Conscious Not Crazy by Kori Podcast


Are power struggles and discipline battles with your children leaving you feeling overwhelmed? Join me, Kori, as we embark on a transformative journey of parenting consciously so we don’t feel crazy! read less
Kids & FamilyKids & Family


Insights for Navigating Co-Parenting Through Divorce: Putting Children's Well-being First
May 21 2024
Insights for Navigating Co-Parenting Through Divorce: Putting Children's Well-being First
How do we preserve the innocence of childhood and ensure our kids' well-being through the trials of divorce? Embark on a heartfelt journey with me, Kori, as we tackle the complexities of co-parenting post-separation. Drawing from my personal narrative of resilience, having lived through my parents' divorces and now navigating my own, this episode promises to equip you with compassionate strategies for fostering stability and emotional security for your little ones amidst life's upheavals. Together, we'll explore the delicate steps of cultivating a co-parenting relationship rooted in patience and respect. I'll share stories that shine a light on the importance of creating a safe space for our children's emotions and the commitment required to maintain discipline and unity. We'll also delve into boundary-setting with your co-parent to craft a manipulative-free haven for your children, ensuring they remain buffered from the storms of adult conflicts. In the complexities of introducing new partners and managing the logistical ballet of post-divorce life, your children's emotional sanctuary is paramount. I'll share practical co-parenting tips that honor their need for consistency, hold space for their evolving relationships with both parents, and keep their well-being as the guiding star. Join me in this candid reflection on nurturing our children's resilience and extending grace to ourselves as we chart the waters of parenting after divorce Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori The Four Agreements
The Art of Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids
May 7 2024
The Art of Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids
Ever felt like you're on a seesaw when it comes to parenting, teetering between understanding and setting boundaries? As Kori, your ally and guide in Conscious Not Crazy parenting, I'm here to share a transformative approach that reshapes not only the way we connect with our children but every sphere of our existence. Our latest conversation is all about not taking our kids' behavior personally, which, trust me, is a game-changer. It's about tuning into their needs and emotions, and I've got some personal tales and a business event story that show just how crucial emotional intelligence and personal accountability are in our growth as parents. Have you ever considered the symphony of emotions playing out in a child's mind? This episode turns the spotlight on emotional coaching and the delicate balance of parenting with understanding while maintaining firm boundaries. We talk strategies for marrying our children's interests with their responsibilities and routines, a method that not only promotes motivation but also teaches critical lessons in accountability. From toddlers to teenagers, you'll learn how to adapt your parenting to foster a sense of intrinsic motivation and responsibility without overprotecting them. Wrapping up, I reflect on the art of modeling flexibility and healthy parenting practices. We look at why there's no room for the pursuit of perfection in the parenting realm and how letting go of that chase can lead to a more conscious and present approach to raising our kids. It's about giving children the space to solve problems and develop self-control, all while being guided by thought-provoking insights that solidify the very essence of Conscious Not Crazy parenting. So gather your thoughts, tune in, and let's embark on this journey together, bolstering our parenting playbook with tales and strategies that will leave you feeling empowered and enlightened Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori
Raising Confident Leaders Through Martial Arts with Master Ko
Apr 2 2024
Raising Confident Leaders Through Martial Arts with Master Ko
Join me, Kori, on a journey through the transformative world of parenting and martial arts with my special guest, Master Ko, founder and CEO of Ko Martial Arts. Listen in as we navigate the nuanced path of raising resilient children, emphasizing the necessity of experiencing failure as a catalyst for growth. Master Ko brings his unique perspective, marrying the discipline of martial arts with the empathy required for individualized child development. Together, we discuss how martial arts principles can foster accountability, respect, and conscious not crazy parenting, crafting a space where children are encouraged to push beyond their comfort zones for holistic development. We tackle the shifts in parenting trends, from strict upbringings to the overprotective nature of helicopter parenting, weighing the implications on children's ability to confront and overcome fears. With anecdotes and wisdom, Master Ko shares how his own experiences with parenting have shaped his approach to teaching martial arts and entrepreneurship. You'll also hear about how leadership development programs have a significant impact on cultivating perseverance and leadership from a young age. Don't miss out on these invaluable insights that may redefine your approach to parenting and leadership KO MARTIAL ARTS (KOMA) JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! IN-PERSON EVENT, Saturday, April 13th, 9am-12pm Registration Link: HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! Use promo code BAM10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori
Cultivating Self-Awareness in Children Through Dialogue
Apr 2 2024
Cultivating Self-Awareness in Children Through Dialogue
Are you ready to transform your parenting approach and cultivate responsibility in your children? Join me, Kori, as I unveil the subtle yet powerful shift from commanding to questioning, a technique that encourages self-awareness and accountability in our kids. In this episode, we cover the landscape of parenting with a fine-tooth comb, tackling the art of asking insightful questions to guide our children toward resolving their own issues. I'll recount a pivotal moment with my son post-trip to show you how this method not only curbs disrespect but also fosters a safe space for learning and growth, steering clear of the defensive walls that traditional methods often erect. We'll also navigate the waters of instilling accountability in teenagers, focusing on the delicate balance of privileges and consequences. Here's where consistency takes the spotlight, alongside the practice of having teens suggest their own repercussions to fully grasp the weight of their actions. On the flip side, for the younger ones, I'll share my strategy for coaching them to channel their emotions constructively, paving the way for their success beyond the boundaries of home. Through these candid discussions and personal stories, you'll gather insights into coaching and communication that can be applied not just to parenting, but to adult interactions as well. So, plug in and let's embark on this journey to empower our children with the tools for making sound decisions and advocating for themselves in the world at large. JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! IN-PERSON EVENT, Saturday, April 13th, 9am-12pm Registration Link: HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! Use promo code BAM10 to save 10 Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori
Shifting Perspectives in Parenting with Positive Intent
Mar 10 2024
Shifting Perspectives in Parenting with Positive Intent
Have you ever been cut off in traffic and felt your temperature rise, only to wonder afterward if there was a better way to handle it? That's the kind of moment we tackle on Conscious Not Crazy, with me, Kori, as we explore the transformative potential of positive intent in our everyday encounters and the long-term impact it can have on behavior management. I draw on the wisdom of Dale Carnegie and my own experiences to unpack how opting for friendliness over aggression can pivot a situation from negative to constructive, especially when it comes to the little ones in our lives and their Lego-toppling dilemmas. Guiding children through conflict is a fine art, one that requires a hefty dose of compassion and the right tools. I walk you through how to coach kids to navigate disagreements with constructive questions and positive intent. We'll talk about the subtle but powerful changes that come from offering choices and respecting their boundaries, equipping them with skills that mirror real-world social dynamics. It's about strengthening their ability to engage without confrontation and preparing them to face their own challenges with confidence and a sense of control. Lastly, we circle back to the core of Conscious Not Crazy parenting: boundaries and accountability. It's not just about setting limits; it's about teaching responsibility and helping children learn from their mistakes within a loving framework. I share insights on how to foster these life skills effectively, ensuring our kids are equipped to handle everything from playground politics to future responsibilities like driving. And to top it off, I'll leave you with some thoughts on gratitude and perspective that I hope will resonate with you long after the episode ends. So join the conversation, and let's grow together on Conscious Not Crazy JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! IN-PERSON EVENT, Saturday, April 13th, 9am-12pm Registration Link: HOW TO BE YOUR BADASS SELF AND A MOM! Use promo code BAM10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori How to Win Friends and Influence People
Deconstructing the Bully Stereotype Through Empathy and Insight
Feb 26 2024
Deconstructing the Bully Stereotype Through Empathy and Insight
Listen in as I, Kori, explore the often misunderstood world of childhood behavior through the lens of empathy and skill development. This episode is an eye-opener for anyone who's quick to label a child as a "bully," as I share personal stories and insights that shed light on the underlying issues that can lead to such behavior. From family turmoil to a lack of social skills, I will discuss the importance of guiding our children to navigate complex social interactions with composure rather than jumping to judgment or retaliation. It's a heartfelt reminder to parents and educators alike to see beyond disruptive behavior and understand the 'why' to effectively equip our youth with the tools they need for positive social engagement. Join me for a candid discussion on the nuances of child behavior, conflict resolution, and the journey of parenting. With reference to Becky Bailey's conscious discipline video, "How to Make a Bully (from scratch)," I provide resources and encourage a supportive community where we can grow and learn from each other. Parenting is not a solitary road, and through stories and examples, this episode offers practical advice on coaching children to assert their boundaries and respond to challenges and the broader implications these skills have on their social development. Discover the value of patience, awareness, and continuous learning as we navigate the beautiful yet complex path of raising conscious and well-adjusted individuals. JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori Video Link:  How to Make a Bully (from scratch)
Embracing Child Individuality: Insights from a Visionary Educator
Feb 14 2024
Embracing Child Individuality: Insights from a Visionary Educator
Join me, Kori, on a journey into the heart of Conscious Not Crazy parenting and progressive education with my mentor and dear friend, Brianne Bongiovanni, the creative force behind Bambini Creativi. Listen in as Brianne shares her eclectic journey through the arts and education, revealing how her discovery of the Reggio Emilia approach became the foundation for her educational model. Together, we unpack the transformative impact Bambini Creativi has had on my own parenting philosophy, how it led to the birth of Conscious Not Crazy, and the invaluable advice Brianne provided for managing separation anxiety, reaffirming the significance of embracing our children's unique qualities. Venture with us into a discussion on the pivotal role education plays in nurturing children's critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Hear a personal story highlighting the stark contrast between children educated in an innovative setting and those from traditional schools during a simple painting activity. This conversation underscores the power of questioning norms, celebrating individual expression, and the influence of supportive communities on the formidable task of raising children. Prepare to be inspired and gain insights that could reshape your approach to parenting and education. Curious about Bambini Creativi? Click on the link below! Bambini Creativi Private Progressive Educational Experience for Early Years & Elementary JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori
Lessons in Growing a Family with Strong Values
Feb 13 2024
Lessons in Growing a Family with Strong Values
Join me, Kori, on a journey through the twists and turns of parenting, where we explore the profound impact of our family values on our children's lives. In this session, I open up about a personal incident involving my son's last-minute decision to attend a school field trip and how it became an unexpected teaching moment. Listen in as I share how this experience brought to light the essential role of values like preparedness and resourcefulness, and why it's critical to consciously communicate and nurture these principles within our family unit. Discover the power of a simple exercise where each family member identifies their core values, helping to align our parenting goals and expectations, fostering an environment where our children can thrive. This conversation also extends an appreciative nod to the importance of community in the parenting landscape. I reflect on the encouraging interactions with you, our listeners, and underscore the significance of shared experiences and mutual support. Hear how I invite you to continue engaging with me and our growing family of conscious parents on social media and through my website. Whether you're navigating the daily challenges of raising children or seeking camaraderie in your parenting journey, this episode serves as a reminder that you are not alone, and there is a wealth of support waiting for you in our Conscious, Not Crazy community. JOIN ME FOR A LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori
Mastering the Pause: Navigating Parenting Challenges with Composure and Consciousness
Jan 26 2024
Mastering the Pause: Navigating Parenting Challenges with Composure and Consciousness
Ready to transform exasperation into empowerment? Step into the world of "Conscious Not Crazy,” where I, Kori draw from my dual roles as a parent and educator to help you navigate the tumultuous waters of parenting with grace. This episode is a goldmine for those battling with the power struggles that come with raising little humans. We're talking real strategies to maintain your cool, even when faced with the ultimate test of composure—your child's outburst. Join me on a journey to master the art of the pause, a simple yet revolutionary act that can shift the dynamics of your family life. I'll share how detaching emotionally from your child's behavior is a game-changer and why understanding that their actions aren't always a reflection of you is crucial. It's not just about weathering the storm of disrespect; it's about rewriting the script of your reactions and fostering a conscious mindset. Tune in for heartfelt stories and practical advice that will equip you with the tools to step out of the cycle of reaction and into a space of mindful presence with your children. The Four Agreements Book LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori Curious about Bambini Creativi? Click on the link below! Bambini Creativi Private Progressive Educational Experience for Early Years & Elementary
Mastering the Art of Parenting from Tantrums to Teen Angst
Jan 26 2024
Mastering the Art of Parenting from Tantrums to Teen Angst
Every parent has that moment—a public meltdown that leaves you frantically searching for the exit. My journey has shown me that understanding behavior is more than a quick fix; it's a deep exploration of the brain's complex interplay. In our latest conversation, we unravel the mystery behind those tiny outbursts and our own knee-jerk reactions. I share effective techniques to prevent your child's next tantrum, putting an end to supermarket embarrassments by engaging their cognitive abilities and acknowledging their emotions. It's about providing the right balance of control and freedom, ensuring our little ones feel heard within the boundaries we set. But what happens when those little ones aren't so little anymore? Raising teenagers is like navigating a minefield blindfolded, especially when it comes to the digital world of screens and video games. I open up about a tough incident with my son that I'm sure many of you can relate to. It's a tale of boundaries, empathy, and the delicate dance of parenting a teenager. We'll talk about maintaining a steady heart through the storms of anger and the importance of clear communication. Whether it's dealing with harsh words or guiding them back from regret, this episode is a treasure trove of anecdotes and advice for parents in the trenches, providing the tools to transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection. LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10% Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori Curious about Bambini Creativi? Click on the link below! Bambini Creativi Private Progressive Educational Experience for Early Years & Elementary
Transforming Conflict into Connection: A Journey Through the Conscious Not Crazy Approach to Parenting
Jan 25 2024
Transforming Conflict into Connection: A Journey Through the Conscious Not Crazy Approach to Parenting
Are power struggles and discipline battles with your children leaving you feeling overwhelmed? Join me, Kori, as we embark on a transformative journey into understanding the importance of parenting consciously so you don't feel crazy. We will uncover the heart of these challenges and arm you with the strategies to navigate them. As both a seasoned parent and an educator, I've wrestled with the same issues and turned those struggles into a mission to support and uplift other parents through honest conversations and shared experiences. From seeking wisdom from hundreds of thought leaders and child specialists for my strong-willed child to discovering the game-changing approach of parenting consciously and not going crazy, I'll guide you through the pivotal moments that reshaped my parenting philosophy and led to this very podcast.   This series is more than just a guide; it's a community where we'll confront the uncomfortable—tackling tough talks with teens about sexuality and substance use—and where we'll learn to manage our own emotions as a model for our kids. With insights from the powerful principles of the conscious, not crazy parenting approach and stories from a decade of supporting fellow parents, we'll explore how to foster critical thinking and emotional intelligence in our children. We'll discuss the significance of modeling behavior, balancing discipline with understanding, and consistently reflecting on our reactions to foster an environment where our children can thrive. Whether you're navigating co-parenting challenges or raising kids solo, you're not alone. Let's grow together in our commitment to Conscious, Not Crazy, parenting. Curious about Bambini Creativi? Click on the link below! Bambini Creativi Private Progressive Educational Experience for Early Years & Elementary LIVE EVENT!!! Conscious Not Crazy, Parent Night Out! IN-PERSON EVENT, Sunday, March 3rd, Overland Park, KS, 5:30-9pm. Registration Link: Conscious Not Crazy Parent Night Out! Use promo code CNC10 to save 10 Connect with me on Facebook:   CNC by Kori Kori Lauritsen Please reach out anytime! Website: Conscious Not Crazy by Kori