through the darkest valleys of life—economic turmoil, temptation, and a brush with death—stands as a testament to the healing power of God’s love. Join us on Guiding Light as I, Jonathan Jon Cordero, delve into the heart of divine affection. Inspired by Charles F. Stanley's "God's Purpose for Your Life," we examine the unconditional sacrifice made by God through His Son, Jesus, and how this act of unparalleled love calls us to forgive and cherish others. This episode is not just a conversation; it's an invitation to let God's love permeate the wounded places within, offering hope and transformation.The essence of today’s powerful message is rooted in faith's ability to renew and fortify the bonds of marriage, friendship, and community. We reflect on the importance of infusing Jesus' teachings into every facet of our existence, especially when facing life's inevitable challenges. By sharing my own story of redemption and renewal with Claudia, we highlight the profound impact that God's guiding hand can have on our lives. It's my honor to share with each of you the path to embracing Jesus' love and guidance, with the hope of illuminating the beauty and peace found within His eternal promise. So, as the host of Guidance Light, I extend my heartfelt blessings and invite you to join us on this spiritual expedition, seeking wisdom and comfort in the teachings of Christ.Support the Show.
Accepting the Call
Feb 26 2024
Accepting the Call
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt an unmistakable tug at your soul, a call that beckons you towards a path less traveled yet profoundly right? That's the essence of our latest conversation, as we journey through the spiritual landscape of "Accepting the Call," inspired by Charles F. Stanley's wisdom and the powerful scripture from 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. We're not just discussing faith here; we're living it out loud, sharing the raw and real moments where the divine intersects with our daily lives. From my own seismic shift in answering God's will to the remarkable story of Moses and the unwavering sustenance provided by a faithful God, this episode is a testament to the extraordinary ways in which He equips us for the journey He's called us to embark upon.Within the folds of this episode lies a tapestry of personal encounters with God's infinite love and faithfulness. You'll hear tales that mirror the biblical awe reserved for the Creator, stories that affirm His presence in our modern whirlwind of life. We talk about the transformation akin to out with the old and in with the new—think spiritual renovation that goes beyond mere cosmetic change. And rounding out our session is a deeply personal testimony of mine, a compelling narrative about how a simple act of obedience at a gas station unfolded into an affirmation of God's perpetual guidance. So, if you're seeking a sign, a nudge, or even a cosmic push towards your purpose, let this be the episode that ignites your faith and reassures you that indeed, God provides a way.Support the Show.