Be The Ultimate with Dennis Guzik

Dennis Guzik

You want to be successful in your career, but where do you start?Be The Ultimate podcast is the perfect show for anyone who wants to achieve professional success. Dennis Guzik brings his intellect, humor, and extensive corporate VP and USMC officer experience to each episode, giving listeners practical tips on a range of career topics.You'll get insider information on how to choose a career, get ahead professionally, handle salary negotiations, and become an effective leader. This engaging experience will improve all aspects of your personal journey towards being professionally successful. Start listening to the Be The Ultimate podcast today!Website:

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Is Remote Work Really a Leadership Killer?
3d ago
Is Remote Work Really a Leadership Killer?
Send me a Text Message.Podcast Summary - Is Remote Work Really a Leadership Killer?Host:Dennis Guzik, retired Marine officer and career advice expertKey Points:Podcast Inspiration:Inspired by a Wall Street Journal article by Louis Gerstner, retired chairman and CEO of IBM.The article asserts that remote work hinders leadership development.Main Argument:Observation and Mentorship:Essential for aspiring leaders to watch others lead and manage.Physical presence is critical, especially during mentorship.Human Connection:Leadership involves human connection and motivation, making remote work challenging.Personal Experience:Dennis shares his own positive experiences with in-person mentorship and learning.Contrary Viewpoints:Some jobs, like coding and writing, can be performed remotely without leadership detriment.Mention of exceptional remote leaders in globally dispersed companies. Dennis' Perspective:Agrees with Gerstner's view; physical presence is crucial for leadership development.Differentiates between leadership (motivating, setting examples) and management (execution, operations).Cites the Marine Corps' extensive leadership training as an example.Leadership Steps for Remote Workers:Be Present:Observe and learn from others, noting both good and bad practices.Get a Mentor:Preferably someone you can meet with in person.Pursue Education:Continually learn about leadership, read about great leaders, and seek formal training.Remote Work Challenges:Connection and Observation:Remote workers must make extra efforts to connect with colleagues and mentors.Opportunities for In-person Interaction:Utilize opportunities like quarterly reviews and social events to meet colleagues.Final Thoughts:Remote work presents significant challenges for leadership development.Extra effort and dedication are required to overcome these challenges.Contact Dennis at for more leadership advice and training.Call to Action:If you're transitioning into a leadership role and need guidance, reach out to Dennis for expert advice and training programs.
Understanding Your Own Personal Limitations
5d ago
Understanding Your Own Personal Limitations
Send me a Text Message.Podcast Episode Summary: Understanding Your Own Personal LimitationsIn this episode of the career advice podcast, titled "Understanding Your Own Personal Limitations," the host dives deep into the importance of recognizing and managing your personal and professional limitations. This episode is especially beneficial for young professionals, career starters, and ambitious individuals aiming to navigate their career paths effectively.Key Points Covered:Recap of Last Week's Episode:Discussion on limitations as they apply to work tasks, breaking them down into two types:Restraints: Things you cannot do.Constraints: Things you must do.Example: A baker dealing with ingredient restrictions (restraints) and customer requirements (constraints).Applying Limitations to Professional Life:Personal Restraints:Avoiding jobs that require frequent travel due to family responsibilities.Preferring a steady salary over commission-based compensation for financial stability.Personal Constraints:Seeking jobs with upward mobility for career growth.Preferring remote work options to balance family commitments.Professional Anecdote:The host shares a personal story from post-military life, highlighting the importance of upward mobility and how turning down a high-paying job without growth opportunities was the right decision.Key Takeaways:Ignoring personal restraints can lead to job dissatisfaction and poor performance.Failing to acknowledge constraints can result in taking jobs that don't align with your life goals, affecting your happiness and work quality.Call to Action:Take some time to reflect on your personal and professional limitations. Understanding these can help you make informed career choices that align with your life and aspirations.Tune in next week for more insightful career advice. Don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with anyone who might benefit from these tips.
Interview Tips for Getting That Job
Apr 13 2024
Interview Tips for Getting That Job
Send me a Text Message.Career Insights with the Old Jarhead: Why Attitude Matters in InterviewsIn his insightful podcast episode, the seasoned career coach, known as the Old Jarhead, emphasizes the importance of having the right attitude during job interviews. With experience spanning the Marine Corps, corporate America, and career coaching, he offers a fresh take on navigating the interview process.According to him, a positive attitude can trump skills at the interview stage. He reasons that by the time you're called for an interview, your skills have already been assessed favorably; what sets candidates apart is their enthusiasm for the role and the company. Instead of rehashing your resume, the interview is your opportunity to showcase your interest in the company and the position, demonstrating that you've done your homework.Positive attitude aside, he also advises showing you're thinking long-term with questions about career progression within the company and its future prospects. However, he cautions against seeming too needy as it may suggest that you're likely to jump ship at the next best offer.His final takeaway? Bring a good attitude to your interview, and it could lead to more job offers. And for further wisdom on finding the perfect job, he suggests picking up his book, "Find a Job Fits Your Life," claiming it could be a game-changer in your career search.Boost your interview game and discover more pearls of wisdom by tuning into the Old Jarhead's podcast and checking out his book for comprehensive guidance.[Listen to the full podcast episode and get a copy of "Find a Job Fits Your Life" for in-depth tips on successful job hunting.]