F*ck It Mothering

Amanda Haro

Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm a life coach for moms. If you are a mom and are tired of the wash-rinse-repeat burnout cycle of motherhood; if you feel lonely and isolated in your motherhood journey; if you feel like you have completely lost your identity since your babies were born; if you feel like every other mom has it together except for you, this podcast is for you. I am living proof that a woman can be present & loving to her kids, while also being a whole ass person outside of being “that kid’s mom”. The secret? Learning when to say FUCK IT. read less
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FIM 52: The Art of Surrendering with Amanda Curry
6d ago
FIM 52: The Art of Surrendering with Amanda Curry
What happens when you got everything you ever wanted but it doesn't feel the way you thought it would? Or when it actually feels horrible? This week host Amanda Haro is joined by Amanda Curry, Somatic Inner Child Coach for Moms. Curry shares her journey of building the American dream just to realize she had built her life using blueprints her parents & society had designed. Who knew motherhood could be so triggering?? The answer for her to get her life back on track: surrendering. Surrendering to not having all the answers, to loving the messiest version of herself, and to healing her inner child so that she could finally become complete. The Amandas also talk about what to do if your male partner isn't on board for a decision you want to make for yourself, how conflicting gender messages as a kid still affect you today, and how to have deeper conversations with your male partner. To connect more with Amanda Curry, somatic inner child coach for moms, click here. To connect more with Amanda Haro, burnout & confidence coach for moms, click here. Mentioned in this episode: Rose Oracle deck by Rebecca CampbellTrevor Noah's episode on platonic relationships Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 11:02 I'm the problem, it's me 13:28 Motherhood is triggering & postpartum is hell 17:24 Loving the messiest version of yourself 20:53 Is this a cult? 25:33 Growing up with conflicting gender messages 28:56 When your partner doesn't support you -- you get to go first 34:41 How to have deeper conversations with your male partner 46:20 Applying inner child work to your children now 52:13 Lightening Q's
FIM 50: Adjusting Expectations: Finding Joy When Your Kids Don't Act the Way You Wanted
May 16 2024
FIM 50: Adjusting Expectations: Finding Joy When Your Kids Don't Act the Way You Wanted
Mother's Day can be a mixed bag of emotions & expectations, right? The media paints it as this carefree day where moms are pampered and appreciated, but the reality is...we still have to be moms. The baby still has blow out diapers, the older kids still fight, and your partner still can't read your mind. But Mother's Day isn't the only time moms get disappointed by the reality of something they had fantasied was going to be so much fun: We dream up the BEST family vacation, but the reality is our family stress follows us to our destinationWe long for a family movie night until we're 30 minutes into everyone fighting over what we're watching and the teenager gives up and watches Netflix on her phone in her roomWe look forward to the weekend to reconnect with our busy teens just to sit at home alone because they went to their friend's house In this episode, host Amanda Haro explains: How to let go of expectations so moms can enjoy authentic family momentsHow to allow your kids to be themselves & how to give them space to explore their friendships/chosen family & why this is crucial for their growth and developmentHow to embrace change & let go of resistance in order to cultivate acceptance and happiness Mentioned in this episode: FIM 17: I don't want f*cking jewelry for Mother's DayFIM 44: This is not a problem"A Happy Pocket Full of Money" audio book Give the algorithm the finger. Sign up for the F*ck It Mothering newsletter so you never miss your weekly F*ck It joy. Ready to be the main character in your own life? Sign up for your free 1 hour consultation here. You have nothing to lose and YOURSELF to gain. 0:00 Intro 1:00 Mother's Day & TTPD 13:36:04 Doing vs trying & increasing your wealth consciousness 18:46:04 Expectations vs reality of family time 20:52:20 My teen is always at their friends house 26:52:07 "But mom that sounds boring" / being ok with yourself 30:03:17 Letting kids be themselves 33:08:15 How to be ok with change
FIM 49: Pregnancy After Infertility Using Reiki with Carolina Sotomayor
May 9 2024
FIM 49: Pregnancy After Infertility Using Reiki with Carolina Sotomayor
This week host Amanda Haro is joined by womb healer Carolina Sotomayor from the Make a Baby podcast. Carolina shares her journey of navigating the loss of her father a month before her wedding, infertility, a turbulent relationship with her mother, and how she found healing for all of it through the ancient Japanese practice of reiki. She has since helped almost 100 women successfully treat their infertility with reiki. Carolina's story is a true testament to not only this ancient healing practice but also to the power we all have inside of us to heal even the deepest wounds and to be the generational curse breaker of our families. 0:00 Intro 14:00 Taylor Swift, Eras Tour, Human Design 26:30:18 Carolina's story; physical abuse as a child; grief journey 28:42:16 Spirituality, religion, and learning how to become a medium 33:13:04 Infertility journey and conceiving after reiki 39:35:06 Postpartum depression and anxiety 45:06:00 Spirit babies, world religions, Mary Magdalene Manuscripts 50:35:00 Grief, anger, and getting Godsmacked 57:07:22 Sexual assault, abortion, and having a baby later 60:27:11 Healing relationship with abusive parent in adulthood 1:16:31:13 Lightening questions Mentioned in this episode: A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi audiobook Taylor Eaton, money mindset & manifestation tarot reader Make a Baby Podcast Connect more with Carolina here Connect more with Amanda here
FIM 44: This is Not a Problem
Apr 11 2024
FIM 44: This is Not a Problem
This week, host Amanda Haro shares a simple yet effective tool to immediately begin relieving everyday mom stress by thinking a specific thought on purpose: "This is not a problem". Your toddler is horizontal in aisle A5 of Target because you said 'no' to buying the bottle of Tums they were using as a rattle? This is not a problem. Your teenager grew an attitude the size of Texas overnight? This is not a problem. Your kids can't get through a 10 minute car ride without being psychos? This is not a problem. We create suffering for ourselves when we resist our reality. And so by learning to accept what is, we immediately relieve ourselves of stress. "Ummmmkay, great, Amanda, but all of those things actually are problems. They like really suck and make me stressed." Yes, all these things suck. But they aren't actually problems. A toddler emoting loudly in public is just what toddlers do. Teenagers are assholes; it's just what they do. Siblings fight all.the.time. Especially in the car. Again--it's just what they do. And the problem with thinking of all these everyday things as problems is that our brain then tries to "fix" it. Which doesn't work, because what we're really doing is resisting reality. And so we end up in a hellish cycle of our kids being themselves, us trying to "fix" them, it not working, and us crying in frustration into our wine at night. But this is a hellish cycle of our own making. Tune in to this week's episode to learn how to break out of the shitty cycle for good. Connect more with Amanda, burnout & confidence coach for moms, here. To dive deeper into this thought work tool in action, also check out FIM 9: When Your Kids Give You the Finger