Meaning and Moxie After 50

Leslie Maloney

Looking for more inspiration and possibility in midlife and beyond? Join host Leslie Maloney, proud wife, mom, author and teacher, as she talks with people finding Meaning and Moxie in their life after 50.

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Dr. Mary Mercer's Guide to Resilience After 50
Dr. Mary Mercer's Guide to Resilience After 50
Dr. Mary Mercer shares her inspiring journey from being labeled as a troubled student to becoming a successful psychologist and author. She recounts her personal story, affectionately known as the Victoria story, highlighting the power of optimism and resilience. Despite facing numerous challenges and negative labels throughout her life, Dr. Mercer’s unwavering belief in herself and her ability to problem-solve helped her overcome obstacles and achieve her dreams. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of maintaining a positive mindset and never giving up.Dr. Mercer delves into the importance of optimism, explaining how it goes beyond just looking at the bright side. She emphasizes that true optimism involves proactive problem-solving and taking responsibility for one’s life. Through captivating anecdotes, including her journey to being featured on Oprah, she illustrates how visualizing success and staying grounded can lead to remarkable achievements. Dr. Mercer also discusses the necessity of sometimes distancing oneself from negative influences, or "emotional vampires," to protect one's mental and emotional well-being.The conversation turns practical as Dr. Mercer shares actionable advice for listeners to cultivate resilience and a positive outlook. With her wealth of experience and practical tips, Dr. Mercer provides invaluable insights for anyone looking to improve their mindset and navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and practical strategies to lead a more optimistic and fulfilling life.Dr Mary's website and podcast links are below. **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Mastering Memory and Managing Emotions: A Journey with International Speaker Bob Kittel
May 25 2024
Mastering Memory and Managing Emotions: A Journey with International Speaker Bob Kittel
Bob Kittel, a master in memory enhancement, joins us to share the transformative techniques that took him from an inspired student to a sought-after international speaker who has shared stages with Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Donald Trump and many others.When anxiety creeps in, it can feel like a relentless storm. Bob and I discuss the dance between our emotions and well-being, emphasizing the importance of addressing past traumas and controlling the influence of our thoughts. Moreover, we shed light on the urgent topic of technology addiction, offering actionable tactics to help you reclaim authority over the digital distractions that chip away at our mental health.Wrapping up our discussion, personal development takes center stage as we glean wisdom from influential books and the impact they've had on Bob's and my life. The conversation takes a turn towards the inspiring stories from Bob's speaking engagements, from invigorating junior high students to connecting with inmates and individuals in recovery.  Join us for an episode brimming with insights that promise to enrich your memory, emotional well-being, and perspective on life's journey.Bob's website is below. Lots of great information!  **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
The Artful Blend of Retirement, Health, and Happiness
May 20 2024
The Artful Blend of Retirement, Health, and Happiness
Discover the secrets to a fulfilling life after 50, as we discuss the golden threads of post-retirement with Lorie Eubank. Prepare to be inspired by many stories, as we explore the power of hobbies and the necessity of a well-crafted plan to ward off boredom and live life to its fullest.Transitioning from a bustling career to the freedom of retirement can feel like sailing into uncharted waters. We'll tackle the emotional seas of leaving behind workplace camaraderie and unveil strategies for filling your social sails, particularly for the solo voyagers among us. We also delve into the Blue Zones research that heralds social engagement as a beacon for longevity.I share my reflections on 'living life in crescendo,' a concept that promises our best days are not behind but before us. Join this discussion in redefining the art of aging gracefully, a vision championed by generations that refuse to see retirement as a decline but a time of celebration and growth. Lorie Eubank's BioLorie Eubank, a devoted mother of three uniquely individual children, has a passion for faith and family that shines through in every aspect of her life. With a nurturing spirit, she has served as a Sunday School Teacher for two decades, guiding young minds and hearts toward understanding and love for the Scriptures.As a Licensed Massage Therapist, she has enjoyed a fulfilling career providing traditional Swedish and Therapeutic Massage, including massage for people with cancer. Her healing touch is a testament to her deep empathy and her desire to bring comfort and wellness to others.Lorie has discovered that her profound love for books has blossomed into a fervent passion for writing non-fiction literature; fueled by her personal experiences, Lorie endeavors to pen captivating narratives that resonate with readers from all walks of life.Lorie finds joy in her many hobbies; gardening, hiking, and vacationing with her family.Lorie's Amazon Link: **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Embracing New Chapters in Education and Podcasting with Dr. Laura Maloney
May 13 2024
Embracing New Chapters in Education and Podcasting with Dr. Laura Maloney
When life handed Dr. Laura Maloney lemons, she didn't just make lemonade—she launched a podcast, earned a doctorate, and reshaped the educational landscape along the way.  Ex-banker turned educator and now podcaster, Laura is channeling her Floridian sunshine into the hearts and minds of students and listeners alike.Her narrative is an inspiring blend of dedication and adaptability, as she candidly discusses transitioning from a high-flying banking career to the humbling yet rewarding world of teaching. In her ascent to digital school leadership, she unpacks the dance of managing vast online academic programs and emphasizing the importance of innovative strategies in a virtual learning environment.We then, step into the more personal side of Laura's world, where the art of podcasting offers solace and self-discovery. Through her show, Happy Thrive Vibes, Laura extends an invitation to embrace our stories, losses, and the quest for life-work balance. It's a testament to the healing power of storytelling and the joy found in embracing imperfection. Laura's Bio:Meet Laura Maloney, the dynamic force behind the Happy Thrive Vibes podcast, launched in November 2023 to inspire listeners to create a joy-filled life, and shift from surviving to thriving, by doing more of what they love.As an innovative educator and advocate, Laura is committed to breaking down educational barriers. With a rich background in both traditional and digital learning environments, she brings a transformative leadership style and a track record of success in student-centered interventions. Beyond education, her first career was in the financial industry, bringing a unique blend of business acumen to her leadership. Tune in to Happy Thrive Vibes to join her journey in spreading positivity and empowering others to embrace a fulfilling life. Experience insightful conversations that elevate the spirit, as Laura shares her transformative insights with podcast listeners worldwide.You can find Laura's Podcast, YouTube, and contact info here:**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
UFO Investigator Extraordinaire: A Conversation with Bill Fisk
May 6 2024
UFO Investigator Extraordinaire: A Conversation with Bill Fisk
I sit down with UFO Investigator Bill Fisk, to unravel the mysteries of unidentified flying objects and their profound impact on our world. Bill, a beacon of knowledge in the UFO community, takes us through the transformative history of MUFON. Together, we dissect the classification of close encounters and shine a light on the training of new UFO investigators in documenting these sightings.The discussion turns to the government's recent disclosures of UAPs, making us ponder the potential of off-world activities. Our conversation dances on the edge of skepticism and belief, as we consider how the narrative of unexplained aerial phenomena has been interwoven into the tapestry of human history.Closing this episode, we delve into the personal accounts of a dedicated UFO investigator, examining the cultural and philosophical ramifications of extraterrestrial life on our human belief systems. If the mysteries of the skies stirs your spirit, you will love this conversation!Bill Fisk Bio and Contact Info.William (Bill) Fisk was born in St. Cloud, FL and became interested in the UFOPhenomena when he was 13 years old. Working with APRO- The Aerial PhenomenonResearch Organization until it was changed to the Mutual UFO Network in 1972. Now he is a certified Field Investigator and also a State Section Director for MUFON. He alsoruns a Meetup called Space Coast UAP Investigations. This meets the first Wednesdayof the month and then also meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The effort isaimed at finding out what it is in the skies that our government wants to keep quiet.Bill's email - **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Navigating Midlife Changes: Insights from Kate Higgins
Apr 29 2024
Navigating Midlife Changes: Insights from Kate Higgins
I'm  chatting with the delightful Kate Higgins, a licensed clinical social worker turned coach for midlife women, who's challenging the societal norms around aging and harnessing the incredible potential of these transitional years.We dive into Kate's journey, from her bustling life as a therapist in New York to her tranquil new beginnings in sunny Sarasota, Florida.  Kate also offers insightful glimpses into the power of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping in managing stress, a method she's employed during her trying times. Kate helps us understand the importance of altering the dialogue around aging, boldly envisioning an age where wisdom and maturity are celebrated rather than feared. As we wrap up our engaging session, Kate shares a sneak peek into her podcast, "Your Magical Midlife," a platform designed to inspire women to view midlife as an exciting journey rather than a destination. Join us, because midlife is not the end, it's just the beginning!You can find all things related to Kate at her website: it out! **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
A chat with the Appalachian Trail's fairy godmother, Miss Janet
Apr 1 2024
A chat with the Appalachian Trail's fairy godmother, Miss Janet
You don't have to be a hiker to feel the magic from this episode. When Janet Hensley and I sit down to chat, it's not just a conversation; it's a passage into the heart of the Appalachian Trail community.  Miss Janet, the trail's own fairy godmother, opens a world with tales of generosity and the transformative power that comes from a  love for nature and the hikers she encounters. Our journey navigates Janet's early beginnings, where hikers passing by her childhood home sparked a connection that would define a lifetime of adventure and altruism.You'll hear about the ever-evolving culture of the trail—from its humble roots to the vibrant hive of activity it is today. We cover the significance of trail names and how social media shapes the modern hiking experience, ultimately revealing how the journey's challenges lead to profound personal insight.Find Miss Janet at the links below.Facebook: IG: igsh=MTE2ZWRqMmJmMXMOMg== Tiktok: Venmo:  **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Turning the Page on Health: Empowerment and Alternative Healing with Lisa Roars
Mar 4 2024
Turning the Page on Health: Empowerment and Alternative Healing with Lisa Roars
When Lisa Roars' health unexpectedly spiraled into an enigma, little did she know it would ignite a quest for wellness that led her to my podcast. Her story is a beacon for anyone navigating the murky waters of health challenges, underscoring the essential role of self-advocacy and the power of alternative healing modalities when conventional medicine provides no clear answers.Lisa and I dissect the critical yet overlooked connections between our daily choices and our bodies' innate healing capabilities. Our conversation is a clarion call to rethink the conventional medical model that treats symptoms without digging for the root cause. We're here to break through the noise, offering clarity amidst the conflicting health advice that floods our lives.Embarking on a health journey can be daunting, but it's also a path paved with hope and possibility. Our personal tales highlight the significance of a supportive network and provide practical advice for anyone ready to prioritize wellness.For all links related to Lisa click below. **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Transforming Lives: Kurt Anderson's Tale of Dance and Spirituality
Feb 26 2024
Transforming Lives: Kurt Anderson's Tale of Dance and Spirituality
This week, we're joined by Kurt Anderson, an international trainer, healthcare veteran, and an ordained minister who reveals the transformative power of recreational therapy in reconnecting youth with disabilities to society. Through his vivid storytelling, Kurt paints a picture of his journey from England to Japan, integrating therapy into community recreation programs, and serving in the healthcare sector.Listen in as Kurt shares his wisdom on conflict resolution, cultivated in the demanding world of healthcare. Drawing from his diverse experiences, he illustrates the essence of building trust and the intricacies of emotional leadership. Furthermore, Kurt delves into the realm of conscious dance and movement, highlighting its therapeutic potential and its ability to pave the way to deeper self-understanding and communication. He also highlights his special relationship with whales.This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking balance and meaning in life. Be prepared to be moved and inspired.Contact Kurt at the two links below:Pod Travelers Facebook **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
The Papered Chef's Journey from Hobby to Online Phenomenon
Feb 19 2024
The Papered Chef's Journey from Hobby to Online Phenomenon
Embark on a journey through creativity and connection as we sit down with the delightful Kimberly Smith, the Papered Chef herself, who's turned her passion for paper crafting into a flourishing online presence. Her tale unravels the threads of a life steeped in artistic influence, from a childhood surrounded by her mother's costume creations to the pivotal role her 91-year-old mom now plays in their joint Etsy venture. Kimberly's story is a rich tapestry of midlife reinvention; a beacon for anyone looking to weave their hobbies into a successful business.We peel back the layers of Kimberly's paper-crafting empire, tracing the origins from a modest collection to a YouTube channel with a bustling community eager for her every post. The serendipitous leap into the digital world, ignited by a chance piece of advice at a Stampin' Up conference, underlines the power of seizing opportunities. The episode is a masterclass in authenticity, as Kimberly reveals how DIY videos, made with the simplest of tools, can captivate an audience and construct a business from raw creativity and a dash of determination. This episode will have you brimming with inspiration to start stitching your own community quilt, whether in crafting or any endeavor that calls to your heart.Find Kimberly here:YouTube: hellocraftyfriends.comFacebook: thepaperedchef.comThe Papered Chefhttp://paperedchef.stampinup.netThe Papered Chef's Profile to my NewsletterJoin my VIP FaceBook Group  **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Life Lessons and Love Beyond Fifty, A Traveler's Chronicle
Feb 12 2024
Life Lessons and Love Beyond Fifty, A Traveler's Chronicle
Have you ever packed your life into an RV and hit the open road? My guest, Carol Colborn, did just that, and she's here to take us on a journey across North America, narrating her transformative expedition from city life in the Philippines to the boundless adventures of RV living. Carol's infectious enthusiasm for exploration after 50 will have you rethinking your own notions of retirement and adventure. From facing the challenges of adapting to a new culture and lifestyle to experiencing the electrifying quest for the Northern Lights, Carol's story is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of discovery and resilience.Imagine finding love in the digital age, then whisking away on an eight-year RV odyssey with your beloved. Carol didn't just imagine it — she lived it, and she's chronicled her experiences in her delightful book "Carolina: Cruising to an American Dream." Peek into her life as she shares the 'Seven Qs' to a fulfilling partnership and how emotional intelligence played a pivotal role in her relationship. She imparts some practical wisdom for those yearning to roam post-retirement. She extols the virtues of slow travel, the joy of pursuing passions like writing and photography, and the importance of community and family in one's later years. Carol's reflections, captured in her blog "Cruising After 70," offer a window into her world of cultural assimilation, personal evolution, and the sparks of joy that come from a life well-traveled. FOLLOW CAROL COLBORNBlog: https://rvcruisinglifestyle.blogspot.comEmail: carol.colborn@gmail.comFacebook: Carol Esguerra ColbornTwitter: @carolcruisingLinkedIn; Carol Esguerra Colborn **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Unraveling the Emotional Ties of Clutter: A Journey to Letting Go with Lauren Pearl
Feb 5 2024
Unraveling the Emotional Ties of Clutter: A Journey to Letting Go with Lauren Pearl
Have you ever felt the tug of emotions when trying to part with a precious heirloom, or the guilt of keeping clutter you no longer need? Lauren Pearl, the organizational guru behind Pearl Concierge Services, joins me to unravel the ties that bind us to our belongings. We share stories  revealing the surprising emotional journey that accompanies the art of decluttering.Lauren doesn't just help sort through the stuff; she guides us through the internal chaos that can mirror our external environments. Her expertise and thoughtful approach provide not only practical solutions but also the compassionate understanding necessary to let go gracefully. We discuss the unique challenges couples face when their decluttering styles clash and how neutral professionals can offer a salve to the process. I round off our chat by reflecting on the importance of fostering creativity and personal growth – from starting a podcast to writing a book. Join us for a heartfelt exploration that promises more than just a tidy space; it's about crafting a life filled with adventure, balance, and the courage to let go. Check out what Lauren's up to below. Watch for her book that will be coming out in 2024! you get your podcasts. **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Exploring Life and Trails with Julie Brucher: From Camino de Santiago to Appalachian Trail
Jan 29 2024
Exploring Life and Trails with Julie Brucher: From Camino de Santiago to Appalachian Trail
Ever fancied embarking on a 500-mile pilgrimage, exploring your physical boundaries and spiritual pursuits? Well, you're in for a treat! Our guest for this episode is Julie Brutcher, a retired paramedic turned adventurer, who takes us along on her compelling journey through the Camino de Santiago, from her starting point in St. Jean Pied de Port to her stays in hostels and albergues. Julie's insights into her journey offer an immersion into the history, purpose, and personal challenges of the Camino, painting a vibrant picture of this remarkable pilgrimage.The episode doesn't just stop at Julie's personal journey, but brings you stories and insights from other hikers too. Picture yourself managing knee pain, mastering the art of hiking poles, meeting fellow hikers, and forming new friendships — all part of the unique Camino experience. From the camaraderie of hikers from different backgrounds to their emotional celebrations at the end of the hike, these personal narratives invite you to explore the beautiful blend of human spirit and nature.But the adventure doesn't end there. We broaden our horizon to other hiking trails, like the Appalachian Trail, and discuss wildlife encounters and safety concerns, drawing from personal experiences. We also delve into the thrill of hiking alone in the wilderness and the peaceful moments of being in nature. As we draw towards the end, Julie shares her wisdom on balancing personal fulfillment and family commitments while embracing adventures, encouraging you to explore life in midlife and beyond, find balance, and embrace adventure. So, if you're sensing the itch to hit the trail or simply yearn for an adventure, this episode is just for you!   **The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.
Unleashing Moxie: A Journey with John Merkus into Music, Motivation, and Meaning
Jan 22 2024
Unleashing Moxie: A Journey with John Merkus into Music, Motivation, and Meaning
Ready for a dose of inspiration that will stir your soul and ignite your spirit? Brace yourselves as we welcome the extraordinary John Merkus - a motivational speaker, singer, songwriter, and producer all the way from Melbourne, Australia. This episode is no less than a treasure trove of wisdom about the importance of experience, the power of spiritual books, and the understanding of energy behind physicality. You will learn about how Merkus used his encounters with motivational speakers, personal challenges, and a newfound sense of purpose to shape himself into the person he is today. It's an invitation to learn, to be inspired, and discover true joy. So, join us as we embark on this journey with Merkus, a journey of finding meaning and living a life filled with moxie. This is one conversation you won't want to miss out on.Links related to John Merkus. Check it out!Apple Podcast: Podcast: Instagram: Website:**The information provided on this podcast does not, and is not intended to, constitute  legal advice;  instead, all information, content and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information on this podcast  may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. This podcast contains links to other third party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser.