The Modern Mystic's Guide to the Universe

Hayley Winter

Welcome home, Modern Mystic- to the place where your soul-seeking journey will never feel lonely again. Welcome to the place where wonder and awe are an everyday occurrence; where inner transformation is the name of the game; and where you always leave more empowered and expanded than you were when you came. I'm Hayley Winter, and I invite you to meet me here- at the bridge where Science, Psychology, and Spirituality merge- and together we'll explore the magic and mystery of this human experience. This is your guide to the Universe. Let's get metaphysical! read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


43: Tarot Tuesday- MYTHBUSTING The Tarot!
Mar 29 2022
43: Tarot Tuesday- MYTHBUSTING The Tarot!
Pucker up, butter cup- because I'm getting SALTY in this episode!On today's Tarot Tuesday tangent, I'm busting 3 (and a half?) of the BIGGEST and most DISEMPOWERING myths about the Tarot.I'll be answering questions like-Do the cards themselves have power?Does Tarot predict the future? (this one might surprise you)Does Tarot summon the devil?The answers to these myths are a lot more complex than a simple "no."I hope that after today's episode, you'll be able to have educated responses to anyone in YOUR life who gives you shit about your Tarot practice.I ALSO hope that this episode gives you a deeper understanding for the values that are inherent to the Tarot Coaching Method & philosophy, so that you feel confident going into any Tarot Coaching services- whether it's a Tarot Coaching program with me, an episode here on the podcast, or a session with one of my soon-to-be Certified Tarot Coaches!And of course, like all things, trust your intuition and what feels right for you. Take what resonates, and leave the rest.I don't claim to be the end-all-be-all, and I certainly don't know EVERYTHING there is to know about the universe and its workings.I am simply offering you my educated perspectives as someone who has deeply studied, tested, researched, and practiced with the Tarot for many, many years- do with this information what you will 💛Do YOU want to become a certified Tarot Coach? If so, you're in MAJOR LUCK, because the doors to Tarot Coach Academy are OPEN!!! Click this link to apply & begin your career as one of the FIRST Certified evidence-based Tarot Coaches in the WORLD!
36: Tarot Tuesday- 5 of my FAVORITE Ways to use Tarot Coaching
Mar 15 2022
36: Tarot Tuesday- 5 of my FAVORITE Ways to use Tarot Coaching
One of my absolute favorite aspects of Tarot Coaching is that it's so freakin' versatile. You name it, and Tarot Coaching can probably help with it. That's why today, I wanted to share with you 5 of my all time FAVE ways to use Tarot Self Coaching.Today we're covering:Understanding & integrating the lessons of challenging situations Anchoring & embodiment workDream workCreating business inspiration & opportunities Decision makingBut of course, there are MANY more on the list, which is why this episode is a part 1 of ???PS, ICYMI- 6 days from TODAY (so Monday, 3/21/22), doors to my 1:1 Tarot Coaching & Intuitive Development Mentorship Experience are CLOSING! I'm announcing a HUGE new addition to the Alchemy & Archetype world tomorrow (Wednesday, 3/16), and in order to make space for that, my 1:1 experience is shifting- availability is going DOWN, and pricing is going UP.BUT- if you enroll or get on my waitlist before next Monday, you'll be able to lock in my current price point, and you'll have first dibs on my open spots as they come available.So yes- this means that you can get on the list now, work with me later, and not have to pay a higher price.BTW- This is a no pressure situation. If you get on the waitlist but decide not to enroll, it's chill! I want to make sure to give you this opportunity to work with me 1:1, since I don't know when/if I'll be opening enrollment again, and when I do, it'll be a bigger financial investment.If you wanna get in on this before the window of opportunity closes, drop me a line on Insta @alchemyandarchetypeOR, you can go ahead and apply here: (submitting an application does NOT obligate you to enroll!) ya on Thursday for a Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Coaching Sesh 💘
34: Soul Fam Friday- A TRULY Holistic Approach to Manifestation with Tanya Saunders
Mar 11 2022
34: Soul Fam Friday- A TRULY Holistic Approach to Manifestation with Tanya Saunders
TGIF, baybeeee!  You're gonna want to grab a notebook & pen for this one, because if you're like me, you're gonna be taking NOTES!  On today's Soul Fam Friday cosmic conversation, I'm so excited to welcome Tanya Saunders to the show.  Tanya is a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, Trauma-Informed Pause Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga Psychology Teacher, Astrologer, Author, & Expert Transformation & Manifestation Speaker. A survivor of a life-threatening condition, necrotizing fasciitis in 2009, she is passionate about cultivating a vision-inspired life and helping working women live a harmonious life through breath, positive neuroplasticity, and astrology.She is the creator of The HEALthy Mind Podcast and HEALthy Mind Coaching, a framework of ancient and modern teachings, practices, and wisdom she has invested in and made her own for strengthening the mind-body-soul connection. Integrating this framework into her 1:1 and group coaching, she has helped women discover their true purpose and manifest work/life harmony through soul alignment.As a Nurse Anesthetist for over 2 decades, Tanya is always learning new ways to bridge science and art to empower the busy, modern woman who desires to manifest a soul-centered life. She lives in Arlington, VA with her husband, three kids, and 2 dogs.  In addition to all the next level gold she shares on the pod, Tanya has been kind enough to share a couple of gifts she's created to help you implement the modalities she uses with her clients:  Grab a copy of her FREE Tool kit HERE: Swoop her Lunar Tracker hereAnd if you want even MORE breathwork goodness from Tanya, make sure to check out her Spring Equinox Workshop here There's A LOT more magic being cooked up behind the scenes, and pretty soon, Tanya & I will have something RIDICULOUSLY rad to share with you- so make sure you're following us both on socials! As always, you can find me on Insta @alchemyandarchetype And check Tanya out on Insta @tanya_saunders_ or on her website:  STAY TUNED FOR MAGIC! ✨
32: Microdose Monday- This Mindset Shift Transforms Uncertainty from a DANGEROUS ENEMY to a POWERFUL ALLY
Mar 7 2022
32: Microdose Monday- This Mindset Shift Transforms Uncertainty from a DANGEROUS ENEMY to a POWERFUL ALLY
Hot take OTD- all of the negative conditioning we receive around uncertainty is total and complete BS.Seriously, who decided that uncertainty = bad things are GOING to happen??I certainly didn't sign up for that shit. And yet, that's how most of us are programmed to think & believe. Thanks a bunch, lizard brain.THANKFULLY, there's a completely different way to relate with uncertainty. A way that radiates opportunity, creativity, and freedom. And it's not some sunshine and rainbows bubblegum self help affirmation.It's just a simple, yet profound, truth.Trust me- this mindset shift is going to CHANGE the friggin' game for you. Analysis paralysis is gonna become a thing of the past!To participate in this week's Microdose Monday challenge & enter to win a free Tarot Coaching sesh with moi:Write out your positive what-if list (listen to the episode for deets!)DM your list to me on Insta @alchemyandarchetypeThis challenge is, of course, evergreen- so you can enter whenever you listen to this episode!***NOTE*** Be sure to watch out for scammers on Insta who are impersonating me. I only have ONE account, @alchemyandarchetype. Any extra letters, spaces, dots, or dashes means the account is a FAKE. I will NEVER DM you soliciting readings or anything else. Protect yourself on the internet!!Make it a magical week, babycakes! (And after today's mindset shift, I know you will... 🤗)