May 3 2021
DMG Dialogs | Market Updates & Investment Strategies: Part 2
PART 2: How the Housing Sector Has Been Impacted by the Economic Slowdown and How Entrepreneurs are Leading Their Companies Through an Unexpected Year• What’s the impact from COVID-19 to the housing sector in NY and NJ?• How has your brokerage been reacting to the economic slowdown?• What has your firm done to stand out from your peers and be unique?• What can we still learn from the traditional brokerage style and adapt to the current market?• How have buyers' focus shifted since the COVID-19? Location, pricing, expectations, or general behaviors?• Q&AModerator:Cathy Hobbs, Owner / Head Designer, Cathy Hobbs Design RecipesPanelists:Taryn Byron, President & Broker, CJ DaltonMichael J Romer, Managing Partner, Romer DebbasBilly Procida, President & CEO, Procida FundingJules Borbely, COO, Oxford Property Group