In the Word with Jeff Thompson

Jeff Thompson

In the Word offers engaging Bible studies that go through the text verse by verse to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of the Scriptures. Learn the historical context, what the writer intended his readers to understand, and how it applies to our lives today. We also include discussion questions in the description for every study, so that you can reflect on what God wants to do in your life through His Word, or - better yet - grab a friend or two and start studying and discussing the text together! Join us and start growing faster and deeper today! read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The Only Wealth That Matters // James 1:9-11
May 28 2024
The Only Wealth That Matters // James 1:9-11
In this study, we are reminded that earthly riches and status are fleeting, while our eternal inheritance in Christ is imperishable. As believers, we should find our joy and hope in Him, regardless of our socioeconomic circumstances. The Bible calls both the poor and the rich to focus on the reality of eternity, rather than temporary earthly conditions. This wisdom helps us maintain a proper perspective, especially in the face of trials and an uncertain future. DISCUSSION / REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How can we, as believers, guard our hearts against envy (for the poor) and pride (for the rich)? Are there any financial benchmarks or material status symbols that you struggle with coveting? What does it mean that our works will be 'tested by fire' when we stand before God one day, and how should that impact the way we live now? Do you believe that things are going to get worse or better in the days and years ahead on earth? Why? What would it look like for us to find true joy, peace and contentment in Christ even in the face of poverty and a crumbling world? Why is it so vital that we understand what the Bible teaches about the end times, and how can that knowledge give us hope and peace? SUPPORT IN THE WORD: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: X / TWITTER: TIKTOK:
How to Become Wise // James 1:5
May 18 2024
How to Become Wise // James 1:5
What is wisdom and how do we get it? In this study, we'll search the Scriptures for answers to these questions and learn why wisdom makes all the difference in our trials. DISCUSSION / REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Reflecting on James 1:4, how do you understand the difference between being perfect and being complete in Christ? What does it look like when a person is complete in Christ? How can we discern whether our decisions are based on godly wisdom or human reasoning? According to Proverbs 2:6, "the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Discuss ways you have experienced the acquisition of wisdom through God's word, and how it has affected the way you think and live. Reflecting on the role of the Holy Spirit as our 'internal umpire,' as discussed in the Sermon, how have you experienced the Holy Spirit's guidance in making decisions? Share any related scriptures that have helped you tune into the Holy Spirit's direction. The Sermon emphasized the ongoing need to ask for wisdom and help from God. How does Matthew 7:7-8 encourage us in this practice, and what steps can we take to make asking for God's wisdom a regular part of our prayer life? Discuss the statement from the Sermon, "Our trials should drive us to God to ask for patience and wisdom and strength and for hope." Does this resonate with your personal experiences? SUPPORT IN THE WORD: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: X / TWITTER: TIKTOK:
Why God Tests You (Part 6) // James 1:2-4
May 13 2024
Why God Tests You (Part 6) // James 1:2-4
What is God like in our trials? How does He receive us when we come to Him for help? As we continue examining the subject of trials sent or allowed by God into our lives, we'll spend some more time learning about the HEART of God. DISCUSSION / REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Spiritual maturity is marked by a stable relationship with God regardless of life's ups and downs. Looking at your own life, how are you doing with this? Can you identify any ways you've grown in this? Consider Hebrews 4:15, which tells us that Jesus can sympathize with our weaknesses. How does knowing that Jesus experienced temptation and suffering impact your approach to trials? Trials teach us patience, as discussed in the sermon. Share a time when you had to wait on God's timing. How did that experience shape your faith? Reflect on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, which talks about God comforting us so that we may comfort others. Discuss how your personal experiences with God's comfort have equipped you to minister to others. The sermon mentioned that trials are an opportunity, not a guarantee, for growth. What attitudes or actions can help ensure that we grow through our trials rather than just endure them? Prayer and community are essential in navigating trials. How has being part of a faith community helped you during difficult times? Share a specific example and the outcomes. SUPPORT IN THE WORD: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: X / TWITTER: TIKTOK:
Why God Tests You (Part 5) // James 1:2-3
May 8 2024
Why God Tests You (Part 5) // James 1:2-3
God uses trials to test and refine our faith, revealing things like where we find our identity, hope, and sense of security. In this study, we'll illuminate more of the ways God works in our lives to do good through trials. DISCUSSION / REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Have you ever experienced trials that revealed where you truly find your sense of security? Discuss this in light of Matthew 6:19-21, where Jesus speaks about storing treasures in Heaven rather than on earth. Similarly, have you ever experienced a trial that stripped away something you found identity in, such as a job, relationship, or material possession? How did God work through that to grow your understanding of your identity in Christ, as highlighted in 2 Corinthians 5:17? Have you found your identity in christ or are you still looking for it elsewhere? Read Philippians 4:19. Do you have an unshakable trust in God's provision during financial uncertainty or career setbacks? If not, how do you think you can develop it? If so, share how God grew and developed this trust in your life. Share a personal story where you felt God used a trial to deepen your understanding of His nature. How does Romans 8:28-29 offer perspective during such times? During tough times, what coping mechanisms have you found yourself turning to instead of leaning into Jesus, prayer, the Word, and fellowship with His people? Discuss how Psalm 46:1-3 calls us to find refuge in God. The sermon touched on how trials can reveal our true loves. Have you ever had to confront the reality that something or someone had taken precedence over your love for God? Job's story was mentioned as an example of finding strength through trials. How does Job's response to his trials in Job 42:5-6 inspire you in your current challenges? As we consider rebuilding our self-esteem on the foundation of being a child of God, how does Ephesians 2:19-22 inform our understanding of our identity and worth? SUPPORT IN THE WORD: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: X / TWITTER: TIKTOK: