Soul Focused Group Podcast

Soul Focused Group

At the Soul Focus Group, we teach you how to integrate your social and political consciousness with your spiritual consciousness.  We created Soul Focused Radio to share our healing tools and resources with the world. Every week our hosts come together to share their thoughts and experiences with building human connection. We believe that together we can foster more creative and socially conscious environments in our own lives, and take that energy into the world around us.

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A New Mind: Healing Our Wounded Inner Child
Dec 11 2023
A New Mind: Healing Our Wounded Inner Child
Hank Azaria and Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins continue their discussion on healing the wounded inner child in this new podcast. Our Chief Operations Officer, Dustin Washington, opens this episode by asking our guests to share their experiences with their inner child while working in social justice. Social justice work is important to our future, but it also create spaces where we are trying to create change without healing. Cyndi found herself exhausted in the social justice movement after she realized how much work she had put in and it still didn’t feel like a lot of change. This exhaustion and frustration can lead to us acting as wounded children in our everyday work. Cyndi shares how she felt the most love and success when she was able to enter spaces with a healed inner child. In the second segment of this episode Cyndi and Hank explore the internal pain many of us have from our childhoods. If we do not learn to identify and accept our internal pain we cannot help heal this world. Hank and Cyndi have both found that identifying their childhood triggers has helped them heal their wounded inner child. Their end goal was to understand their feelings to find better reactions that worked for them and the important people in their lives. Show Notes:1:35 Healing Our Wounded Inner Child In Social Work8:21 Inner Child Versus Inner Teen14:49 Addressing Your Internal Pain19:37 Identifying Triggers and Accepting Your Feelings24:08 Outro With Martin FriedmanThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: The Inner Child Featuring Hank Azaria & Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins
Oct 30 2023
A New Mind: The Inner Child Featuring Hank Azaria & Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins
Our Chief Operations Officer, Dustin Washington, leads our new podcast on healing our wounded inner child. He is joined by Hank Azaria and Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins to discuss their journey in healing their inner child, and how they created a new mind that works for them. The wounded inner child is an unhealed part of us that was formed by our survival strategies that help us ignore our trauma. Hank and Cyndi begin this episode with their definitions of the inner child, and what healing tools have helped them in their journey. Hank believes that no trauma outweighs the other, and that we are all walking around with a wounded inner child as a result from our socialization. Cyndi describes the inner child as a piece of her that she never got to fully express. She goes on to explain how our childhood experiences can cause us to form habits as adults. Cyndi had to look deeply inside of herself to find the cause of her anxiety, and she found that her instability during her childhood was the root. Dustin asks Hank to share his thoughts on the dysfunctions and costs the wounded inner child has on us as adults. Hank has found that a lot of the roles and survival strategies we form do not fully serve us. Hank found himself self medicating and forming a persona at a young age to cope with the dysfunction he was experiencing at home. These survival strategies served him well as an actor, but they did not serve him well when building important relationships in adulthood. This episode closes out with Hank and Cyndi discussing how they identify and react to their childhood triggers. We all are walking around as adults with childhood trauma that can be triggered at any moment. Cindy and Hank remind us that we are not our reactions. Healing our wounded inner child is a process that will take time to achieve and understand.Show Notes: 1:36 Hank and Cyndi Introduction2:34 What Is The Inner Child?15:18 How Our Childhoods Shape Us As Adults23:28 The Cost Of A Wounded Inner Child32:12 The Inner Child Creating Workaholics  35:11 Identifying Childhood Triggers43:20 Reacting To Childhood Triggers As Adults The Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: Spiritual Healing and Restorative Justice
Sep 4 2023
A New Mind: Spiritual Healing and Restorative Justice
Anuar Velazquez and Jerry Elster sat down with our host, Martin Friedman, to share their thoughts on restorative justice in the American prison system. Anuar is a former police officer and Jerry was formerly incarcerated. Jerry begins by sharing that restorative justice started within himself and progressed into building, maintaining, establishing, and mending relationships. Jerry realized that he brought harm to his community when he committed his crime, and that was a relationship he needed to mend to heal. Anuar also thinks relationships are crucial to restore justice in America’s criminal justice system. When Anuar was a police officer he felt like he was participating in restorative justice the most when he was building relationships in the communities he grew up in. The three men go on to discuss how restorative justice is reconnecting with humanity. We are socialized to believe that our titles are more important than our vulnerability and honesty. Jerry shares how he judged everyone in the justice system by their title and this caused him to realize he didn’t have the ability to see the humanity in others. To build and maintain relationships within our communities we must learn to look beyond labels, titles, and identities.Show Notes 2:14 Jerry Elster shares his experience in the criminal justice system5:19 Jerry shares how looking within himself changed his view on restorative justice8:37 Anuar talks about his relationship with restorative justice as a former police officer11:19 Martin shares his thoughts on restorative justice as a racial equity worker15:08 Jerry reacts to Anuar and Martin’s definitions of restorative justice17:50 Anuar talks about how restorative justice also restores humanity 19:12 Martin asks Anuar and Jerry to share how to be accountable when restoring justice29:44 Martin talks about how society has to take accountability in restorative justice33:35 Jerry talks about taking accountability in patriarchy37:30 Anuar explores how accountability can be weaponized in restorative justice41:19 Martin and Anuar explore how we shape our own reality 42:39 Jerry talks about how we avoid responsibility in restorative justice work46:29 Anuar explains how we can all find a place of connectionThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: Innerwareness & Spiritual Consciousness
Aug 21 2023
A New Mind: Innerwareness & Spiritual Consciousness
Our CEO, Berwick Mahdi Davenport,  joins our Soul Focused Radio hosts to continue talking about innerwareness. Innerwareness is a Soul Focused Group term that we define as the way our first mind communicates with and directs our second mind. In this podcast M begins by exploring why he and a lot of other racial equity workers felt defeated. M spent years being a racial equity trainer and after all his hard work he felt like there was something missing from organizations and movements. He believes that the side effect to being social conscious is only being able to see the world’s problems, and losing sight of our own self work. A big portion of this podcast consists of our hosts and M explaining how self work is not selfish. We are often socialized to believe that focusing on ourselves is a selfish act. We learn from our peers that taking the time to focus on ourselves makes us self centered, selfish, greedy, and egotistical. We want all of our listeners to know that putting yourself first is not selfish. Christin shares how she followed her innerwareness, and found herself lonely after doing all the work. Becoming spiritual conscious can feel lonely when you are the only one doing the work. However, we can demonstrate how integrating our social and spiritual consciousness can improve our way of life.Show Notes:2:08 Mahdi questions why social and spiritual consciousness are becoming so important6:06 M explains how becoming spiritual conscious can benefit all aspects of your life8:55  M and Christin explain how self work is not selfish14:26 M explores the idea of how we are socialized to be used18:54 Martin asks Christin and M to elaborate on being stuck in suffering25:38 M explains how negative thinking can impact our mind28:15 Our hosts and M discuss how the world tricks us into doubting ourselves34:16 Christin asks M to explain how we rid ourselves of conflict 38:34 Martin talks about how we can shift our focus to ourselves42:37 The podcast closes out with a discussion about the power of our imaginationsThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: Innerwareness and Healing Solutions
Jul 24 2023
A New Mind: Innerwareness and Healing Solutions
Berwick Mahdi Davenport sat down with our hosts Martin Friedman and Christin Farmer to discuss how he got in touch with his innerwareness during his spiritual journey. M explains how innerwareness is our ability to listen to our intuition and our intelligence. We come into this world and ask for guidance in things we should learn about ourselves. Christin and M discuss how the world gets us to listen to other voices instead of our own intelligence. As children we are discouraged to ask questions and be curious. M believes that we learn the most abut our authentic selves through fun and play. We learn the best parts of ourselves when we are having fun. Many people were deprived of play as children because they had to focus on survival. As adults we can take the time to have fun and learn more about ourselves to understand our souls better. Our souls are asking us to let go of our egos and have confidence in ourselves. M closes out this podcast by explaining how we can learn to let go. We can reconnect with our egos and let go of all of the doubt we have about being ourselves. We can use our egos to help us confidence in ourselves to be whoever we want.Show Notes: 1:48 Our CEO, Berwick Mahdi Davenport, shares his spiritual journey7:00 M explains how we develop spiritual amnesia12:56 Christin asks M to elaborate on innerwareness 17:45 Our hosts and M share their experiences with children asking questions21:37 Christin and M explore the restrictions around fun26:52 Martin asks M how innerwarenesss is demonstrating self care32:16 M explores the meaning of home and how sharing can heal us 41:28 Martin and M explain how to give ourselves permission to heal43:48 Christin asks M to explains how we let go of our egos and subconscious thoughtsThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: Non-Duality Featuring Gabriel Lugo
Jul 10 2023
A New Mind: Non-Duality Featuring Gabriel Lugo
Martin Friedman and Dustin Washington sat down with Gabriel Lugo to learn more non-duality and spiritual leadership. Gabriel was a former atheist that became skeptical and curious about his consciousness. He began to investigate what the nature of reality is, and he found many teachings that brought him closer to understanding his own mind. Gabriel started with The Law of One, but he was really interested in non-duality. From spirituality, mysticism, and psychology, to quantum science and cosmic evolution. Non-duality is at the core of its mystical teachings. Gabriel takes an hour of his morning to meditate and understand his mind better. He has found that finding time to himself has brought him closer to seeing everyone and everything as one. Gabriel also explains how non-duality is very independent but also holistic. Meditation is very independent, but he takes his mindset into the world viewing the whole world. Gabriel believes that our reality and power flow from within us. Our mind is the portal to our true selves, and by implementing everyday spiritual practices we learn more about ourselves.Listen to Gabriel Lugo’s podcast: Notes:1:39 Gabriel Lugo shares his spiritual journey and curiosity about science6:10 Martin asks Gabriel about how he was raised spiritually9:49 Gabriel defines non duality 13:10 Dustin asks Gabriel to share some of his daily spiritual practices17:20 Gabriel explains how reality and power come from within us24:48 Martin and Gabriel explore non-duality and how close it is to non-attachment 30:40 Dustin asks Gabriel to share his view on everything having love36:01 Gabriel expands on how the mind is a portal to our true self42:59 Martin and Gabriel close out the podcast discussing how holistic non-duality isThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: Living The Law of One Featuring Jim McCarty
Jun 26 2023
A New Mind: Living The Law of One Featuring Jim McCarty
We invited Jim McCarty back as our special guest to continue his discussion on The Law of One. In this episode Jim dives deeper into how The Law of One will show up in our lives, and he also share some tools to help us see the creator in everyone. Jim shares his amazing mediation breathing technique that has helped him find balance in his life. This technique can be used to feel closer to humanity by reflecting on an experience at the end of your day. He also uses mediation that focuses on recreation and imagination to help heal his inner child. Jim explains that our perspective on trauma is holding us back, and we have to see every experience as a learning opportunity. Jim shares a beautiful story about his anger coming out when he was frustrated, and this would cause him to break something. He recalls the last time he broke something out of anger because that night he cried to himself as he accepted himself.  Jim believes that reoccurring patterns in our lives are opportunities for us to learn and grow. We hope that by sharing this podcast we can encourage everyone to treat the world and ourselves with love. We are ready to be one with ourselves and we are all one. Thank you for listening, and visit to learn more about The Law of One. Show Notes:2:28 Martin asks Jim McCarty to share how the The Law of One has impacted his life4:46 Jim shares how he uses balances exercises to be closer to humanity7:39 Dustin asks Jim how he has found ways to keep his heart open13:35 Jim shares how he has integrated love into his intimate relationships18:36 Martin and Jim explore how we can heal our inner child through meditation24:41 Jim explains how preincarnation fits into The Law of One27:11 Jim shares a beautiful story about learning to accept his anger33:18 Martin and Jim explore how difficult it can be to accept every part of yourself37:27 Jim shares his thoughts on what true human nature is40:25 Dustin and Jim explore the idea of wanderers 44:09 Jim explains how we can collectively healThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
A New Mind: The Law of One Featuring Jim McCarty
Jun 12 2023
A New Mind: The Law of One Featuring Jim McCarty
Martin Friedman and Dustin Washington will be collaborating on our new podcast series A New Mind. The first episode of the series features Jim McCarty. Jim started as a teacher in the inner city of Jacksonville, FL after his involvement in the hippie revolution. After Jim found his spiritual consciousness through dreams and journaling he moved to Kentucky where he spent 6 years living a self-sufficient lifestyle. While there he he founded the Rock Creek Research and Development Laboratories in 1977. Two year later he met Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert to begin their work with The Ra Material. Jim discusses The Law of One, and how important it is to understand The Law of One to create human solidarity. Jim defines The Law of One as seeing everyone as one regardless of their religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and physical abilities. When we see everyone as one we see their humanity and we see them for who they are. This allows us to adjust our spiritual journey to be in service to others and to find how we can become one with ourselves. Jim explains how we all have the ability to travel a positive path even with negative entities in our world. He has found that through meditation he can make spiritual connections with himself and the creator. Thoughts and concepts can come to us during meditation that are beyond words. Meditation can bring us thoughts and feelings from our creator that can bring us closer to ourselves. Jim’s biggest piece of advice that he has learned from studying Ra is to show more love. He has found that going out into the world showing everyone love has helped him love himself. We are excited to share Jim’s beautiful wisdom with the world and we can’t wait to have him back on Soul Focused Radio.Show Notes:2:20 Jim McCarty introduces himself and his spiritual upbringing6:59 Jim explains The Law of One 11:52 Martin has Jim explore the purpose of the veil of forgetting16:43 Dustin and Jim explore positive and negative polarity in our lives20:52 Martin questions Jim on how difficult it can be to stay on the positive path24:56 Jim shares his experience witnessing the downloading of Ra material29:34 Jim explains why mediation is essential for The Law of One36:14 Jim discusses how negative polarity is causing political conflict and street violence43:08 Martin and Jim talk about the power of love and lightWant to learn more about Jim’s research? Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Cultural Appropriation VS Cultural Appreciation
May 20 2023
Cultural Appropriation VS Cultural Appreciation
Martin Friedman, Martina Tam, and Christin Farmer are back to continue their beautiful discussion on cultural appreciation. In their last podcast together they defined cultural appreciation as having a  understanding, transactional, and empathetic relationship with a different culture . Martin begins this podcast by sharing his thoughts on cultural appropriation. He believes that appropriation involves someone in a position of power stealing something spiritual without consent. Martina goes on to point out that taking something spiritual for monetary gain is also considered cultural appropriation. Our hosts have had to honor and collaborate with other cultures in the past. Christin shares a beautiful story on how she honored indigenous and tribal baby wrapping by inviting traditional women to teach a class. She understood that she was not an expert and found a respectful way to offer baby wrapping to her mothers. We want everyone to feel comfortable exploring other cultures without the fear of being accused, criticized, and cancelled. Our hosts agree that doing the work to understand ourselves is the most important step. When we understand our own culture and purpose we accept different cultures in a more loving way. We hope that this podcast can help others understand how to approach  cultures in a respectful way so we can begin building human solidarity together.Show Notes: 4:11 Christin and Martin discuss how we move from appropriation to appreciation8:13 Martina shares her thoughts on what cultural appropriation looks like11:55 Our hosts explore the idea of asking for cultural permission and approaching appropriation in a healthy way16:41 Christin shares a story about the time she asked for help from indigenous and tribal people to help teach her clients how to wrap their babies19:47 Our hosts share their thoughts on the different feelings with white people appropriating versus another race/ethnicity appropriating25:09 Christin shares with Martina how she has had to build a better relationship with her own culture to feel secure in exploring different cultures29:35 Martin shares his own thoughts on how he has to hold himself accountable as a white man to be respectful when learning about new cultures and how weaponized accountability is a part of cancel culture.32:19 Christin talks about how learning collective cultural appreciation can help build human solidarityThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Becoming Powerful
May 8 2023
Becoming Powerful
In this podcast Martin Friedman sits down to discuss becoming powerful with Berwick Mahdi Davenport and Dustin Washington. Together the three men explore how individual power can create collective power. They have all found that when we are in our internal power we create healthy collective power. We have to see and acknowledge that we came into this world to participate with our power. Mahdi and Dustin also explore how we are programmed to believe and celebrate collective power over our own. Mahdi explains that many of us don’t see our power because we don’t discuss power until we are adults. Many of us grew up in households that did not discuss power and self empowerment. Dustin shares that as a child he felt shame and guilt when he would celebrate how powerful he felt. We have to move beyond this idea that we cannot be a powerful individual.  In the second portion of this podcast our guests introduce The Soul Focused Power Summit. This summit was developed to help leaders recognize what is in their subconscious programming and  reprogram their mind to believe in their power. We hope to see amazing leaders at the power summit to begin building human solidarity with us. Visit our website for more information!Show Notes 2:16 Martin asks Dustin and M what they think becoming powerful means4:38 M explains how different authority and power are6:07 Dustin discusses how important it is to teach young people to be powerful7:48 Mahdi shares his childhood experience with power9:43 Dustin shares how he became powerful through his life coaching process14:22 Mahdi discusses how he coaches people to change their own reality17:57 The three men explore how powerful our imaginations can be24:04 Martin and Mahdi explore how fear can create power27:29 Mahdi and Dustin introduce the upcoming Soul Focused Power Summit32:13 Mahdi talks about how we have to be ready to accept power36:41 Martin asks Dustin about hearing concerns and discomfort with power in workshops39:01 Mahdi shares his thoughts on showing up out of power41:39 Dustin explores the idea of being able to create whatever we want46:24 Martin explains how we are programmed to believe and accept negative comments about ourselvesThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
The Spiritual Benefits of Forgiveness
May 1 2023
The Spiritual Benefits of Forgiveness
Martin Friedman is flying solo this week on our new podcast. In a recent episode Martin shared a story about learning to forgive his mother, and he is back to discuss the spiritual benefits we get from forgiveness. Martin explains how forgiveness meditation helped him learn how to see other people and how to treat himself better. The forgiveness meditation he listened to broke down forgiveness into three parts. You learn to forgive yourself for the things you have done to other people, you forgive yourself for the things you have done to yourself, and you forgive other people for what they have done to you. Martin believes that these forgiveness steps worked best for him and allowed him to be honest with the people he needed to forgive. He has found that by forgiving his mother it has opened up their relationship to be more understanding. Martin’s mother has shared things with him she has never told anyone, and Martin feels like both of their souls are more free with open communication. Martin has found that by forgiving his mother he has been able to have a spiritual relationship with her. When we forgive people we are seeing them for who they are and it shows us that we can meet people where they are at. The spiritual benefits of forgiveness will move us towards our authentic selves and allow us to have spiritual relationships with others. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Martin’s beautiful journey, and remember to always stay Soul Focused!Show Notes 2:40 Martin shares what he thinks spiritual benefits should feel like3:01 Martin shares his experience with forgiveness mediation5:16 Martin tells a story about his mom’s thoughts on forgiveness and generational trauma7:30 Martin shares how he has found physical and spiritual benefits to forgiveness9:21 Martin explains how generational trauma can cause spiritual blockers17:47 Martin shares his spiritual journey with learning to forgive his ancestors and learning new ways to honor them19:45 Martin shares how we limit ourselves by not learning to forgive and how this can cause conflict within usThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
How Powerful The Mind Is
Apr 24 2023
How Powerful The Mind Is
Martin Friedman interviews Chantel Prat in this new podcast. Chantel is a professor in the department of psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience at The University of Washington. Martin and Chantel explore the power of the mind from a scientific perspective. Together they dive deep into what they think makes the mind so powerful. Chantel believes that the perceptions we develop in our minds are what make it the most powerful. We develop our own perceptions of the world based on our observations and experiences. Chantel explains that our brains process data based on our lifetime experiences. Every single mental experience shapes our brain. It is important to understand how our minds are developed because we will be fighting against a lifetime of experiences to reprogram them. Martin and Chantel also explore how difficult it can be to create human solidarity when our minds are constantly in conflict. Chantel explains how we can try to convince others to see our way of thinking instead of trying to understand another perspective. We are starting in the wrong place when we begin with trying to change someone’s mind. Martin and Chantel believe that leading with honest communication about our reality is the best way to approach conflict. Thank you for taking the time to listen to this amazing podcast. We are so excited to be exploring new podcast topics and we hope to have Chantel back very soon. Learn more about Chantel Prat by visiting her website!Show Notes:2:30 Chantel Prat is a professor at The University of Washington. She is a professor in the department of psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience. 4:02 Chantel Prat shares her thoughts on how powerful the mind is7:53 Chantel discusses the viral color of the dress debate and how that can show how powerful the perceptions in our mind are16:45 Chantel and Martin explore if we can program our minds to have a different perception20:39 Martin asks Chantel what she thinks the difference between the mind and the brain is34:04 Martin and Chantel explore how powerful our mind is when in conflict 41:58 Chantel explains how we can be more loving and understanding to other minds45:53 Martin and Chantel have a quick discussion about love and empathy in our mindsThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Cultural Appreciation
Apr 17 2023
Cultural Appreciation
Our amazing Soul Focused Radio hosts come together in our new podcast to discuss cultural appreciation. Our hosts define cultural appreciation as a practice to connect with other cultures from a place of interest, reflection, and relationship. It is important to see how cultural appreciation is being self aware and trying not to be someone else. In Kenya Martina saw groups of children playing in the streets, and she shares how free spirited the children seemed there. She realized her toddler was the only child she witnessed having temper tantrums while visiting. She believes that the independent culture has helped children learn to express and grow their creative genius. Martina shares how she found food as an opportunity to exchange cultural knowledge. She was able to share her own culture with her in-laws by sharing the food she grew up eating. Cultural appreciation can be in a form of an exchange, but we also want to honor the differences in each way of life. We don’t want to continue looking down on cultures that are different from ours because we think our way of living is better.In the second segment of this podcast our hosts talk about how we can practice cultural appreciation in America. Before we set out to appreciate and learn from others it is important that we are grounded in our own culture. Christin shares how she stays rooted and grounded in who she is before entering new spaces. She acknowledges that she lives within various cultures as a Black American woman, and it is important to bring those unique cultures with her. The difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation is our approach to the new culture. At The Soul Focused Group we want to help everyone learn to appreciate and honor each individual. We can learn to appreciate other cultures in a respectful way by coming from a place of interest. Cultural appreciation is building human connection.Show Notes3:43 Martin explains the shift towards cultural appreciation from cultural appropriation  7:40 Martina shares the differences in African culture she witnessed while visiting10:58 Christin and Martina discuss how independent children are in different cultures and how a sense of community can be stronger in some cultures14:10 Martina shares her thoughts on how letting children be independent helps their creative genius and how she saw children raised in extended family households18:58 Martin and Martina explore how to navigate entering and respecting a new culture22:44 Christin and Martina explore how sharing cultural practices can be a form of appreciatThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Reclaiming Your Inner Power
Apr 3 2023
Reclaiming Your Inner Power
This week our new hosts come together to discuss reclaiming their inner power. Martin Friedman, Martina Tam, and Christin Farmer have a moving conversation about the importance of self empowerment when healing trauma. They all have found that exploring their inner child has helped them find their inner power as adults. There is a feeling we all get when we get to feel like a kid again. By doing things we use to do as children we return to our natural selves. Our hosts share some of their everyday practices that help them maintain their inner power and innerwareness. Some practices that our listeners could try are writing in a journal, watching animated movies, self affirmations, meditation, and dancing. Christin shares how her innerwareness helped her realize all her accomplishments weren’t fulfilling her. She explains how certain life decisions can bring us fear, but we have to learn to let go of our past titles to take on new ones. Leaving an old way of life behind can be very frightening and feel like a risk. Christin and Martina also discuss how healthcare providers can feel out of power because they are stuck in a cycle. Martina explains how difficult it can be to not see any change in patients and feel like she has power as a physician. She believes that western medicine relies on prescribing medication rather than healthy life style changes. We think it is important to share how our healthcare workers are also feeling powerless, because unhealthy people are relying on doctors to help them find their power. We believe that our toxic groundwater and subconscious programming has distracted us from our inner power. We want to shift our focus towards restoring and reclaiming inner power in everyone.Show Notes8:48 Christin Farmer discusses how inner power relates to birthing and building healthy communities16.05 Christin shares practices and decisions that have helped her reclaim her inner power 29:20 Martina and Christin explore the power that physicians and healthcare providers have36:50 Christin questions how much everyone gets back to recognizing their inner power40:22 Martin talks about being out of power and how his mother has inspired him by finding her power at age 9146:25 Christin shares her thoughts on effecting change in others and how inner power isn’t selfishMore from The Soul Focused Group here: Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Spiritual and Emotional Healing
Mar 27 2023
Spiritual and Emotional Healing
Join our host, Martin Friedman, as he shares his story about the recent spiritual and emotional healing journey he is on. For the past couple of month Martin has been helping his mom transition into a different living situation. He has found that this is a difficult journey to take with a parent. Martin and his mother have a complex relationship that has had to go through a lot of healing. In the past few years Martin and his mother have began to explore spiritual and emotional healing together. Martin shares how he began this journey with his mom by starting his own forgiveness process. When he returned home to forgive his mother it caused her to think about her own forgiveness process, and how she also needs to heal from childhood traumas. Martin has found that being honest with his mother about his childhood experiences has strengthened their communication. Together they are navigating a healing journey together, but also doing the work to better themselves. Martin shares how amazed he is that his relationship with his mother has evolved to what it is. We hope that by listening to Martin’s beautiful story it will help inspire everyone to take the time to spiritually and emotional heal. We deserve to heal and our parents deserve to heal.Show Notes2:00 Martin explains his complex relationship with his mother3:00 Martin shares how he forgave his mother6:25 Martin and his mother share a beautiful healing moment8:12 Martin learns to live and care for his mom while healing11:25 Martin and his mother learn to live in the now together13:25 Martin’s new relationship he has with his mother14:00 Martin’s shares his evolving intersecting healing journeysThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Tyre Nichols and Law Enforcement Healing Solutions
Feb 20 2023
Tyre Nichols and Law Enforcement Healing Solutions
Our Vice President of The Soul Focused Group, Dustin Washington, hosts this week’s new podcast. Dustin is joined by Anuar Velazquez to discuss possible healing solutions in law enforcement, and how to implement trauma healing in institutions. Anuar shares his own experiences with witnessing trauma as a former police officer. He explains that many police officers come into the workforce with unhealed childhood trauma. Police officers take on more trauma while working, but have no way to heal from the traumatic events they witnessed. At The Soul Focused Group we believe that our subconscious programming is holding us back from healing. Anuar believes the toxic masculinity that is ingrained into the institution is an example of subconscious programming blocking growth. Our groundwater is contaminated with thoughts and opinions that are not ours. We must learn and find healing solutions that make us all better people.Anuar and Dustin also explore how unhealed trauma is a setup. Our first responders are being setup by being expected to not acknowledge their trauma. Anuar shares how many officers are forced to respond to various types of calls with no time to process or decompress in between. This can cause police officers to show up to incidents numb, angry, frustrated, or exhausted. Anuar shares how hard it became to feel empathy with his family because he was suppressing his trauma and not talking about the things he witnessed while patrolling. We need to stop showing up to work with unresolved stress from home, and we should stop taking our negative emotions from work home with us. Anuar and Dustin close out this amazing conversation by discussing possible healing solutions for law enforcement. Anuar believes that we train law enforcement for combat, and don’t prepare them to resolve situations. Police officers need to be able to see themselves in the people they serve. Our relationship with power and ego has to change for us to start building self-solidarity with ourselves.The Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Tyre Nichols and The Cycle Of Trauma
Feb 6 2023
Tyre Nichols and The Cycle Of Trauma
*Trigger Warning Discussing Police Brutality*Anuar Velazquez, Christin Farmer, and Martin Friedman come together in this new podcast to discuss the cycles of trauma that are self perpetuating between police and communities of color. Anuar has been a special guest on Soul Focused Radio in the past, and he is back to discuss police brutality from an ex-cop’s perspective. With the recent events in Memphis we hope everyone realizes we are not immune to racism. Anuar and Christin share their first thoughts after learning about the Tyre Nichols incident. Christin explains how she felt like she needed to protect herself. She chose to not watch the video, read any articles, or talk about it with her peers. America has had several police brutality incidents that have now left people angry, disappointed, afraid, and exhausted. Sometimes to protect our mental health we have to ignore the narrative surrounding current events. We have to allow space for people to grieve and process traumatic events in ways that are healthy for them. Anuar shares how he thinks a lot about how far we have come in creating human solidarity, but the murder of Tyre Nichols showed him how much self-solidarity work still needs to be done. The amount of violence used by the police officers shows their lack of humanity.Christin and Anuar also explore the different narratives coming out about race in the police force. This case feels different for a lot of people because the officers were Black. Anuar shares with our listeners what it can be like for people of color to be patrolling communities of color. Police officers are often seen as the enemy in many poor communities and communities of color. Anuar also believes a lot of police officers disassociate themselves from their humanity to do their jobs. He explains how he had to treat civilians as case numbers so he wouldn’t get attached to victims, witnesses, or suspects. Witnessing and encountering traumatic events are going to require healing. Police officers cannot continue to hold on to their traumas and have it come out while they are doing their job. All of our hosts agree that we need more policies, trainings, and healing opportunities for police officers to focus on their self-solidity work. We have to admit that we have been raised in a society that sees skin color before humanity. We need to bring human solidarity work into institutions and organizations after we do our own self-solidarity work. Tyre Nichols was loved by his community and was known to be gentle, kind, and joyful. He loved skating and was originally from the Bay Area in California. He was known as sThe Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Burnout In Racial Equity With Christin Farmer
Jan 30 2023
Burnout In Racial Equity With Christin Farmer
Martin Friedman flys solo in our new podcast to interview Christin Farmer. Christin and Martin met about five years ago, and now have come together to talk about Christin’s healing journey. For many years Christin focused on racial equity in healthcare, and found herself exhausted after many years. She found that she was going to racial equity meetings anxious and leaving angry. Many racial equity workers can feel this way when they don’t see any results from their hard work. Today, Christin started her own birth consulting business. She also founded Birthing Beautiful Communities, a nonprofit perinatal support agency.Christin shares how The Soul Focused Group helped her find a different reaction to racism. Just before the pandemic Christin attended The Gatekeepers Academy workshop and discovered new healing tools. She was able to see that she wanted to create new systems and institutions that valued equity. She felt tired and angry with the systems she was working in because they were never changing. Companies should be able to change and adapt to a diverse workforce. We can’t continue to put different people in the same positions and expect change. We cannot stress how important it is to see that we are the change that has to happen. Change will start within us and appear in the work we do. We are so excited to invite new guests on our podcast this year. Christin is a very self aware woman and we are so happy to share her beautiful words with our listeners. Learn more about Infant Mortality Consulting by visiting Christin's website! Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
Farewell To Cindy
Jan 23 2023
Farewell To Cindy
This new podcast our Soul Focused Radio hosts discuss the new changes happening this year with The Soul Focused Group. One of our cohosts, Cindy Edwards, announces that she will be stepping away from The Soul Focused Group this year. She has taken a lot of time to think about this decision, and shares her feelings about her exit in this new podcast. We are very thankful for the time and effort Cindy has put in while with The Soul Focused Group. During this time Cindy would like to focus more on being a mother and being present for her children. This is a very motivating and inspiring decision by Cindy to put her family first. We respect and understand the sacrifices that have to be made for motherhood. If we want to raise Soul Focused children then we have to put in the time and effort. Moving forward we will introduce our new cohost and explore brand new topics. 2023 is the year we all become more Soul Focused!The Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!
New Perspectives and Transforming Leaders
Jan 9 2023
New Perspectives and Transforming Leaders
Martin Friedman and Berwick Mahdi “M” Davenport kick off the new year with a brand new podcast highlighting The Soul Focused Group’s new perspectives. This year we introduced our new podcast format and new hosts. We made this change to bring new voices and perspectives that we thought we were missing. Martin and Mahdi agree that bringing two female hosts on this year challenged them to see things differently. Cindy and Martina brought new perspectives, opinions, and suggestions that both men didn’t see before. By adding Cindy and Martina we got to explore various topics on motherhood and women in healthcare. We are very happy our Soul Focused Radio hosts were able to share their leadership, wisdom, and experiences with us this last year.The second portion of this podcast is about the new vision for The Soul Focused Group. M is very excited to start exploring how we take leadership to the next level. We see our current leaders struggling to be happy and find inspiration. We want to help leaders find their clarity in 2023. Mahdi shares how many of us are stuck in jobs that don’t inspire us or spark passion. He explains that we don’t need to change institutions, but we need to focus on changing the people within those institutions. Our world needs leaders not managers. We will see our way of life will change when our way of leading changes. We are happy with all the changes we  made last year, and we are very excited to bring our new approach into the new year. Please visit our brand new website, and as always stay Soul Focused!The Soul Focused Group is a leadership development company for organizations that want to build stronger connections and create lasting solutions.More from The Soul Focused Group here:https://www.soulfocusedgroup.com Learn why healing toxic groundwater is so important by reading our new book! Learn about subconscious programming by signing up for our FREE eBook today! Check out our FREE monthly virtual event!