Righteous Karma


Immerse yourself in Righteous Karma, a soul-stirring podcast designed to empower your spirit and elevate your consciousness. Engage with real, raw conversations curated by Ty, a certified Spiritual Life Coach and Social Worker, that inspire personal growth and transformation. Tune in for a dose of deep wisdom, authentic stories, and a community that nurtures love and inspiration. read less
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From Roots to Wings: Nurturing Strength and Self-Worth in Our Daughters
May 6 2024
From Roots to Wings: Nurturing Strength and Self-Worth in Our Daughters
Episode Overview: In this inspiring episode, Ty Allen welcomes Frances Odom, a dynamic transition coach, educator, and motivational speaker. Frances shares her expert insights on empowering our daughters, drawing strength from family legacies, and breaking generational cycles. Both being mothers to three daughters, Ty and Frances dive deep into the importance of nurturing self-worth and empowerment from a young age. What You'll Learn: How Frances uses affirmations and personal experiences to teach her daughters about self-worth and empowerment.The impact of family influences on personal development and how Frances draws strength from her grandmother’s resilience.Practical strategies for breaking negative family cycles and fostering open communication with children.The importance of expressing love and affirmation within the family to build a strong foundation of self-esteem and confidence in children. Highlights of the Conversation: Frances discusses the daily affirmations she practices with her daughters to instill confidence and self-love.The significance of being present and verbally expressive of love to prevent children from seeking validation elsewhere.Tips on including children in conversations about decisions that affect them, reinforcing their confidence to speak up.Frances emphasizes the importance of apologies and accountability in parenting, teaching children that adults can also make mistakes and learn from them. Closing Thoughts: Ty and Frances reflect on their personal journeys and the lessons they wish to pass on to their daughters, emphasizing the role of parental influence in shaping a child's sense of self and ability to face the world confidently. Connect with Frances: Instagram: @BornAgainFearlessFacebook Group: Born Again Fearless Community Stay in Touch with Ty: Email: ty@righteouskarma.meInstagram: @righteouskarma.me
Cultivating Joy in Every Season
Dec 24 2023
Cultivating Joy in Every Season
This podcast episode focuses on cultivating joy in various seasons of life, contrasting it with happiness and providing tips for nurturing joy. Valley Moments: These represent challenging periods in life, such as obstacles, setbacks, or personal struggles. They are characterized by uncertainty and adversity. Mountaintop Moments: These are times of personal victories and great joy, marked by milestones and a sense of fulfillment. Happiness vs. Joy: Happiness: This is often tied to short-term feelings of contentment and can be influenced by external factors like achievements, relationships, or material possessions. It varies based on daily experiences and situations.Joy: In contrast, joy is a lasting and profound sense of well-being. It's connected to one's internal state and can persist even during valley moments. It's associated with fulfillment, purpose, and a spiritual connection. Tips for Cultivating Joy: Practice Gratitude: Engage in daily reflections on things you're grateful for. This shifts focus from what's lacking to what's abundant.Be Present: Fully engage in and appreciate current experiences through grounding exercises.Laughter: Recognized as a mood booster and likened to medicine for the soul.Cultivate a Growth Mindset and Acceptance: Accept valley moments as part of life. View challenges as lessons and opportunities for growth.Savor Positive Experiences/Mountaintop Moments: Intentionally appreciate and fully feel these moments, avoiding the urge to rush through them.Celebrate Wins: Acknowledge all achievements, big or small, as worthy of celebration.In essence, the episode emphasizes the importance of developing joy, which is more profound and enduring than happiness, and offers practical strategies for doing so in all life's seasons.
You Fill Your Own Shoes Perfectly
Nov 13 2023
You Fill Your Own Shoes Perfectly
Episode Overview: This episode delves into the empowering concept of "filling your own shoes," encouraging listeners to embrace their individuality and live life on their own terms. Ty discusses the importance of defining one's purpose and building a legacy with intention, away from societal pressures and expectations. Key Topics Discussed: The common phrase "You have some big shoes to fill" and its implications.The importance of living life according to personal standards, rather than trying to meet others' expectations.How the book "The Alchemist" inspires finding one's purpose.The evolution of personal perspectives and values over time.The role of mentors and role models in providing guidance.The journey towards fulfillment, peace, and joy as core values.The significance of being fulfilled in life and pursuing passions.Embracing imperfections and treating oneself with grace.The ongoing process of self-reflection to redefine vision and clarify core values. Listeners' Takeaways: Encouragement to live authentically and embrace individual paths.Inspiration to find and follow personal legends and purposes.Understanding the value of mentors while forging one's unique journey.Emphasizing the importance of self-reflection in personal growth. Connect with Ty: Share your experiences and advice on living life on your own terms by emailing Ty at ty@righteouskarma.me.Join the conversation on Instagram @RighteousKarma.me. Closing Thoughts: Ty signs off by sending love and light to the listeners, encouraging them to continue their journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment.