The Rich Mind Podcast

Randy Wilson

Imagine Living a Life Full of Abundance. One that You are Excited to Create Everyday and Share with Your Family and Friends. It’s Possible, If You Know How... In my own journey of Personal Development, Success and Fulfillment, I’ve discovered a Wonderful Truth...You Create Your Outer 3D World From The Inside, Through Your Internal Dialog, Thoughts and Beliefs. The World You Are Experiencing (Your Outside 3D World) is A Reflection of the Thoughts You Think, The Beliefs You Have that Are Controlling Your Decisions and the Conversation You Are Having Inside of Your Own Mind (Your Internal Dialog). The Secret is...#1 To Know This Truth and #2 To Take Responsibility and Control of What’s Happening Inside of You. In order to Live an Extraordinary, Happy and Abundant Life, I Believe You should Focus Your Energy and Begin To Win Within! If you are looking for More/Better Health, Wealth, Friendships, Abundance, Joy...I invite you to Join Me as I will Share Personal Stories and Real Life Experience that have Absolutely Improved My Life and the Lives of the Ones I LOVE and I’m Confident Will Work for You Too. I’m So Glad You Are Here. Let’s Get Started! Welcome to The RichMind Podcast read less


Successful Entrepreneurship is All About Serving Other People with Nicky Billou
2d ago
Successful Entrepreneurship is All About Serving Other People with Nicky Billou
Nicky Billou, an international bestselling author and entrepreneur, shares his journey and philosophy of entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of serving others and making a difference in people's lives. He believes that entrepreneurs are society's greatest heroes and that business is about solving problems for people. He also discusses the significance of narrowing down a niche and developing specific skills to provide value in the marketplace. Additionally, he highlights the power of belief in oneself and the need for someone to believe in and support individuals on their entrepreneurial journey. Nicky Billou is a professional believer in people and helps individuals position themselves as thought leaders in their field. He hosts the Thought Leader Revolution podcast, where he interviews experts and shares their wisdom. Nicky also offers three main programs: Get Booked and Get Paid, a workshop on leveraging podcast appearances for business growth; 90K in 90 Days, a sales accountability training program; and the Branded Thought Leader Immersion Workshop, a three-day immersive experience to help individuals become professionally famous. He emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself, being coachable, and embracing failure on the path to success. _____________________ Takeaways Entrepreneurs are society's greatest heroes because they have the courage to dream and go after their dreams with everything in their heart and soul.Business is about solving problems for people and making a difference in their lives.Narrowing down a niche and focusing on a specific target audience can lead to greater success and profitability.Developing specific skills based on life experience and expertise is crucial for providing value in the marketplace.Belief in oneself is essential, and having someone who believes in and supports you can make a significant difference in your entrepreneurial journey.Believing in people is essential, and everyone needs someone to believe in them.The Thought Leader Revolution podcast helps professionals position themselves as thought leaders in their field.Nicky Billou offers programs on leveraging podcast appearances, sales skills, and becoming a branded thought leader.Investing in oneself, being coachable, and embracing failure are key to success.Finish line thinking involves embracing healthy habits, setting big goals, and seeking accountability. _____________________ Learn more about the products and services Nicky has to offer through the links below 👇 ______________________ I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
Harnessing the Power of Persuasive Communication with Jake Stahl
4d ago
Harnessing the Power of Persuasive Communication with Jake Stahl
In this episode of Rich Mind Podcast, join host Randy Wilson and Jake Stahl, fractional Chief Learning Officer and founder of Jake Stahl Consulting, for a deep dive into the art of persuasion through conversation. Discover how to harness rhythm, cadence, and communication to build stronger relationships and drive sales success. Key Takeaways: Master the Art of Conversation: Learn how effective communication, active listening, and insightful questions are the foundation for building trust and rapport.The Adaptive Conversational Blueprint: Explore Jake's unique approach to sales training, emphasizing personalized communication and understanding your audience.The 2-10 Rule: Discover the power of balancing questions and listening in sales conversations to drive engagement.Generational Differences in Communication: Understand the nuances of communicating across generations to tailor your message effectively.Fractional Chief Learning Officer: Learn about the fractional movement and how it can benefit your business with expert insights on demand. Want to transform your communication skills? Follow Jake Stahl: Website: Media: Jake: Jake@JakeStahlConsulting.comConnect with Jake: a copy of Jakes Book: Connect with Randy Wilson: YouTube:
How High-Level Professionals Optimize Fitness, Health, and Mindset with Expert John Daniel
May 23 2024
How High-Level Professionals Optimize Fitness, Health, and Mindset with Expert John Daniel
In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, host Randy Wilson welcomes John Daniel John known for his high performance executive coaching, shares his personal journey of overcoming addiction, identity crisis, and finding purpose. Raised in a challenging environment marked by addiction and absence of his biological father, John turned to sports as a distraction and source of structure. However, after his wrestling career ended, he faced an identity crisis and turned to drugs and alcohol. Through therapy and self-education, John gained awareness and made the decision to change. He started going to the gym and found that the mind-body alignment he experienced in sports translated into personal growth and positive self-talk. This led him to become a fitness and mindset coach, helping others find mind-body alignment and reshape their narratives. John shares his journey of personal transformation and how he found success in the health and fitness industry. He emphasizes the importance of associations and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. John also discusses the decision-making process of moving to a new city and starting a business. He highlights the significance of mind and body alignment for high achievers and offers practical tips for time management and consistency. John emphasizes the value of accountability and the role of a coach in achieving sustainable growth. He concludes by encouraging listeners to prioritize their health and fitness. ________________________ Takeaways Sports can provide structure and purpose, but it's important to have a deeper reason for pursuing them.An identity crisis can occur when a person's main source of identity is taken away.Awareness is the first step towards personal growth and change.Consistency and determination are key in reshaping one's narrative and finding mind-body alignment.Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can help in pursuing your vision and creating a new identity.Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your goals and vision.Reverse engineer your desired future self by identifying the characteristics, habits, and associations of that person.Prioritize your health and fitness by setting clear boundaries and making time for self-care.Consistency is more important than motivation; focus on the reasons why you want to achieve your goals.Accountability and support from a coach or partner can greatly enhance your success and sustainability. ______________________ About the Guest: John Daniel is a high-performance executive coach based in Austin, Texas. As the founder of Simple Savage Fitness, he empowers high-level professionals to optimize their fitness, health, and mindset to boost their energy, focus, and business success. Coping with the absence of his biological father, battling addiction and an identity crisis, John emphasizes the transformative power of sports, fitness, and personal growth in shaping who he is today. Download John's FREE Time Management Guide Today - Learn More About John's High Performance Fitness Programs - ______________________ I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
Unlock the SuperHuman Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Joesph Drolshagen
May 21 2024
Unlock the SuperHuman Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Joesph Drolshagen
In this episode of the Rich Mind podcast, host Randy Wilson explores the power of the subconscious mind with guest Joseph Drolshagen. Joseph shares his personal journey of growing up in a low-income family and witnessing his parents struggle financially. He explains how he became a student of personal development and began to understand the role of the subconscious mind in shaping our beliefs and actions. Joseph introduces the concept of the subconscious as a 'motherboard' that hosts our programming, patterns, and belief systems. He emphasizes the importance of aligning the conscious and subconscious minds to achieve desired outcomes. The conversation also touches on the pitfalls of being busy and the need for a clear vision to recognize opportunities. In this conversation, Joseph Drolshagen discusses the importance of having a dynamic vision for your business and life. He emphasizes the need to consciously choose success and abundance, rather than unconsciously settling for mediocrity. Joseph explains that a dynamic vision encompasses not only financial goals, but also the impact on relationships, health, and well-being. He highlights the role of imagination and intuition in crafting a vision and taking inspired action. Joseph also encourages listeners to let go of past failures and judgments, and instead use them as stepping stones to greatness. Takeaways - Understanding the role of the subconscious mind can lead to significant changes in a relatively short period of time.The subconscious mind acts as a 'motherboard' that hosts our programming, patterns, and belief systems.Misalignment between the conscious and subconscious minds can lead to self-sabotage and blaming external factors for our experiences.Having a clear vision and being open to opportunities can lead to success and fulfillment.Being busy and constantly doing can prevent us from recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities.Having a dynamic vision is crucial for achieving success and abundance in business and life. -A dynamic vision encompasses financial goals, impact on relationships, health, and well-being.Imagination and intuition play a key role in crafting a vision and taking inspired action.Let go of past failures and judgments, and use them as stepping stones to greatness. Learn more about Joesph and the services he provides at - _____________________ I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn ___________________ Chapters 00:00 Introduction to the Power of the Subconscious Mind 09:33 The Subconscious Mind as a 'Motherboard' of Programming 28:10 Introduction and the Importance of a Dynamic Vision 36:12 Overcoming Conditioning and Limiting Beliefs 44:27 Discovering Your Zone of Genius 56:50 Conclusion and Call to Action
Overcoming Self-Doubt: Your Journey to Achieve What You LOVE
May 16 2024
Overcoming Self-Doubt: Your Journey to Achieve What You LOVE
In this episode, Randy Wilson discusses doubt, worry, and fear and how they can hold us back from achieving the future we desire. He shares his personal experience and offers three strategies to overcome these negative emotions: making a decision, visualizing what we truly want, and becoming aware of our surroundings. He emphasizes the importance of courage in stepping away from negative situations and into a brighter future. He also encourages listeners to let go of the past, take control of the present moment, and make choices that will lead to a better future.   Takeaways Doubt, worry, and fear stem from a desire for a different future, but not knowing what that future looks like or how to achieve it.To overcome doubt, worry, and fear, make a decision to take control of your life and not allow others to make decisions for you.Visualize what you truly want in life and let that vision guide your actions and decisions.Become aware of your surroundings and the triggers that lead to negative emotions, and use that awareness to make choices that align with your desired future.Courage is necessary to step away from negative situations and into a brighter future.Let go of the past and focus on the present moment, making choices that will lead to a better future.   I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
Do The Hard Things FIRST: Eliminating Procrastination with Scott Allan
May 14 2024
Do The Hard Things FIRST: Eliminating Procrastination with Scott Allan
Welcome Back to The Rich Mind Podcast Today I was Grateful to have a Fantastic conversation with Scott Allan, bestselling author and success strategist, who shares his journey of making bold decisions and taking control of his destiny. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, creating a vision board, and rewiring the mindset for success. Scott discusses the power of making dedicated decisions and the excitement that comes with stepping outside of the comfort zone. He also addresses the issue of chronic procrastination and the negative impact it can have on one's life. Scott provides practical tips for overcoming procrastination and taking action towards achieving goals. In this conversation, Scott Allan discusses the root causes of procrastination and shares strategies for overcoming it. He traces his own procrastination habits back to childhood and explains how fear of failure and negative outcomes can lead to avoidance. Scott emphasizes the importance of taking action and doing the hard things first to break the cycle of procrastination. He also discusses the role of imposter syndrome and the need for persistence and resilience in pursuing goals. Scott shares insights from his books and coaching programs, which focus on helping individuals overcome procrastination and achieve their dreams. Takeaways Making dedicated decisions and taking control of your destiny is key to personal growth and success.Setting clear goals and creating a vision board can help manifest your desires and keep you focused.Stepping outside of your comfort zone and embracing uncertainty is where growth and progress happen.Chronic procrastination can have a negative impact on your life and hinder your achievements.Overcoming procrastination requires self-awareness, accountability, and taking small steps towards your goals.Procrastination often stems from a fear of failure and negative outcomes.Taking action and doing the hard things first is key to overcoming procrastination.Imposter syndrome is a sign that you're stepping outside of your comfort zone.Persistence and resilience are essential in pursuing your goals.Breaking tasks down into smaller steps and seeking help can help overcome overwhelm.Visualizing the regret of not taking action can be a powerful motivator.Scott Allan offers books and coaching programs to help individuals overcome procrastination and achieve their goals. Sound Bites "I made a definitive decision, what I call a pivotal decision, where it was like the point of no return." "The only bad decision is the one you didn't make." "The only measurement of success is progress." "I remember when I was a kid getting, you know, coming home on a Friday with, you know, we always had homework on the weekends, of course, and coming home on Friday with my backpack, knowing there was a test on Monday, just throwing the bag in the corner and then picking it up Monday morning and going to school and failing the test, right." "I would put things off, yet over here, I was very diligent about going to the gym and working out and training and all that. I did that five times a week and I almost never put that off, right? So I'm thriving over here and failing over here." "If I email them today, I would get it over with and it's done and it would only take me five minutes." Learn More About Scott's Books and Services ____________________________ I'd also Love to Connect With You! YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
Setting Achievable Goals: The Key to Financial Success with Linda Grizely
May 7 2024
Setting Achievable Goals: The Key to Financial Success with Linda Grizely
In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, host Randy Wilson interviews Linda Grizely, the creator of Linda helps women elevate their relationships with money, understand their money scripts, and build financial confidence. She shares her personal journey of growing up in a lower middle-class household and how she overcame the belief that she had to work hard to make money. Linda emphasizes the importance of changing limiting beliefs and reframing negative thoughts about money. She also discusses the power of setting goals that are achievable and aligned with one's values. In this conversation, Randy and Linda discuss the importance of momentum and overcoming limiting beliefs in achieving goals. They emphasize the need to take action and think bigger, as well as the role of permission and stories in shaping our mindset. Linda shares examples of clients who have worked through their stories and achieved personal growth. They also discuss Linda's coaching program, which focuses on mindset and money, and how it helps individuals transform their beliefs and achieve financial freedom. Linda adds a lot of value at the end of the episode with advice for those starting their own money mindset journey. Takeaways Money mindsets are unique to each individual and are shaped by various factors such as upbringing, experiences, and influences.Changing limiting beliefs about money requires self-reflection, reframing negative thoughts, and replacing them with positive beliefs.Setting goals that are achievable and aligned with one's values is crucial for financial success.Taking small steps every day towards financial goals helps maintain momentum and progress.Mindset work and self-improvement are essential for building financial confidence and achieving financial independence.Momentum is crucial in achieving goals and building confidence.Overcoming limiting beliefs is essential for taking action and moving towards what you truly want.Permission, both from oneself and others, can play a role in holding back personal growth.Stories and internal dialogue shape our mindset and can be worked through to achieve personal transformation.Linda's coaching program focuses on mindset and money, helping individuals overcome their money mindset challenges and achieve financial freedom. Sound Bites "I had this mindset that I have to work really hard to make a lot of money." "Working hard is not the only way to achieve financial abundance and a better life." "Changing limiting beliefs requires self-reflection, understanding the source of the belief, and replacing it with a positive belief." "Momentum is so much. It's so important. It's hard to describe, but once you start to see it in your own life, it can quickly start stacking." "What's one thing I can do that will put me one step, even if it's a baby step, further towards that goal?" "Yeah, I think so. And sometimes the permission might even be from themselves. They need to give themselves permission." Learn more about the coaching and services Linda has to offer by heading over to _________________________ I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
Belief in You: Nurturing Self-Belief and Self-Worth for Unstoppable Growth with Alan Lazaros
May 2 2024
Belief in You: Nurturing Self-Belief and Self-Worth for Unstoppable Growth with Alan Lazaros
In this compelling story of overcoming adversity and embracing self-improvement, Alan Lazaros, the CEO of Next Level University and a renowned podcast host, goes deep into his journey of self-belief, personal growth, and fulfillment. Witness his incredible transformation from adversity to success, from surviving adverse childhood experiences to becoming successful in the tech industry, to ultimately now becoming the CEO of Next Level University. Alan's story is a testament to the power of inner work and outer work, showcasing how facing your fears and cultivating self-belief can lead to unparalleled success and fulfillment. Join Alan Lazaros as he reveals: - The hero's journey of conquering self-doubt and unlocking limitless potential - Transforming adversities into opportunities for growth and resilience - The significance of balancing professional success with personal well-being - Strategies for strengthening self-belief and self-worth to achieve your goals - Embracing the hero archetype and overcoming the villain within - Harnessing the power of constructive thoughts and actions to manifest success - Cultivating habits that lead to a fulfilling life Explore more transformational content: - Tony Robbins Ted Talk: Why We Do What We Do - - Book by Bronnie Ware: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying - - Understanding the ACE Score: Adverse Childhood Experiences - - Tune in to the Next Level University Podcast for inspiring conversations on self-improvement and success - Sound Bites "Adversity happened to me, I took the pain and transformed it into a bigger, better, brighter future in my mind." "Self-belief makes the difference. When adversity happened to me, I believed I was capable of achieving a bigger, better, brighter future." "We all need to be ambidextrous in the 21st century, balancing professional development with personal development." "They are full of it. They're completely full of it. Now, I figured out why." "Who portrays level 10 confidence like the bullies of the world have level 2 goals." "The hero has high self-belief, low self-worth. The villain has inflated fake self-worth and no self-belief." ___________________________________________________ I’d Love to stay connected…Please check out the following links to follow and connect with me on the platform of your choice YouTube Instagram LinkedIn
How To Become A Digital Nomad & Build A Thriving Online Business with Austin and Monica Mangelson
Apr 30 2024
How To Become A Digital Nomad & Build A Thriving Online Business with Austin and Monica Mangelson
Ready to break free from the 9-5 and design a life of freedom and fulfillment? In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, digital nomad power couple Austin and Monica Mangelson share their inspiring journey from traditional jobs to building a successful online business while traveling the world. Key Takeaways: *Discover how to transition into the digital nomad lifestyle and create an income from anywhere. *Learn the strategies Austin and Monica used to start and grow their online coaching business. *Get actionable tips for finding clients, developing valuable skills, and embracing the entrepreneurial mindset. *Understand how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of working remotely as a couple. *Explore the importance of personal growth, mentorship, and trusting your intuition on your entrepreneurial path. About Austin and Monica: Austin and Monica Mangelson are experienced digital nomads, online business owners, and certified life purpose coaches. Their mission is to help others build fulfilling online businesses that allow them to live life on their own terms. Take The Next Step: Ready to kickstart your digital nomad journey? Visit for a special training and discover how to create the freedom and abundance you desire. Follow Austin and Monica on Social Media: Instagram: Facebook: Follow The Profitable Nomad Couple Podcast: Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life! Subscribe to the Rich Mind Podcast for more inspiring stories and actionable advice on entrepreneurship, personal growth, and creating a life you love.
Stop Wasting Time on Self-Improvement Lies with THIS Truth!
Apr 25 2024
Stop Wasting Time on Self-Improvement Lies with THIS Truth!
In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, Randy Wilson discusses the limitations of cookie-cutter self-improvement programs and emphasizes the importance of individuality in personal development. He encourages listeners to take a self-assessment of their journey and to question the effectiveness of generic approaches. Wilson shares his own process of journaling as a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-improvement. He advises against relying solely on gurus and instead encourages listeners to internalize information and dig deep to understand their own patterns and subconscious beliefs. Takeaways Cookie-cutter self-improvement programs may not be effective for everyone, as each individual's journey is unique.Taking a self-assessment and questioning the fit of a program is important in personal development.Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding one's patterns and beliefs.Internalizing information and digging deep into one's own subconscious is crucial for personal growth.Relying solely on gurus may not be the best approach, and it's important to find what works best for oneself. Sound Bites "Are you sick and tired of all the self-improvement lies out there?" "We are all individuals. Your journey in self-improvement is going to be different than mine." "You need to determine what is going to be the best fit for you." ___________________________________ Let's stay connected...follow me through the links below Instagram YouTube LinkedIn
Mind Over Matter: Re-wiring the Subconscious with Lucie Ptasznik
Apr 23 2024
Mind Over Matter: Re-wiring the Subconscious with Lucie Ptasznik
In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, guest Lucie Ptasznik, a peak performance coach, national speaker, and expert in helping people rewire the subconscious mind, explores the role of meditation and awareness in enabling us to take control of our lives. A passionate advocate for pushing beyond comfort zones, Lucie shares her personal journey from dreaming about owning horses to running one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies, drawing lessons on leadership, controlling emotional reactions, and breaking down limiting beliefs. ___________________________________________________________ Key Points: 1. Lucie shares her journey from desiring to own a horse to running one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies. 2. Lucie believes that horses can teach us lessons about leadership, controlling emotional reactions, and breaking down limiting beliefs. 3. The power of intention, awareness, alignment, and leveraging the laws of the universe can dramatically increase the quality of life. 4. Meditation allows us to recognize thoughts that do not serve us and lovingly release them, thus taking back our power and responding rather than reacting blindly to life's challenges. 5. The practice of meditation allows us to become familiar with our thoughts and feelings and respond to different circumstances in ways that shape a positive outcome. 6. Lucie discusses the differences between reacting and responding and the importance of emotional intelligence. 7. She encourages listeners to consider the basics of meditation, such as setting their alarms 15 minutes early and utilizing YouTube guided meditations. Sound Bites: "We're not human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a human experience." "Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we respond." "A belief is nothing more than a thought that we keep thinking." "On the other side of your excuses lies greatness, lies unprecedented success." "If you can control your mornings, you can control the rest of the day. And if you can control your days, that means you control your weeks, your months, your years, your life." "We all have access to intention, but so many of us choose to use it just like our imagination." ___________________________________________________ Grab your FREE 6 Part Subconscious Re-wiring training program by heading over to and make sure to enter the Promo Code - richmind to gain FREE access. It's a $1,000 Value! You can also follow Lucie on Instagram - Find her on Facebook here - Learn more about Lucie and all of the services she provides - ____________________________________________________ Grab a FREE digital copy of my Amazon #1 Best Selling Book "Think Big!" simply head over to to claim your copy You can follow me on Instagram - You can also follow the show over on YouTube -
Where Does Luck Come From? Why Are Others So Lucky?
Apr 18 2024
Where Does Luck Come From? Why Are Others So Lucky?
In this conversation, Randy and Staci Wilson discuss the concept of luck and how it relates to preparedness and opportunity. They share their own experiences of making dedicated decisions and going deep in specific subjects to become great at them. Staci talks about her journey in the wedding industry and how she went from getting her foot in the door to becoming an expert in her field. They emphasize the importance of giving yourself permission to pursue what you love and the need to put in the necessary time and effort to gain the skills and confidence to succeed. ___________________________________________________________________ Takeaways Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.Making dedicated decisions and going deep in specific subjects can lead to expertise.Give yourself permission to pursue what you love.Put in the time and effort to gain the necessary skills and confidence.Opportunities are everywhere when you are prepared. ___________________________________________________________________ Sound Bites "Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity." "Going deep in specific subjects and learning the skills required to become great." "Give yourself permission to go find the job or opportunity to gain the skillset needed." ___________________________________________________________________ To learn more about the wedding services Staci has to offer, head over to You can also follow her on Instagram ___________________________________________________________________ Grab a FREE copy of my Amazon #1 Best Selling Book Think Big! Head over to Follow me on Instagram - Follow me on YouTube -
Life Without Rules: Uncover Your Real Self and Live on Your Own Terms
Apr 16 2024
Life Without Rules: Uncover Your Real Self and Live on Your Own Terms
In this episode of the Rich Mind Podcast, Randy Wilson shares a paradigm-shifting idea - "there really aren't any rules". He brings attention to the restrictive and often debilitating rules we often internalize from society and invites listeners to question whether these self-imposed restrictions are really serving them any good. Randy draws on his own experiences to illustrate how questioning these rules allowed him to break free from societal expectations and chart his own path in life, leading him down a much more gratifying journey. The episode aims to empower listeners to challenge the many unwritten rules in their lives and step outside their comfort zones to pursue what they truly want and live life on their own terms.    Key Points: - Often, we live by self-imposed rules and expectations that cause more harm than good. - These rules stem from numerous societal structures and individuals, including parents, academia and workplaces. - Many of these so-called rules are not necessarily serving us well, but they have been fed into us so much that we deem them to be the absolute truth. - Randy shares his experiences on how challenging and stepping away from these rules had a profound impact on his life’s trajectory. - Encourages listeners to challenge their own internalized rules and rethink if they are truly doing them good or merely restricting them from reaching their life’s full potential. - Emphasizes the importance of not associating one’s self-worth with their professional status or the stuff they possess. - Do what you love and seek to fill the voids that the generally accepted societal structures often overlook. I'd Love to connect with you. Please check out the following links to find me on your preferred method on the internet. Instagram YouTube LinkedIn Free Book Download
Doubting Your Dreams? This Advice Is A Gamechanger
Apr 4 2024
Doubting Your Dreams? This Advice Is A Gamechanger
Feeling lost, overwhelmed, or like your dreams are just out of reach? Sometimes, all you need is someone who understands. In this episode of The Rich Mind Podcast, Randy and Staci Wilson open their hearts and offer the real-world wisdom they wish they'd had when they were younger. Discover the power of slowing down when life feels chaotic.Learn why taking action – even imperfect action – is the key to breaking free from feeling stuck.And get ready to re-ignite those big dreams that might feel buried under doubt.This is your permission slip to embrace mistakes, learn from them, and keep building the life you truly want. This episode is your roadmap to greater confidence, bolder decisions, and an unwavering belief in yourself. Takeaways Slow down and take the time to think through decisions before rushing into themDon't be afraid to take action and step into the unknownDream big and pursue your passions Be prepared for setbacks and keep moving forwardSupport and rally around each other as a family Sound Bites "A lot of times it's slowing them down, talking them through everything that has happened, what is happening and what's real coming up." "If the worst case scenario is still OK, then yeah, you got to go try some stuff and go see where it takes you." "You just have to make a decision at some point. At some point you start to compare apples to apples. Do you want a red one or a green one? Just pick."   Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 03:05 The Importance of Slowing Down and Making Thoughtful Decisions 09:49 Taking Action and Stepping into the Unknown 23:09 Dealing with Setbacks and Moving Forward 29:12 Supporting and Rallying Around Each Other as a Family 34:01 Closing Remarks and Farewell #youngadult #decisions #mistakes #growthmindset #encouragement
5 Secrets to Writing a Bestseller: With Multiple Best Selling Author Dan Armstrong
Apr 2 2024
5 Secrets to Writing a Bestseller: With Multiple Best Selling Author Dan Armstrong
Unlock the Secrets of Bestselling Authors! In this episode of The Rich Mind Podcast, Randy Wilson welcomes back the captivating storyteller Dan Armstrong, author of 'The Chronicles of Elwic, The Temple of Wisdom and Truth.' Dan reveals the inspiration and creative process behind his popular medieval fantasy series and shares actionable advice for aspiring writers. Get ready to: Master the art of storytelling: Understand the power of a compelling 'why' and how to keep readers hooked.Conquer perfectionism: Learn why your first draft doesn't need to be perfect and how to embrace the revision process.Discover a unique writing style: Explore how acting out scenes can add depth and emotion to your writing.Tap into your own creativity: Dan shares how to find inspiration and let your stories flow. Bonus: Get an exclusive look into the world of 'The Chronicles of Elwic' and join Elwic on his thrilling journey of self-discovery. Links Mentioned: 'The Chronicles of Elwic, The Temple of Wisdom and Truth':'Smart Dust':'Adventures of a Real-Life Cable Guy': Find out more about Dan Armstrong and the projects he has up coming at You can catch Dan's first interview on the Rich Mind Podcast here: #writing #author #storytelling #fantasybooks #medieval #books #bookstagram #creativity #inspiration #bestseller Ready to elevate your writing and take your creative projects to the next level? Head over to and grab a copy of my book "Think Big!"