The Life Affairs Podcast - echte levensverhalen (EN/NL)


Hey there! I'm Roula, and I believe in the magic, wisdom, and inspiration found in every life story.

On this podcast, I chat with guests from all walks of life, diving into their unique experiences to find moments of triumph, and lessons from challenges.

Together, we explore the ups and downs, the funny moments, the embarrassing stories, and the heartwarming tales that make up the fabric of life. You'll hear it all – from awkward mishaps to heartwarming victories!

But that's not all! I also sit down with experts, life mastery gurus, authors, and creatives who've dedicated themselves to mastering their craft. They share their insights, lessons learned, and actionable advice, helping us all grow and thrive.

So come join us! Step into our world, where you'll find relatable stories, unexpected connections, and insights to guide you on your own journey. 🌱✨

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How To Handle Our Couple Disagreements in Grace And Kindness to Build Stronger Relationship, Better Communication And Lot Of Appreciation With Kelly Dupee
4d ago
How To Handle Our Couple Disagreements in Grace And Kindness to Build Stronger Relationship, Better Communication And Lot Of Appreciation With Kelly Dupee
Send us a Text Message.My guest Kelly Dupee shares a personal story about a pivotal moment in his marriage when his wife expressed her unhappiness and desire to feel special. He reflects on the changes he made to prioritize her feelings and improve their relationship. The discussion covers practical tips for men to better understand and communicate with their wives, the importance of handling conflicts calmly, and strategies for both partners to feel valued and trusted. Kelly also introduces concepts like 'just because' gifts and the importance of expressing appreciation in a marriage. In this episode it is about the transformation for the couple's life when they   seek understanding, communicate effectively, and find common ground to build a strong, lasting relationship.🎙️ 00:00 Introduction and Episode Teaser 🎉 00:29 Welcome to the Life Affairs Podcast 🙌 01:39 Introducing Kelly Dupee 🌟 02:10 Kelly's Journey to a Happier Marriage 💖 04:59 The Power of Small Acts of Kindness 🛡️ 07:03 Handling Criticism and Building Trust 🗣️ 12:30 Effective Communication Strategies 🔍 27:33 Understanding Gender Differences in Relationships 💊 35:39 A Dose of Reality: Missteps in Caregiving 🌧️ 36:01 The Unseen Challenges of Marriage 🧠 36:31 The Skill of Successful Marriage 👂 37:38 The Power of Listening and Understanding 🛠️ 39:30 Tools for Better Communication 🔥 39:52 Managing Anger in Relationships 🤝 43:24 Creating Win-Win Agreements 🔑 46:01 Steps to Achieve Mutual Understanding 💪 55:51 The Importance of Practicing Relationship Skills 🏅 01:02:36 The Role of Marriage Coaching 🔔 01:04:01 Conclusion and Next Episode PreviewHere's the link to his book on Amazon: with Kelly on Facebook page is: copy of the book? connect with Kelly and mention Roula.Muziek by Music by Yevhen Onoychenko from Pixabay(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
On The Road With Rosie: The Chronicles Of Her Van Life And Conversations On Freedom, Discovery and Liberation.
Apr 27 2024
On The Road With Rosie: The Chronicles Of Her Van Life And Conversations On Freedom, Discovery and Liberation.
Send us a Text Message.In this episode of the Life Affairs Podcast, I explore the liberating journey of Rosie, a high achieving academic who chose to pursue her dreams over societal expectations by living and working from her Van while traveling around Australia. Rosie shares her story, highlighting the catalyst of her mother’s death and how it spurred her to embrace a nomadic lifestyle despite initial obstacles like the breakup with her partner. She delves into the challenges of converting her Van into a livable space without prior experience, the importance of community in the van life, and how minimalism has influenced her happiness. The episode also covers the technical and emotional aspects of living a non-traditional life, emphasizing self-discovery, the value of communities such as the Free Spirited Sisterhood, and the deeper connections fostered by this lifestyle. Rosie’s story is a testament to finding freedom and fulfillment by courageously pursuing one’s dreams against conventional norms. 00:00 Introduction to the Life Affairs Podcast00:41 Meet Rosie: A Journey to Freedom and Van Life02:05 Rosie's Life-Changing Decision: From Grief to Van Life03:11 Navigating Challenges and Embracing Change04:33 The Breakup That Paved the Way for True Freedom09:22 The Minimalist Van Life: Letting Go and Living More13:51 Learning Through Trial and Error: The Van Conversion Process18:04 Exploring New Horizons: Rosie's Travels in Australia19:03 Embracing Van Life: A Journey of Discovery19:13 Finding Inspiration and Fulfillment on the Road20:01 The Challenges and Joys of Van Life Solitude20:47 Building Connections in the Van Life Community21:58 Van Life Conversations: Beyond the Surface24:04 Navigating the Practicalities of Van Life26:53 A Day in the Life: Van Life Routines and Work32:10 The Power of Community in Van Life32:46 Breaking Stereotypes: The Free Spirited Sisterhood37:37 The Pursuit of Freedom: Rosie's Podcast and Community38:47 Closing Thoughts and Invitation to Join the CommunityYou can follow Rosie on to her podcast on If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Yearnings: Mine are scattered along the North Sea's shore. Do you know where yours are wandering?
Apr 5 2024
Yearnings: Mine are scattered along the North Sea's shore. Do you know where yours are wandering?
Send us a Text Message.🌟 Exploring Yearnings Today ✨"We are not meant for stagnation. We are meant to grow." - Melody BeattieEver scrolled through social media? 🤯Travel brags, dream jobs, beachside workcations, perfect moms. Suddenly, your heart aches for something just out of reach. ✨You're not alone. 🤝Guided by curiosity, I embark on a stroll through the beautiful dunes around the North Sea, leading me to an expansive, unexploited beach. 🌊My guide invites us to delve into my yearnings, presenting me with a bag of tiny crystals, each representing a longing within. 💎With each crystal, I confront my desires, embracing the freedom to explore my innermost thoughts and feelings. 🔥❤️As I scatter the crystals, I discover a sense of release and acceptance, acknowledging both my aspirations for growth and my need to let go. 🌈Emptying the bag signifies a journey of self-discovery and newfound contentment. 🛤️I leave the beach, filled with gratitude and anticipation for the next chapter of my life. And together, we share our yearnings. 💬We all have yearnings, sometimes fierce or subtle, that shape our lives. How do you navigate and honor yours? 🔗Music credit: Relaxing Ocean Waves If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Ruwe bolster, blanke pit – Voorbij het uniform. Een verhaal over kwetsbaarheid, veerkracht, zelfontdekking en mentale transformatie.
Mar 29 2024
Ruwe bolster, blanke pit – Voorbij het uniform. Een verhaal over kwetsbaarheid, veerkracht, zelfontdekking en mentale transformatie.
Send us a Text Message.In dit emotionele en diepgaande gesprek met Pieter, een voormalig militair, ondernemer en mental coach, delen we zijn reis vanaf zijn tijd in het leger tot aan zijn transformatie naar een leven gebaseerd op authenticiteit en zelfliefde.Welkom terug bij de podcast! Vandaag hebben we een inspirerend gesprek voor mensen met verschillende achtergronden. Of je nu te maken hebt gehad met pesten, een militaire carrière hebt gehad, of op zoek bent naar een balans tussen werk en privé, dit gesprek is voor jou. We duiken diep in het leven van Pieter, een voormalig militair die nu als mental coach werkt, en ontdekken hoe hij zijn weg heeft gevonden naar innerlijke rust en zelfacceptatie.Pieter's verhaal begint met zijn moeilijkheden na zijn laatste militaire missie. Hij worstelde met zijn identiteit en merkte de impact van zijn stress op zijn relatie met zijn dochter op.Na zijn ontslag bij defensie, vond Pieter werk als verpleegkundige in een ziekenhuis en later als zzp'er en instructeur bij defensie. Maar hij voelde al snel de druk van overwerk en besloot een balans te vinden tussen werk en privé.Zijn gezinsleven was een bron van steun, vooral zijn vrouw, die hem door vier uitzendingen en zijn moeilijkste tijden steunde.Pieter's eigen mentale gezondheid leed echter na zijn militaire dienst. Hij worstelde met agressie, angst en slapeloosheid, maar schaamte weerhield hem ervan hulp te zoeken.Het was pas tijdens zijn opleiding tot mental coach dat Pieter zijn ware zelf begon te ontdekken. Hij leerde de kracht van kwetsbaarheid en het belang van authenticiteit.Nu werkt Pieter als mental coach en helpt hij anderen om balans te vinden en zelfliefde te cultiveren. Hij gelooft dat iedereen inspirerend kan zijn door gewoon zichzelf te zijn.Zijn reis naar zelfacceptatie heeft hem geleerd dat geluk niet afhangt van materiële zaken, maar van innerlijke rust en zelfliefde. Hij moedigt anderen aan om hun eigen pad naar zelfontdekking te volgen en om hulp en feedback te omarmen.Dit was een diepgaand gesprek dat ons herinnert aan het belang van authentiek zijn en zelfliefde, ongeacht onze achtergrond of ervaringen. Bedankt voor het luisteren naar deze aflevering en vergeet niet om te abonneren voor meer inspirerende verhalen en inzichten. Tot de volgende keer!00:00 De Impact van Pesten: Een Persoonlijk Verhaal02:53 Van Basisschool tot Middelbare: De Strijd tegen Pesten03:42 Thuis en Vriendschappen: Zoeken naar Veiligheid11:29 De Keuze voor Defensie: Een Nieuwe Start12:41 De Uitdagingen en Overwinningen bij Defensie18:36 Terug naar de Basis: De Tweede Kans bij Defensie33:29 De Voorbereiding op Afghanistan: Een Nieuwe Realiteit36:50 Nachtoperaties en de Uitdagingen van Vliegen37:35 Ver Weg van Huis Voelen: De Emotionele Belasting van Uitzendingen37:51 De Persoonlijke Impact van Meerdere Uitzendingen39:11 Een Speciale Bruiloftsverlof: Balans tussen Plicht en Gezin42:05 Terugkeer naar het Burgerschap: Uitdagingen en Aanpassingen46:25 Het Vinden van een Nieuw Pad: Van Militair naar Ondernemer53:51 De Reis van Zelfontdekking en Mentale Gezondheid(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
How I prepare for war - and this is what you can do too: My 15 years of experience from living in the heart of the war in Lebanon
Mar 7 2024
How I prepare for war - and this is what you can do too: My 15 years of experience from living in the heart of the war in Lebanon
Send us a Text Message.As I reflected on my experiences during the theater show, I realize the importance of community unity and support in times of crisis. While the discussions on stage provide valuable insights, it is my own lived experiences that truly underscore the human cost of war and the imperative of working together to build a more peaceful future.I am at the live theatre show of the 'Veldheren' podcast by retired generals Peter van Uhm and Mart de Kruif, focusing on war's complexities and implications. I am Seated uncomfortably, As the show progress, my mind drifts back to my own experiences during the war. I recall the uncertainty and fear that permeated daily life, the constant threat of violence lurking just beyond our doorstep. Survival became a daily struggle, requiring resourcefulness, resilience, and above all, community support.One vivid memorythat stood out was the importance of building relationships with neighbors. Intimes of crisis, these connections proved invaluable, fostering solidarity andmutual aid. Together, we navigated the challenges of food shortages, power outages,and the ever-present threat of danger.I remembered thelengths my family went to ensure our survival, from securing importantdocuments to stockpiling essential supplies like food, water, and blankets.Every decision was made with careful consideration of our safety andwell-being, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face ofadversity.Despite thehardships, there were moments of levity and camaraderie amidst the chaos. Wefound solace in simple pleasures like playing cards, sharing stories, andfinding humor in the darkest of times. 00:00 Introduction: Attending a Live Theatre Show00:09 The Discomfort of the Theatre Experience00:29 Understanding the Purpose of the Show00:46 The Expertise of the Speakers01:03 The Podcast 'Fieldlords' and Its Presenters01:49 Audience Questions: Preparing for War02:06 Personal Anxieties and Intimidation02:36 Survival Tips: Building Relationships and Unity03:46 Importance of Preparedness: Documents and Supplies04:29 Seeking Refuge and Fortifying the Shelter05:26 Generating Electricity in Times of War06:10 Securing Food and Water Supplies10:51 Surviving the Cold and Keeping Entertained12:17 Memorable War-Time Anecdotes17:48 The Importance of Community and Unity18:41 Reflections and Future Preparations20:56 Conclusion: Gratitude and HopePodcast, Veldheren, Fieldlords, discomfort, cramped, balcony seat, limited leg space, stage, speakers, Ukraine war, Europe, world, podcast hosts, Peter van Uhm, Mart de Kruif, retired generals, military matters, geopolitics, international security, experiences, war, survivor, insights, discussions, audience, white male, privilege, opulence, community support, survival, neighbours, food shortages, power outages, danger, important documents, supplies, safety, well-being, resilience, human spirit, adversity, levity, camaraderie, chaos, solace, simple pleasures, cards, stories, humour, theatre show(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Turning 50: I am shredding my cv and re-crafting the unthinkable future
Jan 29 2024
Turning 50: I am shredding my cv and re-crafting the unthinkable future
Send us a Text Message.I turned 50 begin January; in this episode I talk about my experiences and my perspectives on aging and how it impacts job seeking. I share my personal journey, reshaping my CV not only with professional experiences but also with life teachings, and difficulties I faced due to age-related stereotypes. I encourage active defiance of such stereotypes and promotes embracing age as a means to acquire wisdom and resilience. Having navigated the realms of career, parenting, and societal expectations, I underscore that age is merely a number and does not limit capabilities. The episode serves as an empowering narrative for those navigating life after 50. 00:00 Introduction: Reflecting on Turning 5001:03 Welcome to the Life Affairs Podcast01:31 Embracing Age: Turning 5002:49 Rewriting My CV at 5003:48 Introducing Rebellina: A New Identity04:15 Professional Experience and Skills07:37 Education and Life Lessons08:23 Conclusion: Life at 50 and Beyond09:22 Outro: Wrapping Up the Podcast Keywords: turning 50, challenges, job seekers, hiring, age group, future, learnings, message, embrace, radical change, perspective, Life Affairs Podcast, life experiences, lessons learned, no judgment, understanding, milestone, job hunting, professional curdle, hiring managers, recruiters, mirror, aging infection, vintage wine, world chatter, career disabled, CV, seasoned touch, master of life, resilience, wise beyond her years, equality, gender norms, mature excellence, juggler of responsibilities, raising two young adults, post-war world, self control, patriarchy, equality advocate, ageism, teleportation, wisdom, maternal mastery, battlefield resilience, North War, living room resembling a battlefield, motherhood, humor, therapeutic proficiency, life at 50, new chapter. Music by 17406877 from Pixabay(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
De Kankerchaos: Paula's reis door werk, kanker en de UWV waar jij ook iets aan hebt
Jan 23 2024
De Kankerchaos: Paula's reis door werk, kanker en de UWV waar jij ook iets aan hebt
Send us a Text Message.Paula, een voormalige televisieprofessional en kankeroverlevende,  is mijn gast en deelt   haar ervaring met het bestrijden van kanker te midden van haar carrière en de impact hiervan op haar gemeenschap. Terwijl ze de tumultueuze weg bewandelt van werk naar ziekte naar mogelijke impact op de gemeenschap, worstelt Paula met het onbekende fysieke ongemak en emotionele onrust veroorzaakt door haar diagnose, samen met het kritische oog van haar werkgever en de bredere gemeenschap.Tijdens haar diagnose beschrijft Paula het verontrustende ongemak dat ze al maandenlang ervoer, waaronder fysieke vermoeidheid en een algemeen gevoel van malaise. Eenmaal bevestigd door een medisch professional dat ze kanker had, deelt Paula hoe de realiteit van haar diagnose haar de wereld om haar heen op een fundamenteel nieuwe manier deed waarnemen. De diagnose had onmiddellijk invloed op haar dagelijks leven, relaties en carrière. Paula verwordt een intens verlangen om te blijven werken en verbonden te blijven met haar gemeenschap. Deze overtuigende motivatie leidt haar naar een confrontatie met de heersende systemen en structuren rond ziekte en werk. Specifiek worstelt Paula met de rigide regels opgelegd door haar werkgever en het Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV). Ingebed in het Nederlandse sociale zekerheidssysteem benadrukken Paula's worstelingen bredere systemische kwesties rond ziekte, werk en maatschappelijke verwachtingen.Terwijl Paula worstelt met de opgelegde beperkte werkuren en de onmiddellijke effecten van haar nieuw waargenomen beperkingen, worstelt ze met het gevoel van isolatie dat haar ziekte met zich meebrengt. Echter, Paula's confrontatie met dit probleem inspireerde haar om een platform te creëren om anderen in haar situatie te helpen. Samen met een mede-ouder van de school van haar kind richt ze 'Toegevoegde Waarde' op, een stichting die is ontworpen om gestructureerde werkgelegenheidskansen te creëren voor mensen met aanzienlijke gezondheidsproblemen, waaronder kanker.Paula benadrukt het belang van de mogelijkheid om te blijven werken, zelfs na een diagnose van kanker. Ze benadrukt het belang van het behouden van een verbinding met het dagelijks leven, waarbij ze stelt dat zelfs degenen in langdurige kankerbehandeling niet beperkt zouden moeten worden in hun bijdrage aan hun gemeenschappen.00:00 Inleiding tot het verhaal van Paula00:05 Vroege Symptomen en Diagnose van Paula04:00 Impact van Ziekte op Werk en Levensstijl08:04 De Emotionele Tol van de Diagnose13:11 Navigeren door het Gezondheidszorgsysteem16:13 Balanceren tussen Gezinsleven en Ziekte26:02 Terugkeren naar Werk Na Diagnose29:28 Uitdagingen met het UWV en Werkregelgeving48:19 Het Creëren van een Nieuw Pad 'Toegevoegde Waarde'01:05:18 De Toekomst van Werk voor Chronisch ZiekenPaula's website: www.toegevoegdewaarde.orgMusic by Juan Sanchez &  (EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
A Lifetime of Pursuing Post-WWII Dreams in the Shadow of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a focus on Lebanon.
Oct 27 2023
A Lifetime of Pursuing Post-WWII Dreams in the Shadow of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with a focus on Lebanon.
Send us a Text Message.Growing Up Amidst TensionIn this opening, I explore my upbringing in Lebanon, where animosity between Lebanese  and Palestinians cast a long shadow. The conflict's impact on my personal life and relationships sets the stage for the narrative.A Family's Unique StoryI delve into my family history, marked by my Christian Palestinian mother and my Lebanese father. Despite their love, their union faced resistance, offering a unique perspective on the complexities of identity and belonging.The Spark of ConflictThe year 1975 signifies the start of the Lebanese war and my birth. I provide historical context and investigate the role Palestinians played in the outbreak of the conflict, igniting the tensions.Ain al-Rummaneh and the EscalationI examine the tragic incident of April 13, 1975, in Ain al-Rummaneh. It serves as a turning point, escalating violence and sectarian conflicts throughout Lebanon.The Phalangists and Sabra/ShatilaThe Phalangists, a Christian militia, become embroiled in armed clashes, including the infamous Sabra and Shatila massacre in 1982. I discuss the controversial role they played during the civil war.Us Versus Them - The Endless CycleThe ongoing blame game between different sides in the conflict takes a toll on me, and I reflect on the divisive narratives on social media and personal connections.Post-WWII Dreams and Palestinian DisplacementI delve into the aftermath of World War II, highlighting the suffering of the Jewish people and the tragic displacement of the Palestinian people since 1948, despite their differing roles in the conflict.The Life of a Palestinian RefugeeI share my mother's story as a Palestinian refugee, detailing the enduring hardships, the stripping of basic rights, and the pursuit of a better life.A Legacy of ConflictI circle back to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on Israel and the Middle East, the enduring influence of world leaders and the growth of extremism.Lessons from the PastI reflect on the wisdom gained while growing up in the midst of conflict and its relevance to more recent events, such as 9/11 and the war on terror.75 Years of Palestinian SufferingI emphasise the price paid by Palestinians since the Nakba in 1948 and the ongoing suffering. I also explore my personal worry about my mother's well-being in uncertain times. Contrasting Lives - Europe and LebanonI compare my life in Europe with the challenges faced by family members in Lebanon. I express gratitude for my freedom and a vigilant outlook toward  challenges.A Father's Voice and the Ongoing ConflictI conclude with my reflection on my father's reactions to the news in the '80s and '90s. I acknowledge the persistence of the conflict and its impact on Lebanon.Hope for a Brighter FutureI close with my message of hope for peace, understanding, and reconciliation, urging both sides to move beyond the past.Music by (EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Living Authentically, My Unapologetic Life: From Menstruation to Liberation
Oct 6 2023
Living Authentically, My Unapologetic Life: From Menstruation to Liberation
Send us a Text Message.In today's episode, I delve into my tale of growing up in the vibrant streets of Achrafieh, Beirut, during the spring of 1985. It's a journey of self-discovery, societal expectations, and the pursuit of freedom.Part 1: Childhood Bonds and Revelations- The episode begins with a vivid description of my childhood in Achrafieh, Beirut.- I recall a significant day in my life when my best friend, Rana, announces her transition into womanhood. Part 2: Rana's Transformation and Societal Expectations- Rana's revelation leaves me puzzled and envious, questioning the significance of becoming a woman in their society.- I explore the societal expectations and pressures placed on young girls in Lebanon, particularly concerning marriage and purity. Part 3: The Impact of Menstruation- I share my own experience of getting my period and the sudden restrictions imposed on me by her father.- I delve into the gender disparities and restrictions imposed on girls in Lebanese society during their transition into womanhood.Part 4: Seeking Freedom and Identity- My determination to break free from societal constraints leads me to adopt a 'Tom Boy' persona, but it comes with its own challenges.- My fascination with Western female pop icons and women world leaders serves as inspiration for embracing my femininity and independence.Part 5: The Deception and Pursuit of Freedom- I embark on a journey of serial lies to claim my freedom, despite societal expectations.- In the episode I highlight the challenges faced by young women in Lebanon in their pursuit of independence and equal treatment.Part 6: Unapologetically Living Authentically- I reflect on my unconventional choices and experiences that have shaped my identity.- In the episode I emphasize the importance of living authentically and finding happiness despite societal judgments.Conclusion:In this episode, I invite you to explore with me my complex journey, as a young woman navigating the societal norms and expectations of Beirut in the 1980s and 1990s. My story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit of so many women around the world and the pursuit of authenticity and freedom. Music credits: https://pixabay.comConnect with me on Instagram  @roula_abou_haidar and on LinkedIn at If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Sun soakers in the midst of war: unforgettable beach life in torn Lebanon
Aug 1 2023
Sun soakers in the midst of war: unforgettable beach life in torn Lebanon
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to this episode where I journey through time and memories. Join me in this serene moment at my kitchen table, sipping tea and gazing out the vast window. The ever-changing view of nature unfolding in front of me brings back memories of 1989 when I lived in war-torn Lebanon. Amidst the never-ending conflict, my friends and I, known as the sun-soakers, found beautiful moments in the darkness.· The War-Torn Background: In 1989, Lebanon was embroiled in a fifteen-year-long war involving multiple countries and factions. Despite the chaos, our group of teenagers found solace in small pleasures, determined to embrace happiness amidst the turmoil.· Preparing for a Beach Day: The scarcity of water and electricity during the war forces me to be resourceful. We gather water from a distant location, and although showers are rare luxuries, I make the most of it to look my best for the much-anticipated beach adventures.· The Perfect Beach Outfit: With immense excitement, I dress in my trendiest bikinis, oversized shirts, and favorite jeans shorts. These outfits make me feel fabulous, and as I stroll towards the harbor of Beirut, my friends and I are unstoppable.· Negotiating with Soldiers: In a city under siege, our beach options are limited, but we are determined to make it to the harbor. One of our friends, Mike, uses his charisma and a family connection to negotiate with the soldiers guarding the entrance.· A Day at the Beach: With tension lifted, we reach the beach area, surrounded by tanks and militants. This peculiar setting does not deter us from having a blast. We bask in the sun, swim, flirt, and create unforgettable memories.· The Allure of Arak: The adults enjoy arak, a traditional Lebanese alcohol, which becomes even more magical when diluted with water. The transformation of arak and the laughter of our parents add to the lively atmosphere.· A Safe Haven: During the war, we visit Electricite du Liban beach, a refuge for employees and their families. This oasis brings us together, and it is here we form unforgettable bonds with our neighbors' kids.· Remembering Friends: Looking back, I reminisce about friends from those war days. Some are still connected, while others have faded away, leaving me with treasured memories of unity and resilience.· Challenges of Identity: As the war ends, we face the challenges of discovering our identities in a transformed Lebanon. The bonds that held us together during the war began to change, and some friendships evolved differently · From War to Peaceful Escapes: Today, I find solace in new beach memories with my family at Zandvoort beach. The beach holds a special place in my heart, symbolizing freedom, and escape, providing a sanctuary from the weight of the past. Join me as I find joy amidst chaos and cherish the moments that define my youth during the tumultuous times of war. Through nostalgia, I paint a picture of life on the beach, where the laughter of teenagers echoes louder than the sounds of battle.teenagers in war, beach adventures, Lebanon, arak, summer beach outfits, nostalgia, resilience, cherish memories, escape, freedom, Nosta(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Redefining Masculinity, Embracing Equality, and Navigating Modern Fatherhood
Jun 15 2023
Redefining Masculinity, Embracing Equality, and Navigating Modern Fatherhood
Send us a Text Message.Join me in this thought-provoking episode as I explore the concept of masculinity and the evolving role of men in family life. Sergio, my brother in law, is a loving husband and father, he shares his personal insights on self-expression, vulnerability, and the changing dynamics of relationships.Segment 1: Authenticity and Self-Expression- Sergio emphasizes the importance of embracing one's true self and personal values, regardless of others' opinions.- Outdated notions of masculinity, such as suppressing emotions, are discussed as no longer widely practiced.Segment 2: Overcoming Challenges and Judgment- Sergio reflects on the potential challenges of openly expressing masculinity, particularly in relation to the alpha male stereotype.- He acknowledges that showing certain aspects of masculinity can lead to problems, but context and presentation play a crucial role.Segment 3: The Power of Sharing and Seeking Support- Sergio shares his observations on how men become more willing to share and seek support as they grow older and gain a better understanding of the world.- Discussing personal matters with less familiar individuals can provide a sense of safety and offer fresh perspectives.- The commonalities in human experiences are highlighted, emphasizing that no one is alone in their uncertainties.Segment 5: Parenthood: Embracing Unique Challenges- Sergio discusses the unique challenges of parenthood and the valuable experiences and lessons each child brings.- Caring, loving, and adapting to the individuality of each child are emphasized as essential qualities.Segment 6: Embracing Femininity and Promoting Equality- Sergio shares his positive associations with femininity, highlighting the changing dynamics of gender roles.- He acknowledges the rise of strong, independent, and successful women, emphasizing the importance of equality.Segment 7: Name Sharing and Symbolic Unity- Sergio humorously recounts a conversation with his partner, Lisa, about the possibility of sharing each other's surnames.- He expresses openness to the idea, highlighting the deep connection they already share through their long-term relationship and family.Conclusion:In this enlightening episode, Sergio offers valuable insights on redefining masculinity, embracing self-expression, and promoting equality in relationships. Join us as we continue to explore the multifaceted aspects of modern fatherhood and the ever-evolving landscape of gender roles.Keywords: masculinity, self-expression, vulnerability, relationships, challenges, judgment, sharing, support, self-discovery, parenthood, equality, femininity, name sharing, symbolic unity, modern fatherhood, gender roles.Hashtags: #Masculinity  #Parenting #BalancingLife #SelfCare #Flexibility  #FamilyLife #ModernFatherhood #GenderEquality #ParentingChallenges #FindingBalance  #Fatherhood #LoveAndUnderstanding(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Psychedelic hour, Power of deep breath and the journey of True Embodiment
May 30 2023
Psychedelic hour, Power of deep breath and the journey of True Embodiment
Send us a Text Message.Join Kim's transformative journey as she unlocks her superpowers and shares them with others. In this episode, she reveals her personal experiences before her plant medicine encounter and the discovery of her extraordinary abilities. Kim explores her role as a woman, a mother, and her previous career, emphasizing realism and empowerment.After the birth of her children, Kim sought a more meaningful career, guiding vulnerable individuals to reintegrate into society and create fulfilling lives. However, she realized that true personal development involved embracing continuous change and self-care.Before her plant medicine experience, Kim faced personal challenges and a distorted self-image. Recognizing the need for change, she engaged in group therapy for eating disorders but desired a deeper connection to her body.Exploring alternative sources of information, Kim discovered embodiment, breathwork, and cold exposure. Embracing these practices, she underwent a profound shift. Cold showers, breathwork sessions, and encounters with influential figures like Wim Hof shattered her limitations.Kim's pivotal moment involved baring herself physically and emotionally before an audience, revealing vulnerability and authenticity. This act ignited newfound pride and power, leading Kim to pursue further education and become a Wim Hof instructor trainer.Kim believes breathwork is the ultimate superpower, enabling self-regulation and thriving. Cold exposure reflects transformation, while breathwork helps individuals tap into their autonomic systems consciously. Kim teaches others to harness breath's power, enhancing well-being and self-awareness..Learn how she transformed her relationship with her body, and harnessed her superpowers to inspire others to embrace their fullest potential. Embark on a path of empowerment, self-care, and true embodiment—unleash your own superpowers today!Plant medicine, spirituality, personal development, shaman, nature, senses, memories, healing, presence, superpower, career, development, motherhood, unhealthy lifestyle, body image, group therapy, over eat, ADHD, self-coaching tools, embodiment, breath work, cold,  ice bath, self-discovery, Poland, Wim Hof, mountain climbing, personal growth, vulnerability, pride, therapy, women, tech apnea, parasympathetic nervous system, space holding,  safety, trust, Wim Hof method, femininity, accessibility, altered state, cold exposure, embodiment.Music by AmarantaMusic from PixabayMusic by SergeQuadrado from PixabayMusic by (EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
The story of my adoption: bus ride to the orphanage and how I met my mother
May 17 2023
The story of my adoption: bus ride to the orphanage and how I met my mother
Send us a Text Message.In this episode, we delve into the incredible journey of Mika, who shares his heartfelt story of adoption from South Korea. Mika's adoptive parents, both from Amsterdam, faced the heartbreaking realization that they couldn't have biological children, leading them to take the courageous step of adopting a child. Mika takes us through his entire adoption journey, as each detail is crucial to understanding who he is and how he got to where he is today.At just three years old, Mika was living in an orphanage, eating rice and sleeping on the floor with dozens of other children. But his life took a turn when he arrived in the Netherlands by plane, where a whole bedroom awaited him, and his new parents were eager to get to know him.Mika recounts his experiences growing up, from his time in the orphanage where he had to navigate the complexities of a group of children who were not always kind to each other, to becoming comfortable with his new life at home and school. He shares the joys of making lifelong friends and the challenges of feeling different from his peers, such as not having any picturesof himself as a baby.As Mika enters puberty, he begins to question his biological family and wonders about their lives and if they are still alive. It takes him twenty years to summon the courage to embark on a journey to South Korea with the support of his fiancée. In the most intimate moments of his life, Mika takes us along as he discovers his past through the eyes of those who are truly his flesh and blood.This powerful story is told over two parts:  part one focusing on Mika's early memories of the orphanage, adjusting to his new life, growing up in the Netherlands, and his journey to explore the past. Part 2 explores how Mika's life turned upside down once he left the orphanage and returned to the Netherlands.Join us for this captivating and emotional journey.Music by Nesrality from Pixabay and Music by BLACKBOX from Pixabaykeywords: familyadoptionWereldkinderenSouth Koreachildhood memoriesairplane journeyhamburgers OrphanageTraumaAdoptionParentsChildhoodGroupStabilityStressfulFriendsSchoolBiological parentsCheckupsBackground storyPicturesPubertyGuitarFamilyDivorceQuestions(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Dappere moeder, dappere dochter: het tonen van moed bij een ongeneeslijke ziekte
Apr 25 2023
Dappere moeder, dappere dochter: het tonen van moed bij een ongeneeslijke ziekte
Send us a Text Message.Waarschuwing: de inhoud van deze aflevering kan gevoelig zijn omdat we praten over het leven van een moeder en haar ongeneselijk zieke kind. Denk aan je eigen welzijn voordat je besluit om naar deze aflevering te luisteren.In deze aflevering van “The life affaires podcast – echte levensverhalen” hebben we het over een onderwerp dat voor veel ouders moeilijk is om over te praten: wij hebben het over de uitdagingen en emoties van het ouderschap van een ziek kind. Mijn gast, Simone, vertelt over haar ervaringen als moeder van een kind met een ongeneeslijke ziekte. Zij vertelt ook hoe ze omgaat met de voortdurende rouw en veranderingen in haar leven en de impact op haar gezin. Simone vertelt over de angst en onzekerheid die ze voelde terwijl haar kind werd gediagnosticeerd met een stofwisselingsziekte. Ze benadrukt het belang van onderzoek en roept op tot steun voor de zoektocht naar een remedie voor de ziekte. Luister mee naar haar aangrijpende verhaal. Simone vertelt over haar zwangerschap en hoe ze zich voorbereidde op het ouderschapZe bespreekt hoe ze zich voelde toen haar kind ziek werd en hoe het gezin zich aanpaste aan de nieuwe situatieSimone deelt haar ervaringen met de eerste ziekenhuisopname van haar kind en hoe het gezin zich voeldeSimone vertelt hoe het leven van is veranderd sinds “Lucy” ziek werdZe vertelt over de voortdurende rouw die ze voelt en hoe ze zich aanpast aan nieuwe uitdagingenEn ook hoe de rest van het gezin omgaat met de situatie en hoe zij steun krijgt van vrienden en familieSimone bespreekt haar hoop en angsten voor de toekomst en hoe ze zich voorbereidt op wat er komen gaatZe bespreekt ook de impact van de ziekte op het gezin en hoe zij en haar partner omgaan met de stress en emotiesSimone deelt enkele inzichten en adviezen voor ouders die in een vergelijkbare situatie verkerenZe beschrijft haar gevoelens van angst en onzekerheid terwijl haar kind werd gediagnosticeerd.Simone benadrukt het belang van onderzoek naar stofwisselingsziekten en roept op tot steun voor de zoektocht naar een remedie.Zij deelt haar persoonlijke ervaringen over de tijd die ze doorbracht in het ziekenhuis met haar kind.Ze beschrijft hoe artsen uiteindelijk een diagnose stelden voor haar kind en hoe deze diagnose haar leven heeft veranderd.Zij deelt haar boodschap van hoop en optimisme voor de toekomst, ondanks de uitdagingen die ze heeft moeten overwinnen. Om meer te weten over Simone, kijk gerust op haar website Bedankt voor het luisteren naar deze aflevering van mijn podcast. Als je meer wilt weten over stofwisselingsziekten of als je wilt steunen in de onderzoek, bezoek dan website van “Stichting Metakids” de ziekte naam is: Argininesuccinaat lyase deficiëntieDeze aflevering wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door “Stories in action” Mylène Duijvestein www.storiesinaction.(EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
Night ride, out of body experience and bonding with my daughters
Apr 11 2023
Night ride, out of body experience and bonding with my daughters
Send us a Text Message.Join me in this episode as I explore the tradition of post-dinner drives with my daughter(s), and how it's become a source of both connection and confrontation. Listen in as I navigate the chaotic streets of Amsterdam, observing the bustling city life and reflecting on our relationship. Experience with me the thrill of driving in a city where bikes, cars, and trams play together like a wild party, and how one small mishap can change the mood of the night. In this story of growth and bonding, I learn that even in moments of silence, there's a certain beauty to being together.-       In this episode, I explore the tradition of post-dinner drives with my daughters in Amsterdam during the lockdown, and how it helped ease the painful loneliness and boredom they were feeling.-       The episode starts with a lighthearted moment where Cardi B's catchy beats and scandalous lyrics, leads to an awkward conversation and a moment of silence between my daughter and I.-       As I drive, we have moments of connection and bonding, but also confrontations and miscommunications, which leads me to question my role as a parent and reflects on the importance of listening to my daughter.-       The episode takes a turn when I share how the lockdown has affected my family dynamics and how driving around the city has been a source of hope and beauty. I reflect on the emotions and experiences of driving through Amsterdam during the lockdown with my daughters and the connection that comes with sharing music and experiences with loved ones.This episode is in collaboration with Mylene Duijvestein from Stories in action this is (EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
De onheilige weg van een Haagse gangster - leven buiten de wet
Mar 27 2023
De onheilige weg van een Haagse gangster - leven buiten de wet
Send us a Text Message.In deze aflevering van de "Life Affairs Podcast - Echte Levensverhalen" deelt spreker Mikel zijn bijzondere spirituele ervaring. Mikel Dees is een ex-gedetineerde die vier jaar in de gevangenis heeft doorgebracht voor een gewapende overval op een juwelierszaak waarbij de eigenaar gewond raakte. Voordat hij werd opgesloten, leefde hij in een duistere wereld van bendes en omringde hij zichzelf met verkeerde vrienden - vrienden uit de wereld van drugs, criminaliteit en berovingen.In deze podcast gaat Mikel dieper in op de details vanzijn tijd bij de bende en welke impact dat heeft gehad op zijn leven als tienertot aan zijn volwassenheid. Hij beschrijft de vroege gangster dagen in Den Haagen hoe het in de jaren '80 ontstond. Mikel vertelt ook over hoe hij God heeftontmoet in de gevangenis en hoe deze ontmoeting zijn leven heeft veranderd. Alsje geïnteresseerd bent in Mikel's verhaal en het volledige verhaal wilt lezen,kun je zijn boeken "De traan die goud werd" en "Meester van hetuniversum" vinden op Mikel is ook te bereiken via "Life Affairs Podcast - Echte levensverhalen" wordt gemaakt, geproduceerd en gepresenteerd door Roula Abou Haidar. Als je ook jouw verhaal wilt delen met anderen, kun je contact opnemen met Roula via version) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email versie) Als je deze aflevering leuk vindt, abonneer je op de podcast en deel het met je vrienden en familie. Ik kijk er naar uit om jouw levensverhaal te lezen op mijn e-mail If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to
War, sleepless nights and teenage dating
Mar 14 2023
War, sleepless nights and teenage dating
Send us a Text Message.‘Pablo Escobar’ we name our father, I loved him but I feared him more. My disastrous first date interrupted by a bombing and the clandestine escapades orchestrated by my sister between the trenches of snipers and sand bags shields. Come, let me take you with me in this story. Tucked into bed my restless night, unable to sleep, I find myself lost in a flood of memories, each tied to a poignant moment from my past. From my upbringing in war-torn Lebanon to the challenges of parenthood in the present day. As I gaze out my bedroom window, enveloped in the soft glow of moonlight, memories of my childhood in Beirut come flooding back. "I was born in a war zone, and the war raised me," I reflect, recalling the shared bomb shelters and the sense of community forged amidst the chaos. Now, in the tranquility of my home in Diemen, the scars of my past linger, juxtaposed against the comforting presence of my husband and children. "Sometimes I don't sleep at night because of these stories". In the quiet of the night, as I rub my socks against my husband's, I find peace in the knowledge that I have survived. Finally "I am proud of what I've been through"  0:00 Introduction: "It's 11. 30pm. I'm in my bed, not able to sleep" 2:15 Childhood Memories in War: "Before I became Dutch, I grew up between homes and bomb shelters" 6:43 Teenage Years: "As a proud mom, I have the delusion that my kids are telling me everything they do"  11:24 My First Date in a War Zone: "So I answer, very cool. Yes, why don't we meet at 10 in front of the church?"  16:53 Adventures with My Sister: "My sister holds my hand, runs out of the house screaming"  20:18 Reflections on Survival: "I survived. I had fun and it was my life. And I am proud of what I've been through"  23:58 Current Life and Thoughts: "And yeah, somewhere not far away, there is a war today, the Ukraine"  26:07  Conclusion: "And then I look at my husband. I smile, close my eyes, rub my socks against his, and finally fall asleep" (EN) If you like this episode, please subscribe and share with your friends and family. I look forward to read your life affair on my email Roula@thelifeaffairspodcast.comyou can also follow me and send me a DM on Instagram Follow me on LinkedIn at music on my episodes are credited to