Aussie FIRE | Financial Independence Retire Early


The Aussie FIRE podcast is the ultimate guide to Financial Independence for Australians. Having started life as an e-book, then an audiobook, it's now reached its final form: a podcast that will keep on giving.

The Aussie FIRE audiobook is brought to you by Pearler, Australia's favourite long-term investing community; and Dave Gow, the brains behind Strong Money Australia. Each episode explores a different aspect of Financial Independence, so stay tuned for new releases!

DISCLAIMER: We’re big fans of sharing experiences and talking about money. However, please note that any advice is general, and does not consider your financial situation, needs, or objectives.

Consider whether it's appropriate for you, and if in doubt, speak to a licensed financial adviser.

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13. Using super to buy a home quicker
May 24 2024
13. Using super to buy a home quicker
Send us a Text Message.In your Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) travels, you may have heard of the First Home Super Saver Scheme. To oversimplify, it’s a government plan which allows you to channel some of your superannuation towards your first home deposit.If you’ve been lamenting the costs of real estate lately, the FHSSS may appeal to you. But is it a worthwhile avenue for buying your first address?In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) will be making sense of the First Home Super Saver Scheme. During their chat, they discuss how it works, its pros and cons, and who they believe it’s best suited for. With any luck, this episode will help you understand the Scheme, and decide on whether it’s right for you.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
12. Achieving FI on a lower income
May 10 2024
12. Achieving FI on a lower income
Send us a Text Message.When you listen to stories of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early), you’d be forgiven for assuming that a huge income is a prerequisite. However, while a hefty salary does help, it’s by no means essential. In fact, many people within the FIRE community have retired early without earning in the top tax bracket.In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) explore how someone can reach FIRE on a lower income. They do this by crunching the compound interest numbers for different salaries and sharing their results. They also detail how cutting your expenses can circumvent the limits of a lower income.By this session’s close, you’ll have a clearer idea of how you can work towards FIRE – regardless of your earnings.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
10. Are shares the best path to FIRE?
Apr 12 2024
10. Are shares the best path to FIRE?
Send us a Text Message.Within the Australian Financial Independence community, shares have always been a popular asset. With a bit of research, it’s easy to understand why – they’re easy to manage, they don’t require debt, and most people can get started with minimal funds. This raises the question: is investing in shares the best way to reach FIRE?In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) tackle this topic head on. They do so by exploring the strengths and drawbacks of shares, and comparing them to other assets like property. They also crunch the data and assess different options for reaching FIRE with and without shares. That way, you can determine the best route for your goals, preferences, and FIRE style.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
9. When does frugality go too far?
Mar 29 2024
9. When does frugality go too far?
Send us a Text Message.For most people on a FIRE journey, frugality is a potent tool in their toolkit. Yes, investing plays a role – but frugality serves a range of key purposes beyond saving. For starters, it can help you unlock money you didn’t even know you were spending. And, perhaps more importantly, it can train you to better manage your finances both pre- and post-FIRE.However, does there come a point at which too much frugality can become a problem?In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) seek to answer this very question. They do this by sharing their own experiences with frugality, and the minimum amounts they’ve been able to live on. They also discuss what to do when frugality goes too far, and how you can rein it in without impacting your goals.By the episode’s end, you’ll feel more optimistic about a balanced approach to FIRE!PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
8. How important is housing to FIRE?
Mar 15 2024
8. How important is housing to FIRE?
Send us a Text Message.You MIGHT have noticed this, but people in Australia looooooove to talk about property. It’s a surefire conversation-starter if ever you’re struggling to make smalltalk, and the media won’t shut up about it. You’d be forgiven, then, for assuming that home ownership is a lynchpin of any half-decent FIRE strategy.In truth, though, it’s not the only route to long-term wealth in Australia. Sure, anyone aiming for FIRE needs to account for a roof over their head. However, the concept of owning a home doesn’t need to be critical to your FIRE targets.In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) discuss the relationship between housing and FIRE. They also compare renting vs owning for a FIRE’d lifestyle, and weigh up the pros and cons of each. If you’d like a non-clickbaity take on the topic, you’ll want to tune in for this session.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
7. Has FIRE changed since Covid?
Mar 1 2024
7. Has FIRE changed since Covid?
Send us a Text Message.You don’t need us to tell you that Covid disrupted a LOT. From the lockdowns, to the obvious health-related dangers, there weren’t many people who were unaffected by its spread. But what has it done for our Financial Independence prospects? For people working towards FIRE before 2020, in what ways did it disrupt their plans? And for those who started after 2021, did Covid change the way new FIRE-seekers need to reach their goals?In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) explore the impacts Covid wrought on FIRE – from job losses, to increased house prices, to higher interest rates. They also discuss how the experience changed many people’s lifestyles, which has delivered a flow-on effect to FIRE plans. With this episode, you can understand how Covid may have affected your goals – and how to prepare for future disruptions.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
6. Passing on the lessons we’ve learned
Feb 16 2024
6. Passing on the lessons we’ve learned
Send us a Text Message.Knowledge is a lot like compound interest: the more you accrue, the faster it grows. How, then, can we ensure that others around us, and future generations, are growing their knowledge the right way? And, more importantly, how can we help them to avoid the mistakes we’ve made?In this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) cover some crucial money concepts to pass on. They also discuss how to frame complex topics (like compound interest and delayed gratification) in a way that anyone can understand. Finally, they share some tips for imparting money wisdom to those stubborn learners in your life. Whether you have children, or simply want to make the world a better place, this episode is for you.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
5. Choosing work for income vs enjoyment
Feb 2 2024
5. Choosing work for income vs enjoyment
Send us a Text Message.One of the greatest joys of FIRE are these two hyphenated words: “work-optional”. The freedom to choose whether to work, and what to work on, is a key motivator for many FIRE-seekers. In the meantime, though, there’s little that’s work-optional about the journey towards FIRE. For anyone who aims to reach Financial Independence, paid employment is a fairly non-negotiable part of the process.This begs the question: if we need to work, should we strive to maximise our income to shorten the time to FIRE? Or should we aim to find a job we love and enjoy the journey – even if it means earning less?In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) dive into this very topic. As part of their discussion, they share the potential pros and cons of each, and weigh in with their preferences. They also explore other approaches, so listeners aren’t only confronted with a binary choice. If you’re looking to answer questions about work, this episode will work for you.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
4. Balancing future goals with current desires
Jan 19 2024
4. Balancing future goals with current desires
Send us a Text Message.“I’m saving for a home deposit right now, but my friends just invited me to a bottomless brunch. I know that every dollar counts, but I don’t want to miss a morning with my friends. What should I do?”For many everyday Aussies, tradeoffs like this are not uncommon. But for anyone on a journey towards FIRE, they’re a regular part of life. While it may be less glamorous than investing, balancing future goals with current wants is a crucial part of FIRE. If you focus too much on the present, you’ll never reach your goal. On the other hand, if you forego all of life’s joys, you’ll feel like you’re only living to save money.That’s why, in this session, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) explore how to balance the future and present. To this end, they share their own experiences, and discuss the dangers of veering to either extreme. Finally, they cover some strategies that can enable you to strike a healthy balance.Give it a listen, and you’ll source a plan to meet your goals while still enjoying your life along the way.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
3. How different mindsets affect your money habits
Jan 5 2024
3. How different mindsets affect your money habits
Send us a Text Message.In the realm of money psychology, different mindsets can affect the way we spend, save, and invest. Two of the most relevant mindsets for FIRE are scarcity and abundance. To strip them down to their scaffolding: a scarcity mindset can help you save, but make you worry. An abundance mindset leads you to look at the biggest expenses, and not worry so much about the rest.In this episode, Dave (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden (co-founder of Pearler) compare how these two different mindsets can affect different aspects of their FIRE journey. This ranges from investing risk tolerance, to savings behaviour, to attitudes towards early retirement.By the episode’s end, you’ll be able to identify your money mindset – and leverage it in your quest for FIRE!PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
2. How to deal with financial surprises and setbacks
Dec 22 2023
2. How to deal with financial surprises and setbacks
Send us a Text Message.The road to FIRE is seldom a straight line. Between job losses, home repairs, medical issues, and other unwelcome surprises, our best laid FIRE plans can easily come derailed. Fortunately, as with most aspects of FIRE, it’s possible to prepare for financial hardship. In doing so, you can mitigate its impact on your FIRE progress.In this session, Dave Gow (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden Smith (co-founder of Pearler) cover how to contend with financial setbacks. To this end, they share how much they each keep in emergency funds, and discuss their thoughts on insurance. They also detail financial setbacks they’ve each faced, and explore strategies for futureproofing against financial hardship. By the episode’s end, the world will hopefully feel like a less scary place!PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
1. Questions on money, freedom, and a FIRE’d lifestyle
Dec 8 2023
1. Questions on money, freedom, and a FIRE’d lifestyle
Send us a Text Message.The quest for FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) requires planning, discipline, and structured money management. It’s no surprise, then, that most FIRE-craving people focus on these topics (or aspects of them). Even so, a sound FIRE strategy doesn’t begin and end with saving, budgeting and investing.Our goals once FIRE’d, and our sense of purpose beyond our careers, play just as crucial a role. Without these, we don’t know what we’re working towards – let alone what to do once we get there.In this episode, Dave Gow (Strong Money Australia) and Hayden Smith (co-founder of Pearler) explore how to identify what freedom looks like for you. They also cover how to design the perfect FIRE’d lifestyle for you, and how to find meaning outside of work. This way, you’ll be able to maintain your motivation towards FIRE – and make the most of it once you reach it.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
Chapter 23: Build financial resilience
Oct 20 2023
Chapter 23: Build financial resilience
Send us a Text Message.For many, reaching FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) is a best case scenario. However, it's even more important to prepare for WORST case scenarios. Investments can crash, interest rates can change, disaster can strike – and without a capacity to adapt, your FIRE could be extinguished. Luckily, that's what this chapter is all about. Join Serina Bird from the Joyful Frugalista as she explores how to build financial resilience for a pre- and post-FIRE life. Her thoughts range from creating an emergency fund; to diversifying your passive income; to keeping abreast of legislative changes that may affect you.  By the chapter's end, you'll feel a little more prepared for the words. Listen to the chapter here, or read it at your leisure on our blog. PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.
Chapter 21: Find your FIREstyle
Oct 6 2023
Chapter 21: Find your FIREstyle
Send us a Text Message.Much of this audiobook has focused on the path to FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early). So far, though, there's a crucial question we haven't asked: "What will you do once you reach it?" To many listeners, this might seem like a textbook definition of a champagne problem. But by asking yourself this question now, you'll arm yourself with a plan for your FIRE'd life. Perhaps just as importantly, you'll find a fount of motivation for those days on which you'd rather splurge than save. In this chapter, Frogdancer Jones from Burning Desire for FIRE  explores different potential pursuits for your FIRE'd life. She also helps you design the right FIRE lifestyle for your interests and personality. After this chapter, you'll be more FIRE'd up to reach your goal than ever before!Would you rather let your eyes do the learning? Check out the written chapter at our blog.PearlerStrong Money AustraliaOriginal Aussie FIRE e-bookStrong Money Australia’s audiobook Disclaimer Any advice is general and does not consider your financial situation needs, or objectives, so consider whether it’s appropriate for you. You should also consider seeking professional advice before making any financial decision.Pearler is an Authorised Representative #1281540 of Sanlam Private Wealth Pty Ltd AFSL #337927. Read the FSG available from you are considering any of the products we spoke about during the show, be sure to read the Product Disclosure Statement & Target Market Determination available from the product issuer’s website before deciding.