Energy of the Untamed Heart

Mielle Fox

What keeps your divinely designed wild heart from being free?  Unlock the chains around your heart, break free from your old stories and access your divine birthright for joy and passion. Allow yourself to flow in the energy of fulfillment and freedom, expansion and expression as you were meant to in this life. Connect and be seen, be heard, be part of the bigger consciousness of humanity. Discover your unique gifts and superpowers which allow you to navigate the challenges along the way as you live your purpose.   Join me weekly for both solo and guest episodes as we learn to thrive, not just survive and set our wild heart free! read less
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Art as a Pathway to Healing - a conversation with Dawn Renee Bova
4d ago
Art as a Pathway to Healing - a conversation with Dawn Renee Bova
Dawn Bova is a soulful artist, teacher, and author who's making waves with her intuitive painting and heartfelt expression. She's the host of the Catch Some SoulShine Podcast, where she shares her wisdom, insights, and healing practices with fellow artists and creatives who are shining bright despite life’s challenges.   As a nurse practitioner specializing in recovery and mental health wellness, she's a compassionate advocate for those impacted by substance use, mental health illness, and grief.    Dawn's faith is an integral part of her journey, and she believes that art is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and connection.    Her experiences with substance use, grief, and significant losses have given her a deep understanding of the healing power of creativity and connection, and she's dedicated to sharing those gifts with others.    Contact:   Dawn's work is a reflection of her soulful spirit and a celebration of the human experience. If you honor your divine spirit, pick up one of her prints at, and she welcomes connections and collaborations with fellow seekers and dreamers at   I think what hits home for me from this conversation is the awareness that there is always light through the darkness, there’s no shame in asking for help and support, unconditional acceptance of the journey.   If you found this episode helpful for you or perhaps for someone who might need to hear this, please tag them and invite them to subscribe for more guest episodes.  You just never know who needs to hear the information; it might not hit home deeply for you, but it could save someone’s life or honor their journey.   Follow me on FB and join my private energetics group here, Or via my website at   As always, thank you for your time and support here on the podcast.  Sending you so much love
It's more than just stretching - a conversation with  movement specialist Janis Isaman
May 23 2024
It's more than just stretching - a conversation with movement specialist Janis Isaman
Janis Isaman is a movement specialist based in Calgary, Canada. She is the founder of My Body Couture, a movement therapy studio that provides personalized training and rehabilitation services to clients with chronic pain, injuries, and other movement limitations. Janis has been working in the health and fitness industry for over two decades, and she has extensive training and experience in various movement modalities, including Pilates, yoga, and functional movement.  Janis has helped numerous clients overcome chronic pain and improve their physical and mental health through her innovative and effective approach to movement therapy.   You can find more support and information for Janis at the following links:   Website:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Elephant Journal:  LinkedIn:  YouTube: If you found this episode helpful, please feel free to tag a friend and share.  I’d be grateful for your 5 star review of my podcast so we can stay visible in the algorithm.   I’m so honored to be able to bring you a variety of guest interviews and stories to share as we walk our way back home to our heart.  You can follow me on FB/IG at mielle fox, in the private fb group  or via the website at   As always, sending so much love.
The lightness of being - horsemanship convo with Elaina Enzien
Apr 4 2024
The lightness of being - horsemanship convo with Elaina Enzien
Join me today as I share a great conversation with a mentor and friend of mine in the horse world, Elaina Enzien.  This chat isn’t just about horses and riding, it’s about a slice of life, finding the joy in the moments, the awareness of the lightness of being.   Elaina Enzien, owner and founder of NZN Horsemanship, is a lifelong student of the horse, starting her journey at Gelinas Farm when she was 6 years old. As a teen and young adult she had the opportunity to study under some of the greatest horsemen and women in the country.   Elaina has the innate ability to meet horses and riders where they are, allowing them to feel comfortable and safe to succeed at their own pace. Gelinas Farm is owned and operated by Elaina Enzien and Adam Taschereau, offering high quality services of boarding, lessons, training, and clinics. An integral part of the Pembroke community, Gelinas Farm remains an important piece of New Hampshire’s agricultural landscape. If you want more information on Elaina, what she offers and check out some heartwarming pictures, hop on over to NZN horsemanship at Gelinas Farm.   You can find everything about the farm, their offers and clinics and other insights at As always, so grateful for your support.  Please consider a 5 star review to keep this podcast up in the feed.  Tag a friend and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the Thursday weekly releases. You can follow me on FB/IG at Mielle Fox or on the website at I have a private FB group by the same name, ask to join; I'd love to have you for more in depth conversations about numerology, energy and how we can play with it to create a fulfilling life we love.
A Conversation with G Gilli Henson - Why Whole Wellness?
Mar 28 2024
A Conversation with G Gilli Henson - Why Whole Wellness?
As part of my personal journey, I signed up for a 6 week course to work on the root contributors to what was showing up in my life as blocks and barriers to my personal wellness on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).  I learned so much about myself in those 6 weeks that I chose to get a certification in that program to be able to share it and coach others.  In my coaching certification program, I was blessed to be mentored by an amazing human being with such compassion and wit and kindness in Gilli Henson.   Gilli, is a Certified Whole Wellness™ Coach and Mentor to Whole Wellness™ Coaches. She is an avid lover of Mother Nature, herbalism, Numerology, humanity & the unseen realms. Gifted Empath & Healer specializing in Psychology, Neuroscience, Quantum Paradigm, Self-Love, Astrology, Tarot, Channeling & Unity Consciousness Coaching helping others create bridges to healing & creativity. Gilli is also an experienced coach for the developmentally disabled, homebound seniors, and disadvantaged populations. As an Empath, she has devoted a large portion of her time to helping others Break Free, remove the blocks that no longer serve them in gentle & safe ways, raise the consciousness of our planet, & remind others of their Divinity. This is where her joy and heart resides, as she continuously learns, grows, & connects to her Higher Self & to Source.    Come take a listen as I have a conversation with Gilli - it’s such a treat to be in connection and collaboration with other humans looking to lift the collective.  As I’ve said before, there are many tributaries and streams which all lead to the ocean.  Our respective journeys, our uniqueness gives us a different experience for sure, but the ultimate direction and destination is to know and return to the understanding that we are all connected, we are all ONE, and we are all sparks of Divine Love. You can find Gilli in her FB group called Break Free Solutions or friend her directly at G Gilli Henson. As always, I strive to bring awareness so you can recognize the beauty of who you are within your being.  Whether through guest conversations or Thursday Parking Lot Wisdom minisodes, it is my wish to share with you some of my insights, my light, my love, my heart to help you walk home to recognize that you have that same light, love, and wisdom within you. Follow me on fb/ig at mielle fox or via the website at Please join me in my private fb group at April 1st will be the release of the FREE Lead From the Heart Summit - a collaboration with Cindy Blaser.  We will be joined by 10 other globally recognized speakers to dig into what it means to live a fulfilling life living from our heartspace.  You can sign up here, so you don’t miss the announcements and links for the summit. As always, sending you so much love
Forgiveness and Allowing - my conversation with Laura Jane Layton
Mar 19 2024
Forgiveness and Allowing - my conversation with Laura Jane Layton
Laura Jane is the host of The Laura Jane Layton Show with the mission to share tips and trick on how change our self-talk to be empowering instead of limiting.  You can find her on all social media platforms as Laura Jane Layton and listen to her podcast on your favored listening platforms. Today’s take-aways: You're going to have to deal with some crap that you're going to have to forgive before you can learn forgiveness.  It's not a book thing. You can't read about it and learn it.I'm going to work on my responses. I can't change the external world.There's never a need for our soul’s forgiveness because we haven't done anything in God's view, in divine's view, in universe's view that would require forgiveness. So that's a human construct to me. The point is to have an awareness that we are only accountable and responsible  to ourselves for our own being and everything external to us is serving as a reflection or a mirror of the thingAllowing your past to be your builder, Earth is our training ground. We make it harder with ifs and buts. When we look at the energies of our soul, we attract people who need to be uplifted.We're not here to stay stagnant.Thank you for choosing you to join me here, dear listener.  It is my hope and wish that you receive what you need from these episodes.  Please subscribe so you don’t miss any new releases.  Share or tag with a friend.  The ripple effect just takes a small pebble to expand widely.   As always, you can follow me on FB or IG at miellefox or via the website at  Sign up here for FREE Lead From The Heart Summit - releasing April 1 I’ve added an events page to the website to make it easy for you to find out what’s current and happening. So much love to you all.
How We Can Provide Wholeness for Our Children - a convo with Keri Cooper
Feb 29 2024
How We Can Provide Wholeness for Our Children - a convo with Keri Cooper
Another super important conversation to bring awareness and shine the light on the shift in mental wellness, social pressures, anxiety especially in our education system for our younger children and teens.   Keri Cooper, LCSW, is the owner of Keri Cooper Holistic Therapy in northern New: Jersey. In her private practice, she counsels teens and works to give them the tools they need to navigate life. Keri takes a holistic approach to therapy, looking at the whole person, not just their symptoms. Keri is the author of Mental Health Uncensored: 10 Foundations Every Parent Needs To Know, a book designed to give parents steps on how to improve their child’s mental health. Her second book is a workbook for teens, Mental Health Uncensored: 10 Foundations Every Teen Needs To Know. She is a speaker and writer who helps educate teens and parents on the topics teens face in everyday life. She is a graduate of the University Of Pennsylvania and continues to further her education by obtaining additional certifications in her field, one of her favorite pastimes! When Keri isn't busy working with teens, she is busy with her own four children and her flock of chickens. She can be reached at and on instagram at @kericooperholistictherapy. Here are some helpful nuggets from today's episode: Kids want to feel open to really talk without feeling judged and they want us to listen, kids, their brains are not fully developed. They're going to do stupid things.If you're building it up on a weak foundation, any stressor is going to knock over that house.  If it's standing on a strong foundation,  it could weather the storm. Anxiety has taken over these kids. They have so much anxiety, so much social pressure.You have to model what's appropriate. You have to model boundaries.She can be reached at and on instagram at @kericooperholistictherapy. Her books are Mental Health Uncensored, Ten Foundations Every Parent Needs to Know, and that is on Amazon, and the other book is Mental Health Uncensored, Ten Foundations Every Teen Needs to Know, and it's a workbook, and that's also on Amazon. You can follow me of course, in all the spaces and places - I have made an events page with all the upcoming free and fundraising happenings.  You can find that at FB and IG @miellefoxThe website with all kinds of support services www.foxdenenergetics.comA private support FB group called fox den energeticsEnergy of the Untamed Heart Podcast is available on all listening platforms Join the monthly free virtual meet up called Unconditionally You in which the topics for conversation vary month to month Schedule your free clarity call to hone in on your possible blind spots and bring awareness to your life here As always, I so value your support and send you all so much love.
How to Ride the Rollercoaster of Life - A Conversation with Laura Ordile
Feb 15 2024
How to Ride the Rollercoaster of Life - A Conversation with Laura Ordile
I think the best piece of awareness that Laura brought to our conversation was “Trust yourself. You're already ok! “.  Join me for today’s chat with Laura Ordile.   She is a certified NLP practitioner and master hypnotist, as well as a professional intuitive and astrologer. She uses that unique combination of skills to help you tap into the success of big changes you want in your life quickly and easily, and you get to hold onto your sanity and soul as you go! As a Mindset Mentor, she knows that when you change your mind, you’ll change your life. And she does that with a mix of the practical and the woo in a way that is designed specifically for you!  Laura has a podcast called The Change Gang as well as other supportive services available below: Www.Instagram.Com/lauraordile Here’s a few places you can find me for more support ~ You can always find me on FB/IG @mielle fox  UNCONDITIONALLY YOU SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY MEET UP DATE - different topics each month on a zoom link, also streamed into the private fb group at or click to subscribe via email: WEBSITE - you’ll find lots of information about services and numerology and more at CALENDLY for STRAIGHT TO THE HEART CALL - a quick, cut to the chase of what’s blocking you from opening your heart space to live a life of fulfillment and joy ~   So much love to you all.
Sparkler of Goodness - My Conversation with Lesley Fornelli
Feb 8 2024
Sparkler of Goodness - My Conversation with Lesley Fornelli
Join me today for a really raw open conversation about reaching that place where you just need to wake the F up.  So, yes, we swore a little in this one.  Put your earbuds on or don’t play it with the kids in the car.  But be sure to listen, because there are just so many pearls of wisdom in this conversation.  We talk about numerology, energy, love, life, frustration, passion, and more. Meet Lesley Fornelli - momma, fierce female expression of love and leadership. Lesley Fornelli utilizes Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - tapping, meditation, journaling, numerology and her intuition to support midlife women on their journey back to themselves.  Working with Lesley is an experience of remembering what it's like to LIVE life, more than worry about it. You can find her in all the spaces but here’s the list for you: IG @ _lesleyfornelli_ Website by the same name at *** Let me share what’s on the platter for upcoming offers of support for you if you’re looking for more. 👉You can always find me on FB/IG @mielle fox  👉UNCONDITIONALLY YOU SIGN UP FOR MONTHLY MEET UP DATE - different topics each month on a zoom link, also streamed into the private fb group at or click to subscribe via email here 👉WEBSITE - you’ll find lots of information about services and numerology 👉CALENDLY for STRAIGHT TO THE HEART CALL - a quick, cut to the chase of what’s blocking you from opening your heart space to live a life of fulfillment and joy ~ I’m so grateful to have this opportunity to bring you interviews, insights, reflections and more. As always, sending you so much love.
How We Can Help with the Mental Health Crisis - a convo with Sara Studerus
Jan 17 2024
How We Can Help with the Mental Health Crisis - a convo with Sara Studerus
Sometimes we are so caught up in our nervous system and emotional system dysregulation that we can’t even have the awareness that this is where we are.  Separation from our societal routines, lack of understanding and compassion for our fellow humans and feeling unheard, unseen and under validated has left society craving connection, communication and compassion.  Let’s just say it - everyone is i understand and taking time to let someone feel heard, seen and know that they are loved as they are - all of these are key components to bringing us to a more unified place in society. Having tools to help us regulate our emotional nervous system and get out of the survival flight, fight, freeze mode is critical to start to open the pathway to awareness that there can be another way. Look for Sara in all the spaces at Shift Your Shit with Sara. If you found today’s episode insightful, please tag and share with a friend who might need to hear it.  Subscribe so you don’t miss the upcoming releases. Follow me on FB/IG at miellefox, or in my private FB group and on the website at Below are some of the happenings and offerings available for you.  Just click the links to see how I can continue to support you as we explore more of the Energy of the Untamed Heart. Unconditionally You Straight to the Heart Breakthrough call Aligned Wellness Coaching Numerology Support Pdf freebie As always, sending you so much love