Lynn & Tony Know

Lynn & Tony

This is NOT your typical lifestyle podcast. Lynn Hazan-Bush is an entrepreneur, content creator, mom and holistic health coach and Tony Bush is a Brooklyn Real Estate Agent and Men's Wellness Coach. Married this year and currently expecting their first baby together they decided to throw in a podcast in the midst of their crazy lives. Lynn & Tony are passionate about helping people become their best selves by sharing their own authentic truths and journey but with a twist. They will also have experts and inspirational guests that will cover topics ranging from life with a newborn, achieving optimal health, meditation, conscious relationship, post-partum recovery. men's mental health and more because Tony & Lynn Know! read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


LTK | Congressman Rob Mendendez (@robmenendez4nj)
May 23 2024
LTK | Congressman Rob Mendendez (@robmenendez4nj)
Join us for an enthralling conversation with Congressman Robert Menendez, where we dissect the symbiotic relationship between personal well-being, the twists and turns of political life, and the cultural comfort of Cuban cuisine. Unveiling his journey from the Port Authority to the halls of Congress, Menendez doesn't shy away from the heavy weights of responsibility, from addressing national concerns like infrastructure to the affordability crisis. As we swap stories about cultural heritage, he also shares his passion for engaging with the community and underscores the importance of political involvement, especially in light of recent events that rocked the nation.Navigating the sensitive landscape of Middle East relations, Congressman Menendez dissects the pressing need for a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. Menendez believes in a three-part plan that could pave the way to stability, though he's candid about the obstacles this fraught process entails. The conversation extends beyond international politics, touching on the rise of anti-Semitism at universities, and the challenge of fostering inclusive spaces for dialogue. We also celebrate the diversity of Hudson County, New Jersey, where the rich mosaic of immigrant stories has shaped a community that Menendez is proud to represent.As we wind down, the Congressman opens the door to his family life, illustrating the trials and triumphs of parenting during the infamous "terrible twos." Juggling a demanding political role with cherishing moments at home, he emphasizes the irreplaceable support of partners and the community. We share a laugh about the little joys and challenges of fatherhood before departing with a heartfelt exchange of gratitude. Menendez leaves us with a reminder of the importance of staying connected to the work and issues that shape our everyday lives, and a nod to the beloved Liberty State Park, a symbol of community and connection for us both.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Percolating Passion for Fitness and Fellowship with Grind Society's @jessjoseph__
May 10 2024
Percolating Passion for Fitness and Fellowship with Grind Society's @jessjoseph__
As we gather around the metaphorical table with Jessica, the life force of Grind Society, we're reminded of the special brew that coffee and community blend into. Amidst the familiar espresso hum of Grind Coffee Shop in Jersey City, Jessica recounts her evolution from a fitness fanatic to the matriarch of a movement that's far more than a morning cuppa. She's here to spill the beans on how Grind Society is redefining community wellness, her brainchild project Soul Therapy, and the dreamy details of an upcoming wellness retreat in Spain that promises to be an unmissable rejuvenation rendezvous.Our conversation takes us on a sprint through the origin story of Grind Society's run club and the 5K training program, a seasonal highlight that’s running circles around traditional fitness programs. Jessica shares the sweat equity involved in nurturing a community that values every step and celebrates each other's small victories. We unpack the vitality of accountability and how it transforms fitness from a solitary slog to a shared triumph. Jessica's journey from a post-vacation spark in Costa Rica to a flourishing fitness commune in Jersey City is nothing short of a marathon of passion and perseverance.As our chat winds down, the awe of baby yoga and the serenity of a Maldives yoga retreat leave us longing for our mats. Jessica paints a vivid picture of the upcoming Spanish getaway, tempting us with the enchanting potential of wellness retreats to recalibrate our souls. We close with musings on planning these life-altering experiences, sharing anecdotes that highlight the shared human connection found in yoga's embrace, whether on a sunny beach or amidst Europe's charm. Stay tuned for this episode, where we go beyond the mat and into the heart of what makes our pulses race and our spirits soar.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Solo Chaos: Love, Culture, and Parenthood
Apr 5 2024
Solo Chaos: Love, Culture, and Parenthood
When our life with toddler Noa turned into a whirlwind of chaos and runny noses, we knew it was time to get real about the pandemonium of parenting. Gone are the days of neatly planned routines; enter the era of daycare germs and the mad dash back to office life. We're peeling back the Instagram filter to reveal the truth behind our disrupted wellness practices, shaken morning routines, and yes, even how we're navigating the complexities of intimacy amid the beautiful mess that is raising a young family. Confronting mental health is never easy, especially when you're in the thick of raising a lively toddler like Noa. We've opened up about the struggle, the tug-of-war between wanting to maintain a semblance of 'normal' and considering medication in our battle against anxiety. Add to that the ever-present weight of current events, such as the troubling rise of anti-Semitism, and it's clear why even the staunchest wellness routines are sometimes not enough. It's a candid look at the challenges we face and our journey towards asking for help, something we all could probably do a little more often.But it's not all chaos and contemplation here; we've also found moments of joy and rediscovery. We share our experience of connecting with Jewish and Israeli creators, which has breathed new life into our cultural traditions and given a new flavor to our Shabbat dinners. From these moments of cultural reconnection to the cheeky banter about how we'd fair on a reality show like 'Love Island,' this episode is a rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of midlife transformations, parenting, and finding laughter amidst the chaos. Join us for a heartfelt and humorous exploration of life's unpredictable journey.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Embracing Empowerment: A Journey of Breathwork, Intuition, and Inner Child Healing with @raquelrivelo
Mar 15 2024
Embracing Empowerment: A Journey of Breathwork, Intuition, and Inner Child Healing with @raquelrivelo
When I found myself at a crossroads during a transformative women's retreat, little did I know that the path to empowerment would be illuminated by Raquel, a luminary in the realm of holistic health and breathwork. Our latest podcast captures this intimate narrative, where vulnerability meets strength, and the wisdom of our inner child dances with the intuition that guides us through womanhood. As Raquel shares her own ascent from health struggles to inspiring women to embrace their purpose, we celebrate the nurturing power of community and the sheer courage that comes from stepping into motherhood with eyes wide open.We often overlook the joyous simplicity of play or the profound self-awareness sparked by a cherished childhood photograph. This episode, however, embraces these as gateways to healing. Delving into practices from inner child meditation to vision board creation, Raquel and I reveal how reconnecting with the playful spirit and tender compassion for our younger selves can unlock gratitude and growth. Our discussion traverses the landscape of ritual and how women can reclaim their intuition, setting boundaries that echo self-love and articulate a life lived true to one's essence.Picture your day beginning not just with the chime of an alarm but with rituals that nourish your soul and harness the power of intention. In the tranquil camaraderie of our conversation, Raquel and I share the diverse tapestries of our daily routines—how journaling can be a sanctuary for joy, breathwork a conduit for balance, and morning rituals a foundation for both structure and spontaneity. We invite you to join us in exploring the holistic practices that can infuse your life with serenity and inspiration, from the first sip of an Ayurvedic morning tea to the guiding light of an Oracle card.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Bravery Amidst Tragedy with Nova Festival Survivor @millet_bh
Mar 1 2024
Bravery Amidst Tragedy with Nova Festival Survivor @millet_bh
Imagine the sheer contrast of emotions as what was supposed to be a celebration of music and unity turned into a battlefield. Our guest, Millet, a brave survivor of the Nova Music Festival tragedy, shares her bone-chilling account of the day when joy was eclipsed by terror as rockets tore through the sky. Witness through her eyes the fragility of peace and the courage it takes to hold onto hope amidst chaos. Her voice is a vessel of truth, revealing the reality of a celebration that morphed into a harrowing fight for survival. As we sit with the weight of Millet's testimony, we venture further into the darkness of human experience, recounting a nightmarish terrorist siege that tested the limits of instinct and endurance. You'll hear an intense narrative that traces the steps of those who, dressed in the familiarity of IDF uniforms, sowed dread among the unsuspecting. We grapple with the visceral fight-or-flight responses honed from years of military training, and the instinctive drive to protect life in the face of relentless danger. This episode confronts the horrific use of sexual violence as a weapon, shedding light on the stark reality of atrocities that survivors are forced to navigate.Finally, our conversation turns to the aftermath, the long road tread by those scarred by violence as they seek to piece together their shattered lives. The journey of healing is as diverse as the individuals who walk it—each step marked by pain, resilience, and an unyielding quest for normalcy. Millet's decision to not let her story be silenced, to stand against the rising tide of antisemitism, and to turn her private nightmare into a catalyst for change is both humbling and empowering. Her voice joins a chorus of survivors who, despite the darkness they've faced, shine a light on the strength of the human spirit to overcome and advocate for a world where such tragedies are no more.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Transforming Together: Love, Wellness, and the Path to Parenthood w/
Feb 9 2024
Transforming Together: Love, Wellness, and the Path to Parenthood w/
Have you ever witnessed a metamorphosis? Not the kind you learned about in grade school with caterpillars, but the magnificent human kind. That's the journey Kate Griffith takes us on; from Miami's glitzy nightlife and reality TV to a profound awakening as a women's empowerment coach. Alongside her, Anand Sukhadia shares his steadfast commitment to wellness, from founding a wellness center to spreading inspiration on the Limitless One podcast. Together, they create a narrative that's not just about personal transformation, but also the evolution of a relationship that blossoms into impending parenthood, filled with anticipation, love, and a profound connection.Imagine finding love in the most unexpected places—like a cold plunge or a pandemic walk. Anand and Kate's modern-day romance story is as unique as it is touching, proving that personal growth and intimate connection can go hand in hand. They open up about their pregnancy journey, sharing the joys and challenges that come with preparing for a new life. Their discussion on birth plans, the significance of a doula, and navigating the often overlooked postpartum period provide an enlightening perspective on the transformative experience of welcoming a child.Stepping away from the warmth of their story, our conversation takes a refreshing dive into the benefits of holistic technology and the invigorating practice of cold plunging. Kate and Anand discuss how scalar field technology and cold plunges can lead to homeostasis and mental clarity. By the end of this episode, you'll be inspired to follow the couple's adventures and maybe even take on the cold plunge challenge yourself. Connect with Kate on Instagram @iamkategriffith or her website for coaching opportunities, and Anand at for a dose of limitless inspiration.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Fit Flourish: Empowering Lives through Fitness with @courtney_roselle
Jan 26 2024
Fit Flourish: Empowering Lives through Fitness with @courtney_roselle
Have you ever watched someone turn rejection into their own personal runway to success? That's exactly what @courtney_roselle did as she conquered the fitness world and the Titan Games, proving that strength comes in more than just physical form. Our latest episode sits down with this powerhouse to discuss her journey from the ashes of modeling setbacks to her Vogue breakthrough, thanks to a little nudge from her mom. We also peel back the curtain on how she balances a chiseled physique with the demands of being a role model to countless fitness enthusiasts.Imagine starting every day charged with energy and clarity – sounds dreamy, right? Courtney and I chat about the game-changing benefits of sleep and morning rituals that prime you for success. From hydrating right off the bat to the strategic use of protein and supplements, we share pointers that could revolutionize your daily routine. And if you think hitting the gym for hours on end is doing you favors, prepare to rethink your workout strategy, as we emphasize efficiency over duration and the importance of post-exercise nutrition for that optimal life balance.Now let's get real about strength training – it's not just for the guys. We dispel those pesky myths that lifting weights is counter-feminine and shine a light on its vital role in women's health. Courtney gives us the lowdown on her approach to nutrition, why she's not shy about the occasional treat, and the key supplements she can't do without. Plus, we're giving you the inside scoop on how to keep your health and wellness journey on track with Courtney's coaching services, ensuring you have the toolbox you need to embrace your inner titan.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Raw Reflections on Social Impact and Personal Anguish
Jan 11 2024
Raw Reflections on Social Impact and Personal Anguish
Ever found yourself simmering with emotions that threaten to boil over in the middle of an already challenging day? This week's heart-to-heart goes off-script as Tony and Lynn unpack the anger and frustration that bubble up in the hustle of parenting and daily life. Our candid conversation veers from our planned content to address the real impact social media and current events have on our mental health. When an Instagram post triggers a wave of helplessness, we're compelled to examine how these moments of powerlessness seep into our interactions with our children and corrode our peace of mind.Wrestling with the complexities of feminist ideals isn't for the faint of heart, and in this discussion, we hold nothing back. We find ourselves grappling with the concept of pent-up rage and the importance of finding a healthy outlet for it, particularly within the feminist community. Here, we touch upon the notion of toxic femininity and the need for a feminism that fights universally against injustice, leaving no woman behind. Our dialogue takes a turn to confront the silence and perceived betrayal in the feminist movement, addressing the dire need for acknowledgment and action against atrocities faced by women in conflict zones.Navigating activism, especially concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, can be a minefield of emotion and misinformation. Join us as we share personal accounts on advocating for Palestinian rights while maintaining a vigilant stance against anti-Semitism. The discussion is layered with reflections on our journeys, the challenges of deciphering genuine activism from identity politics, and the pressures of educating and raising a family in an era of heightened social consciousness. We also emphasize the significance of local activism and education in contributing to a just and peaceful world for our children to inherit.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Finding Balance in the Chaos of Postpartum Life
Jan 4 2024
Finding Balance in the Chaos of Postpartum Life
As the weight of motherhood settled on my shoulders, I found myself navigating the complex waters of postpartum weight loss—a journey fraught with societal pressures and personal challenges. Alongside my husband, Tony, we peel back the layers of my experience, revealing the deeply personal struggles and achievements that punctuate the path to reclaiming my health and body after birth. Our candid conversation dismantles the unrealistic expectations of 'snapping back' and spotlights the need for patience, self-love, and the celebration of each small victory that comes with being a new parent.Motherhood is an evolution, transforming more than just our bodies—it reshapes our identities, our routines, and our priorities. I open up about the nuances of staying healthy during pregnancy and beyond, sharing actionable tips like embracing a balanced diet, the benefits of prenatal workouts such as Birth Fit, and the critical nature of a personalized, gentle reintroduction to fitness post-birth. Tony brings his perspective into the fold, acknowledging the unique challenges we've faced, and together, we champion the mantra of health over aesthetics in a society that often tells us otherwise.Concluding our heart-to-heart, we address the delicate juggle between sleep, self-care, and exercise in the life of a postpartum mom. We confront the reality of sleep deprivation and how sometimes, rest must take precedence over the gym. But it's not just about the physical—nutrition, intermittent fasting, and the complexities of diet are explored, particularly during breastfeeding. We're here to hold space for an honest and supportive dialogue that empowers mothers to navigate their own wellness journey with confidence and grace.Your hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!
Between Parenthood, Activism, and Identity: We're Back.
Dec 15 2023
Between Parenthood, Activism, and Identity: We're Back.
Ever been caught in the crossfires of a heated conflict, feeling lost, alone, and overwhelmed? Join us, Lynn and Tony, as we share our personal journey through the recent Israeli-Hamas conflict, an intense period that led us to a necessary digital detox. Let us take you through the emotional rollercoaster we rode, and how we found solace and support in unexpected places - our local community.Strap in as we deep-dive into compelling discussions on Jewish identity, trauma, and the power of empathy in a conflict-ridden world. We share a poignant journey of a Jewish woman who found her way back to her roots after being raised in a secular home. Discover how she navigates the turbulent waters of social media, the barrage of anti-Semitic messages, and the importance of knowing and sharing her history. Also, as content creators, we tackle our struggles head-on, confronting the backlash for advocating for Jewish people and Israel, highlighting the resilience needed in these challenging times.But it's not all serious. We promise laughter, love, and a healthy dose of reality as we recount our first year of parenthood, the joy, the sleepless nights, and the indescribable love that a child brings. We also recap our recent trip to London, filled with football, food, and activism - a noteworthy blend of fun, adventure, and advocacy. Prepare to experience life through our lens!Chapters00:00Introduction and Mental State02:29Finding Community and Connecting with Faith10:02Coping with the Heavy Energy14:18Supporting Each Other and Processing Emotions23:22Celebrating the Podcast's Anniversary and Reflecting on the Past Year37:25Trip to London and Manchester42:47New Jersey Real Estate License and Cold Plunging43:44Upcoming Christmas PlansYour hosts: @lynnhazan_ and @tonydoesknowfollow us on social @ltkpod!