Mar 6 2023
Loving Kindness Meditation
What Is Loving Kindness Meditation? Put simply, loving kindness meditation is a practice that cultivates and nurtures feelings of unconditional kindness and love towards oneself and others using silent mantras or phrases. Like mindfulness, the technique has its origins in the Buddhist tradition, where it’s known as Metta Meditation, meaning benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, and goodwill. For example, you might use a phrase like, ‘May I be happy’. Or, ‘May I feel peace’. In this meditation practice, find a comfortable position to settle into seated or laying down, and close your eyes or take a soft gaze to the ground in front of you. Listen and follow along by staying focused on the questions and affirmations I offer during this practice to cultivate. Happy meditating! May you be happy. May you feel peace. Until next time, Namaste -Erin Joy ************************************* Stay connected and inspired by following me on Instagram : Love this podcast and want more? Consider showing your support using the link below with a small donation of any amount, this helps me keep the fresh and up to date content coming your way! Thank you for being a listener! Show your support