Love Is Our Nature

Cesar Rodriguez

Welcome to "Love Is Our Nature" where we have thought-provoking conversations and explore ideas that will challenge conventional philosophy around Love, Life, Authenticity, Relationships, and Fulfillment. In every episode we examine the conventional paradigm and take a deep exploratory look at ideas that have the potential to make a profound difference in your fulfillment and quality of life. read less
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Ep 28. Stop Hiding
Jul 10 2024
Ep 28. Stop Hiding
Welcome to the first Solo-cast of the Love Is Our Nature Podcast! In this episode I veer away from the usual interview format to share with you a vulnerable open-hearted reflection. I also share a valuable and inspiring message from my past self, as I explore the challenges and fears that often hold us back from pursuing our dreams.Some Key Takeaways:Facing Fear: The central theme revolves around fear and how it can paralyze us, preventing us from pursuing our most cherished dreams and goals. I candidly share my own struggles with fear and the excuses I made.Inspiring Message from 2018: I read an article I wrote back in 2018 titled "Why We Don’t Do the Things that Will Bring Us the Greatest Joy," which delves into the reasons we avoid pursuing our deepest desires.Call to Action: I encourage you, my listeners, to confront your fears and take action towards your dreams, emphasizing that even failure is a valuable teacher and a necessary step in the journey to success.Personal Insights:Vulnerability and Authenticity: I open up about my personal life, including my experiences as a new father and the challenges of balancing family, career, and personal dreams.Overcoming Excuses: I reflect on how I have been hiding behind excuses and how recognizing this has empowered me to take action and share my journey more openly.In this episode, I invite you to join me in this journey of confronting fears and pursuing your dreams. I emphasize the importance of self-reflection and taking the first step, no matter how daunting it may seem.2018 Article: Why We Don’t Do the Things that Will Bring Us the Greatest JoyConnect with Me:Website: Love Is Our NatureCesar's Instagram: @journeywithcesarL.I.O.N. Instagram: @loveisournatureFacebook: Love Is Our NatureFinal Thoughts:Thank you for joining me in this intimate and heartfelt solo episode. I hope that my reflections and the message from 2018 will inspire you to face your fears and pursue your dreams with renewed vigor and determination. Tune in next time for more stories, insights, and inspiring conversations on the Love Is Our Nature Podcast.
Ep 27. Living Life Guided By Your "Higher-Self"  & The Power Of Hypnotherapy w/ Cristina Kalyani
Apr 20 2023
Ep 27. Living Life Guided By Your "Higher-Self" & The Power Of Hypnotherapy w/ Cristina Kalyani
There's no summing up the professional title of Cristina Kalyani. She is a yoga teacher, hypnotherapist, sound-healer, Akashic Records Reader, Reiki practitioner and many other things as well.   My favorite title for her however, is Friend. In fact, she was the first person to meet Luka after his surprise arrival at 4:51am on Halloween. Kalyani waited outside of the supermarket till it opened on her way to come visit us to bring us diapers and wet wipes. Ellanah and I were exhausted so on her way out she cleaned our whole kitchen.   She's a very special member of our community down here in Santa Teresa, where she's been holding it down for almost 20 years.   In this episode recorded on Oct 18th of 2022, we get to see her passion for living an authentic life, for bringing Brahman into Atman, and we focus mostly on Hypnotherapy which I've now come to know as a fascinating modality. It's a tool she uses to help people get in touch with their 'Higher-Self", which is another topic we explore thoroughly.   I hope you enjoy learning about her story and getting to know her as much as I did.  You can follow Cristina Kalyani on IG: @cristinakalyaniAnd you can learn more about her on her website: cristinakalyani.comListen to this Podcast on:   Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 26. Jump Off The Cliff And Build Wings On The Way Down! Uprooting from NYC to Costa Rica w/ Nicolin Collingridge
Oct 19 2022
Ep 26. Jump Off The Cliff And Build Wings On The Way Down! Uprooting from NYC to Costa Rica w/ Nicolin Collingridge
One of the intentions of the L.I.O.N. Podcast is to inspire people to create a life beyond their dreams. That’s why I invited Nicolin on the show, because she is doing exactly that.   She is no different than anyone who’s been living in the city working a 9-5 job. Just recently she was living in New Your City working for a big PR firm.  What separates her from many people is that when she felt that life had more to offer her, she took action. This is the process that I am intrigued by. The process of taking the leap while not having all the answers.  Nicolin is in the thick of that process at the moment, and as a friend, it makes me very happy to see her sticking to that process and watching the universe provide her with stepping stones one by one. This has not been an easy process for her, and I found it so valuable to get an inside look at the life of someone who is choosing to transform their entire life with no guarantees of success, simply trusting that it is possible.  Not only did she uproot from New York City to Costa Rica, she also recently quit her job and has been finding opportunities to be self-employed while calling in work that feels in most alignment for her.   Thank you Nicolin or showing everyone that creating the life of your dreams is possible indeed! You can follow Nicolin  on IG: @nicolincollingridge Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 25. The Bhakti Path, The Yoga Of Love And Devotion & How Acne Became My Teacher w/ Annabelle Dent
Sep 27 2022
Ep 25. The Bhakti Path, The Yoga Of Love And Devotion & How Acne Became My Teacher w/ Annabelle Dent
Annabelle recently founded her own Yoga School, The Bhakti Path, and just led her first Yoga Teacher Training in Costa Rica. In this episode, she shares her beautiful story of following her heart and trusting her intuition. I love that aspect of her story because I feel that we could use a little bit more of that.  You hear her story of how she refused to get a 9-5 job in order to pursue her passion.   I met Annabelle in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. She became Ellanah’s housemate and eventually my housemate as well in their beautiful nature cabin in the jungle.  She was the easiest person to live with and was always being incredibly considerate. One thing that I found very inspiring about Annabelle is how she was always willing to self-reflect and do the work in every opportunity she had.  She turns her challenges into her teachers. In this episode you actually get to hear her story about how her 7 year bout with acne became just that.   One of the intentions of the Love Is Our Nature Podcast is to inspire you to begin creating the life of your dreams now. I hope this episode plants that seed of inspiration for you.  You can follow Annabelle on IG: @annabelledent Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 24. We’re Having A Baby! Being Expecting Parents - Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 3
Jul 28 2022
Ep 24. We’re Having A Baby! Being Expecting Parents - Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 3
We’re gonna be parents! None of us imagined it happening so soon, yet here we are. This is probably the most vulnerable episode of this mini-series with Ellanah. We both put it all out on the table in regards to what it was like to learn that we were going to be parents 3 months into our relationship, and even more so, the challenges that arose as we sought out to deepen our connection.  There is no stronger binding agent between two people than having a child together. And so strengthening our relationship became a huge priority. Yet with Ellanah experiencing the most challenging pregnancy symptoms I had ever seen on anyone, that became very tricky. In this episode we both share all about it.  In sharing about our journey together, we hope to provide a loving hand to anyone who might be facing challenges either with pregnancy or in a relationship with a partner in general.   Ellanah’s courage and will to surrender throughout this process has continually inspired me, and I’m deeply grateful for her. May this little window into our story be something that inspires you as well.   Thank you for listening!   Follow Ellanah on IG: @ellanah.marina.hope  Listen to this Podcast on:   Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 22. Lessons in Love, Preparing For Conscious Partnership - Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 2
Jul 5 2022
Ep 22. Lessons in Love, Preparing For Conscious Partnership - Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 2
We got to know Ellanah, her story, and some of the beautiful work she’s doing in Part 1 of this Special Feature.  In Part 2, Ellanah and I explore the idea of Conscious Relationship, and more importantly, what we each went through in preparation for one.   It's a beautiful topic to explore given that it is dear to all our hearts.   Both of us find ourselves incredibly blessed to be taking part in each other’s lives as romantic partners.   For me, I know it would have been impossible to create this kind of relationship even 2 years ago. This was not a function of finding the right person, but becoming it myself.  I don’t think it was a coincidence that when I found myself connected to joy within my heart and in love with life, she then showed up.   Here we each tell the story of what contributed to us being ready to step into this container.   I also share the message that came to me in an ayahuasca ceremony back in December of 2020 from the spirit of the Divine Feminine. Up until now, it felt like a very personal message so I just held it intimately within my heart. It now felt like the right time to share.   I gave us a little more time than usual to be able to share without rushing, so the remainder of this recording is in episode 23 where we tell the actual story of how we connected romantically.   Thank you for listening!   Follow Ellanah on IG: @ellanah.marina.hope  Listen to this Podcast on:   Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 21. Living From A Place Of Love, Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 1
Jun 28 2022
Ep 21. Living From A Place Of Love, Special Feature w/ Ellanah Fawcett Pt. 1
One of the beautiful things I noticed about Ellanah early on was how every single person in the community in Costa Rica had the most wonderful things to say about her. Everyone without fail seemed to notice something very special about her.   I myself couldn’t help but notice the soft loving presence and awareness that she would bring to every single moment. She seemed to kiss the Earth with her feet with every step she took. I wasn’t alone in thinking of her as the best example I had seen of the embodiment of love.  Her words to everyone were always loving, encouraging, and supportive, her laughter is infectious, and she brings peace and joy into any place she enters.   I might sound biased in describing her this way, as I have the privilege of calling her my partner, but I know many others who relate this way to her as well.   At one point, wondering how a human being can have such a loving and innocent presence, I thought “She must never have experienced the hard hits of life”.  I couldn’t have been any further from the truth. As I got to know more about her, I soon learned that she’s definitely had her bouts with life and like most of us at one point or another, found herself in dark places.   And that’s what inspires me the most about her.  Her loving ways are not from living a sheltered life, but come from her deep commitment to living life from a place of love.   It's a great joy of mine to bring her on the Love Is Our Nature Podcast. This is Part 1 of a multiple episode feature we will be doing. This one is a special opportunity to get to know her as she shares lots about her story. I hope you enjoy it.Follow Ellanah on IG: @ellanah.marina.hope Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 20. Eco-Spirituality & The Birth Of The Gaia Awakening Institute with Darren Austin Hall
Feb 25 2022
Ep 20. Eco-Spirituality & The Birth Of The Gaia Awakening Institute with Darren Austin Hall
“We don’t need to save the world. We need to let the world save us.”  I was delighted to bring Darren back for the first episode of Season 2 of the Love Is Our Nature podcast.  A lot has happened since I first had Darren in episode 8 about a year ago.  I have partnered up with Darren to bring to life the Gaia Awakening Institute, which will be inaugurated later this year.  The Gaia Awakening Institute is a center devoted to the evolution of human consciousness, and the reawakening of our interdependent nature and symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth. Through eco-spirituality, the restoration of indigenous wisdom, and cultivating conscious community, we are stewarding a new paradigm for humanity and a universal culture of peace and unity.  Darren has been visioning this beautiful project for several years. And after experiencing everything that I have over the past year, I wholeheartedly support this vision.  In this episode we get to explore what eco-spirituality is, as well as what the latest news is with the unfolding of the Gaia Awakening Institute.  If you grew up in western culture like me, some of what you will hear in this episode my sound a bit crazy.  That quote was a beautiful remark Darren’s friend shared with him at one point, and in a way, it sums up the motivation for the work we will be doing down here.  Learn all about it in this episode. Thank you so much for tuning in.  Listen to this Podcast on:  Spotify: Podcasts:​Google Podcasts: Music: the Video Version onYouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: LoveIsOurNature.comFollow Darren on IG: @darrendruid
Ep 19. The Journey Home. 2021 & Costa Rica Recap w/ Cesar Rodriguez
Dec 24 2021
Ep 19. The Journey Home. 2021 & Costa Rica Recap w/ Cesar Rodriguez
Sitting on the plane last Sunday as my flight was about to land back in Miami, I was literally moved to tears.   I had just finished journaling and reflecting back at the beautiful process that took place this whole year and feeling so much gratitude for the life I have, and for who I get to be for myself in my body.  It’s a tough thing to describe, this feeling of coming home to myself and arriving into the heart. In this episode, where we flip the script with my good friend and fellow podcast host Tanai Milgram, I do my best to describe it as well as the process and what contributed to it.  Among a few other things, I share..   - how and why I went from engaging in casual sex to spending 12 months celibate in Costa Rica. - how I ended up in an isolated little town for 2 months and how that wound up being some of the most valuable time of my life. - who Cesar was 12 months ago and who Cesar is now.  - my experience of jumping into the digital nomad life as well as overcoming the fears that came with it. - my new view and desire around love and romance.  I hope that hearing some of my story provides an opening for the fruition of your very best life, and perhaps even your own healing.   Thank you for taking part in this journey with me. Sending you so much love today and always.  ----------------------------------- Listen to this Podcast on:   Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Follow Tanai on IG: @tanaimilgram
Ep 18. Changing The World Is An Inside Job w/ Sonic Sorcerer Steffen Ki
Nov 12 2021
Ep 18. Changing The World Is An Inside Job w/ Sonic Sorcerer Steffen Ki
Steffen is another one of those people that the Universe put directly on my path. 50 steps away to be precise. Steffen is my next door neighbor in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. And he just so happens to be a fantastic music producer as well, with whom I’ve gotten to co-create some pretty amazing community events. He recently DJ’d an #EcstaticDance at our place where he played two and a half hours of original music!   But what I most value him for is his kind and noble heart. He’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and his friendship has been a beautiful gift. It has now evolved into a solid brotherhood.   This episode serves as a good starting point for me to introduce him to you, as we touch upon quite a few different points, and he tell his fascinating story of how he escaped the western society matrix.   This is also perhaps the episode that goes the most “out there” as of yet in the Love Is Our Nature Podcast as Steffen shares about his close encounters with Pleiadians beings.   We inquire into some big questions. “Why are we here?”, “What is the point to life?”, “How do we create fulfillment?”   I also encourage you to listen through to the end where we share one of Steffen’s newest song releases “Madre” a song I personally love.   You can find Steffen and his music here:  Spotify Artist Profile: SoundCloud: IG: @steffenki_sonic_sourcery Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Music: Watch the Video Version on YouTube: to the Love Is Our Nature Blog:
Ep 17. Love Is The Insane Desire To Reincarnate. A Wake Up Call w/ Brave Earth Co-Founder Alnoor Ladha
Oct 4 2021
Ep 17. Love Is The Insane Desire To Reincarnate. A Wake Up Call w/ Brave Earth Co-Founder Alnoor Ladha
200 species a day currently go extinct. 80% of the people in the world live on less than $1/day. These are some of the facts that Alnoor underlines during this insightful episode.   Alnoor acquired a Masters Degree in Political Philosophy in London School of Economics and Political Science. He is one of the Co-Founders of Tierra Valiente ‘aka’ Brave Earth, an alternative community in the Costa Rican Jungle where people get to exercise the atrophied muscle of living in community and serves as a center for applied cultural transition,  Alnoor’s main area of focus is currently the following inquiry: How do we create transition infrastructure for post-capitalist reality?  Speaking with Alnoor, it becomes clear that our current neo-liberal capitalist socio-economic system is doomed to collapse. It’s not a matter of “if”, but a matter of when and how.   That is not necessarily a bad thing given the current impact we are having on our planet and the lives of so many.   I met Alnoor at the Visionaries Immersion retreat in July 2021 where he was a keynote speaker, and I was blown away by how knowledgeable he was. I was also intrigued by his unique approach of not being quick to offer answers and solutions when discussing these important topics.   One thing is clear, he is not interested in more followers nor being anyone’s savior. In fact he points to how our desire for quick solutions and saviors is a product of our culture having gone astray.   I’m very excited to share this episode with you. It might be the type of episode that you will either love or hate. I asked Alnoor some tough questions, including “don’t you think you sound like a Mr. doom and gloom?” I can’t wait for you to hear his answer.  I really appreciated this opportunity to reflect on the current state of our world and to consider that perhaps we chose to come here to this planet at this specific time to serve the world and humanity through what just might be the greatest transition in human history.   As Alnoor says, what archetypal role will you choose to play during this transition?  Happy listening! Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep 16. Resting In The Mystery And Bliss Of Simply Existing, w/ Michael Wade
Sep 24 2021
Ep 16. Resting In The Mystery And Bliss Of Simply Existing, w/ Michael Wade
Have you ever seen two grown men cry over their love for one another? I’ve been fortunate enough to foster deep brotherhood with several men throughout my life, so that experience has not been uncommon. Mike is one of those brothers, and we had one of those moments here.I met Mike in my first Ayahuasca Ceremony just over 4 years ago. We then had a weekly call for the next 18 months to support each other with our new intentions.   Mike is a successful stock options investing mentor, yet that’s probably the last thing you learn about him when you meet him. When I asked him what the most important thing for him is at his ripe 59 years of life he said “resting in the mystery and bliss of simply existing.” That is one of the things that I’ve always admired about Mike. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s made his life about experiencing that very thing while fostering a deep connection with the divine. And now he is on the path of enabling other people to do the same.  Mike talks about how his own suffering was the catalyst for his spiritual journey. He talks about the mundane experience he felt living life as a hamster on a wheel even though he had all the things that life taught him he should have to be happy.  He came to visit me in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica for a week and I was happy to invite him on the show to share about his journey. He called this week in Costa the most transformational week of his life! I was very impressed by that and in this episode you get to hear why it was so.   Mike has contributed greatly to my growth, and I hope that through this episode, you get to be contributed to by him as well. I think you will. Much love always!  Follow Mike on IG: @mwadeoz Watch Mike’s movie recommendation, Samadhi Movie, 2017 - Part 1 - "Maya, the Illusion of the Self" on YouTube here: Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep 15. Manifesting Your Dream Life Now w/ Alesha McNeill
Sep 2 2021
Ep 15. Manifesting Your Dream Life Now w/ Alesha McNeill
The reality in which all your dreams have come true already exists in the field of possibilities. That's one of the things that Alesha emphasizes with all her clients. In this episode we get to discuss how you can make that reality your own.  There's nothing that brings me more joy than seeing other people smile. And people smile most when they are experiencing their greatest joy. That's why I am excited to share this valuable conversation with you. When you make your dreams come true, you hand everyone in your sphere of influence a permission slip to do the same. What an amazing world it would be if everyone was being in their highest state of joy by living their dream life.   Alesha McNeill was the perfect person for me to invite to the show to have a conversation about fulfilling your dreams and desires. She's got the art of manifestation down to a science.   I've been fortunate enough to get know some of her story, her business, her clients who she loves to serve, and the results she helps them produce. Alesha walks the talk. She recently had a $48,000 month in her business while on vacation! I asked her how she does it, and I nearly fell off my seat hearing her response. ..spoiler alert: hard work and long hours is not it.   She holds nothing back in this episode. If you feel that the reality of your dreams is far out of your reach, I highly recommend you tune in and pay close attention. If you've been anything like me, trying to figure out a plan and stressing over the how you can make it all happen, Alesha will explain here why you have it all backwards.   One thing is clear about Alesha, she loves people, and wants nothing less than the best for everyone that she comes into contact with. I'm happy to call her a friend in this beautiful community that we have been blessed to become a part of in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica.  Thank you for tuning in, and happy manifesting!  Follow Alesha on IG: @aleshamcneill Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep 14. From Pills To "Pura Vida" - Creating The Space For Your Own Inner Healing, with Kyle Mitri
Aug 24 2021
Ep 14. From Pills To "Pura Vida" - Creating The Space For Your Own Inner Healing, with Kyle Mitri
Kyle Mitri is a great friend of mine. I call him a Soul-Brother because the moment we met, we clicked instantly, and have thoroughly enjoyed every second we get to spend together since. Today Kyle coaches people in relationships, leads men's work coaching sessions, and has a conscious real-estate business (you'll learn what conscious real-estate is). However, that wasn't always the case. In this episode Kyle shares with us his 15 year bout with severe depression. If you have ever experienced not quite knowing your place in life, or not knowing exactly who you are, you might relate to Kyle's story. The turn-around he did in his life, which he vividly tells us about in this episode, is inspiring to say the least.   Kyle takes us through his healing journey and what it took for him to be the man he is today.  He also shares about the role that Ayahuasca and other plant medicines played in his life.   We discuss the magic of self-awareness, some tips to remain here and now in the present moment, and we also get to reflect back on our experience together at the Visionaries Immersion Retreat in Nosara.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Kyle here as much as I have.  Follow Kyle on IG: @kyle.mitri Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep. 13. The Art Of Tantra. How To Feel Alive And Fully Experience Pleasure, w/ Livia Lus
Jul 24 2021
Ep. 13. The Art Of Tantra. How To Feel Alive And Fully Experience Pleasure, w/ Livia Lus
Sacred Sexuality is the art of using intimacy between humans and within yourself as a way of transcending in consciousness, liberating yourself from core wounds and conditioning and opening your heart fully to experience pleasure, bliss, ecstasy and joy in this life. This practice and exploration is what Livia dedicates herself to full-time. Livia is a Coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.  She starts by telling us how her intuition guided her to come to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, the jungle-beach paradise where we filmed this episode. She shares with us her journey of how she went from stress from work, alcohol and drugs, and using sex to numb herself, to the place she is now; a space of joy, fulfillment and feeling at home in her body. She creates the distinction between unconscious sex and conscious sex, as she tells her own account of falling prey to the productized sex culture of the western world that led her to be in performance-mode during her sexual encounters and disconnected from her partners.  Livia explains how the pain signals in her body led her to start listening to her body, which wound up being the catalyst to start shifting into connection, harmony, and alignment. We also stumbled upon the fact that Ayahuasca was where Livia started her healing journey. Obviously, I asked her all about it.   I was also inspired by Livia’s take on how the healing process does not have to hard, and can in fact be fun. However, she also makes the point that the healing process does require the willingness to give space to undesirable emotions. She explains how letting those emotions flow through us instead of resisting them is the key to freedom and joy.   Livia shares some golden nuggets of wisdom as to how to move past the blockages to creating the life, experience, and reality that we want for ourselves. She talks about the first step that she calls “Waking Up”.  She also answers the big question “What is Tantra?”. The answer might surprise you.   Livia’s online course "Remember - Reconnect & Rise" will be launched in August and starts 6th of September  I really enjoyed dropping in with Livia. She has become a great friend. She is a bright light in the world, as well as a champion for women. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.   Follow Livia on IG: @lalivialus Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep 12. Reconnect With Nature, Reconnect With Yourself. Living In The Amazon, With Philippa Attwood
Jul 3 2021
Ep 12. Reconnect With Nature, Reconnect With Yourself. Living In The Amazon, With Philippa Attwood
The Universe gave me a pretty amazing housemate. Phillipa Attwood, aka Pippa, and I crossed paths by living Templo Lila, our lovely home in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. One thing that I’ve learned about this community is you never know who’s right in front of you.   Getting to know Pippa has been a great joy of mine. I’ve learned so much from her in the short time that we have lived together. What has been most apparent to me is her deep love for nature.   As someone who grew up with the value-system of western society deeply embedded in him, I used to arrogantly relate to people, that in my condescending view seemed crazy about nature, as “tree-huggers”. And by that we meant hippy, airy-fairy people that seemed not to have a solid grasp on reality.   Well not only have I now hugged trees myself, but Pippa couldn’t be any further away from that stereo-type. She’s one of the most down-to-Earth women I know, with her feet entirely planted on the ground.   In this episode Pippa talks about how she went from working for one of the UK’s biggest infrastructure firms as a business strategist, to then pursuing a deep desire she felt to connect further with nature after climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. She also shares about what she learned from five long periods of time living in the Amazon Rain Forest, Ayahuasca, living with the indigenous tribes of the Huni-Kuin and the Yawanawa.  She now supports indigenous led projects in land regeneration, agro-forestry, and music production through her non-profit organization Futuro Nativo.  Follow Pippa on IG: @vidaforestal You can learn more about her projects and support them on her website: Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on YouTube:
Ep 10. Living in Community Off The Grid. From Accountant To Community Creatrix, With Tish Steenkamp
Jun 4 2021
Ep 10. Living in Community Off The Grid. From Accountant To Community Creatrix, With Tish Steenkamp
I met Tish the same day I met Darren late January of 2021. We clicked immediately, she invited me to a Cacao ceremony the day after I met her, and there I met Kaveesha from Episode 4. After hanging out all weekend, we became so close. So much so, that I went to visit her for 4 days in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, way on the other end of the country in the Caribbean side. I got to see first hand the amazing off-the-grid community that Tish and a couple of her friends created. Tish has an amazing story, of having all the things that western culture teaches us we should have to be happy and successful, to then realizing there was something profoundly missing, to finally allowing the Universe to guide her to create her authentic life. By the way, Tish is a Badass boss-woman. She is the ultimate connector in the conscious/spiritual community in Costa Rica and a champion for women's empowerment. She's led classes at Envision, and is currently organizing two of the biggest retreat/gatherings of the year in Costa Rica. We had some tech difficulties since it started raining where she was, but you can totally get the substance of the message. I'm excited that you get to meet her here and learn all about her projects.  You can learn more about Tish by visiting her website: her on IG: @sacredtish Subscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: Listen to this Podcast on: Spotify:​ Apple Podcasts:​ Google Podcasts: Watch the Video Version on Youtube:
Ep 9. Medicine Music & The Adventure Of Self-Exploration With Medicine Song Man Rasmus Ronholt
May 26 2021
Ep 9. Medicine Music & The Adventure Of Self-Exploration With Medicine Song Man Rasmus Ronholt
I was lucky enough to stumble upon Rasmus through Darren Austin Hall from our last episode. And since then, I have been a regular attendee at the Medicine Song Circles that Rasmus hosts and organized for free for the community in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica every Wednesday. Suddenly, this has become one of the highlight of my week, and perhaps one of the highlights of my last 4 months in Costa Rica. It's difficult to explain rationally what one gets from getting together with others and singing medicine songs. I for one never thought of music as "medicine", yet getting together with Rasmus and singing together with him, has been one of the most beautifully healing things for my heart. It truly has been my medicine, as I originally set out to Costa Rica to re-learn to open my heart and be able to fully give and receive love. Rasmus has an incredibly unique story totally worth of sharing, yet he shares it in a very nonchalant manner. The work he has done through plant medicine and self-exploration is instantly clear and palpable. He embodies humility more so than anyone I've met, and is indeed endowed with a beautiful gift of song that we are fortunate to witness in this episode. I feel very fortunate to call Rasmus a friend and a brother. I'm happy that you get to meet him here, and grateful that you get to listen to some of his singing here as well. Follow Rasmus on IG: @rasmusronholtSubscribe to the Love Is Our Nature Blog: LoveIsOurNature.comListen to this Podcast on:Spotify:​Apple Podcasts:​Google Podcasts: the Video Version onYoutube: