Thorax Podcast

BMJ Group

The Thorax podcast offers the latest insights in respiratory medicine. Each episode features in-depth interviews with renowned authors and leading experts in the field, delving into the latest respiratory research and treatments. Thorax, an esteemed international journal from the BMJ Group and the British Thoracic Society (BTS), is dedicated to publishing research and reviews in respiratory medicine to improve clinical practice. Stay ahead in your field by tuning into our expert discussions and accessing cutting-edge content. Elevate your understanding of respiratory medicine with Thorax - - and its podcast. read less
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COPD, with the PulmPEEPs
Dec 18 2024
COPD, with the PulmPEEPs
The PulmPEEPs are back with another journal club episode. Dr. Kristina Montemayor and Dr. David Furfaro are joined by Thorax education editor Dr. Christopher Turnbull, and journal club author Dr. Ewan Mackay. They discuss a handful of selected papers focussing on COPD, covering the global impact of different household fuels on lung disease, early signs of CT changes in smokers before the detection of COPD, and a trial of treprostinil for the treatment of COPD related pulmonary hypertension. Links: Journal clubEstimated health effects from domestic use of gaseous fuels for cooking and heating in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysesBEACON: A Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseA New Global Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeInhaled treprostinil in pulmonary hypertension associated with COPD: PERFECT study results For more from the PulmPEEPs, visit their podcast's website. You can find them Twitter (@PulmPEEPs) and Instagram (pulmpeeps), and hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. To submit a journal club article of your own, you can contact Chris directly - Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Airway disease, with the PulmPEEPs
Sep 10 2024
Airway disease, with the PulmPEEPs
A special journal club episode featuring guest-hosts Dr. Kristina Montemayor and Dr. David Furfaro of the PulmPEEPs. They're joined in conversation with Thorax education editor Dr. Christopher Turnbull, and Dr. Imran Howell, author of a recent journal club article in Thorax. Focussing on the theme of airway disease, they discuss the four papers in Imran's roundup, covering topics from nutritional impact on tuberculosis rates to infant vaccination against RSV. Links: Journal clubBlood eosinophil-guided oral prednisolone for COPD exacerbations in primary care in the UK (STARR2): a non-inferiority, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised controlled trialNutritional supplementation to prevent tuberculosis incidence in household contacts of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in India (RATIONS): a field-based, open-label, cluster-randomised, controlled trialThe airway microbiome mediates the interaction between environmental exposure and respiratory health in humansRespiratory syncytial virus infection during infancy and asthma during childhood in the USA (INSPIRE): a population-based, prospective birth cohort study For more from the PulmPEEPs, visit their podcast's website. You can find them Twitter (@PulmPEEPs) and Instagram (pulmpeeps), and hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. To submit a journal club article of your own, you can contact Chris directly - Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month. We would love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, you can leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Smoking and vaping: policy and challenges with Nick Hopkinson
Apr 17 2023
Smoking and vaping: policy and challenges with Nick Hopkinson
Dr. Kate Diomede, social media editor at Thorax, is joined by Prof. Nick Hopkinson(1) to delve into the history of smoking policy in the UK, as well as detailing the lay of the land in current smoking-cessation practices, especially pertaining to vaping. Hear the previous discussion with Prof. Andrew Bush on recent developments in paediatric therapy: (1) Prof. of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London, Respiratory Consultant, Royal Brompton Hospital, Associate Editor of Thorax, Chair of ASH (Action on Smoking in Health) UK Charity Relevant papers and references: Millennium cohort – child smoking uptake related to parents and peers smoking Confirming the impact of standardised packaging  Effectiveness of ban on smoking in cars with children  Smoking and increased risk from COVID Javed Khan’s independent report commissioned by UK Govt: Making Smoking Obsolete Cochrane systematic review suggests vaping is more effective for smoking cessation than NRT Recent evidence update on risk of vaping for OHID concludes, “vaping poses only a small fraction of the risks of smoking.” NICE guidance on nicotine vapes to help smokers quit British Thoracic Society guidance on tobacco harm reduction National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training Cigarette Smoking: An Assessment of Tobacco's Global Environmental Footprint Across Its Entire Supply Chain ASH: Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among young people in Great Britain Competing interests: None declared. Please engage in the conversation through the social media channels (Twitter - @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook - @Thorax.BMJ · Pulmonologist) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.