The Civics Nexus

Patrick Haubold

'The Civics Nexus' offers a unique and sometimes scary perspective on today's headlines, culture, and pressing political issues. Patrick's distinct way of viewing the world's nexus via the reflection of history exposes the connections from past to present. His thought-provoking questions, analogies, and perspectives challenge conventional thinking and will surely help uncover hidden connections that make up the big picture.

Tune in Monday through Friday to see the patterns that shape our world today.

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Ep. 84 We're All at the Mercy of the Court: Unraveling The Upcoming Legal Bombshells
2d ago
Ep. 84 We're All at the Mercy of the Court: Unraveling The Upcoming Legal Bombshells
Today on 'The Civics Nexus,' we unravel the latest shockwaves from the Supreme Court, leaving us all at the mercy of the court and their gavel. These are some of the most influential cases of the last 100 years. From NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton, where the states argue that social media companies, which they claim are biased, shouldn't have the power to silence conservative voices. They believe these platforms act like public forums and should allow all speech, much like a public square. And the big one: Trump v. United States, where a former president claims immunity for actions taken while in office that would eliminate Jan. 6 charges. Plus, we break down the legal chaos surrounding those defendants, the clash over emergency abortion laws, and the debate on gun rights for domestic abusers.We also dive into Chevron Deference and the potential loss of regulatory power, likening it to sports gambling on which way the justices will rule. Will they maintain agency flexibility, or clip the wings of bureaucratic overreach?Join us as we explore how these rulings affect you, expose the contradictions in Biden's policies, and question the true impact of these landmark legal decisions. Why can't any liberal tell me why they would vote for Joe Biden without hating Trump? They're blinded by their hate, and it has me worried because there are a lot of angry people out there. And let's face it, the Dems always turn out to vote better. Get ready for a mix of wit, sarcasm, and brutally honest analysis on today's episode of 'The Civics Nexus.' me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!
Ep. 83 The Friendly Nuke: How Radiation Brings Communities Together & Other Ridiculous Propaganda
4d ago
Ep. 83 The Friendly Nuke: How Radiation Brings Communities Together & Other Ridiculous Propaganda
Today on The Civics Nexus, we dive into the absurdities of historical and modern propaganda with a critical eye, exposing the ludicrous narratives spun by our government. Let's unravel the twisted logic behind the claim that "to save lives, we must take lives," dissecting the rationale for the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even as Japan was trying to surrender. We'll scrutinize the moon landing narrative, where NASA's control over the broadcast conveniently omitted independent verification until they had crafted the perfect story.In the present day, we're told by the White House that President Biden is in perfect health while videos suggest otherwise. Mainstream media insists they bring us facts, yet they continue to peddle misinformation and omit truths that don’t fit the narrative. We'll examine how the doctrine of perpetual war for peace mirrors Orwell’s 1984, with governments using fear to maintain control.We'll revisit the propaganda of past wars, from the Revolutionary War to the Cold War, illustrating how history is manipulated to serve those in power. And we'll question the chaos in blue cities being used to justify more government control, exposing how the cycle of dependency and fear is perpetuated. In a world dominated by propaganda, clarity and skepticism are revolutionary acts. Remember, all of it is a LIE. #PropagandaExposed #GovernmentLies #NuclearTruths #QuestionEverything #Orwell1984 #MediaManipulation #PerpetualWar #UnmaskingHistory #SkepticismIsRevolutionaryLet me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!
Ep. 82 King George, Hitler, and Biden Walk into a Bar: Spot the Differences
5d ago
Ep. 82 King George, Hitler, and Biden Walk into a Bar: Spot the Differences
Today on the Civics Nexus , we dive into the eerie parallels between Joe Biden, King George III, and Adolf Hitler. We’ll dissect how the Biden administration’s crackdown on dissent mirrors the oppressive tactics of historical tyrants. From the prosecution of Dr. Eithan Haim for exposing gender-affirming treatments to the jailing of journalists like Michael Patrick Leahy for revealing uncomfortable truths, we draw direct lines to the censorship and intimidation strategies of King George and Hitler.We’ll also explore how the Founding Fathers envisioned the legislative branch as a bulwark against tyranny, and how modern bureaucracy and judicial decisions like Chevron deference have shifted power away from elected representatives. With historical insights and a biting critique of today’s political climate, we expose the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of preserving our republic. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey through history and politics.And it needs to be done.  We blast racist Stephen A. Smith and the WNBA for being stupid. Zimbabwe learned from us well. #CivicsNexus #BidenParallels #HistoricalTyrants #LegislativePower #ChevronDeference #FreeSpeech #JournalismMatters #ExposingTruth #PoliticalAnalysis #PreserveOurRepublic #StopCensorship #PoliticalHistory #ModernTyranny #StephenASmith #WNBA #ZimbabweLessons #DrEithanHaim #MichaelLeahy #FreedomOfPress #Whistleblower #PoliticalCorruption Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!
Ep. 80 The Dark Side of Tax Cuts: Will the Government Strike Back With Censorship, Worse or Both.
Jun 15 2024
Ep. 80 The Dark Side of Tax Cuts: Will the Government Strike Back With Censorship, Worse or Both.
Join us today on The Civics Nexus as we dive into the insane lengths the government is going to censor you as I type this. From colluding with Big Tech and social media to enlisting non-government organizations and academic research groups, we uncover how deep the rabbit hole goes. Is it possible that the 10-year security deal Biden just signed with Zelensky includes hidden clauses for censorship? We'll investigate this along with NewsGuard’s role in silencing conservative media.This is just the tip of the iceberg – 90% of the government's actions remain hidden. We'll highlight the dangers of single-issue voters and their inability to see the bigger picture, which hurts our country.Switching gears, we’ll dissect Trump's plan to eliminate income tax. Historically, many societies thrived without it – the U.S. operated without a federal income tax until 1913, relying on tariffs and excise taxes instead. We’ll explore if this radical shift is feasible today and the potential risks involved.From a Chomsky perspective, this is a struggle between state control and individual freedom. From Bastiat’s viewpoint, it’s about restoring economic freedom and reducing legal plunder. Can this proposal unite us and transcend divisive identity politics?History offers hope but also caution. The transition requires careful planning, widespread support, and a willingness to confront powerful interests. Tune in to explore the road ahead, the immense potential rewards, and the looming dangers.#CivicsNexus #Censorship #BigTech #IncomeTax #EconomicFreedom #GovernmentDeception #HiddenAgendas #NewsGuard #Trump2024 #BidenCorruption #Chomsky #Bastiat #PoliticalAnalysisLet me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!