Living In Service With Stefan Ozich

Stefan Ozich

Podcast of ideas and becoming a better version of yourself hosted by Stefan Ozich read less


Thomas Kellenberger : Walking 15,000km’s, Starting an NGO & Moving with Purpose
Oct 20 2022
Thomas Kellenberger : Walking 15,000km’s, Starting an NGO & Moving with Purpose
Hello all, welcome back to another episode of the podcast. As always thank you for joining me for another journey through conversation and tapping into the infinite wisdom these amazing guests have to offer.  This episode was full of just that wisdom and comes from a man who is exploring the realms of his existence and reaching to places many humans will and may never go. Who is he? His name is Thomas Kellenberger. He is the founder of NGO, Island Kids Philippines and is currently on a pilgrimage walking from Switzerland all the way to the Philippines to raise awareness for children who fall victim to abuse and who don't have access to resources or facilities to gain proper education. His organization has already built schools and offered gateways for children into schooling and ultimately, higher education. We get to cover the whole extent of his journey, currently and prior, just to get a glimpse into what compels a human to offer so much of themselves to something far bigger than them. Prepare to learn about his reasoning for taking up such a feat, what service means to him, his nutrition along the way, his training leading up to his immense task. We learn about how he began the NGO, how his heart opened to these children, what 13 months on foot has taught him so far, how he embraces discomfort and much more. This was an incredibly inspiring conversation for me as i'm sure it will be for all of you. Links to his NGO, donations tabs, his instagram and any other information about Thomas and his journey is below. Thanks again for tuning in and remember if you would like to support the podcast further, please rate, review and share the podcast on all major streaming services. It will especially help spread more awareness for endeavours such as Thomas's. Thank you and love you all, Stefan  LINKS : Island Kids Philippines: Kuya Thom : Instagram : @islandkidsphilippines
Valentin Ozich on I Love Ugly, Overcoming adversity and Confronting Change
Sep 16 2022
Valentin Ozich on I Love Ugly, Overcoming adversity and Confronting Change
Welcome back everyone to the 10th episode of the podcast. It's a gift to have you tuning back in for some meaningful conversations with great and wise minds.  This show was reflective of that - we had the privilege of speaking with Valentin Ozich; Founder and creative director of New Zealand fashion label, I Love Ugly. We get to talk about the inception of the brand, his genesis and how he become drawn to creativity and art. We talk about what it takes to build a clothing business, the mindset required, the constant adaptation needed and the approach to changing perspectives in times of threat. This alongside mental resilience, his bought with depression, approaching diet and lifestyle to combat mental low's and plenty more. This conversation truly brought incredible learnings and gives us some necessary tools as we navigate our ever-changing journey of life. This journey isn't meant to be easy, we aren't meant to have it all served on a platter. It's ingrained in our genetics to move towards that which gives us life, nourishment and meaning.  If you wish to find out more from Valentin and I Love Ugly, links are below. Thanks again for tuning in and please support this episode anyway you can. I thank you and send my love, Stefan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram : @valentinozich Podcast : I Love Ugly Audio Show (Spotify, Apple Podcast's etc.) Semi Permanent Speech : I Love Ugly website : Instagram : @iloveugly
Metabolic Health, Public Health and More Fat with Prof. Grant Schofield
Aug 24 2022
Metabolic Health, Public Health and More Fat with Prof. Grant Schofield
Welcome back to another episode of the Living In Service Podcast. I hope you have been keeping well and have been getting closer to your vision of a meaningful and honest life. This conversation was a reflection of this aim, as Grant and I discussed what metabolic health is, how to achieve metabolic health, what metabolic flexibility means, why fat has a bad wrap and much more. To begin I would like to brief on Professor Grants background. He is currently a Professor of Public Health at Auckland University and is director of the universities Human Potential Centre. He's an author of bestelling book's, What The Fat, What The Fast, What the Fast for Sport Performance, What The Fat Cookbook and is director of PreKure, an online social enterprise aimed at educating and empowering the individual to lead a healthier fuller life. A lot of his current research is focused on prevention as a means to a cure. He understands getting to the root cause of the problem is most effective versus acquiring the disease and combating the problem once the issue has arisen. Professor Schofield offers solutions and approaches as to equipping oneself, offering a toolkit to combat the decline of our own health. This was an incredibly insightful conversation and I am so happy I managed to get him on the show. Ive attached some links below for you to explore deeper into what Professor Schofield has in the works. Blog : Books and Resources : Prekure : For those who wish to support the podcast, you can do so by rating, reviewing and sharing the podcast through most social media platforms.  Until next time, thanks for tuning in. Love & Service,  Stefan