First Down to Touchdowns

Coach Mikki

The game of Football taught by a Coach who is also a Mom! Learn about the game, meals, gear, along with interviews and insight from Coaches, Players and Moms ranging from Pop Warner to the NFL!! Start Strong - FInish Strong!! read less


Navigating the Highs and Lows of First-Time Youth Football -  Coach Mikki
Mar 18 2024
Navigating the Highs and Lows of First-Time Youth Football - Coach Mikki
Navigating the thrilling yet daunting world of your child's first football season can feel like a complex playbook. , Coach Mikki is here to break it down play-by-play. From the physical demands and safety on the field to the importance of joy and camaraderie, we tackle the essential questions on the minds of parents ushering their little athletes into the sport. It's a heartfelt journey through the highs and lows, providing insights on how to discern if football is the right fit for your child, and the measures taken to ensure their experience is as rewarding as it is secure.Beyond the gridiron, the episode journeys into the life lessons that high school football imparts, blending the rigors of academics with the discipline of athletics. We share personal anecdotes and success stories that illustrate the power of peer support systems like study halls and tutoring, and the indispensable roles parents and community members play in enriching the high school football experience. The ties formed in the stands and on the field last a lifetime, and this conversation is a testament to the character-building and transformative power of youth sports. So, lace up your cleats and join us for an episode that celebrates the spirit, dedication, and community that make Friday nights under the lights truly magical.More tips visit First Down to Touch Downs. Looking for Football Drip? - Visit here  More Football visit - First Down to Touch Downs Looking for Player Drip - Visit our Merch page
Coach Robbins on Winning at Football and Life Beyond the Cleats
Mar 15 2024
Coach Robbins on Winning at Football and Life Beyond the Cleats
When Coach Rob Robbins steps onto the field, it's not just the echo of a whistle that follows; it's the weight of a unique legacy, bridging athletic prowess with life-saving medical acumen. In our latest episode, we sit down with this former football player turned emergency medicine professional, as he shares a journey that's as much about the grit of the game as it is about safeguarding the players within it. His stories are a playbook of passion, safety, and the undeniable link between football and academic success.Navigating the rough-and-tumble world of football, Coach Robbins doesn't shy away from the hard hits, particularly when it comes to discussing young athletes' safety. With a candid look at the neurological dangers lurking behind every tackle, listeners gain a front-row seat to the measures being taken to protect these players. It's a conversation that sheds light on the evolution of the sport's practices, tackling techniques, and the sobering statistics that have shifted the landscape of youth football. All the while, Coach Robbins emphasizes the role of coaches in championing a safer field for everyone.But it's not all about the gridiron; the episode also underscores the importance of having a game plan for life beyond the cleats. Through personal anecdotes and heartfelt advice, Coach Robbins drives home the reality that, for many student-athletes, the end zone lies beyond professional sports. He highlights the significance of academics, offering guidance for leveraging athletic talent toward educational opportunities and career development. Our sit-down with Coach Robbins is a must-listen for those invested in the future of football and the young athletes who live and breathe the game. More Football visit - First Down to Touch Downs Looking for Player Drip - Visit our Merch page
Team Moms: The Unsung Heroes of Youth Football - S1E3
Mar 10 2024
Team Moms: The Unsung Heroes of Youth Football - S1E3
Hey there, gridiron enthusiasts! Coach Mikki here, tipping my hat to the MVPs off the field—team moms.  Today, you're getting the ultimate playbook on the multifaceted role of team moms, from the logistics of equipment management to the nuances of nourishing team. Whether you're a rookie to the role or a veteran looking to up your game, this episode is your ticket to mastering the behind-the-scenes magic that keeps the cleats on the turf and the parents in the loop.I'll walk you through my tried-and-true methods for juggling the intricacies of Pop Warner responsibilities, from the crucial first step of background checks to the art of jersey customization and the sage advice of always keeping a stash of extra mouthpieces. Get ready to pick up pro tips and personal anecdotes that will help any team mom—or dad—navigate the season like a champ.But let's not forget the heart and soul that team moms pour into our teams, often without the fanfare they richly deserve. As we wrap up, I'm laying out the red carpet to celebrate these unsung heroes, sharing heartfelt ways to express gratitude that extend far beyond the final whistle. Tune in as I discuss the power of a simple thank you card, the lasting impact of well-planned year-end celebrations, and the importance of fostering a supportive community for our young athletes. Every play counts, both on and off the field, and together we're building more than just football skills; we're crafting lifelong memories and lessons in teamwork. Let's cheer  the team moms who help make every season possible.Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong! - Coach Mikki for more football off the field More Football visit - First Down to Touch Downs Looking for Player Drip - Visit our Merch page
Beyond Strength and Speed Insights into Elite Running Back Performance - Coach Jay Williams
Mar 9 2024
Beyond Strength and Speed Insights into Elite Running Back Performance - Coach Jay Williams
Uncover the secrets of football's most elusive position as Coach Mikki and the knowledgeable Coach Jay Williams break down the anatomy of a powerhouse running back. Get ready to elevate your understanding of the game as we impart the blend of speed, agility, and mental prowess required to excel on the gridiron. This isn't just about brute force; we're talking about a lion's heart and a saint's patience, the vision that starts beyond the line of scrimmage, and the instinctual 'running to daylight' that separates the good from the great.Join us on a tactical journey through the battlefield of modern football, where Coach Williams shares his rich insights on how smaller, quicker running backs are shaping the future of the sport. You'll learn why football IQ and vision drills are more critical than ever and how the art of reading blocks can make or break your path through the chaos. But it's not just about what happens on the field; it's also about setting personal goals and pushing the limits of your potential - this is where true legends are made.Feel the adrenaline as we dissect the strategies that keep running backs one step ahead of the opposition. From pre-snap reads to the split-second timing of cuts that can throw off even the most formidable defenders, we're peeling back the layers of what it takes to thrive amidst the evolving responsibilities of today's offensive formations. Coach Mikki and Coach Williams serve up a compelling playbook of commitment, vision, and decision-making that will inspire any athlete, coach, or football fanatic to look beyond the stats and appreciate the cerebral game played by those who carry the pigskin. More Football visit - First Down to Touch Downs Looking for Player Drip - Visit our Merch page