The Civics Nexus

Patrick Haubold

'The Civics Nexus' offers a unique and sometimes scary perspective on today's headlines, culture, and pressing political issues. Patrick's distinct way of viewing the world's nexus via the reflection of history exposes the connections from past to present. His thought-provoking questions, analogies, and perspectives challenge conventional thinking and will surely help uncover hidden connections that make up the big picture.

Tune in Monday through Friday to see the patterns that shape our world today.

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Ep. 80 The Dark Side of Tax Cuts: Will the Government Strike Back With Censorship, Worse or Both.
Ep. 80 The Dark Side of Tax Cuts: Will the Government Strike Back With Censorship, Worse or Both.
Join us today on The Civics Nexus as we dive into the insane lengths the government is going to censor you as I type this. From colluding with Big Tech and social media to enlisting non-government organizations and academic research groups, we uncover how deep the rabbit hole goes. Is it possible that the 10-year security deal Biden just signed with Zelensky includes hidden clauses for censorship? We'll investigate this along with NewsGuard’s role in silencing conservative media.This is just the tip of the iceberg – 90% of the government's actions remain hidden. We'll highlight the dangers of single-issue voters and their inability to see the bigger picture, which hurts our country.Switching gears, we’ll dissect Trump's plan to eliminate income tax. Historically, many societies thrived without it – the U.S. operated without a federal income tax until 1913, relying on tariffs and excise taxes instead. We’ll explore if this radical shift is feasible today and the potential risks involved.From a Chomsky perspective, this is a struggle between state control and individual freedom. From Bastiat’s viewpoint, it’s about restoring economic freedom and reducing legal plunder. Can this proposal unite us and transcend divisive identity politics?History offers hope but also caution. The transition requires careful planning, widespread support, and a willingness to confront powerful interests. Tune in to explore the road ahead, the immense potential rewards, and the looming dangers.#CivicsNexus #Censorship #BigTech #IncomeTax #EconomicFreedom #GovernmentDeception #HiddenAgendas #NewsGuard #Trump2024 #BidenCorruption #Chomsky #Bastiat #PoliticalAnalysisLet me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!
Ep. 79 Shaking Up the Separation: AOC's Bartending Guide to Blending Power
2d ago
Ep. 79 Shaking Up the Separation: AOC's Bartending Guide to Blending Power
Get ready for a deep dive into the headlines of politics with our latest episode,  We'll dissect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s INSANE claim that the separation of powers must be dissolved to prevent authoritarianism—a bold statement my 9 year old knows is incorrect civics. Join us as we explore the circular logic of power dynamics, revealing how governments have historically concocted narratives not to solve real issues but to expand their control.This episode unveils the mechanisms behind ESG clubs, elite groups designed to monopolize prosperity and power, effectively sidelining challengers to the status quo. As grassroots movements rise, watch politicians and media giants cling to them as life rafts, desperately trying to secure re-election or salvage sinking ratings amidst a tidal wave of impending political change. Witness the unfolding drama as mainstream outlets like CNN and MSNBC exhibit signs of panic with Trump’s potential landslide victory on the horizon.We also delve into the emerging trend of lawfare as a strategic tool of power—consider the case of Ashley Merchant. Tune in to untangle the complexities of power, profit, and politics in an episode that promises to enlighten, entertain, and provoke thought, all stirred together with a dash of bartending wisdom.#CivicsNexus #PoliticalPower #AOC #ESG #MediaPanic #Lawfare #Trump2024 #GrassrootsMovements #SeparationOfPowers #PoliticalDrama #BartendingWisdom #Election2024Let me know any topics or issue you would like me to cover cover!!!