
StudioPod Media

The LoveCapades podcast is derived from the memoir of the same name written by Michele Musy. It’s the story of Michele’s life seen through the prism of her experiences of love in all its many forms. From the hilarious to the harrowing, it’s a kaleidoscope of colorful episodes told as a celebration of a life full of adventure and joie de vivre. As you will learn, Michele makes choices that are unexpected, leading to a string of wild outcomes as she travels the globe. She even ventures into the mystical realms in a continuing search to find her true identity. The podcast consists of 21 episodes in which Michele reads directly from the memoir. She is joined by her co-host, Sally Kaplan, who does a masterful job introducing each segment, and then leading a Q & A session after each reading. Invariably, Sally gets Michele to reveal even more about her life experiences as she wrestles with her demons…and ultimately discovers how to love herself. Thank you for listening. If you have questions, submit them to Please also check out our Facebook page called LoveCapades where you will find fun photos and visual stuff to fluff out the story. read less
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Episode 19
Mar 12 2021
Episode 19
We hear about Michele’s most recent and perhaps most fascinating and unexpected LoveCapade. It’s an affair of the heart that no one would have predicted, including our heroine. Michele hired a young gardener named Jorge to spiff up her garden before an upcoming surgery to remove fibroids. After she’d recovered, while spending time in the garden during Jorge’s maintenance visits, he would flirt with her unabashedly. It was very surprising since he was decades younger, much smaller in girth, and barely spoke English. But his advances continued, and one day they crossed a line so flagrant that Michele was flummoxed to the max. She knew this was what the universe was offering then in the love department, but it looked so very different than what she expected. What to do? After a serious talk with herself under the moonlight one night, she decided to give it a try. Luckily that adventurous side of her took over once again. What transpired was a delicious five-year romance that they kept very private and secret from the rest of the world. Theirs was an intimate fairytale romance—a Camelot-like affair that taught them both many lessons of the heart. It helped Michele realize once and for all that love may appear different than what you expect but that is part of what makes it magical. Once the romance ended she realized that Jorge had come into her life to cultivate much more than her garden. Their fairytale story had awakened Sleeping Beauty and made her very happy.
Episode 18
Mar 5 2021
Episode 18
Michele’s mother had been the most ardent kind of dog lover, a sentiment not shared by her daughter until something amazing happened shortly after the mystical trip to Egypt. During a visit to see the therapist Linda, who had just rescued a doggy, they muscle-tested to see if Michele should get a dog as well. And shockingly the answer came back, “Yes!” In spite of serious doubts, Michele then set about figuring what breed she wanted, an adventure in itself. In the end our Lady of Love chose a miniature black poodle which she named Shakti…a Sanskrit word that means the creative energy of the universe. It turned out to be the perfect name for the pup! After a period of figuring out how to be a doggy mom, Michele learned the real reason this divine creature had come into her life. Shakti had arrived Valentine’s week 2001, and just three months later Michele’s younger brother died tragically with no warning. It was a horrific time. Yet Michele’s new canine partner proved to be the perfect comfort to keep Michele from losing all grip on reality. God had miraculously arranged it in advance, and what a blessing it proved to be. The two became attached at the hip in the most loving ways. Fast forward to 2008 when Barack Obama was elected President. In his acceptance speech he mentioned getting a dog for his daughters once they moved into the White House. So…Michele decided to write a letter to Sasha and Malia, from Shakti’s point of view, advocating for a black poodle in the White House. Michele reads this hysterical letter to the listeners…and the response she received from Michelle Obama on White House stationery. This tale of puppy love is one of Michele’s most unique and endearing LoveCapades.
Episode 17
Feb 26 2021
Episode 17
Michele begins by describing all the types of love, and then suggests a new one—what she calls mystical or spiritual love. She goes on to describe three fascinating examples of this kind of love that exists in the sacred space of one’s consciousness. The first of these took place in the late 1980’s when the AIDS pandemic was just emerging in San Francisco. She met a beautiful young man named Michael Paulsen who became one of her spiritual mentors just as he learned he was dying of AIDS. However, his inspired guidance later allowed Michele, in spite of her Christian beliefs, to be open to meeting an Indian guru named Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. That encounter changed her world forever. As a meditator she then had a number of relationships inside meditation. One of these was with the Puerto Rican actor Raul Julia. Even though she’d never met him, their relationship became very real and she grieved when he died suddenly. Michele’s third mystical romance took place in Egypt in the year 2000. While with a group of her meditation friends on a two-week journey up and down the Nile, she did a mystical dance with their captivating Egyptologist guide, Emil Nazmy. The two obviously had a deep karmic connection which played itself out in many powerful ways on this mystical journey. Toward the end of the episode Michele has her second “burning bush” moment at St. Catherine’s Monastery, the site of the original Biblical burning bush event. You won’t want to miss a minute of this amazing episode.
Episode 10
Dec 1 2020
Episode 10
We see Michele having a whole string of “international relations” with enthralling men.  One of the most significant is with a famous Israeli war hero whom she meets in her hometown one night at the local watering hole.  This encounter develops into an exciting affair that takes her all the way to Israel with a most surprising outcome! There is a great deal of high drama, even danger. During her month’s stay in Israel, she also spends time at a Club Med in Eilat, and explores the captivating city of contrasts, Jerusalem.  Two more love matches sneak their way into the story, but you’ll have to listen to find out how. In this episode, Michele deepens her understanding of why it is so important to learn to love oneself.  And she becomes more convinced than ever that maintaining her independence is crucial to her well being.  Yet again we see our heroine making choices that are unexpected…taking the path less traveled rather than the predictable one.  Michele experiences again and again her early therapist’s advice that women can choose their man, but best only from those who choose them.  Listen to this gripping chapter to find out the times she says yes, and the times she says no. Fascinating stuff!Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to
Episode 9
Dec 1 2020
Episode 9
The parade of LoveCapades continues at the beginning of the 1980s.  First was a mini affair with the man who created the ski resorts of Vail and Beaver Creek.  Mostly a downhill ride. Then Michele visits her favorite spa at Rancho La Puerta in Mexico.  Here she has a fling with a fascinating psychiatrist who helps diagnose her approach with men.  More importantly, on one of these spa visits, Michele has a powerful and profound encounter with God that definitely alters the course of her life. This prompts her father to make another of his hurtful remarks which affects her deeply. Luckily there’s a big dose of comic relief in the episode with a whole batch of hilarious things that will have listeners laughing aloud. It turns out that one of Michele’s interesting patterns is that her lovers circle back years later.  One of the most tantalizing examples of this happens when Zander returns for a liaison.  Naturally, there’s a twist.  Michele explains in detail that she feels fortunate to be able to enjoy a variety of love experiences in a way that most women of her era cannot.  She does realize, however, that there is a double standard between men and women, how unfair it is, and how it continues to this day. Definitely food for thought…and discussion.Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to
Episode 8
Dec 1 2020
Episode 8
After the heartbreaking stuff that happened last time, in this episode we hear about many happy, playful, sexy, and carefree events that pop up in Michele’s adventurous life. She buys an adorable bungalow and over the years turns it into her own personal “dream-o-cile.” Shortly after that she returns to Italy for a vacation, and naturally finds another ‘oh la la’ romance!  On her way home she stops in NYC to meet girlfriend Lynn and has yet another titillating encounter with a former World Body Building champion.  And on top of that she has an hilarious stopover in Montreal where Tony tickles her funny bone to no end.   One thing these escapades reveal to her is that the macho, assertive side of her personality does not in any way deter foreign men from appreciating her. It is only on her home turf does this character in a woman becomes an impediment.  She maintains that this self-assured, powerful way of being is welcomed in a man, but not so much in a woman. In this segment, Michele also describes what makes a good lover and goes on to explain that we remain connected in spirit to each and every man we encounter whether it be for a short fling or a long romance. Delicious food for thought. Don’t miss it.Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to
Episode 7
Dec 1 2020
Episode 7
This episode continues the romantic story of Michele and Drake.  It’s intense…in the telling and the listening.  It starts off with Michele playing house during the summer up in Drake’s San Francisco apartment. She’s happy with this turn of events and sees it as a sign of the commitment she’s longed for. Suddenly Drake decides to move back to the Peninsula and open a tennis shop. He takes an apartment again at Oak Creek and Michele moves in with him another time. At this point it has become obvious that Michele hates teaching high school, so her man brilliantly suggests she pursue a real estate career.  Bingo! It turns out to be a huge success.  She sells five properties her first two months—one to Drake, and one to herself among them. The latter signaled her blossoming business acumen.  Finally Drake proposes marriage and buys Michele an engagement ring.  What happens next is when things get complicated.  You’ll have to listen to find out what a roller coaster ride ensues. The relationship presents huge challenges, and yet offers much that is positive.  What unfolds demonstrates Michele’s amazing ability to see the good in every situation, no matter how challenging, and to remain hopeful whatever crosses her path.  Tighten your seatbelts!Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to
Episode 6
Dec 1 2020
Episode 6
This episode spans Michele’s graduate school experiences and veers into the beginning of her teaching career. After a third stay in Italy, she had pretty much been liberated from her sexual hang-ups.  You could say she’d been set straight by the Italian man’s way of being with women. And luckily she brought the new Self back home.  Michele’s first fling was with a gorgeous younger man named Zander, a Stanford basketball player.  There’s some pretty juicy stuff in this LoveCapade.  Next she ran into an African Prince from Biafra—this too is pretty erotic, but poignantly reveals the truly backward cultural thinking about interracial relationships at that time.  Her final grad school love affair was with a blond stud named Beau.  That led to another ill-fated event which you will discover when your ears are glued to this part of the saga.  Once Michele starts teaching high school, she meets Drake.  As you shall see, he becomes one of the main relationships of her entire life. To seal the deal with Drake and make his heart grow fonder, Michele goes off to Club Med on a week’s vacation where truly hilarious shenanigans ensue. You won’t want to miss one minute of this episode!Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to
Episode 5
Dec 1 2020
Episode 5
After experiencing a painful betrayal and breakup with Jack, Michele meets a charming young Roman named Sandro.  Their story, while enchanting, does not reach the fever pitch of her romance with Nicola whom she can’t seem to find to save her soul. It appeared as if he’d dropped off the face of the Earth. This was to become one of the great mysteries of her life. But in her style of making lemonade out of lemons, Michele enjoyed her time with the handsome, and rich, young Roman while she worked in a couple of fascinating job assignments found through a temporary agency.  One of those was at Dino DeLaurentis Films. Two fascinating encounters also happen during this stay in Rome—one with the CEO of a major brokerage firm and the other with a Liberian Ambassador she’d met at one of the SRI conferences. As someone said, “You can’t make this stuff up!”  Next Michele had to choose between going back home to graduate school--at Fletcher, or Stanford to pursue a teaching credential—or to stay in Rome. In the end she chose Stanford for reasons she can’t quite explain to this day.  Unraveling that decision reveals a great deal about Michele’s character.Thank you for listening to the Love Capades Podcast. To submit your questions, please send them to Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page and our website to get your hands on more content.This show is skillfully and playfully produced by StudioPod Media. For more information, please check out, or send an email to