Yo Soy by #michaelortega aka @MichaelPinaComedy

Michael Pina

#yosoy my new podcast about #investments #spanish #mexican. #cultura, we review #movies, and I write #bromas #asu #gymnastics #films #standupcomedy #uarefunny IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7477603/ https://majordomolist.com/investments--in-mexico-hourly-consultation https://majordomolist.com/ read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


Episode 38: 2024 Elections with dishonest politicians using the peoples money to feed Corporations and the wealthy class in #CDMX
Jun 15 2023
Episode 38: 2024 Elections with dishonest politicians using the peoples money to feed Corporations and the wealthy class in #CDMX
So here we are, riding on the way home. After a trek of practice to a field 40 minutes away, the important thing to remember here is, uh, with the shine bomb out of the office. As mayor, thank God, even though she's gonna try for a presidential run, she doesn't have the skills. Unfortunately, if they still do an election, she might be able to get in. But she doesn't have the skills. She's already proven to us that she doesn't care about the children, cuz during the pandemic she did nothing to educate the children. She sits back and lets the, well, we can't go to school, which is funny. For an educator to do something like that, then once again, number one train people died and she hid the report. So that's the China Bond model. Sadly. Mayor, who the new mayor is a NeoCon. He's been around since in many positions, many positions with Amlo, and he was mayor. Many other people, sadly, his history, unfortunately, it's just as bad. It's clearly his government, the people he worked for, cause he was in social, social pieces. He, uh, he did nothing for the poor. The model for the liberals in the United States is very similar to the model that's happening here in Mexico. The current new mayor, he went to Georgetown and studied politics. So once again, it goes back to the same thing. Liberal schools teach very liberal ideas and how to use the people's and poor people's money to run a city, and how to glorify themselves through donations of the rich who give them donations to run for office. And they take over and kill the middle class, which in the past, the United States has always been. Business owners, small business owners, and all that is being wiped away continue with their bad policies to stripe away Mexico. Now, in 1990, and 2000, when I was traveling internationally very extensively, Mexico was my country. So you have to wonder, how did it happen so fast? Well, once again, Introduce corporations to low wages, send specific jobs to China, and allow China, to be your manufacturer. Take away manufacturing away from Mexico, and then of course make the uneducated. Or lack of education because the government doesn't support education by their workers. So now only does China have the textile industry, the everything industry in Mexico. They also have the labor who works for them. So once again, once again, the liberals have done a fantastic job. And people like Claudia Scheinbaum, and even now the new mayor, are following the same social construct as did in the past. So in Farley, the marina party has become a party of no values. American, for example, takes the gaze, which I am, and pushes them over all others, all the different sexualities, which I do not do. I spent many years working with young gay people who tried to kill themselves every time. I said to them, thou is more critical than being gay. More important things are not saying and having relationships that are non-monogamous. I have an Oprah moral system cuz that's the deterioration of society, which is obviously what the marina party is doing. Sadly, here we are. In this beautiful city, gay pride's coming up. I don't know if I'll be celebrating. There's really; there's nothing there for me. Not that I'm not gay. Yes, I truly am, but the sadness of what the social parties are doing, such as the Democrat Party in the United States and now the liberal party Marina party in Mexico, is the deterioration of family values. Family values are important in a social construct to stabilize society to give it gleaning. So that's where we are today, the state of today in Mexico. Education, politics, and if you want to know more, follow 3mof.com. We're working on projects to help the young and Mexico benefit and be their own business. Even if win the neocons, don't give them options.
Episode 37: #CDMX government sets death trap of opportunity for Mexicans in Mexico
Jun 12 2023
Episode 37: #CDMX government sets death trap of opportunity for Mexicans in Mexico
I am exhausted by the long haul to Michi K to spend some time with the boys' parents, the young boys who used to panhandle and sell their talent on the Moo Drive, playing music for coins after seeing many videos of these boys over the last four or five years and working with them finally, as they become young teens. Moving into the adult world, I became more fascinated by what's happening in Mexico and the C M X and the government, how it's completely relevant to understand that the middle class in Mexico doesn't exist. In fact, the middle class that is here is filled by foreigners and foreign companies who are using the lower class to work for them. All of these things were social designs by politicians too. Maintain the strength and wealth of their government. Meanwhile, make the Mexicans poorer and poorer, and never had the opportunity to rise to a new social class. Things that are clearly, clearly the design of the city of Mexico government and other governments within Mexico. What to do about it as a dual citizen Mexican who cares about Mexico. Because when I grew up in Mexico when I was very young and I used to come here from the States, I saw Mexico change over the last 40 years in a way that's very negative. Last night, I was driving from a meeting, a business meeting, and I happened to drive through South CVM X. Once again, I was disillusioned and sad that all I saw were corporations from the United States popping up stores and getting tax breaks so that the Mexican poor could work once again. The current government of Mexico City doesn't care about education. I was once told that education was not the city of ex problem. It was the government problem for the national government. But once I say, well, if that's true, then why don't we have leadership in the city government and teach the national government how to educate the poor? Well, there's a reason why cuz it doesn't serve the purpose of the city government. And the current mayor in her goals, because obviously, she's a teacher, so she's teaching the poor just to continue to be poor. As I was Mitch O'Connor, I was pretty amazed by what I saw. I saw families generating families, generating families unlike, or much like the world generates families to survive, to become part of the. The social structure of their life. To generate income. To survive. Not to live, but to survive. Clearly, if you look at any social structure, and that lasts for a long time, that's by design. So clearly in Mexico that has been designed, it's clear by looking at what happened, the last vote in Mexico si in the city of, of the state of Mexico, once again by design. You see a machine working and injecting what they want for social gain, not for the people, but for the finances of the rich and keeping the poor without giving them education, without giving them ways to transcend selling items on the street that come from China. As I traveled to Mitchell's account, I was also amazed. I looked at all the stores. I saw what was happening in these hundred-year-old-plus buildings. That was just amazing to see that they are still there. After a hundred-plus years, people still vending on the streets. That one time was filled with horses and carriages. I didn't take a lot of pictures of these things because I was mesmerized by what I was seeing. I was transcended into a world 150 years back. Of movies that I saw that almost won Academy Awards, I was amazed by what I was seeing hasn't changed for the poor of Mexico, but the politicians who gained from bringing these corporations in fatted their pockets at the expense of the people who put them in office. The CDMX mayor is no different. She's quite the same. Sadly, as a first-generation immigrant, you would think and hope more than what we see. What I also noticed is the same individual who wants to become president never speaks very much. She has others speak for her, which is an example of being a puppet and not leading the poor Mexican or the Mexican people to anything other. But what is this today, what it is today? So you have the rich and you have the poor. As we finished our trip with the young boys, talking to the parents, and getting all the ne necessary paperwork so we could help them become a different class of people giving them the opportunity so they can send money back to their families so they can participate in the vertical rise to hopefully something special for them and their family as we did this. I'll never forget the image of what I saw. I'm not going to repeat it here because some would take it wrong, but it was a beautiful image. The families sitting with future families, taking the pennies that they had and making a meal, helping each other as the government was choosing not to help them—one of the things. That my assistant talked to them about giving the young wards that working with more education. The answer was, well, we're still waiting for the government to give us some money so we can begin their education. And that's why the boys aren't so interested in education. Now, I do know that education is the gateway to everything. You have to work hard; you have to have the opportunity. And you more importantly had to have a government that's willing to help you because if you don't, the rich will only help themselves. That is Mexico. My first political involvement was watching my brother Alpen work with B in Nafta. I was very proud of him and thought so much was going to happen. At the end of that experience working with Fox and John McCain, I realized Mexicans on both sides of Rio would stay poor. I'm not saying some will make it because some will cop out, some will work with the system, and some will compromise so that they can have and they can be better than the others in their social class. Not help them, but help themselves. In the movie The Searchers, John Wayne uses some Mexican banditos in a restaurant to find the woman that the Indians stole, who no longer wanted to live with her family, but has chosen to live with the Indians. It was funny and sad. It is in that movie. The Mexicans were the Bandidos who were paid to give information. They were the middlemen who took the money and food and ran. It's sad because that's not the Mexican people. That was a group of Mexican people who so doubted, just like we see many politicians today. Who's sold out for greed, first-generation immigrants who came here on the whim in trust and love of Mexico, to give them an opportunity who's willing to sell out once again for money and fame, A woman of all people in this scene, the last scene I was talking to my assistant about this particular scene. And I said I want to include that in the movie that the government gives us the money, but they won't cause it's too important to tell a story, and they want stories that are not real. They want stories that sell illusion, where I want to tell stories, that show people how to be stronger and overcome.
Episode 34: How #morena and #CDMX is failing in helping the poor of #mexico and in business
May 26 2023
Episode 34: How #morena and #CDMX is failing in helping the poor of #mexico and in business
For the two years that I worked for the city council in Portland, Oregon, uh, as we did this study on gentrification of the gay district in Portland, I was put in position because I had a very successful coffee shop. I also had a large group of young people who I worked with, some who were street kids. Portland Street Kit to be precise, and I was giving them an opportunity to change their life, working through the cafe, also living in our coexistent area instead of living on the streets and relying on, um, people who took advantage of them. After this two year study, I learned a lot about gentrification and how government works or doesn't work. How government pretends and then how government uses that to manipulate and how they let corporations use them to gain for financial reward. All seeing done that passed on. I moved on to other opportunities and then I came to Mexico. Right now is an important time in Mexico as it's a time when people are starting to. Plant the next six years of a pre a presidential candidate an election. Uh, the Marinna party has three people they're choosing and there's an outlier in Marinna . But uh, but when you roll it all out, you have to look at the two older candidates in this gap. And then you look at a younger candidate who's a female who's working on the feminist side, that women are better and smarter in Mexico. That doesn't matter. Mexico women are, have always been the strong influence in the family. I know it wasn't my family and still is today. So that is a, uh, a Western idea, but not a Mexican idea. So I have the, uh, Incredible opportunity to describe what I'm seeing both as both a US Mexican born in the United States, and as a Mexican citizen living in Mexico. My doula citizenship gives me the idea and opportunity to look at these from both sides, from a governmental standpoint, from an educational standpoint, and from a business standpoint. And this is my rant of what I'm seeing. What I'm seeing is Mexico repeat the bad policies in the marina party, the liberal party that is caused deterioration of the United States, where the value system is destroyed by candidates and politicians who are being nursed, propelled, and mysteriously in the mid of the night. Voted to election and government. Then through time there's no time for the courts to resolve the issue and discrepancies, and they implement policies during that delta. A very common practice done by Bill Gates when he stole per prior information, was sued for millions, but then made billions so that Delta made him rich. Even though many times he lost in the court cases that he could prolong through the financial gain that he got by stealing, politicians have also taken this way in roadmap through electronic voting machines. So I am never surprised when I see a ghost horse candidate all of a sudden become elected, cuz really a pilot boils down to voting machine. Manipulation and dollars presided to that company through third party or fourth party handshakes and deal making in the back room back to Mexico ex. Precisely. And that is here, we have three candidates in the marina party. Two are older, one is younger. She's my age, in fact, US educated as well as myself. And I see the ghost horse candidacy that she's running or people are running for her, and I realize the end, the end is to manipulate somebody into office to further the loss and deterioration of Mexico and being sold out to third parties, whether that's Chinese, whether that's United States, whoever it is, during a very critical time in the world where. Nationalism isn't necessarily the same as it was 50 years ago, 60 years ago, 80 years ago, where nationalism truly was a communism idea, socialistic idea. Mexico right now with AMLO had a unique opportunity to make something socialized and because the government before it maybe sold out per profit for the candidate's pockets. They didn't sell everything out just like I always said. The mistake Mexico has made has not been in keeping things to themselves. The mistake they have made is looking out to United States and those kinds of philosophies and theories and social ideas that deteriorate Mexico and starts creating rich and poor. That's it. Mexico 20 years ago when I first traveling around the world, was a third world country. Today it's a second, first world country, but when you look at government and you look what politicians are doing to facilitate the growth of Mexico internally, you'll see really only one person who did something and that was AMLO with his decrees that were also self-centered and not necessarily the best interest of all people. What does that mean? Well, that means very simply, if the end result is the people prosper, then the result of the politician was to give them prosperity. If the result is to give government prosperity and not for the people, then the act was based on some other reason that the politician gained and the people around the politician gained. As you remember, in order to get elected to political office, you can't do it without money and people are around you who provide that money. Most businesses don't provide money for free unless they get something out of it in return. Coming back to our candidates here, we have a female candidate who's a presidential candidate. Not announced yet. But they're trying to work it that she does get announced because all over the, when I travel with the boys all over to play soccer, I'm noticing in different states, different regions, posters of her standing next to AMLO to give the vision of the uneducated that she's a woman of strength. But as I was just talking to a young person just the other day, I asked, give me one policy she has given that is actually something that C D M X without. As she keeps saying in her campaign would be worthy of having in other smaller cities of Mexico and the person couldn't give me one, cuz there is not one. The reality is this ghost candidates like Sha Baum are truly the root of the evil of political power, which is to create a two-party system in which the rich. Enrich themselves globally by saying, we are doing this in cohesion to help the people. But then you look back and you see the policies and what they provide the young, and you recognize that isn't true, but you say that at first so that people run out of clock. And just like in a good basketball game or soccer cane, you play volley. With no intentions of spiking so that way you can run the clock out and you can win. Cuz winning is the only thing that matters, not how you win, which is relevant in President Obama in the past with his grassroots programs that stole votes by manipulating votes illegally, but the clock ran out so nobody could see it. So the reality is Mexico has a unique opportunity to change what it's doing by looking at its candidates. This should not be about a woman because truly in Mexico, a woman doesn't determine strength, except strength for the family, cuz that has been its long tradition of strong women in Mexico. Ch Bomb is a first generation immigrant. She's not Mexican per se.
Episode 33: @rosalia.vt sing to make everyone like me even though my sheinbaum cops are mean to children street vendors and I give them $25 #US a month to eat school lunches when school lunches cost $1 a day. #cdmx
May 1 2023
Episode 33: @rosalia.vt sing to make everyone like me even though my sheinbaum cops are mean to children street vendors and I give them $25 #US a month to eat school lunches when school lunches cost $1 a day. #cdmx
As I stand here in the Zocalo, coming from a long trip Atin to talk to some business people who wanted to take their manufacturing at the next level with our venture capital. All I kept thinking about was the opportunities that were missed yesterday when a famous star came to support women and Claude Chime bomb. The reality relief behind it all is just shocking to the mind. A woman is the first-generation immigrant who has come here from hiding, the war of her Jewish family. It makes me wonder, what are the coyotes of Mexican cards? A million dollars was spent on the charade of a show for children million. Dollars when the governments here in Mexico won't even, especially Mexico City, won't even spend more than 500 pestles a month for children who go to school. 500 a month in Peles is about 20, not even $10 a day. And school lunches cost 15 less. So here is a woman who's celebrating the woman in the strength of a woman. Because really, in Mexican culture, remember Mexican culture, women are the heartbeat of Mexican culture. But it explains why this woman is not from Mexican culture. She's taken advantage of Mexican culture like many cultures have done in the past. This is a prime example, a. For a TikTok singer to dance 20 seconds of a TikTok. Meanwhile, the children of Mexico have, don't have an education, and don't have the opportunities set forth by them, but because she's a woman, she portrays strength. Today was a fascinating day because today was the day when people marched for the rights of children to live, instead of dying at the hand of science. So here we are, a woman with the strength of Mexico, the liberal who advocates abortion. No, that's not Mexico. That's not the culture of Mexico today. I happened to go to a city. That city was one of the first churches that came. To Mexico was Spanish in the town. As I watched the beauty of Mexico, I remembered the problem we have here today. A social media star came here where a music star from Spain to celebrate not Mexican culture, but to celebrate a lie of a woman. Who does not have strength a woman with power would take care of the children first as Mexican women do. They choose to work after some of them can go to school. I recently worked with some young people, who told me a story they get on a. Bus for two and a half hours to bring back their little brothers so they can play on the Modelo Drive. They make in total enough money to take the 1500 pestle trip there to get the boys back yet again, make 1500 PEs or a little bit more per day for two days, and then they go back at 1500 pesos. So they spend 6,000 PEs 300 US dollars. To make 6,000 best. The culture and this story are very important as it explains Mexican culture that Claudia clearly does not understand and stop shadow-banning me. Stop paying for people to shadow man me. Because see, you could use that money to help your children, especially on the day for children. Back to the story, six. Thousand vessels. They are a net zero. As I talk to them, and explain to them a net Zeros proposition, they were stunned that we could understand what they're living. But see people like Claudia, they love that is what keeps them poor. That keeps them from reaching opportunity that keeps them from striving for the world above, that keeps their dreams at bay so they can stay in power. So they can stay in power and lie to the people of Mexico who lack education. Why? Because the government turns out has been doing this for a very long time. Now, let's talk about opportunities in the future, and that is not by choosing liberals like Claudia Chaba to do anything other than take her shoes in her shoe closet and move. On because she does not represent the strength of Mexico. She doesn't mean the mothers of Mexico who are strong and who work hard for their children. She does not represent the history of being Mexican, having five children, six children, and surviving by providing by working. Sorry. I wish I could be more positive, but after. They are coming in for two years and having no opinion after seeing the work. Delicate work of a teacher. A teacher, does not teach and educate children through the line.
Episode 32: Investments in housing in #CDMX 3mof.com #yosoy incubator
Apr 21 2023
Episode 32: Investments in housing in #CDMX 3mof.com #yosoy incubator
Let's remember its properties like this with overpriced market value. Only globalists could afford that are killing Mexico. Not in that these apartments exist because it gives well-needed infrastructure, but because there are no plans for the poor or the middle class, which don't exist because they all went to the United States to participate. That's where the problem is; Mexico's allowing it. So is the mayor of this city. Her propaganda of her being a woman is false. Sadly, she's a woman. The values of a globalist. Seven. I wanted to talk about this article because I wouldn't say I like Kja. I don't like Conn men or con women that are politicians, especially the one here in city mx. When I worked for the city council in Portland, Oregon for two and a half years, I learned a very curious thing about being part of the process that made decisions in government. What I learned is government does what government wants to. So if you see results like this where they say rents are rising because of gentrification, then you know it's full of crap. It's actually propaganda that they are pushing because they're not getting the results they want because they created the problem to begin with. There are thousands of units here empty, sitting in Mexico, city of Mexico, they can't afford, none of the Mexicans can't afford it. The young Mexican, Mexican. Especially the ones graduate, post-graduate can't afford it. No one can afford these condos because they're overpriced, because the government allowed VCs to come in and abuse the system. They did this because the city of Mexico, of Mexico, Decided that they wanted the taxes, so they looked for a fast relief. They wanted insulin. They wanted a drug pushing their body so they can say they have rewards and they're doing good for Mexico. But at the same time, they allowed for the oversaturation of market. Real estate here of empty buildings that people can't afford. One of my goals though, in the next two years is to create a fund. So we have young people who are graduating college to buy those condos, but we need Mexican bankers. Private investors, even the investors of the buildings themselves, to work on a program that I have in my mind that my brother did for until he passed away last year. To allow young people to buy homes and feel empowered by owning property. This can happen in Mexico as well. That doesn't mean all the buildings. That means one third. This is a program they also did in Portland. Back to my news, this article, this propaganda. Outlined by a mayor who's doing nothing but sitting hundred loins hoping to steal an election just like the other ones did in Arizona, like the governor in Arizona, like, like the governor in California, like the political people in Canada. All of them with these fuzzy logic, computer adding machines who are ad votes while the politicians sit home and do nothing, do nothing for the people. Outline several projects and think that they're doing a great job, like they're trying New Mexico and other things. The bottom line is this, when I was in Portland, Oregon, watching the process of very liberal politicians, I was pretty stunned. Stunned that they acted as they cared for the poor, but everything they did was to show that they didn't. For the poor and they didn't want to help the poor because they wanted the poorest money through taxes. Nothing has changed here in C M X. It's the exact principle run by a liberal mayor who was working at the UN and then all of a sudden mysteriously. Seriously becomes the mayor of Mexico. As we worked through a march here in Mexico City, we had to remember that if a governor official is passive, is hiding in the closet, is put, is putting on her shoes, filled with the closet, filled with those shoes and not doing the action of the street with the people. They're doing photo ops in various parts of Mexico City where the pur are to show they. If they're giving 500 pesos a month, when, when the school costs 15 pesos a day, you have to be honest with yourself and that this isn't what the future is for Mexico, for the young, this is the future of globalist. Who are trying to take over Mexico by putting pawn politicians office to do their bidding. Just like in Canada, just like in California, just like in United States, just like in Arizona, all of it is the same and done through the same process. It's fascinating that Arizona is showing this. Here's a politic. Who's quite serious wars, as I said in the past, she gave land to France. France charged taxes. Ben went to war to give the independence of Mexico from those taxes. Let's say that again. If a politician gives and then puts in their pocket the future of Mexico, then they've done nothing different than what happened in Texas, in Arizona, in all the southwestern Mexicans like myself and my family Got. Stuck in a country they had no choice to be in. Now I was lucky cause my father was born here and so his lineage gave me the opportunity to speak. My name is Michael Anthony Ortega.
Episode 31: Politicians on both sides of the  #US and #MX trying to divide #Mexicans on both sides of the #RIO
Mar 12 2023
Episode 31: Politicians on both sides of the #US and #MX trying to divide #Mexicans on both sides of the #RIO
But first, I'm gonna give you a narrative prior to watching this video so you can put it in perspective on the emotion that they're trying to generate. Let's first understand what AMLO did and said he attacked the Republican party because in United States, Mexicans are waking up and drifting away from the Democrat party. Ceaser   Chavez really wanted to bind him. He really trusted the Democrat party to give him. Give Mexicans a break in opportunities. But the reality is Cheez Chavez didn't realize that Mexicans were being counted in the US census until 1970. So SI Chavez didn't quite understand the power of what happens when you're not counted in the US census. A president in the United States in 1930 said he was for the Mexicans. He counted the Mexicans, the Chicanos, and the US census. But once. He stopped counting them until Richard Nixon did it a Republican in 1970. I'm not saying either party is good or bad, I'm saying you have to look at how they're treating Mexicans and then make your decision on what you're gonna do next. Because we've been 40 years, 50 years since I've been alive, I've hoped and dreamt that Mexicans could ride. So we rose, but we only rose to this level. We could never get to the next level, and there's a reason. , please watch this video, put it in perspective, and then I'm gonna talk after. And, um, they're trying to, um, start persuading people or getting that idea to start invading Mexico. Um, let me make one thing, one thing clear, um, Ms. Patriot as it gets, but make no. I'm a Mexican and I will defend my country, and two mistakes gonna happen again. Um, as the video that I stitched, um, what Santana did to Mexico was wrongful. What the US did to Mexicans was wrong to the Native Americans, was completely. and I'm starting to, um, you know, it was one of those advocating that let them talk, you know, let them But enough is enough. Enough is enough with this mediocre mentality, ideologies that us things that can fucking get away with anything. No, and I seen a lot of fucking videos where they're making jokes about, you know, they kill a lot of fucking innocent people. You fucking mor. A lot of fucking innocent people died, all because of the fucking land. This fucking morons, ignorant white sons of bitches wanted. Like I said, I, I'll defend this country, but once you start infiltrating my country, we're gonna have some. This guy video is propagated up to thousands of views on purpose, but as it sells the narrative, he's saying something. They want them to say what he, what they're saying is he's getting angry and said, I'm gonna attack, I'm gonna attack, I'm gonna fight. Because that's what they want. They want the divide between Mexicans on both sides of the Rio. When AMLO said Republicans, he did so, but he wants us to fight amongst ourselves in the United States instead of maintain the power that we have. So he's selling a narrative. And the narrative is really simple. The United States wants to steal again, the resources in Mexico, so they're trying to divide the people. They're trying to put a person in office named Chaia kba, who clearly is nothing but a globalist. She's a passive person like Trudeau. She's a passive person like the California governor. The all people and politicians that will do what they say so they can get what they want. . So we have to be smarter than that. When Caesar Chaz in 1980 in the Goodwills, oh my God, I forget their name. In his speech when the last major speech in San, in San Diego, he did so thinking the Republican party was against him. Cause he's right because all the land at the time was owned by Republicans in Mexico all the way to California, United. But he went to the Democrat party and the Democratic didn't help him. In 1930 when it was a Democratic president, he said he was for the Mexicans, but then when the US Census counted the Mexicans, he didn't count the Mexicans ever again in the US census. In fact, that wasn't an official count, so they still counted on everything before them. It wasn't until 1970 the Mexicans started being. And it was in 1980, we became Latinos once again dividing us amongst the people of both sides. The Rio in Mexico. The reason why the Mexican politicians don't C side with the Chicanos is because of power. There's 120 million Mexicans united in Mexico, 1%, maybe 1.2. Have money and they control all of the Mexico. Last year, last election, they said 60 million Mexicans voted. It's impossible because 60 million Mexicans of that only 1 million if that can read and. The 60 million's wrong. I know, but I'm just saying the co, the number of voters was absolutely upside down cuz they're using these horrible computers to count and to manipulate votes. And that's how they got this globalist mayor who was from the United Nations, not even living at U N M anymore to be mayor. And now they're trying to push her to being the president for the same darn. What AMLO said the other day is absolutely right. When he injected Republicans, he was absolutely wrong because he wants to divide the Mexicans in the United States with anger, just like that video just showed us because in Mexico, the pride is great for our culture. In the United States, Mexicans are proud of who they. This isn't a fight against Mexicans, don't let it be. This is a fight against the Democrat Party and those in the liberal, in the Republican party who are in the middle who want to maintain power and they fear us. Mexicans on both sides of the Rio don't get this messed. Put them in perspective. It's time to play chess, not checkers.
Episode 30: #liberal lies on #MX- Turncoat politicians like #johnmccain in #US
Mar 11 2023
Episode 30: #liberal lies on #MX- Turncoat politicians like #johnmccain in #US
Let's be honest and not naive. Tomos call that the Republicans are saying they're gonna do one thing, like enter our country. It is genuinely not the Republicans, the liberals. His naive statement is a plan by the liberals to cause friction between Mexicans on both sides of the border and let's understand why he's doing that. He's doing that because he's losing control of Mexico. Why? Because he's following the lift roll plan that wants to get shine bomb in office because she will steal the votes as they did in the United. Don't be naive. Most Mexicans don't even, and cannot even vote because they can't read. So they have planned this seed for many years and they have stolen elections just like they have for a very long time. To say Veran was the person that fought for Mexico is quite naive and a complete lie—the drug czar himself, Colorado, who stole an election, him. So let's not be naive to animals. Call that the Republicans, when actually the Republicans doing this have been turncoats, just like John McCain. John McCain, who my brother worked with to try to help Mexico, turned against the Republicans and was in fact a liberal—a veteran who turned to Ken's own country for money and the system of corruption. Yes. John McCain is like the one-eyed guy in Texas doing the same thing.  It is very incorrect in his characterization that it's the Republicans. It was the Republicans who built a wall that stopped the drug cartel and curtail it as much as possible. It was the Republicans that focused on giving freedom to the Mexicans in the United States through Richard Nixon. It was Republicans who stood by Ninos, and, more importantly, Mexicans on both sides of the so I'm sorry amlo, you're incorrect. Your characterization of liberalism was like that March today in Mexico City where CH bombers yelling. Viva Viva the revolutionist. What revolutionist Mexico women have always been, the heartbeat of the country have always been. The heartbeat of Mexican families have always been the strength that bound Mexicans. No shine bomb. You're a first generation immigrant who does not understand the values of Mexico. Your family is rich enough to leave the war and come to safety in Mexico, but did you take that with pride? Did you take that with strength? No. You bound with Soros of the United Nations, you bound with the globalist to sell Mexico as much as the people did who sold out Mexico at the Alamo. Sadly, that was the Mexican at the time, who was president, who sold out Mexico because there was a general Jesus Gonzaga who he didn't want to come back in power. Because Benita Wars wanted to keep power for himself forever. He wanted to be the king. It's not ironic that the general who actually run the war with Ortega by his side at the end of the battle became an emperor and removed wars. Let's not repeat history. Let's learn from the past. Let's stay strong. Let's do the things that make Mexico great by working hard, and let's stay away from the liberal ideas that have been killing Mexico and selling it to the highest bitter. Sorry, amlo. You're wrong. Yes, Stan Strong, but it isn't the Republicans, it's the liberals, the people who you want to stand. That Machi who don't have valor or strength or cannot win a war? No. It's the machi, mok that have to win the war. Don't pit one against the other. That's a shame, and that's what you're doing.
Episode 29: Discussion with Speaker Lab about booking Speaking Gigs for my Spanish speaking and English Speaking gay audience - book me now michaelpina.com
Feb 18 2023
Episode 29: Discussion with Speaker Lab about booking Speaking Gigs for my Spanish speaking and English Speaking gay audience - book me now michaelpina.com
Answer quite a bit of them with the content that I'm gonna be delivered to you, but if I don't, I'll catch you up on the q and a at the end. All right. Also got some bonuses for you. Here's the first one. If you stick around with me to the end, I'm gonna share with you the templates that I use in my own speaking business for my discovery calls. And my pro proposal emails, I do, uh, several of these discovery calls every single week, which result in several proposals going out every single week. I'm going to share my process with you. In fact, I actually looked at what I booked over the last several months. Uh, in January, I booked $15,000 in speaker fees, uh, in November rather than January I booked 10,000. and, uh, and so I'm just, uh, using this process with every one of those individuals. All right. I'm going to share it with you, but you have a stick around to the end. That's the catch. Right? So maybe you've heard of Grant, perhaps you've heard of the speaker a lot, but I just wanna get us all on the same page here for a moment. So, grant Baldwin is the founder of the Speaker Lab. He's our multiple seven figures and speaks over 750 paid gigs. These. Thousand live presentations. He's spoken in 46 states. He's the author of the successful speaker and the host of the Speaker Lab podcast, and he's worked with, coached, and trained thousands of speakers. Now, these are fun facts. We like sharing them with you, but if Grant were here right now, he'd tell you he did not start out that way. In fact, when Grant got started,  in 2006. He was just a normal dude: no crazy backstory, no celebrity following. Just had a message to share and a dream to make it happen. Maybe this is where you're at. Maybe this is how you feel as well. Well, uh, after 10 years of trial and error and all of those speaking events later, grant started developing a system for himself. To get booked and paid consistently. Right now, that system that he built for himself is what ultimately became the inspiration form the Speaker Lab. Right? So maybe you felt frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed with your speaking business. I have been there. Grant has been there. Well, the Speaker Lab is the resource that Grant wished that he had at every step of growing and developing his speaking business, right? So it's kinda the genesis of the Speaker lab. So speaking of the speaker lab, some fun facts. We were founded in 2016. Since then, we've helped over 10,000 speaker. That's a lot. That's a big number Of those 10,000, they represent all 50 states. We are even have speakers in 50 different countries around the world. They've gone on to speak at thousands of events, impacting millions of audience members and earning millions of dollars. One of the other really cool things about the speaker lab is that we made the ink of 5,000 this for a second year in a row, and based on the 2022 outcomes, we'll think we're gonna do it again. We'll find out this summer for a third year, and this just continues to strengthen and legitimize the work that we're. each and every day with students all over the world. Now again, these are fun facts about the speaker lab. Um, and, uh, but at the end of the day, it's not really what guides us and drives us. What guides us and drives us is the impact that these speakers are having and the ripple effect that their work is having. That's what guides us in our mission to give speakers clarity, confidence, and a clear path. An impact. All right, so that's a bit about Grant and the speaker lab. Now I wanna share just a little bit about me and my story. Welcome. Good morning. If you're just joining us, I'm glad that you're here. My name's Dan Ier. I'm a professional speaker. I travel the country working with organizations, corporations, associations on how to live more consciously, intentional, and I have several keynote notes and workshops that I do in that space. When I'm not doing that, and I'm not with my family, I am here at the Speaker Lab as one of the resident speaker. And executive coaches get getting to do some of these fun things like these webinars. I enjoy doing these. These are a lot of fun for me. Uh, and so I'm excited to share just a bit about me first on the personal side, here's a picture of my wife and I and our three crazy kids from one of the summer vacations we took this past summers. That's the personal side. On the professional side, I've worked over 20 years in the corporate environment. I was just climbing the corporate ladder until October of 2019. I was laid off of my C-suite position. At that point in time, I just decided to go all in on building my speaking business. I wanted to build something for me. Maybe this is where you're at. You're like, you wanna start building something for yourself. Well, that's where I was a couple years ago. And so I started to do it. And then I struggled in the beginning, like I was putting, trying to put the pieces together myself and, uh, don't get me wrong, like I was making some headway, but it felt like every time I took a step forward, I ended up taking two back because I didn't know what I didn't know. Right. I just didn't know. Well, long story short, that's how I found the Speed Lab and once I realized that the Speaker Lab had a plan and a process and all I had to do was get on board with that plan and that process, I was hooked. I was all in, and I jumped in with both feet. And then several months later I actually started working here with Grant at the Speaker Lab, and it's just this incredible fit where I get to continue to grow and develop my speaking business, which I'm doing, and it's going fantastically well. I get to do that while working with individual. Just like you all over the world, they're looking to do the exact same thing. There's a, uh, exact same thing. There's a picture of me there in the middle grant on the right. Our director of marketing there, Chris on the left. And so what did I do? I just continued to work the process that I was coached and trained. I continued to learn and speak in things just really started to take off for me. Uh, in fact, I wanna share with you just the speaker fees that I've charged just with my last couple clients. 7,000, 10,000 and 12,500 for single. , which is pretty awesome. So why do I share all that with you? I share it all with you because I believe you can do the exact same thing. I'm just following the process. I'm just following the plan. I got the coaching and the training that the speaker lab offers, so I'm excited to share that with you and I believe that you can do the exact same thing. Which leads me into my first question. I always love this question. Uh, tell me in the chat, remember I told you I got three or four questions. This is the first one. What would being a speaker allow you to do that you currently cannot? . In other words, what's striving you, what's motivating you? Maybe it's the reason why you're here this morning with me. Tell me in the chat, what would being a speaker allow you to do that you currently can't? The reason I'm asking this question is that one, you need to have an answer to this question. Number two is that I want you to be thinking about it as we're going through our time together today. So share with me in the chat the answer to this question. By the way, my coffee machine broke this morning, and so I had to make a quick run down the. Because kicking off the morning without coffee just not an option. Just not an option. Uh, alright. Um, let's see, man, we've got some good answers coming in here. I got some great answers coming in here. I think Evelyn got in first. Actually. Evelyn says, I'd love to be able to become financially independent. Ooh, I like that one. Johan says, not having to see a boss every day, you just gotta look at the mirror. I guess Johann is really what it comes down to. As long as you're okay with that. Uh, and then also he said, more time with family. Doing more of what I love. Walt says, freedom made me think of Braveheart, Walt Freedom. Okay, uh, uh, Marcy said the exact same thing. Freedom. I love it. Um, Russell says, improved mental wellness to a larger audience. So I assume Russell, that's what you wanna speak on. So really that's that connection, like what you're passionate about, connecting with other people. I love it. Uh, Melissa says, get paid to work on my own. I love that, Melissa. I also see the long thing that you put in there. I love everything that you put in there. That's awesome. Um, reaching more of an audience and impacting more lives. Cameron says there's that connection and impact. Um, Finance looks like, uh, David, you got some financial goals, debt and, uh, some other financial investments you wanna make. That's awesome. Being a service to others, there's that impact that Victor's talking about. Uh, and it goes on and on. Okay. Okay. You guys are crushing this. You guys are absolutely crushing this. The reason that, uh, again, I asked this question is because you need to have an answer to it. The reason that I, I read through several of them is cuz maybe you don't have an answer to it because maybe you didn't respond and you don't have an answer. So I wanted to give you some ideas of what that answer might look.
Episode 27: 1-21-2022 talk with Hungarian Jewish friends Yazi Weisz and Michael Pina 3mof.com
Jan 23 2023
Episode 27: 1-21-2022 talk with Hungarian Jewish friends Yazi Weisz and Michael Pina 3mof.com
We all have people in life that stimulate our mind and how they happen to come into our life is always sometimes precarious. So my Hungarian Jewish Hungarian friend older, we have these daily talks sometimes and sometimes weekly, monthly, bimonthly. But it's always good because he's so full and rich with. And fun. Here's our message to you. Have a good listen. It's relative. And today what is, what the progresso did, reversing the two words. But as I told you and you concurred with me, that it's impossible to put those two words in the same sentence, in the same breath. One reason only three words. Once you are a socialist, you are tyrant my way or a highway. And the two best examples for you. I'm surprised you read that so well. I can even determine by you getting that pseudonym so these lefties wouldn't know and traced you. I truly tip my head. You're not a girl to get compliments, but this was smart. No, Mike, nobody can. Yeah the, smartest one can figure out who is nana. Nana is a lady's whether she's a babysitter, . Anyway, why I am telling you this, because these two examples tell you all a when Judge Kava the, Roe versus Wade happened. All these lunatics. They woke idiots, the Antifa and all these, they marched in front of his home wanting to hang him, right? And the second one is even a better proof. And you know this in your dreams, if you take 1000 children and 1000 PA parents, right? Which side?  you can't even say it with a straight face would agree. No, first, which side would not even allow the grandchildren to visit the children much less. They would never go at the same Christmas table together. It's not 50, 60, 70%, it's 110% clear cut. Because a conservative would never turn away from a. No of course. Can you find better examples than these two ? It's, rather simple once you get past the, how do you say it? The, once you get past the illogic, it's very logical, right? No question. But the problem is you get stuck in the illogic rather easily because that's an emotional thing. illogic is always an emotional thing. I don't know when we originally met, if I mentioned to you this about our country versus Israel. Regarding Trump, did I ever mention to you, because I don't wanna repeat myself. No, I don't remember we we met at my house in Santa Monica, in front of my house in Santa Monica. You the one who opened my eyes. Susan Rosenberg, when I mentioned to you, you said she lives in our neck of the woods. That stunned me, . It's funny how, it's funny how I can tell you how I learned English. It's funny how you read memory one. And of course, those four years Latin in medical school made me beat 95% of these college idiots in the game of Scrabble , but in advance and in master rooms. Mike. Then that's my pastime. I think I may have mentioned to you that in America, the television, the entire media, New York, slimes, LA Times, all the constipated network news work,  like Mike Levine co. That's I, he coined the words, not me. . Yes. Yes. . The reason I listen to him, you may even know this about him. He's the best US Constitutional attorney. Yeah. Bar. Mike Levine. Yeah. He even, he started I think, ner serving in Nixon administration. Correct. Anyway as far as knowing the Progresso of course Dennis Prager incredible knowledge, but I, he changed my mind actually one day. You know why? Because he gave the title. David Horowitz. Oh, with him? Yeah. Why? Because he, came from a communist family, right? Incidentally, speaking of communist family, who do you think Vagina Giggles father is? Who? The re You don't know who Vagina Giggles is? No. You are the humorist. . Tell me who paved her way all the way to the. Through what? You stumped Kamala No way. At age 29. You're not aware. She was the conine of Willie Brown in San Francisco. Oh, I knew that. Okay. So from then on, and when first word came out that the Progresso may pushed push her in the White House, Willie Brown was vehemently against. He knows that she's a empty skirt. She is a, airhead complete. You notice anytime she doesn't have an answer, what does she do? Giggles. Incessantly. . Yes. The clown, that's part of their, plan though, right? Is to put people who don't have original thoughts, but are good actors. Look at a question to you, Mike. Yeah I'm, having my cereal now. Yeah. Do you Recall or have you seen? Cuz I never watched tv. I played the game of Scrabble with all around the world on pogo.com and it's not like word with friends heck, you have a half a day to think of a word. No, it's competitive chess. 45 seconds to two minutes, you lose a turn Nah. Way life should. Why I am asking you who is running the country? Of course, everybody knows that the corpse, like B, BBC calls him the corpse, not me. Look, just two best examples for you. When a person says that he's been 160 years in Senate, hello, four lifetimes, Yeah. And the second biggest doozy, he said, you may have heard it maybe not about a year ago, he said The first time since World War II, Putin invaded Russia. Hello? His own country. Yeah.  is obl. There's no question about that. But the reason I mentioned to you about Barak Hussein, Because he was on  show and I got it. I read news in couple languages, right? I got this clip on the internet and I had to put it on my telephone. It's about a 32nd clip, and if you haven't heard it, I'll play it to you now. That's what I'm looking for, where he says, the question came, Mr. President, have you ever considered the third term? Now, here is verbatim what he. This doesn't show the whole thing, but I remember him saying the following, actually, many, many a times, I am missing the camaraderie. And if I could be sitting in a basement in my jogging suit and two earpieces and they'll implement my ideas, I'll be fine with that. what do you think of? That's happening so officially, it's his third term. I'm sorry, unofficially. The fact is his first two terms were a failure, right? There's no question. So the question 1%, g d p, the worst in history. So this validates that his ego is bigger than his mind. There is no question. And but, The issue is, I've con come to the conclusion, and I've always said this, he is the weakest link because of, the same reasons that in the old parable, the giant fell. Right? Because you gotta realize as the ego grows, so does the everything else diminish because we can always only work at a capacity of a hundred percent. He is the weakest link. Now, what's putting that in front of him? We already know. We see the world economic, we see all the things that's happening. We're seeing the plan. The plan is pretty obvious because it's getting toward the end. Not of end times, I just mean the end of their plan. You see what's happening in Canada, you see why they want Newsom there. You see why they're gonna push him out, biting out so they can put Newsom in there so they can have a, what they want is, America to be a puppet, right? They're trying to, in Mexico, they're trying to implement a Mexican woman who's the mayor here, who's just a puppet, Uhhuh once again, right? So, they're putting puppet masters. They're not even masters. They're puppets and, they have faces and ideas that are very against the people, but at the same time, that is how they've done it. They've done it by manipulating the ego to want to succeed, which is natural. But I, still have a question though. You're a, deep philosopher of, knowledge. What's the end? The people who are manipulating all this, I'll tell you what, when you see around us now, left center, whatever, 79% of the population don't like to pay 9 99 for 18 x in the 99 cents. They see what's happening. They don't need to be awakened, yeah. That's one. So that's why it cannot continue. And look again in, I surmise to you the last 24 months, in just one example, I believe it's as clear as daylight. At first, if you remember, it was 6.8 trillion wasted, right? Now they added another 1.8. So yeah. Subsequently, after 8.3 trillion wasted. Zero accomplished absolute zero. They can't. Now they throw the word infrastructure. That's bullshit because the best example really tells you how big of a liars they are. , your best example is what? That 450. If you look at that. Package that has four 4,500 pages, you know that nobody . It's like Nancy Pelosi said, if you remember several years ago, you have to pass it to see what's in the bill, to have the time to read. It's for given to Arab countries to protect their border. When I don't have to reiterate to you how porous ours is because zero control. 750 terrorists marched across this last year and 5 million people from 38 countries just marched through you to remember. There is no country on universe other than if, you look into it Canada, that has no borders because they are our baby brother. If anybody lifts a pinky against Canada, we are right there with, this Ukraine situation I, do know that we are going overboard because I read a speech by it's, he sounded like a no. His name is, either probably Chinese, whoever is the head of un, he was saying that Ukraine has no borders, which is very true. It's not a separate country. It was over. It was part of what Union of Soviet social. Yeah. Former US Russia. One thing is for sure that Crimea always belonged to Russia. Since Catherine the Great, I may have even mentioned that to you before. But Ukraine, there are two places, Donbass and Donk. I would say almost 10 out of 10 people, Russian speakers, so Ukraine simply took advantage of them because they were attacking them and they treated them like third class citizens. But the rest, Putin is a thug. Goes without saying. Just look at his background. Out of kgb in the most vulnerable, as I told you before in, the world Eastern Germany and the Americans were shedding crocodile tears about 30,000 American soldiers. Yeah, I learned in Soviet army that there were three quarter million Russian soldiers on that border. Wow. For the, they had a good reason. If I give you the numbers, America says 20 million Russians lost lives. It's twice as many. Wow. So Zov the one in charge who finally totally crushed the Germans. Zov said when they mo hoisted the flag over Hitler's bunker, that in Russian. We going to erase the Germans from face of the map. Wow. That's the reason for, and this, number, I'm giving you three quarter million I heard in 1967 during the Mid East War because Russia was like two peas in a pod or, like my former managers say they were tight as frog pussy  with with, them. Oh my God, that I learned English in the hood 38th and Crenshaw . So matter of fact since you are not a brother, you may even be stunned. What I what in a humorous way. No, actually, it's a jargon because 99% of Huns, they call us , were lost. I'll remind you the incident. You definitely know it. It took. When Schmo Bamba, as always jumped into conclusion, racism, the call came in when Skip Gates, the professor in Chicago lost his keys coming back from a trip and across the street the neighbors called in. Two people burglarizing a home. When he heard that he stepped on his Dali, like this black man called his feet , he quickly invited them. This part you million percent aware of the beer fest in the White House, right? To make peace between. Luckily, one of those three cops was a brother. Otherwise, this would've never happened. This. The professor Gates and his body broke the bag last somehow. They were indoors already. The man in charge, Sergeant Crow, walked over the, window and, him peeking out. He asked him politely. Professor Gates kindly step out on the porch for four or five minutes, and my nephew, captain. Michael Weiss in New York is a police captain. It's customary on a burglary. You For last time they have to check every nook and cranny because the accomplice may be hiding. Lurking in the closet. His answer was the cause for the arrest. That's when the black cop spoke up and says, Sarge, I'm putting the shackles on this man. Let him mouth off down. So just to teach him a lesson formality, as you can imagine, they hauled his ass downtown quarters. There are tens of thousands of jokes. , I'll put it on the plate for you. Your mama is so fat. Yo mama is so ugly. I have to hang pork ups on her ears for my dog to play with her . But in this case, what is your opinion? What was yo mama. I step out for yo mama . That was the answer. My god. So the black cop spoke up? Yeah. You talk to an average white person. They'll say he offended him. That's quite ambiguous. , what do you think it meant that it warranted the rest. When I told this to a black pen, he couldn't stop laughing for five minutes. Yeah, , he got it. Of course. You know it meant what it actually meant is, I'll step out for your mama who's a who is a, putta not for you. Fool. These are the nuances. Rest are simple. No, I truly understand. American Colloquialism. Yeah, . But let's, I was regarding languages. I happen to be a linguist because folks are much better in mathematics. Algebra, not me. Weakest. Now this, you must recall when we first met, and you mentioned to me that you're moving in a few months in Mexico, right? I told you're gonna be lost even though you have Spanish descent, but your English is so impeccable. I don't think you understand Spanish and you're correct what you do. And I'm surprised. So you know what that tells me? Put you in Hungary. And it Eight, eight months you speak Hungarian? Yeah. . I loved Hungary though. They were the first ones to stand up against Stalin's regime, yeah, I know. Hungary was that when I went there, it was a very fascinating I, don't know why I became engrossed by it. I really, I just did, I didn't go to, I, and I didn't even go to, the bad parts where the parts, everything happened. I was there, I just didn't go in. I just was engrossed by everything about it. I don't know why. Then they told me that Hungary was the Mexico of Europe . And I'm like, okay. Oh, maybe that's why , GWE, Mexico of Europe. In what regard? I, didn't get it. The poor. The poor and the manufacturing. And they used to, they the poor that are there in Hungary and that they went up the workers. Workers in Hungary. Yeah. That they were in the past, in the history. I don't know in history or how well you understood it, but Hungary was little America for Russians. Yeah, I know that. Everything. No, We lived, you know how far we lived from Hungary. How about 10 kilometers. Oh, wow. Which is less than six miles. Yeah. First of all, I learned here in America, this was telling you that come September of 1945, he was of Georgia and descent. Of course, Stalin gave a nice present. To the capital of Transcarpathian region is exactly where I'm from, where my wife was born in the capital ua, and I am from a small Hungarian town where 100% Hungarians. Nobody even spoke any Russian. You ask how to get to the nearest post office and you'll be lost. Because we had six Hungarian schools, one Ukrainian, and one Russian. As you can imagine. For children of border patrol offices so that's where my mama enrolled me. But to show you that I'm not exaggerating about being a linguist if, look, if until age 26, I haven't spoken three words of English, and yet by 1976 when I was already managing the dealer. And when you work in a mamma papa store, you know you overworked and underpaid. I had to write those contracts, Mike, not in Majo, my mother tongue, Hungarian. It's called Mojo because even the country is called Mojo is the nation. Ah, SAG is the country. So thus the word is . Hungary in, in Hungarian. So why? I'm telling you, not in that my language not Russian, Ukrainian, as you can imagine, was forced on us in the Ukrainian Soviet tripa. But in English, I never made a mistake because that's a dealer's biggest nightmare, right? And if there were no computers, And what you may not realize, a dealer loses practically half of the car value and there's no point going to lawyers. It even cost double. In other words, worst nightmare the dealer cannot imagine than an unwind, meaning the customer takes the car Next day the bank is telling me that the down payment should be instead of 2,500 3,500 or the credit was weak. In those days you didn't have T r W. But we fax, yes. And I had to decipher the person's ability to repay that loan. So bottom line is I never made an error in my contract. That's why when I got my second job at an Acura in a Toyota store in the valley. Keys, Acura, you may have. I know that. Yeah. I know that they, hired me on the spot because when I wrote on my resume that no unwinds, that means I don't believe people bringing back a car. That was the clincher. But you can imagine by 1980. Two. How relieved I was. The very first computers I was involved was like a big suitcase. Yes. And IBM , you recall? It was. It was actually in car business. It was oak leaf and it was geared for all the Programs for dealerships, and the forms. So they came, they just told me which one is which, and they left me alone. And, that's how you can imagine the relief I had. I didn't have to do all these when your parents were getting cause by hand. I could just put in the information in that right quick suitcase and it just prints out like a breeze. So what I'm trying to tell you is, It was a great help for me as far as cutting time for customers to wait. But regarding Hungarian language, I had an interesting example when a Turkish person that will tell you the, common family of Hungarians Turks they. Finn Finnish language many thousands years ago, they were breathing because as a general manager at Kaiser Brothers I, think I told you, it was downtown across convention center. Your parents knew it as a third oldest Oldsmobile dealer in the nation. If the granddaughter was 94 years old, you can imagine they've been there since 1917. They own about eight blocks downtown. So why am telling you this? Because when I worked there This fellow was sitting with my salesman taking an application. And in those days, in early nineties, they had cassette tape players, and when I brought back his car appraising, assessing the value how much to allow him, I asked him a question. I, said, you're not Turkish, are you are not Turkey shy. And he said, hi, did you see my applic? I said, no. When I told him how I came to conclusion, I said, I popped your cassette layer. I wanted to see the, how it functions your A M F M cassette, and I see on the cassette you know what he told me? What very clever. He said, , I figured out that he's Turk. Because that's the only countries I know that do all this. It's not all, it's not a. Even elementary words in Hungarian is not simple. Ju just like Russians, for example. If I went to this Hungarian town Russian school, Of course, I'll tell you as far as knowing Russian, when I opened my mouth in Russian, you wouldn't believe it. What they say here in Santa Monica, they think I was born in Moscow and I pretend to be  Hungarian. Of course, I tell you why, probably mimicking the words and listening is, these two. And of course what I'm not telling you the most helpful in Russian for me. The 10th Soviet army, 30 months, I was the head of a pharmacy. They used my medical knowledge in making drugs. They didn't have an Eli Lilly and Merck and all that. I had to make those drugs by hand.  mixture. And I, remember  new land in Russia where it's 99% frozen, everything. Soldiers had scabies left and right. You can imagine why. Lack of cleanliness, right? Lack of so that, that's what I picked up really mainly the, ized accent. And here one more help was we, befriended the Russian couple in 70. And they came to buy an Omega in that, in those days, Boyd Peterson, where I worked at Crenshaw, was an old, small and a Jaguar store. And when, I don't know if you're aware or not, but Cars in America were bought like you or the food in the restaurant. The parents came in, I have 150 cars in inventory. And by the time I was the manager and the manager always. Gas and demo as a perk. So they fell in love with my Regency 98, which was like a Cadillac de elegance. The color, the vogue tires with gold dreams, et cetera. And we said in the industry, they deed me. They took my horse here away with 218 miles . So we, wouldn't need, but otherwise you ordered a vehicle according to your SP specification. SMO believe even had a mo, a slogan, can we build one for you? Oh wow. And within six weeks, your car comes the way. Desired. Wow. You don't need to buy unwanted options. So why I'm telling you this, because ever since they very quickly they promoted me. La Later, about eight months into it, I asked Mr. Peterson, the owner, I said, why? I was never trained in this. Because they made me a manager first. They made me in four months, a closer. Why? Because one Saturday I substituted the manager and the gross prophet was more than twice as what Mike McBride was doing. Oh, wow. So later on they relegated him. You may even know the area 54th and Crenshaw closer to Lawson. We had a Volvo and a British Leland dealership. I call them zoom, calls the TR seven and et cetera, the ones that making the noise, right? So I became the general manager. Why I am telling you this, because that's what I picked up the knowledge. But when my, I deviated what I answered to my boss, no. When he answered to me, when I asked him how come I was not trained, he says, I Simply thought that you are a member of KG B because  by 75, he says, you lived in America only two and a half years and your English impressed me. He said . So he playing it Smart Russian folks, for example. No, it's some linguistic ability if the the reason. When Russian people speak, they still continue in their own mother tongue, and Russian is a soft language. Three simple letters. Mike, they unable to pronounce, for example, any. They don't say any. They say any, many. You may even notice because in, in Los Angeles, there were plenty of Russians already. Yeah. You see now on the beach, I see them exercising about 120 of them. And the instructor, of course she, really makes out nicely $15 a pop. She makes about pretty nice money. About 1800 every Sunday. Wow. Times four.  and uncle Sam knows nothing about . Yeah. , but seven grand. Yeah. Once I joked with them when I came to California, there were not three Russian speaking in the whole town because Russia was an iron curtain. Do you know regarding this, your best illustration would be my mother. We are Hungarian Jews and. Mama's brother lived out of nine children. Two survived those 79 death camps, right? And it took mom 27 years just to come and visit them from 45 when Stalin took over right until 70 to December. And the response in Russia was always cookie cut. The. In your request to visit United States is declined. Your request could be reevaluated in eight months. End of story. Wow. And that's for all those years. So this reminds me, I'll leave you with this best example about blowjob Clinton. Oh God.  you, naive Americans were given some fables on the when, he was first for president. He was running right in 91. They asked him under what circumstances. Were you able to travel to Russia in 1967? And the song and dance you were all given, including you, you had to swallow it. He was a Rhode Scholar. My funny bone , you look at and this, factoid I may have mentioned to you when we met. Did I or did I not? Yeah, you did. Yeah, that's what I remember. Yeah, because you looked exactly like Paul Allen. And he was kicked out from Oxford for his marks, his views. Do you see how exactly and turn goes? Yes, Exactly. Exactly. That's a convenience position, right? That's a convenience position for power. Yeah. There is no question. Yeah, and he was just as an empty suit as Obama, basically all of them, except he was shiftier because he's actually. Narcissist. Both are, yeah, both. But, about Obama, I did tell you the most important part where he got his philosophy. Franklin, I remind you. Franklin Marshall Davis Jr. He's Angela Davis card, Kerry, communist father. we need anymore? Yeah, you gotta remember what attracts people to those readings. I from a philo, from a, for philosophical viewpoints. It's fine to read them, but that's the difference is the people who are attracted to them, meaning they, they read them as a lessons plan because they don't have the concept or in the intellect to decipher what they really. So that's, the problem. That's, the, unfortunately those positions and those people often are shifty enough to find people who will give them power to continue because they want something, right? So it always boils down to the same thing are you my prostitute or are you leaving me Which one are you? But I do know about, I know the whole background of both that. You, heard the name Sola Lins of course. Yes. Rules for radicals. Yes. Hillary Raham Rotten. I call her rotten. She was meeting him for coffee, corresponding with him. She's just as Marxist as his incidentally. Speaking of that, you know what I learned, from Dennis Prager about Marxist that, and this will surprise you. M l K belonged to that group. Wow. And I'm not surprised the Black Panthers in those days. Oh yes. This was when you were no more than five years old. They were rebels. Do you know? Yes, I do. All this, all these communist movement. Yep. The Dipper Reagan stopped it cold. Yep. But now the movement is picking up scene, big time. But it wouldn't get too far. Yeah, because it's, funny how mental disease it's, a truth that those in power rewrite the history. And because the next generation either doesn't have time or trust, the history is true.
Episode 26: Keep It Live with Mike on TikTok Live EP 1
Nov 18 2022
Episode 26: Keep It Live with Mike on TikTok Live EP 1
Hello everybody, so I want to welcome you to the Keep It Live with Mike's show every day, 9:00 PM Central Standard Time. We will talk about anything you want. We can go from politics to minor sports. I'm not into the football, baseball, or baseball politics in both Mexico and the United States, and just about life and, uh, what's life about. So join me every evening for a half hour of talk and answers at least ideas. So, um, if you would like to go live, just go ahead and go live and, uh, I mean go ahead and add me and I will surely add you on and we can chat and if you say a follow, I will follow you back. So make sure you follow up and we can have some chats and have some good times together. Talking about life. Today is Mon. I know what is today? Thursday, November 17th and it's 9:00 PM for the live Mike with Live with Mike's show, . I used to do a comedy show. In fact, I still do have a comedy show. It's a comedy festival that we do every year, but we also do every six months for another minor festival. So make sure to add your content and we can actually enjoy some time. So if anybody would like to go live, just go ahead and go live. Go ahead and send me a request and I'll add you and we can join and have a good time chatting about the world or what's going on in the world, or talk about your local area with ideas. Talk about things that maybe, maybe are important in life. We'll be doing this every day from nine o'clock to nine 30, and then as we start getting more, we'll start doing more. Why not? So anyways, go ahead. If you'd like to join in a conversation, go ahead and add me and we can have a chat about life, politics, anything you want, just kind of chilling. My work is good and done did my work the other day. Uh, we can speak in Spanish or we can just talk in English, , and, uh, we can talk about a lot of different ideas. Talk about where I live in Mexico City, so if you have any ideas or thoughts of coming to Mexico City, let me know. I do have an Airbnb here, so I do work with people during that time. But anyways, I'm here and I can work with you guys, talk to you guys about anything you want, um, anything that crosses your mind, go ahead and add me and I will go ahead. Hey, pride light. Hey, how you doing? I'm a gay guy as well. ? Yes. Hey Guy, you should add a, send me a request and we can have a chat and uh, yeah, I'm actually a gay guy and I've been gay for a long time. . So anyways, so Perry, the light. Nice to meet you, Perry, the light. And I love your gay rainbows that you sent in the in the chat. And if you'd like to have a conversation, go ahead and hook up and we can have a little conversation, two to three questions, and we'll move on to the next person. But anyways, so we're gonna have a longer conversation. Yes, go ahead. Let me, maybe I can send you a request. Is this how it works? Follow. I'm gonna follow you. So I just followed you and invite you as a guest. Oh, you don't have guest access. It says for some reason. Oh, too bad. Yeah. Say if you can request, uh, request it to me for some reason. It says you don't have friend, you don't have, lemme try again. Top one. Manage friends, followers, likes, invite. I sent you an advice. It says The veer does not have guest access. Hm. I don't know what that quite means. You don't have guest access? Hmm, definitely. Ah, okay. Yes, yes. I get it. I get it. Yeah. With time I think you'll be able to do it, but right now you don't have guest access. It says, oh, maybe you need to have so many users. Ah, that's probably what. But go ahead and type something in the chat and that we can have a discussion and I can answer some questions. Um, maybe, uh, we can share through the chat back and forth some information and ideas. and I'm liking people who are appear to, uh, show up in the chat and, um, swipe right to view more comments. Wipe left . I just don't understand Oh, here we go. Oh yeah, here we go. Now I see a lot more chats. That's that's pretty. Uh, that's great actually. I'm glad we have that. So anyways, so, uh, don't you ask me a question in the chat and maybe we can, uh, carry a little conversation while we're going this way, since we can only communicate this way. There's people kind of coming in and out, but this is live chat about the world. Anything you wanna talk about and let's see if we can gain a theme. I actually run a comedy show online as well as was live when I was in la, but I moved to Mexico City now. So now I'm living in Mexico City. And we're looking at maybe, perhaps starting our standup there. What is the first thing someone should be aware of? So their first visit to Mexico City. What is the first thing someone should be aware of for their first visit to Mexico City? Well, first of all, Mexico City has changed since the eight years that I first came here. Right now, the city has been, went through a redevelopment in the downtown area, and it actually, uh, with the, in, with the influx of Ubers into me city, I honestly think it's very, very safe. Um, Have no problems taking Ubers anywhere. Uh, the, I've noticed that the, even the taxi taxis have improved their services in Mexico City. As far as anything else, um, the water of course is still not good for drinking, but you can get used to it. Uh, it just takes a little bit of time. But if you're in a short term, I just drink a lot of water out of a bottle. They sell it everywhere. That's very, very cheap price. They don't gouge you here. Also, uh, the food is great, the tacos. Uh, the thing I don't like about Mexico City just to inform you, is you can have two restaurants across from each other. One's focused on the American dollar, so they'll charge you maybe three quarters of the American dollar for food. For a nice restaurant Americanized experience across the way, you'll get a more of a homegrown, um, Mexican restaurant that's no self proprietor ship, and it'll be one quarter of the price . So you have to decide what you like. Oh, Los Angeles. Yes. Oh. But it's very safe here. I actually go to the United States almost every Thursday. I fly out of city, um, um, cmx, I mean, not cmx. Yeah. CMX Airport. I arrive in, in, in the United States, and then I fly back the next day. I use Uber to get there. Uh, I get, when I get, when I get home, I use Uber to come back to my home, which is in the middle of El is the Centro, the Mexico City. Um, and I have no problems. Nothing, nothing very safe. Uh, if you're a traveling female, you, you'll have no problems either. I don't see any problems here. I've been here now for 18 months, going on 19 months, and I've seen no issues that were substantiated as what they show you in Hollywood. Los Angeles. Yeah, Los Angeles. I lived there for quite a while. I read my comedy show there. And I did a lot of films there as well. Made some films and, uh, both as the actor, as a producer, and basically, yeah, I like la a little pricey. Uh, very pricey. So I've kind of, uh, enjoyed being here a little bit better. So what part of the, what part of the world do you live in? Prairie. Prairie Light waits for some feedback. Hi, Dorothy. How you doing Dorothy? How you doing? Dorothy? Oh, Colorado. I used to live, I used to go to Colorado Springs in my first life, my first 20 years of my life, I was a gymnastics coach. And so I used to go to Colorado Springs, um, every year, two to three times with my athletes because they were high level athletes. . So we'd go to the Tra Olympic Training Center. So I'd fly through Denver and go to Colorado Springs. Oh, New Mexico. Oh, great. I used to go to New Mexico a lot at the, for the pit, at the pit for gymnastics meets. And I would take all my athletes to the pit for d various, uh, championship meets that were there. So we end up in, um, I think that's, uh, Albuquerque. Yeah, Albuquerque. That's great. Yeah, I've lived in area, I was born and raised in Arizona and then I went from Arizona to to Oregon. How you doing Bryce? How you doing? I like to watch your videos, Bryce. I watch them often. It's great to see you there. And uh, yeah, I lived in Oregon. I lived in Washington, I lived in California, San Francisco area, as well as La Santa Monica. In San Diego. Um, hi Bryce. How you doing? Jay Dominguez, how are you doing? Jay Dominguez, what was the Hold up, how's life? Hey Bryce. I watched your videos. Oh yeah, you're great. I love it. I love it. I love awesome things. And maybe we can chat. You wanna chat? Can you chat yet? I don't know. It doesn't say you can chat. But yeah, I watch your stuff. It's great. You remind me of a good friend of mine, uh, when I was in college. Yes, I'm doing good. I'm, I'm home now, right now in Mexico City and, uh, I decided to stay for the holidays, so the next few days, although me, Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here, um, I. Uh, people that I, I work with here, so I'm gonna spend my holiday here with them, although I don't know if I'm gonna make any Turkey So that's what I do. And, uh, so what's up? What are you up to, uh, Bryce? What's going on? What's going on in your life? What's different? What's fun? Uh, what's interesting? Tell me something interesting about your life that I don't know, or No one knows if you want . I do run a comedy show. I do it online right now, but I also have done it in, um, uh, in, in LA in a comedy club there. And right now, uh, I'm here in Mexico. We are thankful for Mexican food. I am very thankful for Mexican food. You know, I, I do tacos. I love the tacos here and every quarter there seems to be a good taco stands. Happy birthday. Happy holidays, Bryce. Yes. So we have some, where are you from, Bryce? We have one person that's here from Colorado and New Mexico. And where is Bryce from? Although I think you said it. Oh, that's awesome. Awesome. How did that go? The election polls? How? How did that go? Oh, Atlanta, right. I knew that. I knew that. I actually used to work in Atlanta. I used to fly from Portland, Oregon to Atlanta, every work in Atlanta for a week and come home on the weekend. I did that for several years. I was living in Portland, Oregon. Uh, this is in the top.com days when there's a lot of money. So companies paid us lots of money and we were able to fly back and forth at Will. So yeah. Atlanta, yes, big, big community. How was the, uh, tell us a little bit about your experience on the polls on election day. What did you feel, uh, after? Just ask that, after the event, what did you feel? About the election, uh, what did you feel? Did you feel uncomfortable? Did you feel everything felt good? Um, what, what posture your mind working as a poll? Uh, as a poll. Poll day. Oh, wow. What happened? What you just felt that the, the election didn't sway right. Or you felt that. Um, the way things were voting was handled. Were the machines breaking? What, what did you think clerk? That's an important role. Yeah. Ha. That's a bit of a joke in itself. That's great. And in fact, I was gonna, if I was going back to LA I was considering to work on the election again. I worked in 2000 before I came to Mexico. And then when I been here since then and I was considering going back cuz I was offered some opportunities and then I decided just to keep the opportunities I have now in, in Texas. Yeah, that's a, that's that's true. Sometimes people don't know what they want and so it's easier just to follow. Unfortunately, the American system isn't built on that. What had you moved to Mexico? Honestly, I'm gonna be completely honest with you. Liberty, and opportunity. I, I, I've been to Mexico eight years ago for the first time when I made a film. When we finished the film at the end of this shoot, it was two, two week shoot, I just felt that I wanted to come back and yes, you're right. The American system is built on conformity and not creation. You're absolutely right. So I decided that I would research my family background. Little did I know , that um, I had a very strong family background in Mexico. Uh, so much so that I was able to get my Mexican citizenship. And I also found that my surname, Ortega had a bit of popularity here that I didn't know about. and, uh, that's a kind of, I guess by living in the United States, I was concentrating on my life there. And it wasn't till I started looking for alternatives and dissatisfaction with being a Mexican in the United States, even though I was, um, very gringo. Um, my me, my family is very Mexican. My brothers and sisters are, and my mother are very modern, which is very dark-skinned. I just happen to be very light. And I just decided that I just wasn't satisfied with, you know, what was going on in the United States. So I decided, well, you know what? I have my citizenship. Why not come down here and see how it does give it a year? Uh, about six months into it I decided, okay, I'm gonna stay. And then a year and a half into it, uh, I said, I'm definitely gonna stay. And that's kind of where I'm at now. Isn't creation a come up? I don't know what that, um, I am a Mexican also. Oh, wow. That's great. Awesome. That's awesome. You know, you know, I, I, I have a long history of, of being my, I have, I have, my family has been in, in politics indirectly. Um, My whole life, my brother who just passed away was into politics. Uh, my other brother's wife who just passed away, unfortunately, she was very big into politics, various roles in the background, and I always just had a different way of looking at things. But I was too busy in my own life and I didn't really care much. But now that I've gotten older, I decided to take a little bit of different approach. And although I've always worked with young people, I decided to be more of a voice of reason and, uh, freedom. Mexican Kent. That's a funny, funny phrase. you know, it's, it's, it's, um, uh, it's so funny that you said that because the, the, the, the people in Mexico are very diverse. Uh, there's a lot of people who are light-skinned like me. There's the moos who are dark-skinned, and then there's other ethnicities here that come from all the whole region. In fact, the current mayor of Mexico City, she's first generation from, from Russia, uh, Russia area. I think she also, I thought it was Poland. No hung, no hungry, hungry Russian background. She's a first generation Jewish person. who lives here and who's running for mayor, who's mayor? Um, I won't go into her if you watch my videos, you pretty much know what I think about her, but she's first generation. And the bottom line is, um, Mexico is a very, uh, amazing country with a v lot of culture, a lot of poor culture that has made it great, uh, even though they have little, little means. So it's very, uh, very diverse and that's why I like it here actually. It's a fun community to live in. And, uh, I have a lot of people that I, um, work with here, uh, young people, um, street vendors, and uh, I love it. I love it. So, Well, Bryce, you're right. Poverty is ly rising in the United States. Um, one of my biggest dissatisfactions, and one of the reasons I left was because living in Santa Monica, I've been going there since I was a kid. I love it there. Santa Monica, California team was just an amazing. It has the Hispanic culture. It has, uh, the, uh, beauty, the beach, the the Ferris wheel on the part on the, on the, on the pier. Nice long walks I would take every day. Then I start going to Venice area and it just start getting worse and worse and worse. And since I'd been going to Santa Monica since I was 16 years old, I just was blown away by it. And yeah, the peer. I love the peer, but I started seeing a lot of homeless and I started seeing politicians coming in and out, in and out, and they never were addressing the issue, and I just felt dissatisfied. Uh, the last seven years of my life, living in California Santa Monica, before I came to Mexico. I was very disappointed with what I saw, and I started looking at the demographics and the numbers. And the numbers weren't jiving for me. What I mean by the numbers is, uh, you know, I work in it and I had to do what they call, you know, we had to do balance sheets and the balance sheets always have to match up, but I was noticing the balance sheets weren't matching up. And I decided, well, either I have to do something about it or I need to go somewhere where I can do something about it. So that's why I ended up. Yeah. You know, it's funny that you said that because politicians on both sides have been addressing the issue, but wouldn't do nothing about it. For example, in 1920, I know 1942 was the, uh, there was a act, a Civil Rights Act for, um, helping the homeless. I forget, I forget the name. And when I started researching this, I couldn't believe that this act was in place and passed by Congress. And the Senate, and here we were a hundred years later and nothing had happened. No, not a hundred, but 70 years later, nothing had happened. So then I realized billions of dollars were being spent and nobody was, somebody wasn't accounting for those dollars. For example, I worked with a lot of homeless in, in Washington, Seattle, Washington. In fact, ironically, a funny story is I was at the Union Gospel Mission in Santa Monica co. I mean in Seattle, Washington. And one night, a, a guy walked in and wanted to do a, a speech about drug addiction, and that person was Robin Williams. Okay. As I saw him do his speech in front of all the people who were living there and sleeping there and paying $5 to be in the union gospel missing per night. I was pretty blown away by a lot of things. Um, I was blown away by himself, how he acted in his body. and his stories. But then I was also saddened because when I looked at what was happening in the Union Gospel mission, the people were having to pay $5 to sleep in this place. And at the same token they were having, they were having a bedbug epidemic epidemic. So not only were they having to show up to sleep there at night at 4 30, 5 o'clock at night, They were because the doors shut down at six 30, but they also were sleeping and paying $5 to sleep in bed bucks. And that kind of was the crest of why I said there's a problem here. So then I started going to Goodwill because Goodwill is based outta Seattle. So I went there and I started working in the backend department. Cause you know, I was a little bit of, people knew who I work. I had a, a company. So then as I was working with, um, the company I had was an employment agency and I was hiring felons and people who were at high risk and couldn't get jobs. So I hired them to do jobs that were actually pretty good jobs, uh, that, uh, companies would let us work with them on certain things. And, uh, that means they had visibility. They, they were never ashamed of what they were doing, uh, because no one knew their backgrounds. And at the same token, we had a. Good control because they knew that I was there and working for them as well. But I started working the Salvation Army and I No, Goodwill. Oh my gosh. After two to three weeks of several meetings, I just, I couldn't do it anymore. I said, I can't do this because I'm seeing too many things that are, are bad. They're taking advantage of the customers, they're taking advantage of the funding. Uh, it's just, I, I don't want anything to do with. So I just backed off and moved on and, uh, my business didn't associate with them anymore. Uh, brown versus Board of Education. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Brown versus Board of Education. You know, after dealing with this stuff long enough, you start second guessing what's this all about? And that when I say second guessing, I don't mean second guessing. You see what it's. You're just always a little stunned that you're actually having this conversation with yourself and that stunning conversation is the crest of the problem, and that's, that's, it's just brown versus education is class example. America has legislative laws so that they don't have to hold their word. Well, that's a good way of saying it. I like to say it a little differe. I like to say it that America, United States has built process so that way the process can be the bad guys, so that way they can always look like they're doing good. That's politicians. But the process is distinctly written so that two things happen. A, they are not accountable to the process. And B, they put bodies in front of them that are accountable so people can attack them. The policing in in, in United States is the exact same issue when I was in Washington State because I was working with so many people who were felons and who were on probation. be with, you're the oaxacans, careful with the Oaxaca cheese tacos. Those things are . They'll up. You're right. Okay. You much and bye-Bye guys. See you tomorrow. Bye. Right. Thank you. Thank you. Auto-scroll
Episode 25: Mexico elites pushing to arrest #mexican dead beat men another Sheinbaum failed liberal policy
Sep 30 2022
Episode 25: Mexico elites pushing to arrest #mexican dead beat men another Sheinbaum failed liberal policy
https://share.descript.com/view/xqd4CWBxwAX NoGo, another Shinebomb liberal bull crap. That doesn't work. If you read this case, it's pretty funny. It's a story about a man who abandons his children and then finds a new wife, and then they hide their identity so they can't be found, so they don't have to pay back all the money they owe. The. And the children and the state. Let's throw them in prison. Better yet, let's kill them both. Yes. Let's sever their ties and cut their throat because they deserve to die so their children can cry at their funerals. Oh, see, this strategy is such a liberal mind mess—that unprofessional. Successful politicians like shine bomb and liberals just end up throwing fathers and mostly fathers and a few mothers in prison just go to the United States. There are millions of dead deadbeat dads living in prison. Wow. That accomplished a lot. Right? So you could proudly say your father's in prison. That's what you want. Casa 996. This is a liberal mind mess. This is precisely what I'm talking about. US policies that are failures. Failures. But you know what it does? It locks up men. Yes, it locks up men—Mexican men in prison. So Misal politician mayor, is that your object? or are you just not smart enough to look at the history of what happens in the United States where you got your education, and now you're just abusing Mexicans? I didn't grow up with a father. No, My brothers didn't grow up with a father. No, my sister did grow up with a father. My mother was beautiful, just like most Mexican. But she took the responsibility and made us proud, and taught us how to work. She didn't use the government to make us move forward, like shine bombs in Mexico City want to because they're lazy and just want to throw men in prison so they can stay in power. They're on outside, eh? No. No, not at all. Throwing men in prison because they're deadbeat dads is not the solution. There is a so, But see, it takes somebody with the brain who's seen it happen to understand how to solve it. Indeed that isn't Shinebomb, but she just doing American ideas that fail. Fail the Mexican man. Hm, What a shame. What a waste of time.
Episode 23: 4M IMMIGRANTS, WHAT IS NEXT? The path for the future. #immigrants #mexico #crises
Sep 20 2022
Episode 23: 4M IMMIGRANTS, WHAT IS NEXT? The path for the future. #immigrants #mexico #crises
4M IMMIGRANTS, WHAT IS NEXT? The path for the future. #immigrants #mexico #crises So welcome to another episode of yo soy. We are out of Mexico City. And we talk about what's happening in Mexico and what's happening in the United States for Mexicans. I choose to use Mexicans as my demographic. I am Mexican as well as I choose to use Mexican because there are 70 plus million of us in the United States. And also, there are 120 million of us in Mexico. So there are a lot of us, and my goal is to teach and make sure we understand the power we have as Mexicans to make the change on both sides of the border, which are the United States and Mexico as Mexican. So here I go today; I wanna talk about immigration, illegal immigration. I want to talk about the impact it has on the United States and what it's doing to Mexico. As far as my perspective, I work in Dallas, Texas. So I have to travel through McMillan, Texas, many times to make a connecting flight or if I want to take a bus to Dallas from Mexico. When I do this, I'm often amazed by how often I arrive at seven o'clock in the morning and can't get off that bus.Or at least I can say I can't get on a bus until two o'clock the following day. Why? Because I'm seeing shiploads of immigrants coming from the Catholic diocese center, across the street from the Greyhound in the Callen. And they're walking across every time a new bus shows up to go to Dallas or another city. So when I do this, I'm always amazed, as an American and Mexican citizen, that I'm being pushed to the side to get transport services by our government. They're not shipping them to. Dallas or Austin? No, by any means, because the buses they have on 'em are often tagged cities like Oklahoma, Phoenix, Tucson, Seattle, Portland, Florida, and many other cities.And you have to ask yourself, how is the government giving money to this Catholic church to pass people to another part of the country? It's like an old machine, though. I sit there, and I watch every day, people come in speaking Spanish to these individuals and then giving them lunches, having them sign a piece of paper, and then giving them some other things inside of the envelope. Every one of these individuals has a phone. That's another fascinating thing. How can they have phones? So when you see the system happening, it's pretty shocking. I recently heard Venezuela is emptying its prisons and setting all their individuals from Venezuela that were in prison into the United States, another travesty amongst the American people.But I wanna talk about Mexico. I had been a Mexican citizen. I just found out that my grandmother came from Mexico. And she went through this same border that I've been taking this bus on to come to the United States when she was 17 years old, turns out she was a dreamer. We never knew that my grandmother was a dreamer at the time, which was in 1928. She came. To become a citizen or try to become a citizen. So after many years, she had a whole family. We have a very big family. She had, she was married, and she had a large family. She established herself by working in the fields and as a house cleaner in various cities in silver city, New Mexico, and then in Phoenix, Arizona when I was. I have to tell you that I know this story very well because I used to go to my mom's and my grandma's house. And then she would take me to work because I was at green goal. I was at green goal. I was a white guy, and so she would take me. So when she cleaned the house, I could play with the doctors and children. And I would go there, and I would watch her clean, and then I would go play with the other kids, the little white kids, like I was Okay. And so I enjoyed it. I didn't know Spanish very much. My mom didn't know, and my grandmother didn't know very much English, but we could communicate as a grandmother and a FA as a mother and my son. Now I say all this because this is very important to understand. I believe in immigrants. I believe that if you look at the total number of immigrants and poor people in the world, our 1 million before this last year happened, that we allowed into the country. We allowed 1 million every year.That will million is now turned to 4 million in one year, one year. And you have to think about how what kind of impact that Hass. I don't think a lot of those individuals are coming from Argentina, Venezuela from other parts of the world. They mysteriously are getting across their continent, into our continent, coming up through Mexico and out. Let's talk about the real problem, though. The real problem is the coordination between governments in Mexico. And between the United States and the handshake of money being passed to allow that to happen. You can't forget. This is not something that isn't a business. Transportation is always a business. When Greyhound is giving all these tickets, it is a business. Okay. They're not doing it for free. I know because my chicken prices are rising, so they're not doing it for free. So they're truly all doing this to make. Greyhound is making a ton of money by transporting 4 million people throughout the United States, as well as airlines. Think about that 4 million tribes; the average ticket maybe it's a hundred dollars. That's four one $400 million. Greyhound is made for the transport of illegal immigrants across the United States. Corporate America. Once again is making a bank. Okay. Now they say that the cartel is shifting across Mexico. Maybe that's true in some hands; that's not better than tricking drugs, but isn't it fascinating? The two items that are making the cartel money are human trafficking for the United States, as well as selling drugs to the United. They are transporting the little guy to the United States, and the owner transports humans, as well as drugs, probably along the same transport lines.So when you think about how our government works, we think about how the Mexican government is working, and we can't stop to realize that it is the transportation of these people and products. The drugs are coming from China. The people come from south America and other continents. Through South America, money is being made. Who's paying this money? You can't forget who is paying this money. That is the American people, the United States, people have been paying for this service sadly for many years. People kept saying that both Republicans and Democrats didn't wanna stop illegal immigration because they got cheap labor. That's not the way it works. My friends, this has nothing to do with cheap labor. There's everything to do with the laws that allow this to happen. And the lawmakers creating this paradigm to occur, where they're allowing laws to not allow for change too. That's right. As a Mexican, I grew up wondering what was going on. Why can't we solve this problem? Why does my family, some of them not illegal, not legal? How is it that they cannot be legal? The process has always toyed against them because when it comes down, it goes down to voting, voting, voting. As I said, Mexicans didn't have political power until 19 after the 1970s.Because they were counted in us census during my investigation luck before I knew where my grandmother came from, which was Mexico on the other side of Sonora, right above Mexico City. I was fascinated that she didn't show up in our census. Until 1940 in New Mexico. So what that means is that many people, many Mexicans, weren't showing up in our census. And as I found out in history and reading the books, it wasn't until 1930 when they first started counting Chicago's, and then it wasn't again until 1970 when they continued counting Chicanos. So that means for 40 years, they kept it quiet. Which means we could not get political power. That means we didn't have the right representation in neighborhoods to get political power.We couldn't get housing. We couldn't get fair housing loans. We couldn't get, we couldn't get fair education loans. We always got little money. If anything, because our numbers didn't play. So this is what I'm saying. We have to do to make a change. We have to be smart. We have to go up there, and we have to vote and understand how to be the difference. Not how to have hope. No, that's a line that Cesar Chavez first used in his 1984 Commonwealth speech in San Diego. And then Obama took it later and stole lucky, still everything else. The reality is that we have to have hope. We have to be the change again. Obama took it, used it, and Caesar Chavez wrote it. Reality is very simple. Right now, we have a unique time in which Mexicans on Mexican on the United States side can apply for their citizenship and can. That means they can influence solving the corruption that we have in Mexico. That honestly is not as bad as the corruption in the United States. The United States is pretty bad in Mexico. We still have hope and the ability to make something special happen. We do this by voting and making sure that we push out the politicians who are not suitable for Mexico, who don't care about the. Because see, the good thing about Mexico is those politicians have been in for quite a while. We know who they are. For example, the mayors of Mexico City. She's been in office for five years before she was in the United States, but she's done nothing to help the youth of Mexico. She built a train station that just was redoing another train station that everybody used anyway, and didn't have a problem so she could give money to the Chinese who built the train. Once again. Infrastructure that could have been used for education. So we could help the young Mexicans become more educated, make better decisions and elevate their lives. Now we all know Mexicans are hard workers. God knows my whole life. I remember I made a joke once, and I just stood up and I said, I told my mom about being in a gang bang, and I got a scar right here.Here's the scar right here. You can see the scar. I got to scar from a gang bang. And my mother says to me home, if you wanna get outta these projects, gang banging isn't the way to go. Because if you gang bang, you're gonna end up dead or you're gonna end up owing somebody else for your life. As a Mexican, you must work three eight-hour daily shifts to get out of these projects. When she said to that meeting, I was blown. Was I doing that? I didn't realize I was doing that. I was living my life de local. I was teaching John to smoke weed. I was enjoying myself. And then I realized that day that she was right. I can work my whole life and work in the kitchen and graduate from the Chinese kitchen, or I can get an education. I can change myself. I can look at all players and evaluate them, not emotionally subjectively. I can say you are a woman, but you have done nothing to help us Mexicans. So I cannot support you. You have been a man and a politician for 20 years and nothing to help us Mexicans. So I cannot support it. You are a politician, you've been a politician in the United States for 20 years, and you are Mexican. I don't care if you're Latino at this point. And you're Mexican, and you've done nothing to help the Mexican, and you keep saying, why do I say the Mexican and not the. Because that Mexicans represent 80 to 70% of all Latinos in the United States.That means we have power, and it's time to take it. It's time to look at both sides of the wall, and it's time to let Mexico be to take away what Fox did and what slim did and what all the other prominent Mexican politicians have money in their pockets. It's time to tell them to step up or step to the side and go back into your condos in your villas in Paris or Hollywood, go to your Epstein's islands, and leave us alone. Because it's time, the world is in. Flux it's in fast flux, and it's time. I wanna thank you for joining me. This is yo soy. I hope to talk about more positive things and a better future, but it's time we work. Now, we have a field of lettuce. We have a roll of carrots. We have hundreds of trees. That the apples have to be picked, the grapes put into our basket so we can help the future of all our Mexican young people who are trapped by the lack of ability because corporate America hasn't given it to us because Mexicans, before us have sold us out because Latinos have jumped onto ours. And taking power from us that we deserved because we had the numbers and worked fairly. If you don't stand up for who you are, then you will be nobody. Cuz those who stand up for you will lead you down a path that takes you off the hill's edge to yours. Because they don't care about your future. You have to care. We have to, as an older generation, help the young understand how to have a vision and how to work for it. And that isn't how to pluck the grapes. Sure. We can do that. That isn't about how to build houses. Sure. We can do that, but we also teach them to examine political power. Corruption and teach them how we do not be that. And we don't allow them to be our future Risa. This is your soy major Domo list.com. You can find our podcast information as well as any objects or hats that you wanna buy to support us and donate to us because we are here to try to make something. For Mexicans on both sides of the wall. Yo Soy.
Episode 22: How to vote in Mexico while living in the US and challenge the current ELITE status in Mexico.
Sep 19 2022
Episode 22: How to vote in Mexico while living in the US and challenge the current ELITE status in Mexico.
Hi. I want to welcome everybody to this episode of my Yo Soy podcast. You can find us everywhere on all podcasts and all platforms, and we want to ensure that if you go to our links, you can see where you can donate to our movement. I guess I was recently just. Hold on, let me turn off that thing. Sorry. I had some things. It shouldn't be loaded in the background. Let me get rid of those. I’m I I was recently just asked, what am I trying to do with my movement here at yo soy? I call it a movement only because I'm very concerned about Mexico's future and what's happening in the United. So if I had to pick a movement, the movement would be to bring back the strength of the Mexican voter, both in the United States and Mexico; Mexico has an inquisitive voting system. Several years back, five presidents ago, it was stolen just like it was here in the United States. At five o'clock, four o'clock in the morning, the president mysteriously got voted in through illegal votes that everybody in the country had come to the knowledge that it was unlawful. So in this vein, I am concerned about computers and computers, interjection and the voting system, and the magical way these computers create bad votes or votes through fuzzy logic. So with that being said, I talk about it in many other videos I've done talking about how this happens, and we're not going to talk about it today. What we're going to talk about today is how we can make Mexicans on both sides of the United States, meaning north of the United States and south of the United States, and inside the United States be part of the voting process and make sure we get represented. As I said before, in 1970 wasn't until 1970 that Richard Nixon gave us the ability to vote as a Mexican body. Unfortunately, in 1980, that was further decorated by the use of calling us Latinos. Now it's furthered by calling less Latin X. So here we have a constant breakdown where Latinos aren't being equally represented. In the government, because they're being split off amongst groups that, again, get divided even further in this case, Mexicans, which I believe are 90% of the total Latino voter population, are not getting equal representation. Today. We have this big, phenomenal event. With illegal information going across the border, a wall and low wall, people were sent into Martha's vineyards. People were sent to Democrat states. I have a friend who's a liberal, and he says to me, you're ridiculous, Mike. And I said, wait a second. First, Florida is not a state that receives illegal aliens, except Cuba. These guys came from Venezuela, not through the waters, but they were sent there. So I had to explain that I go to McAllen, Texas, a lot to go up to Dallas, where I do work, do some work, and have a project. So I saw that I could get into McAllen, Texas, at seven o'clock in the morning. Still, I could not even get a bus into Dallas until two o'clock, one o'clock in the morning, because of the float of migrants coming from the Catholic church services across the now I'm a humanitarian. I believe in the strength of humanitarianism, helping poor people and giving them new opportunities. Hey, that's what I do here in Mexico in Mexico City. But the reality is this. I also believe in the rule of law. So I don't find that situation very comfortable. I’m I find it very uncomfortable. People talk about, oh, the reason why immigration hasn't happened over the last four or five us. President is because they want cheap labor. No, I do not believe that's why it hasn't happened. I think it hasn't happened because the laws have not given us the power to make a change. What does that mean? That means the voting laws. It wasn't until 1970. As I said, Mexicans were people living in Mexico when it became the United States before the states. I forget what they're called right now. Okay. They didn't quite state yet. New Mexico is a classic example. So what I'm getting at is that there were territories. So these states only became states in 1914, in 1911. I believe it is the two states, new Arizona and New Mexico, where my family came from. So what that means is Mexicans were always in the United. Like I said before, when 19 seven in 1930, when there was an immigration survey done called the census, they stopped counting Mexicans and started calling us something else. At the time, they called us Chicanos; then, they started calling us nothing. Okay. Because they didn't count us. It wasn't until 1970. Will that create an imbalance? A power for people living in those areas, meaning California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado, all those states were hugely Mexican by birth. They have been there since 18 hundred. So we have to remember how we got here and why we don't have the power to make a change. It's through voting because voting determines the balance of power right now. We have an exciting time where Mexico has a leader for only two more years, only two more years because many liberals are trying to come in and take his place as globalists. We can't let that happen. What we have to do is we have to work hard and get the Mexicans in the United States to vote for Mexicans that are genuinely caring about the Mexican people. The reason why they left in the first. The reason why a lot of Mexicans left is not to leave their people. They look for the greater opportunity because of the presidents in the past and where they said corrupt. Now corrupt is a big word because obviously, the United States is very corrupt right now. So I'm not going to say that either one's better or the other. I'm going to say they're equal. The United States is more corrupt because they're lying about it. At least in Mexico, I was told once a friend said his family's part of the PRI party. He says you know how this works. I said, how does this work? How this works is once we get into power, and become senators and representatives in the government, then all of our family succeeds. I said, what? Yes. Then we can hire each other and get money and make some money. And then next time it happens. When we get out of office, then boom, we get kicked out, and we hope we had enough money to survive and we have enough land or enough businesses, or we did well enough to go to the United. Once again, that is the imbalance of power done to create power by the rich; that way, they propagate your poorness. The same reason I kept saying to myself, why is our current mayor building a train of all things? We need water in Mexico City. We need better transportation in the city. People from place to. We need better infrastructure. So that new up-and-coming young people like my assistant, who's only 23 years old. Like he can move into a nice apartment and feel the power of upward mobility, but that's not what the government wants, but that's the same thing that happened in the United States. So let's take a lesson from a bad. Okay, because when you start building infrastructure so much that you start using all the tax dollars and you take part of that tax dollars, and you're giving it to your family, friends to do infrastructure, to do projects, then you know what happens? 30% of it goes to the actual project expenses increase. So what happens is the government is perpetuating its ability not to help the poor. I describe rather quickly, broadly. What's going on? So let's talk about how we can become part of the great movement that I see happening in Mexico. I don't care about the United States right now. The United States has its problems. They have a leader, and there's a leader who's willing to help them. And it worked before. And maybe he'll come back in power, who knows, but the problem is the base is messed up in the United States from the judicial system, all the way to the presidential and how they get there and who gets. We don't need that. In fact, to move even better. Let me take away this phone call to make that even better. The way we could move forward is by participating in what's being allowed us to do today. Sadly, the reason why the shine bombs in Mexico city don't want to have the education of the young increased is that then they will do what they tell them. It wasn't that they didn't have the change because it's a busy restaurant. It's because they didn't know how to count the change. They didn't know how to use a calculator. It wasn't to like start talking to people, and they didn't know how to use the register to get change. Did I start realizing they didn't know how to give change? Just from the hand, when I saw that, I said, wow, that's what they're doing with this vote. They don't want Mexicans to become more educated. They don't want the youth that is selling on the streets. I love those youth who are selling on the streets because it's exciting to see them do things with their hands and be active instead of worrying about crimes. Instead of joining the drug cartel, instead of doing all the easy things, they're working hard for the day's work, then I start to realize. Ah, these elite class in Mexico they're doing this on purpose. They don't wanna improve their education. They don't want to raise the people in Mexico because if they do, they stand a chance to expose their lack of education. Their lack of being able to make things right, their lack of caring for the future of Mexico and the young. Then I realize, ah, that's part of the game. Now that I understand it. What am I gonna do? What I'm gonna do as an educator is I'm gonna educate. I'm gonna help people understand how, if they want to participate, they can participate. And this is my secret evil plan that I'm sharing with you that we all can do today. We don't have to wait till tomorrow. If you're a Mexican citizen, if you are a Mexican who lives in the United States and maybe went there illegally or got there illegally, or got your papers. If your father and mother were growing up in Mexico, if your grandmother, now I hear, was born in Mexico, you can vote and don't have to go back to Mexico. You don't have to go back to Mexico. No, quite the opposite. Let me give you a classic example. When I got my Mexican citizenship, I did it in Los Angeles. The embassy gave me my citizenship. And then they said, do you want to vote? I said, sure. I want to vote. So they said, here's your card, what's your address? We'll send this information to your current address; you can only vote from that area. I said, what? I can vote in Mexico in the United States. Heck yeah, I'm gonna do that. So what I did was I got it. I got my vote. My and I used it everywhere. I go as my ID and my ability to vote now. When I went to Mexico City, that was in an instant where my family was from. So I had to switch my voter preference so I could vote, but more exciting than all of this. By doing this, we can now vote, even in the United States, if you're a Mexican citizen as a United States citizen. So now we can participate in improving the things that drove people away from Mexico into the United States and create opportunities for the Mexicans that are here, who are fighting to get to the next level. Just like my young assistant. He's 23 years old. He's trapped. He's got an education. He doesn't have enough. He has so many things for him, but he's trapped. What should I do, Mike? Should I go to the United States? Should I go to another country outside of Mexico? What should I do? And I say, trust me, give me three years. I want you to work hard. Listen to what I'm saying. Listen to my words. Look at how you can change your life and start acting on them. So we are the first step. We created a small business. I financed him so he could start building this business. That's him, it's not mine. It's him so we can learn and gain revenue, and he can start moving to his next one. And his next one, and I said, I'm going to do this one first, the next one, we're gonna participate the next one's after that, let's see how it goes. And I'm gonna reach out to Mexicans in the United States. I'm gonna reach out to groups who wanna participate in making Mexico. Amazing because Mexico has. A lot of countries don't have it has hard workers and God-loving people. It has resources that it hasn't been sold off to the highest dollar from another country. And right now, it has a president who cares for Mexico. Is he perfect? Heck no. How did you expect somebody to live through and run? As much as he could do to get to the presidency, he had to live with the corruption of all the presidents before. Push it aside because he was maybe a little bit, not dog enough, not fight enough. That makes sense. Is he perfect? Heck no. Does he care? Yes, sir. And that's what matters. He cares about the Mexicans of Mexico. All of. He's not using Mexico as a launching pad. Go live in Spain to go live in Ireland, a beautiful home in Hollywood. Now his son was in Texas, but that's a different story. So what I'm trying to say to you is that we have a great opportunity, and the way we do that is Votar. And we do that on both sides in the United States and Mexico. Of course, I'm gonna ask you to please participate and donate to my movement so I can make it a movement, make it a cause we have the little merch we're trying to sell, so the people can use that money to do more things. We can travel more. We can see more of Mexico and relate to you about how we can make this fantastic. So that's my promise to you. I grew up in the United States in a poor Mexican family. We lived in the projects. We had to work for everything we had. My opportunities were not based in the United States. That killed me because I didn't have enough money to go further. And to go further, I had to sell out certain things I wasn't willing to do. Yes. Hollywood asked me to sell out. Yes. They promised to open 20 stores for me if I participated in their actions. And I said, no, by no means, would I participate in such Tom Foolery, such consultations to people and to be an educator and to love family. So I said, no, that's an important thing. Thank you. Please donate to our cause. You can find that in my Snapchat, not Snapchat; I would just in my TikTok also go to our website. We called majorDomolist.com. You'll find all our information, and that's my podcast for today. I wanna thank you very much, and I'll see you in the next couple of days, and hopefully, Rodrigo will sit next to me, because he's always so busy with that new job I gave him. Okay. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.